Comey Under Oath: ‘Have Not Experienced Any Requests to Stop FBI Investigations’Perjury? McCabe too?

I wonder how many people bought into this story thinking the NYT had a hard source.

You wrote that as if anyone with a brain still takes the NYT as a "serious news entity" with "professional journalists" instead of what it is...

100% Zionist FAKE NEWS
Former FBI Director James Comey said he was never told to stop an investigation due of political reasons during testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee on May 3, 2017, which contradicts his new claim that Trump pressured him to stop the Flynn investigation in February.

Comey now claims President Trump asked him to to shut down the federal investigation into former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, in an Oval Office meeting in February, according to a memo Mr. Comey says he wrote after the meeting.

Breaking: Comey Caught Committing Perjury to Congress?

Oh the leftist Clinton ass licker would never do such a thing. Why they do everything they can to protect our nation and their little sheep.

Former FBI Director James Comey said he was never told to stop an investigation due of political reasons during testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee on May 3, 2017, which contradicts his new claim that Trump pressured him to stop the Flynn investigation in February.

Comey now claims President Trump asked him to to shut down the federal investigation into former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, in an Oval Office meeting in February, according to a memo Mr. Comey says he wrote after the meeting.

Breaking: Comey Caught Committing Perjury to Congress?

Oh the leftist Clinton ass licker would never do such a thing. Why they do everything they can to protect our nation and their little sheep.

This video proves that James Comey perjured himself to Congress, claiming that no one had asked him to halt the investigation into the Trump/Russia connection.

As usual, impotent, limp dick liberals shoot blanks.
Speaking of impotent limp dicks....our President Snowflake

Trump: This is the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history!

Of a president? Yes he is absolutely correct but do try to focus on the fact that the obstruction of justice claims are completely debunked unless we are supposed to believe an anonymous Comey associate who supposedly saw this alleged memo and didn't even provide the memo itself to WaPo or NBC, over Comeys sworn testimony.
Both denied under oath that there had been any influence to stop the investigation into the Russian collusion investigation.


“Not in my experience,” Comey responded. “Because it would be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something that — without an appropriate purpose.”

“I mean where oftentimes they give us opinions that we don’t see a case there, and so you ought to stop investing resources in it,” Comey said.

“But I’m talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason, that would be a very big deal.

“It’s not happened in my experience,” Comey said."

And McCabe...

If the Times’s report is true, including the implication that the President obstructed justice, then the President’s critics are in a double bind: Either
  1. McCabe committed perjury when he said “there has been no effort to impede” the investigation; OR
  2. McCabe did not consider the statements of the President to constitute an “effort to impeded” the investigation, which would mean no senior FBI officials viewed the President’s statements as an attempt to obstruct justice."

Oh this is getting better by the minute. Thanks the NYT. You just screwed them over.


NYT’s Comey Memo Story Doesn’t Pass The Smell Test

Comey Under Oath: 'Have Not Experienced Any Requests to Stop FBI Investigations' - Breitbart

Former FBI Director Comey committed perjury in Congressional hearing
Chuck Schumer Praises Comey Memo As It Contradicts Congressional Testimony
Comey testimony starts at 1:45

So it would seem that either Trump did not obstruct justice or Comey perjured himself.

Or that Comey did not consider it obstruction.

Comey stated flat out that nobody asked him to drop an investigation for an inappropriate or political reason, thus no obstruction unless he perjured himself under oath, your third choice does not exist due to the actual content of his statement, try again.
Both denied under oath that there had been any influence to stop the investigation into the Russian collusion investigation.


“Not in my experience,” Comey responded. “Because it would be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something that — without an appropriate purpose.”

“I mean where oftentimes they give us opinions that we don’t see a case there, and so you ought to stop investing resources in it,” Comey said.

“But I’m talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason, that would be a very big deal.

“It’s not happened in my experience,” Comey said."

And McCabe...

If the Times’s report is true, including the implication that the President obstructed justice, then the President’s critics are in a double bind: Either
  1. McCabe committed perjury when he said “there has been no effort to impede” the investigation; OR
  2. McCabe did not consider the statements of the President to constitute an “effort to impeded” the investigation, which would mean no senior FBI officials viewed the President’s statements as an attempt to obstruct justice."

Oh this is getting better by the minute. Thanks the NYT. You just screwed them over.


NYT’s Comey Memo Story Doesn’t Pass The Smell Test

Comey Under Oath: 'Have Not Experienced Any Requests to Stop FBI Investigations' - Breitbart
daily caller and breitbart? :eusa_eh: thats like me referencing huffpo :rofl: put down the rw kool aid :booze: tinydancer

Oh freaking good grief. The source of the article doesn't matter. It's Comey's and McCabes own testimony that counts.


And their testimony is on record. New York Times who hasn't even seen or read the so called memo they've been touting as proof as "obstruction of justice" just screwed both men over royally.

Yup. Libs are trained to attack the source in order to ignore the facts.

Comey testified under oath that he was never asked to end an investigation for political reasons. End of story.

I am wondering where Comey's memos are regarding the meeting between Bill Clinton and Lynch and what he was told about it. He listed the many ways Hillary broke the law. Lynch could have gone ahead despite Comey's recommendation not to because of lack of intent. We all know the meeting had everything to do with Lynch's decision, namely that Hillary would keep her on as DOJ.
Last edited:
Forget what side of the isle you're on; isn't it obvious the intelligence community & federal law enforcement is a mess?

Compared to the White House it is epitome of perfection. BTW, the only evidence you have are the words of Donald Trump, which are worth less than a confederate dollar, and RW Blogs which are the archetype of fake news.
Both denied under oath that there had been any influence to stop the investigation into the Russian collusion investigation.


“Not in my experience,” Comey responded. “Because it would be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something that — without an appropriate purpose.”

“I mean where oftentimes they give us opinions that we don’t see a case there, and so you ought to stop investing resources in it,” Comey said.

“But I’m talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason, that would be a very big deal.

“It’s not happened in my experience,” Comey said."

And McCabe...

If the Times’s report is true, including the implication that the President obstructed justice, then the President’s critics are in a double bind: Either
  1. McCabe committed perjury when he said “there has been no effort to impede” the investigation; OR
  2. McCabe did not consider the statements of the President to constitute an “effort to impeded” the investigation, which would mean no senior FBI officials viewed the President’s statements as an attempt to obstruct justice."

Oh this is getting better by the minute. Thanks the NYT. You just screwed them over.


NYT’s Comey Memo Story Doesn’t Pass The Smell Test

Comey Under Oath: 'Have Not Experienced Any Requests to Stop FBI Investigations' - Breitbart
daily caller and breitbart? :eusa_eh: thats like me referencing huffpo :rofl: put down the rw kool aid :booze: tinydancer

There's no inconsistency. Comey said there are political differences about what investigations to follow, and Trump apparently said he hoped Comey would drop the Flynn investigation after Flynn was fired. There is nothing really wrong with Trump saying that. But Trump tried to say Comey was fired for Hillary emails, and that was a lie, and Comey shoved it back up Trump's fat ass. And the Trumpbots are in meltdown over it.
Former FBI Director James Comey said he was never told to stop an investigation due of political reasons during testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee on May 3, 2017, which contradicts his new claim that Trump pressured him to stop the Flynn investigation in February.

Comey now claims President Trump asked him to to shut down the federal investigation into former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, in an Oval Office meeting in February, according to a memo Mr. Comey says he wrote after the meeting.

Breaking: Comey Caught Committing Perjury to Congress?

Oh the leftist Clinton ass licker would never do such a thing. Why they do everything they can to protect our nation and their little sheep.

This video proves that James Comey perjured himself to Congress, claiming that no one had asked him to halt the investigation into the Trump/Russia connection.]

The only way that James Comey 'perjured himself' is if Trump is guilty of obstruction of Justice.

Is that what you are excited about?
As usual, impotent, limp dick liberals shoot blanks.
Speaking of impotent limp dicks....our President Snowflake

Trump: This is the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history!

Of a president? Yes he is absolutely correct but do try to focus on the fact that the obstruction of justice claims are completely debunked unless we are supposed to believe an anonymous Comey associate who supposedly saw this alleged memo and didn't even provide the memo itself to WaPo or NBC, over Comeys sworn testimony.

President Snowflake whining about a special prosecutor being appointed.

No claims have been 'debunked'- nor have the claims been proven.

Trump is pissed off that there is an investigation.

Mueller will lead the investigation and let the chips fall where they may.
Comey testimony starts at 1:45

So it would seem that either Trump did not obstruct justice or Comey perjured himself.

Or that Comey did not consider it obstruction.

Comey stated flat out that nobody asked him to drop an investigation for an inappropriate or political reason, thus no obstruction unless he perjured himself under oath, your third choice does not exist due to the actual content of his statement, try again.

Third choice absolutely exists- again if Comey did not consider it to be an actual request for him to drop the investigation.

Of course if Trump did ask him to drop the investigation- Comey only goes down if Trump is found guilty of obstruction of justice.
The "US" media is too busy talking impeachment to notice they have no case...

The media doesn't have to 'make a case'- they can just report what is happening- the special investigator will find out whether there is a 'case'

And if he does- you Trumpsters will call if 'fake news'
Both denied under oath that there had been any influence to stop the investigation into the Russian collusion investigation.


“Not in my experience,” Comey responded. “Because it would be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something that — without an appropriate purpose.”

“I mean where oftentimes they give us opinions that we don’t see a case there, and so you ought to stop investing resources in it,” Comey said.

“But I’m talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason, that would be a very big deal.

“It’s not happened in my experience,” Comey said."

And McCabe...

If the Times’s report is true, including the implication that the President obstructed justice, then the President’s critics are in a double bind: Either
  1. McCabe committed perjury when he said “there has been no effort to impede” the investigation; OR
  2. McCabe did not consider the statements of the President to constitute an “effort to impeded” the investigation, which would mean no senior FBI officials viewed the President’s statements as an attempt to obstruct justice."

Oh this is getting better by the minute. Thanks the NYT. You just screwed them over.


NYT’s Comey Memo Story Doesn’t Pass The Smell Test

Comey Under Oath: 'Have Not Experienced Any Requests to Stop FBI Investigations' - Breitbart
daily caller and breitbart? :eusa_eh: thats like me referencing huffpo :rofl: put down the rw kool aid :booze: tinydancer

Oh freaking good grief. The source of the article doesn't matter. It's Comey's and McCabes own testimony that counts.


And their testimony is on record. New York Times who hasn't even seen or read the so called memo they've been touting as proof as "obstruction of justice" just screwed both men over royally.

Yup. Libs are trained to attack the source in order to ignore the facts.

Comey testified under oath that he was never asked to end an investigation for political reasons. End of story.

I am wondering where Comey's memos .

Comey probably has memos on all of his meetings- including all of his meetings with Trump and Trump's cabinet.

I look forward to Comey's testimony- and Congress showing the American people Comey's internal memos of his meetings- don't you?
Both denied under oath that there had been any influence to stop the investigation into the Russian collusion investigation.


“Not in my experience,” Comey responded. “Because it would be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something that — without an appropriate purpose.”

“I mean where oftentimes they give us opinions that we don’t see a case there, and so you ought to stop investing resources in it,” Comey said.

“But I’m talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason, that would be a very big deal.

“It’s not happened in my experience,” Comey said."

And McCabe...

If the Times’s report is true, including the implication that the President obstructed justice, then the President’s critics are in a double bind: Either
  1. McCabe committed perjury when he said “there has been no effort to impede” the investigation; OR
  2. McCabe did not consider the statements of the President to constitute an “effort to impeded” the investigation, which would mean no senior FBI officials viewed the President’s statements as an attempt to obstruct justice."

Oh this is getting better by the minute. Thanks the NYT. You just screwed them over.


NYT’s Comey Memo Story Doesn’t Pass The Smell Test

Comey Under Oath: 'Have Not Experienced Any Requests to Stop FBI Investigations' - Breitbart

The facts are IRRELEVANT.

The Fifth Column wants to destroy DJT by any means necessary . The will use innuendo, hearsay - whatever it takes to destabilize his administration and prevent his agenda from being implemented.

Both denied under oath that there had been any influence to stop the investigation into the Russian collusion investigation.


“Not in my experience,” Comey responded. “Because it would be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something that — without an appropriate purpose.”

“I mean where oftentimes they give us opinions that we don’t see a case there, and so you ought to stop investing resources in it,” Comey said.

“But I’m talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason, that would be a very big deal.

“It’s not happened in my experience,” Comey said."
This is so typical of how the Right lies to their suckers level of ignorance.
Clearly the Right are implying that the "ANY influence" was pathological liar Tramp, by not posting the actual question!!! These lying scum know that their suckers are too lazy to actually look up the question to see if the question actually implies lying scum Tramp. So it comes as no surprise to me that the actual question implies NOTHING to do with Tramp, but everything to do with the Attorney General and the DOJ!!!

HIRONO: Yes. And so speaking of the independence of not just the judiciary but I'd like you to clarify the FBI's independence from the DOJ apparatus. Can the FBI conduct an investigation independent from the department of Justice. Or does the FBI have to disclose all it's investigations to the DOJ? And does it have to get the Attorney General's consent?

COMEY: Well we work with the Department of Justice, whether that's main justice or U.S. attorney's offices on all of our investigations.

And so we work with them and so in a legal sense we're not independent of the department of justice. We are spiritually, culturally pretty independent group and that's the way you would want tit. But yes, we work with the Department of Justice on all of our investigations.

HIRONO: So if the Attorney General or senior officials at the Department of Justice opposes a specific investigation, can they halt that FBI investigation?

COMEY: In theory yes.

HIRONO: Has it happened?

COMEY: Not in my experience. Because it would be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something that -- without an appropriate purpose. I mean where oftentimes they give us opinions that we don't see a case there and so you ought to stop investing resources in it. But I'm talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason, that would be a very big deal. It's not happened in my experience.
Look at the raw hatred in this post. I can see the spittle flying from its lips. Why would anyone take what this person has to say and anything approaching reality?

Is it any wonder that Trump won, given this is the state of those who oppose Trump. Lies, hatred, violent rhetoric and actions......I'm thinking that people like this need a visit to their local hospital for evaluation.

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