Comey Under Oath: ‘Have Not Experienced Any Requests to Stop FBI Investigations’Perjury? McCabe too?

Nonsense. Comey was asked if the Department of Justice pressured him into dropping an investigation. Though the Attorney General, who is the highest ranking official in the DoJ, reports to Trump, Trump is not in the Department of Justice.

I know, reality really sucks for rightards.
Ongoing investigation. And this kind of nonsense is not going to fly. We now have a man of impeccable reputation investigating the whole affair. Going to get real interesting.
Fake news
Comey never said Trump didn't ask him to halt looking into Flynn's connections to Russian officials.
Typical radicalized liberal response: If you can't refute, just deny, deny, deny. No matter how stupid you wind up looking in light of the facts. Radicalized Democrats are used to looking irrational.
Ongoing investigation. And this kind of nonsense is not going to fly. We now have a man of impeccable reputation investigating the whole affair. Going to get real interesting.

we'll be seeing desperate wingnut pundits attack Comey's credibility from now on

it definitely is going to be real interesting, the slugs always crank up the lie machine when cornered, every time
It does present a problem for the Comey narrative that Trump is guilty of obstruction. But the timing of all this is important. Let's assume we know that Trump asked Comey to drop the investigation on Feb 14 as per his memo. Fast forward 8 weeks- he is now asked if someone has ever tried to stop an investigation and he says no. Then he gets fired. Now he looks back and thinks "Trump asked be to drop the investigation, I don't drop the investigation, so Trump fires me". Trump can wiggle out of this, but it doesn't look good. It depends on the merit and believability Trump has for firing Comey and who is going to corroborate Trumps side of the events. It's very messy, to say the least.

Lol there are two options either Comey is guilty of perjury or Trump did not try to interfere in the investigation. "Woops I forgot until a week after I was fired," isn't going to cut it pal. Comey was fired because of the reasons already listed by Rosenstein and the DNC when they were for his termination before they were against it.

Wrong. If we assume the memo exist, then it is clear that what trump said to Comey during the meeting was significant enough to write it down. That alone is not obstructionism, and therefore when asked if he has ever experienced attempted obstruction he replies no. That all changes in his mind when he is fired however, because it has come full circle. It's more subtle than some people can comprehend, obviously.

Imagine if a females boss asked her out on a date, she politely declines. What she is doing at work doesn't change, but 3 months later she is fired. What do you think is going then her mind?
, there are only two options and only two either Comey is guilty of perjury or Trump did not obstruct justice end of story.

The third option is that Comey did not consider it obstruction- but an outsider might.

I am sure that "outsiders" with no axe to grind will probably go with whatever the final verdict is. But if that verdict goes against a charge of obstruction then those "outsiders" who do have that axe will scream bloody murder. However, if the final result goes the other way and obstruction is the finding then I dunno how Trump survives that. I'd be shocked if that happened though.
If Trump did ask Comey to stop an investigation, why are we just hearing about it AFTER Comey was canned? Comey was derelict in his duties to keep such information to himself. And yet not a word about it until now.

Leaks, or information put out on purpose to start a new spin and more confusion. Sheep are easy to confuse and the false story they will go with because it's against Trump that's all it takes .
Fake news
Comey never said Trump didn't ask him to halt looking into Flynn's connections to Russian officials.
Typical radicalized liberal response: If you can't refute, just deny, deny, deny. No matter how stupid you wind up looking in light of the facts. Radicalized Democrats are used to looking irrational.

You're deranged. I refuted it.

If Trump did ask Comey to stop an investigation, why are we just hearing about it AFTER Comey was canned? Comey was derelict in his duties to keep such information to himself. And yet not a word about it until now.

Leaks, or information put out on purpose to start a new spin and more confusion. Sheep are easy to confuse and the false story they will go with because it's against Trump that's all it takes .

you desperately pray it's a 'false story'

your hero is toast, stick around
It does present a problem for the Comey narrative that Trump is guilty of obstruction. But the timing of all this is important. Let's assume we know that Trump asked Comey to drop the investigation on Feb 14 as per his memo. Fast forward 8 weeks- he is now asked if someone has ever tried to stop an investigation and he says no. Then he gets fired. Now he looks back and thinks "Trump asked be to drop the investigation, I don't drop the investigation, so Trump fires me". Trump can wiggle out of this, but it doesn't look good. It depends on the merit and believability Trump has for firing Comey and who is going to corroborate Trumps side of the events. It's very messy, to say the least.

Lol there are two options either Comey is guilty of perjury or Trump did not try to interfere in the investigation. "Woops I forgot until a week after I was fired," isn't going to cut it pal. Comey was fired because of the reasons already listed by Rosenstein and the DNC when they were for his termination before they were against it.

Wrong. If we assume the memo exist, then it is clear that what trump said to Comey during the meeting was significant enough to write it down. That alone is not obstructionism, and therefore when asked if he has ever experienced attempted obstruction he replies no. That all changes in his mind when he is fired however, because it has come full circle. It's more subtle than some people can comprehend, obviously.

Imagine if a females boss asked her out on a date, she politely declines. What she is doing at work doesn't change, but 3 months later she is fired. What do you think is going then her mind?
, there are only two options and only two either Comey is guilty of perjury or Trump did not obstruct justice end of story.

The third option is that Comey did not consider it obstruction- but an outsider might.

I am sure that "outsiders" with no axe to grind will probably go with whatever the final verdict is. But if that verdict goes against a charge of obstruction then those "outsiders" who do have that axe will scream bloody murder. However, if the final result goes the other way and obstruction is the finding then I dunno how Trump survives that. I'd be shocked if that happened though.

I wouldn't be shocked if Trump actually did try to obstruct the investigation- I will actually be shocked if Trump had any part in collusion with Russia.

I have confidence in Mueller to be non-partisan and professional- and look at all of the evidence.
LOL It seems our 'Conservatives' are shitting all over themselves over the investigation that is going to take place. First, trying in any way possible to discredit Comey, next we will see attacks on Mueller. That is going to sink a lot of them. Both sides of the aisle state that Mueller is a man of impeccable reputation. I think the senile old orange clown has some problems. Of course, he can always fire Rosenstein. That kind of thing worked real well for Nixon, now, didn't it.
Nonsense. Comey was asked if the Department of Justice pressured him into dropping an investigation. Though the Attorney General, who is the highest ranking official in the DoJ, reports to Trump, Trump is not in the Department of Justice.

I know, reality really sucks for rightards.

He stated that no higher ups asked him to halt investigations. That would include Sessions and Trump.
Comey hasn't said Trump asked him to. It's all just more "confidential informant said" fake news designed to discredit Trump.
Trump discredited himself. His big mouth and tweets are proving that his massive ego and his mental illnesses will cause the end of his Presidency.
Ongoing investigation. And this kind of nonsense is not going to fly. We now have a man of impeccable reputation investigating the whole affair. Going to get real interesting.

we'll be seeing desperate wingnut pundits attack Comey's credibility from now on

it definitely is going to be real interesting, the slugs always crank up the lie machine when cornered, every time

Now that only happens to Trump haters commie losers who pray.
my my how the worm has turned lol

why just a few months ago the righties were fawning all over Comey after he torpedoed can't shit out Comey fake news fast enough!

too funny!
Nonsense. Comey was asked if the Department of Justice pressured him into dropping an investigation. Though the Attorney General, who is the highest ranking official in the DoJ, reports to Trump, Trump is not in the Department of Justice.

I know, reality really sucks for rightards.

Nonsense. Comey was asked if the Department of Justice pressured him into dropping an investigation. Though the Attorney General, who is the highest ranking official in the DoJ, reports to Trump, Trump is not in the Department of Justice.

I know, reality really sucks for rightards.
Nope! Listen to Comey's testimony. He specifically states that the 36 second second mark that it would be A BIG DEAL if anyone tried to stop the FBI from investigating for A POLITICAL REASON in ANY situation. The DOJ operates under Trump. Comeys actions not turning over the memo of Trump saying 'I hope you can let this go. He's a fine guy's to the Dept of Justice means two things:

1. He didn't see Trump's comments as anything but innocent small talk at dinner


2. Comey committed 'Obstruction of Justice' violating two statutes by not immediately turning over the memo to the Dept of Justice if he thought Trump was coercing him to stop the investigation

This is getting good. The NYT hasn't even seen this so called memo. Just relying on the anonymous source telling them what's partly in it.

I wonder how many people bought into this story thinking the NYT had a hard source. :) Probably the same number of people who believe that if Trump is impeached Clinton gets to take over instead of Pence.


That'll be divine justice at its finest seeing the left wing loons freak out having to say "President Pence".

What good does a "memo" written by Comey do anyway? Just because he writes something down, that makes it the truth and "evidence" of anything? I think not. He wasn't conducting the investigation, he was just the FBI figurehead.

Actually it does have merit, especially if he showed the memo to others when he wrote it, which has been reported. Keep an eye on the Repubs in congress and others close to him. If they start jumping ship like rats on a sinking ship, he's doomed. Only question at that point will be does he resign for the good of all, or does he fight and destroy what little is left of the GOP.
"what little is left of the GOP"?
The GOP CONTROLS!!!! the Congress/Senate/White house!

Fair enough, but the party is in turmoil. They have a president who is not in the "club". They are divided into factions in congress, they are not putting forward a United front. You have the old school losers like McCain, the younger up and comers like Rubio and Cruz, and none of them get along. The GOP couldn't get the voters to nominate a 'real' republican. I don't know how old you are, but look back at what the party was like on Reagan, strong, United and getting things done.
Trump ran against sixteen "real REPS" and beat them all.
Remember it was "REP" voters who rejected all the other candidates b/c they were fucking sick and tired of the bullshit Beltway REPs who sat with their thumbs up their fat asses and did fuck all to stop BONOBO and his Socialist wet-dream.
IMO Trump can go play golf for the next four years as long as he puts another one or two SCJs on the bench..........which 100% guaranteed he will b/c even the most rabid REP Trump-haters will vote for.

I am in complete agreement with regard to the SCOTUS. That was the most compelling reason to vote for him.
Nonsense. Comey was asked if the Department of Justice pressured him into dropping an investigation. Though the Attorney General, who is the highest ranking official in the DoJ, reports to Trump, Trump is not in the Department of Justice.

I know, reality really sucks for rightards.

He stated that no higher ups asked him to halt investigations. That would include Sessions and Trump.
Try reading for comprehension. It really helps.

He said no higher ups in the Department of Justice. While that would certainly include Sessions, who is the head of the DoJ; it excludes Trump, who is not in that department.

HIRONO: So if the Attorney General or senior officials at the Department of Justice opposes a specific investigation, can they halt that FBI investigation?

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