Comey, who is now hated by everyone, will be unemployable for the rest of his life

I like Comey. I came away feeling he is the ONLY one with integrity here. Not Trump. Not Clinton.



He threatened to quit during George Bush Jr water boarding.. When Mueller was out for a bit.

He didn't threaten to quit over Trump ..

He is wishy washy..
Comey is now unemployed and ready for the next lesbian march.

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The FBI is supposed to be trusted, but Comey threw away that trust when he leaked the contents of a private conversation with his boss.
Why did he leak his own notes? Do you even know?

I did not watch. Replays show him saying "important to get out in public domain" and "to trigger a special prosecuter". Read more. I understand your ignorance clearly. I also have been un-prepared and ridiculous Iin similar fashion. I was lambasted in an unemployment calculation section of a thread. I will keep an eye out for you.
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He's a proven snitch, leaking to the press to get his boss in trouble, and calling his ex-boss a liar for calling him incompetent, which he was.

Who's going to hire this guy now?

Maybe he'll get some sinecure as a law professor or something, but he will never be put in a position of trust again.

Hahahahaha.....Ah----hahahahaha! Shouldn't this be in the satire section?
He's a proven snitch, leaking to the press to get his boss in trouble, and calling his ex-boss a liar for calling him incompetent, which he was.

He'll be a presenter on MSNBC or CNN by the end of the month.
Just looked it up. He is 6'8''. Das tall!
The FBI is supposed to be trusted, but Comey threw away that trust when he leaked the contents of a private conversation with his boss.

Well gee tootsie-bell, seems like you're overlooking the tweet that Donald put out there about how Comey better hope there were no "tapes" of their dinner. And Comey did the right thing by launching the first volley with those memos. Your fucking dictator has cornered himself. Get ready to say President Pence before Christmas. And that sucks too. Thank you for helping to fuck up this country. Now go fuck yourself
He's a proven snitch, leaking to the press to get his boss in trouble, and calling his ex-boss a liar for calling him incompetent, which he was.

Who's going to hire this guy now?

Maybe he'll get some sinecure as a law professor or something, but he will never be put in a position of trust again.
NEVER?? You ah's elected a world class liar divorced twice and a 3rd on the way, a real SB who can't tell the truth and you bash an honest man who worked for our country and not for himself like the pos dumph did? Shame on all you repub traitors

Eddie he lost the election for Hillary..

Yes bear I agree that is a strong possibility..... Russia hacking our election was another probable cause What we need to find if any of trumps people helped Russia Seems there are a few that ""forgot"" they met with russians

Eddie I think it's obvious we all know after Trump won his team met up with the Russians to tell them don't worry about the Russians getting thrown out by Obama.

Because Putin didn't throw out any U.S. fact he invited U.S. ambassador's kids over for a party

But I don't think Trump was apart of that.

The FBI is supposed to be trusted, but Comey threw away that trust when he leaked the contents of a private conversation with his boss.

Well gee tootsie-bell, seems like you're overlooking the tweet that Donald put out there about how Comey better hope there were no "tapes" of their dinner. And Comey did the right thing by launching the first volley with those memos. Your fucking dictator has cornered himself. Get ready to say President Pence before Christmas. And that sucks too. Thank you for helping to fuck up this country. Now go fuck yourself

Not the time looks to me Comey leaked it before..
less than 30% of the country strongly approve of Trump, so I would imagine somewhere in the 70% of the country Comey can find a job.
I wouldn't hire him to clean floors.

Yet you loved him when he was investigating Clinton.

I am on record with hunderds of WTH and Land O' Goshen! That the "buffoon" took forever and did nothing. 2 week job. Surrender the emails on USB or kick the door down take it all Day1 (better). Search script...finish it. Something there or not? Why years? Incompetent corrupt boob. Now a massive leaker too. No I don't give a pass. Fine and Jail.
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He's a proven snitch, leaking to the press to get his boss in trouble, and calling his ex-boss a liar for calling him incompetent, which he was.

Who's going to hire this guy now?

Maybe he'll get some sinecure as a law professor or something, but he will never be put in a position of trust again.
NEVER?? You ah's elected a world class liar divorced twice and a 3rd on the way, a real SB who can't tell the truth and you bash an honest man who worked for our country and not for himself like the pos dumph did? Shame on all you repub traitors
You post like Franco. And that's not a compliment

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