Comical Survey:If We Get A President Hillary/President Bernie Come 2017,What Will You Stock Up On?

so how much does a good heavy duty shovel cost? shouldn't be too hard to dig in Florida being its just sand and mush.

You'll either hit seawater or brackish water a few feet down. Most of your state is at or below sea level. In terms of cosmic irony, you'll be the first ones underwater when the No Such Thing as Climate Change occurs.
but what if the canary islands collapse? should I get on a boat and head for texas?
so how much does a good heavy duty shovel cost? shouldn't be too hard to dig in Florida being its just sand and mush.

You'll either hit seawater or brackish water a few feet down. Most of your state is at or below sea level. In terms of cosmic irony, you'll be the first ones underwater when the No Such Thing as Climate Change occurs.
but what if the canary islands collapse? should I get on a boat and head for texas?
The Republic of Texas will be completely sealed off from the rest of North America behind a 20-foot high fence topped with electrified razor wire. No one will be allowed in or out.
I like how he throws up his hands with
the Dims are going to give us an old white person since none of the other candidates has a chance.

--- as if primary voting doesn't exist.

Do you see Chafee, Lessig, O'Malley, or Webb having a realistic chance ? I mean come on ! Bernie might last a while, but he has no realistic chance either.
If Biden get's in, it will be a two person race, otherwise it's Hillary unless something unexpected happens to her.
In the end it will be either 69 year old Hillary entering the White House, or 74 year old Joey.

Nothing like narrow minded thinking.

-- Joe Biden hasn't even thrown his proverbial hat in.
-- Who the fuck is "Lessig"? Chafee no, he melted down. O'Malley made a fair case, so did Webb. But the bottom line remains --- check your calendar. It's not even an election year. Know who the front runner was this month four years ago? Herman Cain. Know who it was 8 years ago? Hillary Clinton (D) and Rudy Guiliani (R) followed by Fred Thompson.

This election is OVER A YEAR AWAY -- not tomorrow.

I mean who do you like in the 2024 Super Bowl?

I said "if" Biden get's in.
But unless something comes up out of the blue, it's going to be Hillary. The money is going to be pouring in once those who have been acting cautiously concerning her finally relax.
Here's Lessig: Larry Lessig Out-Fundraises Webb, Chafee, and More
so how much does a good heavy duty shovel cost? shouldn't be too hard to dig in Florida being its just sand and mush.

You'll either hit seawater or brackish water a few feet down. Most of your state is at or below sea level. In terms of cosmic irony, you'll be the first ones underwater when the No Such Thing as Climate Change occurs.
but what if the canary islands collapse? should I get on a boat and head for texas?
The Republic of Texas will be completely sealed off from the rest of North America behind a 20-foot high fence topped with electrified razor wire. No one will be allowed in or out.
so what will they do with those who dont speak a word of english?
I like how he throws up his hands with
the Dims are going to give us an old white person since none of the other candidates has a chance.

--- as if primary voting doesn't exist.

Do you see Chafee, Lessig, O'Malley, or Webb having a realistic chance ? I mean come on ! Bernie might last a while, but he has no realistic chance either.
If Biden get's in, it will be a two person race, otherwise it's Hillary unless something unexpected happens to her.
In the end it will be either 69 year old Hillary entering the White House, or 74 year old Joey.

Nothing like narrow minded thinking.

-- Joe Biden hasn't even thrown his proverbial hat in.
-- Who the fuck is "Lessig"? Chafee no, he melted down. O'Malley made a fair case, so did Webb. But the bottom line remains --- check your calendar. It's not even an election year. Know who the front runner was this month four years ago? Herman Cain. Know who it was 8 years ago? Hillary Clinton (D) and Rudy Guiliani (R) followed by Fred Thompson.

This election is OVER A YEAR AWAY -- not tomorrow.

I mean who do you like in the 2024 Super Bowl?

I said "if" Biden get's in.
But unless something comes up out of the blue, it's going to be Hillary. The money is going to be pouring in once those who have been acting cautiously concerning her finally relax.
Here's Lessig: Larry Lessig Out-Fundraises Webb, Chafee, and More

Odd numbered year.
Herman Cain. Rudy Giuliani. Fred Thompson. Donald Rump.
so how much does a good heavy duty shovel cost? shouldn't be too hard to dig in Florida being its just sand and mush.

You'll either hit seawater or brackish water a few feet down. Most of your state is at or below sea level. In terms of cosmic irony, you'll be the first ones underwater when the No Such Thing as Climate Change occurs.
but what if the canary islands collapse? should I get on a boat and head for texas?
The Republic of Texas will be completely sealed off from the rest of North America behind a 20-foot high fence topped with electrified razor wire. No one will be allowed in or out.
so what will they do with those who dont speak a word of english?
Trump will keep them in the basement of his casino as slave labor.
:ack-1::dig: At least the thought of a "President Hillary" will have about 60% of all Americans preparing for the worst and we know it! Iran? no big deal, just let them make all of the bombs they want. The economy? If your in the middle class, trying to save money for your retirement/kids,,,,Hillary will be coming for a chunk of it!
So have any of us ever been to Detroit, South Chicago or Venezuela? There's your preview of 2018/2019. Well, if we get a President Hillary,,,or if you think she will win, you can get a head start by stocking up on any foods that have a five to ten year expiration date, and a "Ten Year Supply Of Toilet Paper"!!!, and maybe the following year you may want to dig out a "Back-Up Home" 100 feet below your current home. :hellno:

Conservatives will put new tires on their double-wides so they can bug-out to their bunker. Luckily they have plenty of paranoia and fear stockpiled to last decades, so no worries there.
so how much does a good heavy duty shovel cost? shouldn't be too hard to dig in Florida being its just sand and mush.

You'll either hit seawater or brackish water a few feet down. Most of your state is at or below sea level. In terms of cosmic irony, you'll be the first ones underwater when the No Such Thing as Climate Change occurs.
but what if the canary islands collapse? should I get on a boat and head for texas?
The Republic of Texas will be completely sealed off from the rest of North America behind a 20-foot high fence topped with electrified razor wire. No one will be allowed in or out.
so what will they do with those who dont speak a word of english?
Trump will keep them in the basement of his casino as slave labor.
actually we need them to work at all of the Texas McDonalds, someone has to work those counters, flip the burgers and try to speak english on the drive-thru's.
Where are you in Alaska?

I'm in south central but outside of the big city. Have cabins north and south I could retreat to if shit hit the fan too bad heh
Outside Anchoragua, or Seattle North? I've a place there, one in Birchwood, and my main home North, around Willow. It's always good to have some place to go should the fecal matter strike the rotary oscillator. I'm off grid in Willow.

"Seattle North" buhhahahaha

I'm in Eagle River, have Big Lake, Nancy Lake, and Kenai River cabin's. I have some fam. out in Willow myself. You get hit by the fire? We ended up helping Buser take in a bunch of sled dogs, and my family had to move their whole team (only 20) to Anchorage and ruckus with the pound over kennel licenses; silly muni...
We were lucky that the fire missed us. Where I am, it's the bridge over the Willow that's most often the issue. I just made it out this year before the closed the new bridge. Yeah, the Muni can be a problem for dog teams. Amazing how many people move up here for the "wilderness" and end up trying to make it into the pit they move from. I've had my own issues with the Muni over kennel licenses because I work with feral cat colonies. I had a house in Eagle River until I retired. The last few years ER has mutated into "Little Anchoragua". What a shame. What do you think of the new bridge?

My fam didn't lose their house either luckily. I had to get a kennel license cause I had 3 pups, had to put the eldest to sleep over Memorial Day weekend. She had cancer and they couldn't/didn't get it all out before it spread. I suppose I can't complain too much she was 17 so we had a good life together; I miss her cold little husky nose waking me up every morning :/

The new N bound bridge is wonderful, I wish the idiots would figure out how to stop breaking on it, such an easy hill now. I'm just hoping that wanna-be gang crap from south side/Fairview have going on doesn't ever get out here - if it does I'll prob. move out of the country, not worth my time to deal with that bullshit. I've been getting flack from my Facebook buddies all day cause of that Subway chick; what a fucking embarrassment to the state...
The new bridge is nice. I've moved from ER to Birchwood until I can get set up in Willow. I'm not concerned about the place in Willow, I have a backhoe and 200 acres, lots of ammo and I know how to use it. Should the proverbial fecal matter hit the rotary oscillator, I am fairly well prepared to take care of me and mine.
A friend of mine lost everything except his house in the fire. He's been agonizing how to break down and remove a fairly large piece of earth-moving equipment. Most of us have told him to bury it.
I've come to the conclusion that many of you don't actually know anyone over age 60, or the only people that age you know are your decrepit, incontinent relatives. That says more about you than about anyone else.

So, did all of the Gunz&Ammo crowd go to bed, or did their paranoia kick in and they decided it wasn't a good idea to advertise their "future purchases" on a message board?
You need to re-evaluate you conclusions. Lots of us know at least one person over 60 because we look in the mirror daily. Personally, I am far from decrepit or incontinent. Perhaps YOU need to re-evaluate your assumptions? Of course, your comment above has very clearly said more about you than about any of many of us. But, hell, you're young(er), you still have a lot to learn. Good luck with that.
I like how he throws up his hands with
the Dims are going to give us an old white person since none of the other candidates has a chance.

--- as if primary voting doesn't exist.

Do you see Chafee, Lessig, O'Malley, or Webb having a realistic chance ? I mean come on ! Bernie might last a while, but he has no realistic chance either.
If Biden get's in, it will be a two person race, otherwise it's Hillary unless something unexpected happens to her.
In the end it will be either 69 year old Hillary entering the White House, or 74 year old Joey.
Something unexpected? You mean, like a conviction?
I've come to the conclusion that many of you don't actually know anyone over age 60, or the only people that age you know are your decrepit, incontinent relatives. That says more about you than about anyone else.

So, did all of the Gunz&Ammo crowd go to bed, or did their paranoia kick in and they decided it wasn't a good idea to advertise their "future purchases" on a message board?
You need to re-evaluate you conclusions. Lots of us know at least one person over 60 because we look in the mirror daily. Personally, I am far from decrepit or incontinent. Perhaps YOU need to re-evaluate your assumptions? Of course, your comment above has very clearly said more about you than about any of many of us. But, hell, you're young(er), you still have a lot to learn. Good luck with that.
You misunderstood that post. I was addressing the "OMGERD, like Sanders and Hillary are like so like old and shit" juveniles on this board...who conveniently don't notice that Trump is older than Hillary, and who think everyone over a certain age is Abe Simpson.
I like how he throws up his hands with
the Dims are going to give us an old white person since none of the other candidates has a chance.

--- as if primary voting doesn't exist.

Do you see Chafee, Lessig, O'Malley, or Webb having a realistic chance ? I mean come on ! Bernie might last a while, but he has no realistic chance either.
If Biden get's in, it will be a two person race, otherwise it's Hillary unless something unexpected happens to her.
In the end it will be either 69 year old Hillary entering the White House, or 74 year old Joey.

Nothing like narrow minded thinking.

-- Joe Biden hasn't even thrown his proverbial hat in.
-- Who the fuck is "Lessig"? Chafee no, he melted down. O'Malley made a fair case, so did Webb. But the bottom line remains --- check your calendar. It's not even an election year. Know who the front runner was this month four years ago? Herman Cain. Know who it was 8 years ago? Hillary Clinton (D) and Rudy Guiliani (R) followed by Fred Thompson.

This election is OVER A YEAR AWAY -- not tomorrow.

I mean who do you like in the 2024 Super Bowl?

I said "if" Biden get's in.
But unless something comes up out of the blue, it's going to be Hillary. The money is going to be pouring in once those who have been acting cautiously concerning her finally relax.
Here's Lessig: Larry Lessig Out-Fundraises Webb, Chafee, and More
Leave it to "progressives" to favor an over-the-hill, cankle-inflicted, absolutely incompetent (unless you consider sleeping with a former POTUS a qualification), criminal bitch-from-hell. Is there no one in the whole Dem party who might be a decent candidate? Is this c**t the best they can come up with?
Time to buy more ammo....
I like how he throws up his hands with
the Dims are going to give us an old white person since none of the other candidates has a chance.

--- as if primary voting doesn't exist.

Do you see Chafee, Lessig, O'Malley, or Webb having a realistic chance ? I mean come on ! Bernie might last a while, but he has no realistic chance either.
If Biden get's in, it will be a two person race, otherwise it's Hillary unless something unexpected happens to her.
In the end it will be either 69 year old Hillary entering the White House, or 74 year old Joey.

Nothing like narrow minded thinking.

-- Joe Biden hasn't even thrown his proverbial hat in.
-- Who the fuck is "Lessig"? Chafee no, he melted down. O'Malley made a fair case, so did Webb. But the bottom line remains --- check your calendar. It's not even an election year. Know who the front runner was this month four years ago? Herman Cain. Know who it was 8 years ago? Hillary Clinton (D) and Rudy Guiliani (R) followed by Fred Thompson.

This election is OVER A YEAR AWAY -- not tomorrow.

I mean who do you like in the 2024 Super Bowl?

I said "if" Biden get's in.
But unless something comes up out of the blue, it's going to be Hillary. The money is going to be pouring in once those who have been acting cautiously concerning her finally relax.
Here's Lessig: Larry Lessig Out-Fundraises Webb, Chafee, and More
Leave it to "progressives" to favor an over-the-hill, cankle-inflicted, absolutely incompetent (unless you consider sleeping with a former POTUS a qualification), criminal bitch-from-hell. Is there no one in the whole Dem party who might be a decent candidate? Is this c**t the best they can come up with?
Time to buy more ammo....

He says...after posting Post 131...
I've come to the conclusion that many of you don't actually know anyone over age 60, or the only people that age you know are your decrepit, incontinent relatives. That says more about you than about anyone else.

So, did all of the Gunz&Ammo crowd go to bed, or did their paranoia kick in and they decided it wasn't a good idea to advertise their "future purchases" on a message board?
You need to re-evaluate you conclusions. Lots of us know at least one person over 60 because we look in the mirror daily. Personally, I am far from decrepit or incontinent. Perhaps YOU need to re-evaluate your assumptions? Of course, your comment above has very clearly said more about you than about any of many of us. But, hell, you're young(er), you still have a lot to learn. Good luck with that.
You misunderstood that post. I was addressing the "OMGERD, like Sanders and Hillary are like so like old and shit" juveniles on this board...who conveniently don't notice that Trump is older than Hillary, and who think everyone over a certain age is Abe Simpson.
Gotcha. I haven't paid attention to birth dates but rather to qualifications and what they are saying they would do. Apologies if I misunderstood.

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