Comical Survey:If We Get A President Hillary/President Bernie Come 2017,What Will You Stock Up On?


Gold? you have to be kidding. Nobody wipes their butt with least not more than once.

Toilet paper is the currency of the future. Everyone poops.

well we all need to be near water....maybe we can just cut away florida and texas...and hopefully they will just float away together,,then we can make our own country.
Heh I don't need to get purified water, I have snow and a well (electric pump atm, but easily converted to hand pump.) Nice crisp clean Alaska water, even the rain's good if we have to.

I've gone without power (no running water and no septic) for 11 days and barely even noticed other than the boredom - hard to read by candle btw. It was -18 below outside, but our house is so well insulated that the wood stove kept the pipes from freezing. Snow/rain water makes the gravity fed toilets flush. 8 minutes on the wood stove made all the water we needed. We made mac-n-cheese with hot dogs the third day, had a little fire in the outside pit and roasted marshmallows too. It was boring, but we actually ate better than usual lol
Where are you in Alaska?

I'm in south central but outside of the big city. Have cabins north and south I could retreat to if shit hit the fan too bad heh
Outside Anchoragua, or Seattle North? I've a place there, one in Birchwood, and my main home North, around Willow. It's always good to have some place to go should the fecal matter strike the rotary oscillator. I'm off grid in Willow.

"Seattle North" buhhahahaha

I'm in Eagle River, have Big Lake, Nancy Lake, and Kenai River cabin's. I have some fam. out in Willow myself. You get hit by the fire? We ended up helping Buser take in a bunch of sled dogs, and my family had to move their whole team (only 20) to Anchorage and ruckus with the pound over kennel licenses; silly muni...
We were lucky that the fire missed us. Where I am, it's the bridge over the Willow that's most often the issue. I just made it out this year before the closed the new bridge. Yeah, the Muni can be a problem for dog teams. Amazing how many people move up here for the "wilderness" and end up trying to make it into the pit they move from. I've had my own issues with the Muni over kennel licenses because I work with feral cat colonies. I had a house in Eagle River until I retired. The last few years ER has mutated into "Little Anchoragua". What a shame. What do you think of the new bridge?
well we all need to be near water....maybe we can just cut away florida and texas...and hopefully they will just float away together,,then we can make our own country.
Too many snow birds in Florida now................Guess it's just Texas.
Ah yes, brass, powder, and lead are so nutritious. Was this you, by the way?

Man tries to put out fire with ammunition filled truck

Typical gun nut redneck.

Uuuuuuh ....last time I checked you can procure all kinds of food with a firearm.
Unless you shoot like a liberal.
Last time I checked, you can get yourself justly hung for trying that.

Hunting? What liberal hell hole do you reside in?
Liberals don't hunt, do they? I thought they believed food came in Styrofoam containers, swathed in plastic.
I was hunting before you silly ass was born. And still have hunting guns.
I seriously doubt that. Have you tried archery? Don't need guns, use a bow and arrow.
well we all need to be near water....maybe we can just cut away florida and texas...and hopefully they will just float away together,,then we can make our own country.
Too many snow birds in Florida now................Guess it's just Texas.
well we can just attach florida to the southern border of Texas and thats where all of the over 60 crowd will live.
Ah yes, brass, powder, and lead are so nutritious. Was this you, by the way?

Man tries to put out fire with ammunition filled truck

Typical gun nut redneck.

Uuuuuuh ....last time I checked you can procure all kinds of food with a firearm.
Unless you shoot like a liberal.
Last time I checked, you can get yourself justly hung for trying that.

Hunting? What liberal hell hole do you reside in?
Liberals don't hunt, do they? I thought they believed food came in Styrofoam containers, swathed in plastic.
I was hunting before you silly ass was born. And still have hunting guns.

I've been at it for 45 years.
And living in the wide open spaces of Texas I bet I've done more of it.
And I've never heard anyone call a rifle or a shotgun "a hunting gun"
It's either a shotgun or a rifle. That you hunt with it is a forgone conclusion.
i wonder what gun shops will look like next summer as 175 Million Americans will be in utter fear that Hillary might beat the Carson/Trump ticket.
i vision a scene from "The Birds" the day after Hillary wins.

The word you want is "envision". I envision............

You are welcome.
Who invited the clown spelling police?????????????


It wasn't spelling, idiot. It's general knowledge of our language. The comedic genius should have mastered it by now.
And that's what has gotten your panties in a wad?

just buy liquor, wine and beer....

you can negotiate and barter for anything with those! :D

and maybe coffee and sugar would be good bartering items too!??
Don't need to by alcohol 'cause I know how to make my own. I'd rather buy salt than sugar.
But salt, you can get from sea water where I am at, just dry it for Sea, for me, and this area, I think sugar could come in handy....or start having honey bee hives, for your sugar.......then again, we have a lot of Maple trees up here, so we could get sugar from their syrup....alright, maybe you are right....salt is more important than sugar, especially if you dry and cure meats with it....
Bees don't usually last the winter here, but we have birch trees. Salt is critically important if you have no other means to preserve food, not just meat, but cheese, as well. Plus, we can thrive without sugar, but not without salt.
I just saw a documentary on the brain, and just found out that Sugar is the only thing that feeds the sugar is important, more than I ever would have guessed....I didnt see the whole documentary, so maybe carbs convert to sugar, so it could be fed that way....?

Birch trees can make syrup? I did NOT know that...hmmmmm, learn something new every day....our property is filled with birch trees....we only have a couple of maple trees...several (7) apple trees, primarily Pine trees and Birch trees in the acreage all around us....
just buy liquor, wine and beer....

you can negotiate and barter for anything with those! :D

and maybe coffee and sugar would be good bartering items too!??
Don't need to by alcohol 'cause I know how to make my own. I'd rather buy salt than sugar.
But salt, you can get from sea water where I am at, just dry it for Sea, for me, and this area, I think sugar could come in handy....or start having honey bee hives, for your sugar.......then again, we have a lot of Maple trees up here, so we could get sugar from their syrup....alright, maybe you are right....salt is more important than sugar, especially if you dry and cure meats with it....
Bees don't usually last the winter here, but we have birch trees. Salt is critically important if you have no other means to preserve food, not just meat, but cheese, as well. Plus, we can thrive without sugar, but not without salt.
I just saw a documentary on the brain, and just found out that Sugar is the only thing that feeds the sugar is important, more than I ever would have guessed....I didnt see the whole documentary, so maybe carbs convert to sugar, so it could be fed that way....?

Birch trees can make syrup? I did NOT know that...hmmmmm, learn something new every day....our property is filled with birch trees....we only have a couple of maple trees...several (7) apple trees, primarily Pine trees and Birch trees in the acreage all around us....
Absolutely! You can make birch syrup just like you make maple syrup. Everything you eat converts to glucose at the cellular level, everything! So eating sugar to "feed" your brain is superfluous. White sugar, processed sugar, and high fructose corn syrup are all total poison to you. If you have to eat sweeteners, find natural sweeteners that do no include processed sugar products.
well at least the 987,254,087,167 Trillion Cockroaches that live in the USA will have nothing to worry about in case we get hit.
just buy liquor, wine and beer....

you can negotiate and barter for anything with those! :D

and maybe coffee and sugar would be good bartering items too!??
Don't need to by alcohol 'cause I know how to make my own. I'd rather buy salt than sugar.
But salt, you can get from sea water where I am at, just dry it for Sea, for me, and this area, I think sugar could come in handy....or start having honey bee hives, for your sugar.......then again, we have a lot of Maple trees up here, so we could get sugar from their syrup....alright, maybe you are right....salt is more important than sugar, especially if you dry and cure meats with it....
Bees don't usually last the winter here, but we have birch trees. Salt is critically important if you have no other means to preserve food, not just meat, but cheese, as well. Plus, we can thrive without sugar, but not without salt.
I just saw a documentary on the brain, and just found out that Sugar is the only thing that feeds the sugar is important, more than I ever would have guessed....I didnt see the whole documentary, so maybe carbs convert to sugar, so it could be fed that way....?

Oh yeah. Ask any hypoglycemic about that. Glucose is our fuel. It comes from carbs (quickly), from fats more slowly (converted by the pancreas). When I was a kid and my blood sugar dropped, although I didn't know what it was until I grew up, I'd run into the house and eat a bunch of crackers. Simple starch goes right to glucose. The body knows before the mind does. Our pancreas releases insulin when the sugar's too high to bring it down, or taps stored fat resources when it's too low.
i wonder what gun shops will look like next summer as 175 Million Americans will be in utter fear that Hillary might beat the Carson/Trump ticket.
buy stock in it....!!!!

The NRA and gun makers are praying for a Hillary win....they know they'll have you all buying guns till the cows come home....they have conservative's behavior patterns down pat, and they use it like any marketing department/firm for a business would, trust me!

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