Zone1 Commercial Panic

why is this even a problem?
of there is any free speech in americas that is protected above all others it is advertising.
Yes, racism and support for it is offensive. So some of you don't like seeing mixed race families and couples and whatever on the TV. No one important cares.
Yes, racism and support for it is offensive. So some of you don't like seeing mixed race families and couples and whatever on the TV. No one important cares.
of all of their issues, this may not be the dumbest, but certainly the least partisan.

a dynamic competitive corporation wants to sell to everyone, don't the?.
I do see more ads like this.

I don’t find myself caring.

Interracial dating and marriage isn’t of any concern to me.
I am so oblivious to commercials, when I do watch TV which is very rarely; that I don't even notice commercials. I can't think of the last time I purchased a product because of an ad on TV. I don't even remember them really. Often once commercials come on I occupy myself otherwise.
Yes, racism and support for it is offensive. So some of you don't like seeing mixed race families and couples and whatever on the TV. No one important cares.
Whether you propagate homogeneous or mixed race families doesn´t matter, both is racism. If you have 90 % of ads featuring people that make up only 10 % of the population, that is racism. It is just fucking racism.

And a new ihop commercial along the same lines. Scary happy family goes to ihop for breakfast! NOOoooooo!
It is simply a sign of company marketing, trying to reach out for better penetration of a market, not as fully saturated and and having increasing marginal income to spend, so making sure that demographic knows, their interest and dollars are invited to their marketplace. Not alarming, at all.

On a different note, did anyone reading the OP Linked article, look at the flat chested little girl being offered an engagement ring, and think she didn't look a day over 12 years old, but if that were a white guy, he could easily be old enough to be her father or possibly grandfather. I know it was a still picture, possibly from a video, but really, that guy looked three times the age of the prepubescent looking little girl.:rolleyes:
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We get that in Oz too. They seem to have worked out that adverts with stupid white males in them sell more; hence woke companies going broke. Maybe they're wrong. lol

Or maybe they worked out you really have to be stupid to buy because of advertising and are catering to that market.

On a different note, did anyone reading the OP Linked article, look at the flat chested little girl being offered an engagement ring, and think she didn't look a day over 12 years old, but if that were a white guy, he could easily be old enough to be her father or possibly grandfather. I know it was a still picture, possibly from a video, but really, that guy looked three times the age of the prepubescent looking little girl.:rolleyes:
She does look young….
But what I want to know is why is that child marrying a retard who doesn’t even know which way to hold the box the engagement ring is in? Image is probably AI, which tells you a thing or two.


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