Commercialism of Religions


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
If religion in the US is tax exempt, why can they sell things like a regular business? Answer is they can't. But they can require a 'donation' or 'love offering.' So isn't it only fair they be asked by the government to pay a 'love tax' or something? :)

And if it's really a 'suggested donation,' and not a 'required purchase price' why don't they ever accept my donation of a penny? :)
"Congress shall make no law" pretty much eliminates any authority the Federal government has to tax religion. As well it should.
"Congress shall make no law" pretty much eliminates any authority the Federal government has to tax religion. As well it should.

Coming from someone who quotes a famous LDS, and is, if not off-base, LDS himself that's kinda hypocritical as the LDS have a mandatory tithe system which is akin to a tax as it's mandatory. So when your faith has a defacto tax on its members that's cool, but if anyone proposes it be taxed suddenly you quote the Constitution?

"Gordon B. Hinckley, prior President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, said: “Our major source of revenue is the ancient law of the tithe. Our people are expected to pay 10 percent of their income to move forward the work of the Church. The remarkable and wonderful thing is that they do it. Tithing is not so much a matter of dollars as it is a matter of faith. It becomes a privilege and an opportunity, not a burden. Our people believe in the word of God as set forth in the book of Malachi, that the Lord will open the windows of heaven and pour down blessings that there will not be room enough to receive them (Malachi 3:8-10). Moving and touching is the testimony of Latter-day Saints throughout the world concerning this the Lord’s law for the financing of His work.”"
Why are Mormons asked to donate 10% of their income to their Church? |
US Religion isn't tax exempt. Some Churches apply for 501c3 Tax Exemption which make them a Charity.

And so because of that, Governments and the IRS think they can tell Churches what to preach on the pulpit.

Simple solution: Just pay the Taxes.

My Dad is a Mormon and he not only pays 10% but he gives away free Dental care at least once a month AND they have a sort of "meals on wheels" operation that the Mormons do. I've also been with him a few times when they've operated the cannery in downtown L.A. for the homeless. That was a while back though.

Not defending Mormonism, just stating the facts.
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US Religion isn't tax exempt. Some Churches apply for 501c3 Tax Exemption which make them a Charity.

And so because of that, Governments and the IRS think they can tell Churches what to preach on the pulpit.

Simple solution: Just pay the Taxes.

My Dad is a Mormon and he not only pays 10% but he gives away free Dental care at least once a month AND they have a sort of "meals on wheels" operation that the Mormons do. I've also been with him a few times when they've operated the cannery in downtown L.A. for the homeless. That was a while back though.

Not defending Mormonism, just stating the facts.

Your father sounds like a great example of a true believer who walks the walk as it were.
Your father sounds like a great example of a true believer who walks the walk as it were.
He says sometimes Hollywood Stars show up at the cannery with their photographers but never alone.

Walks the Walk?

Mormonism is a "whackadoodle" religion. My Dad has tried for at least 20 years to recruit me into that Cult and I've resisted but we've had some interesting (crazy) discussions.

"Dad you KNOW yer not going to Heaven just because of your "Works" right? Because that's what yer wife thinks" He's real dismissive of that.

"Hey Dad, Was Joseph Smith a Free Mason?" Yes.
"Hey Dad, do you believe in Mormon Jesus and his brother Lucifer?" Yes.
"Do you wear that Magic Underwear?" Yes.

Mormon Temples have all sorts of Freemason Symbols on them. Just Google "freemason mormon" sometime.

Mormons think that America will have a Constitutional Crisis and a Great Mormon Leader will step in and "save the country". What a pantload!
Where is that giant NSA complex where they store all the info they stole from people all over the world?

Mormon Dominated Utah.

It's no accident I tell ya'.
If religion in the US is tax exempt, why can they sell things like a regular business? Answer is they can't. But they can require a 'donation' or 'love offering.' So isn't it only fair they be asked by the government to pay a 'love tax' or something? :)

And if it's really a 'suggested donation,' and not a 'required purchase price' why don't they ever accept my donation of a penny? :)
was that your penny I saw on the sidewalk in front of church Sunday?......I put it in the plate for you.....
"Strongly guarded as is the separation between Religion & Govt in the Constitution of the United States the danger of encroachment by Ecclesiastical Bodies, may be illustrated by precedents already furnished in their short history. Kentucky for example, where it was proposed to exempt Houses of Worship from taxes."
-- James Madison; from 'Detached Memoranda'
if you want to have the same tax benefits available to organized religion, why not start up a non profit organization and apply for 501c3 status, just like they did......its a free country.....

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