Commie babe loves China and hates Hong Kong freedom seekers


This is at present a matter of law. Great Britain ceded sovereignty to China. This is a fact internationally recognized, even by the United States government. The only way Hong Kong could ever be “independent” would be if China granted it independence. Not going to happen. Only if China falls apart completely is such a thing even imaginable.

As the mainland woman answered in Chinese when a demonstrator said “We will transform our economy!”: “What economy? Are you crazy? Even the fresh water you drink is provided by Shenzhen!” Economic reality works against “independence.” Like even tinier Macau, Chinese tourism and investment is now key to Hong Kong’s future. Of course everything is presently disrupted by Covid-19. As more Cantonese-speaking Hong Kong students of this generation emigrate away, the movement will probably weaken. I think even most protesting students reject talk of independence. There are still 26 years left for its “One Country, Two Systems” status. A lot can happen in this period. If there is an explosion in China, if a real movement for democracy breaks out there sometime in the future, then many Hong Kong people may again become “Chinese patriots” and want to play a role in that movement.

I was wondering, do you know exactly where in Cologne this took place? It looks like it is right on a street corner. In a busy shopping district perhaps? At a consul or special event maybe?
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trump is duly elected

He lost by 3 million votes in an election wracked with fraud and foreign interference.

the people of Hong Kong have a human right to freedom from an inhuman dictatorship like communist china

Um, no, they really don't. China could go in and ethnically cleanse it tomorrow and the rest of the world would have nothing to say about it. The only reason why Hong Kong is tolerated is because they are a commerce center for China.

you should be grateful that they are fighting against your enemy for you

China isn't my enemy. China doesn't bother me even a little bit. My enemy is the rich American businessmen who want to pollute my water and air, corrupt my democracy and steal the fruits of my labor.
He lost by 3 million votes in an election wracked with fraud and foreign interference.
Thats a lie

there was no fraud on the part of trump or collusion with the russians
China isn't my enemy. China doesn't bother me even a little bit. My enemy is the rich American businessmen who want to pollute my water and air, corrupt my democracy and steal the fruits of my labor.
Thats sad

an America who does not even know what your best interests are
Thats sad

an America who does not even know what your best interests are

No Chinese person has ever bothered me once in my life.

Most of the misery that's been inflicted on me (that wasn't my own damned fault) was done by other white men with more money or power than I had.
Thats sad

an America who does not even know what your best interests are

No Chinese person has ever bothered me once in my life.

Most of the misery that's been inflicted on me (that wasn't my own damned fault) was done by other white men with more money or power than I had.
China wants to have more money and power than any government on earth

and when they do they will treat you as bad or worse than they treat their own people

why dont you drop the “I hate white people” crap?

it sounds really dumb

She speaks 4 languages which is impressive

she is also very representative of the nationalism that infests china

As I pointed out on Youtube she is exercising a right in Germany that she does not have in China

There's nothing wrong with nationalism in general; it just shows pride in your nation. Gandhi and FDR were both nationalists. The problem with being a nationalist, is when you have a totalitarian or authoritarian government at the helm, as in the case of China, Venezuela, Cuba, Vietnam and North Korea, or any military junta or theocratic style government for that matter.
Once you have one party control of a nation, people that disagree with your governments policies, have a tendency to disappear or be publicly executed.
There's nothing wrong with nationalism in general; it just shows pride in your nation. Gandhi and FDR were both nationalists. The problem with being a nationalist, is when you have a totalitarian or authoritarian government at the helm, as in the case of China, Venezuela, Cuba, Vietnam and North Korea, or any military junta or theocratic style government for that matter.

she is supporting a dictatorship that may have rewarded her handsomely but is no friend of Americans
China wants to have more money and power than any government on earth

and when they do they will treat you as bad or worse than they treat their own people

Wait, wait, I have a cartoon for you..


Sounds about as stupid now as it did then.

why dont you drop the “I hate white people” crap?

it sounds really dumb

Naw, dumb is blaming someone in another country for what rich people did to you.
she is also very representative of the nationalism that infests china
The way to combat Chinese nationalism is for us to have even stronger American nationalism. ... :cool:
I hate their idiotology but I dont fault nationalism in any country. All countries should look out for their own best interest without trying to destroy another country. Chinas government though IS illegitimate

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