Commie Bernie announces he will cut off aid to Israel unless he gets a QUID PRO QUO!


When do we start the impeachment of Commie Bernie?

White House hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) proposed at a town hall Tuesday leveraging billions of dollars in aid to Israel to push the country to change some of its policies.

Sanders proposes leveraging aid for Israel


call us when he leverages the aid based on investigation of a political rival.
You left out the part about making sure the country we are giving millions to isn't still corrupt to the core. Part of that corruption involved the Biden's.


Tramp is using that as an excuse and you know it.
Sorry, I read the entire transcript of the call. You let that Madcow fella tell you what to think.
That's america, full of believers, devoid of thinkers.

When do we start the impeachment of Commie Bernie?

White House hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) proposed at a town hall Tuesday leveraging billions of dollars in aid to Israel to push the country to change some of its policies.

Sanders proposes leveraging aid for Israel


call us when he leverages the aid based on investigation of a political rival.
You left out the part about making sure the country we are giving millions to isn't still corrupt to the core. Part of that corruption involved the Biden's.

OK what other Americans were mentioned in the phone call by name?
What other Americans were in the middle of massive corruption in Ukraine?
America is awash in corruption, we founded a nation on it.

When do we start the impeachment of Commie Bernie?

White House hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) proposed at a town hall Tuesday leveraging billions of dollars in aid to Israel to push the country to change some of its policies.

Sanders proposes leveraging aid for Israel


call us when he leverages the aid based on investigation of a political rival.
You left out the part about making sure the country we are giving millions to isn't still corrupt to the core. Part of that corruption involved the Biden's.

OK what other Americans were mentioned in the phone call by name?
What other Americans were in the middle of massive corruption in Ukraine?


When do we start the impeachment of Commie Bernie?

Sanders proposes leveraging aid for Israel


call us when he leverages the aid based on investigation of a political rival.
You left out the part about making sure the country we are giving millions to isn't still corrupt to the core. Part of that corruption involved the Biden's.

OK what other Americans were mentioned in the phone call by name?
What other Americans were in the middle of massive corruption in Ukraine?


call us when he leverages the aid based on investigation of a political rival.
You left out the part about making sure the country we are giving millions to isn't still corrupt to the core. Part of that corruption involved the Biden's.

OK what other Americans were mentioned in the phone call by name?
What other Americans were in the middle of massive corruption in Ukraine?

Jared Kushner pictured with Volodymyr Zelensky at diplomat dinner 7 weeks before Trump call

Trump’s Ukraine Mess Feels a Little Too Familiar

When do we start the impeachment of Commie Bernie?

White House hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) proposed at a town hall Tuesday leveraging billions of dollars in aid to Israel to push the country to change some of its policies.

Sanders proposes leveraging aid for Israel
Why should the US support apartheid in Palestine?

Israelisanapartheidstate : Palestine

Your link:

"The United States government gives a whole lot of money to Israel, and I think we can leverage that money to end some of the racism that we have recently seen in Israel....'"

"The U.S. and Israel inked an agreement in 2016 that would send $38 billion in military aid to Jerusalem over a 10-year span, the largest such aid package in U.S. history.

"Activists have long decried the agreement, saying taxpayer dollars should not be helping fund Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and or its blockade of the Gaza Strip.

"The Vermont Independent first spoke of leveraging funds to Israel in July on the podcast 'Pod Save America,' in which he said Netanyahu leads 'an extreme right-wing government with many racist tendencies.'"

You do, or you do not, understand the meaning of the word "citizen"?
You do, or you do not, understand the meaning of the word "citizen"?
As in illegally transferring citizens into territory that has been militarily occupied?

Israeli Settlements in Occupied Territory - Let's Be Clear

"The West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip all remain under effective control of the Israeli government.

"The legal obligations for any occupying power are outlined in international humanitarian law (IHL), particularly the Fourth Geneva Convention.

"Palestinians living in the OPT are considered protected persons under the convention, which Israel has ratified.

"IHL stipulates states are not to transfer their own civilians into territory they occupy, or to forcibly transfer protected persons from or within an occupied territory.

"States are also forbidden from destroying individual or collective property in an occupied territory, except when this is rendered absolutely necessary by military operations."

When do we start the impeachment of Commie Bernie?

White House hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) proposed at a town hall Tuesday leveraging billions of dollars in aid to Israel to push the country to change some of its policies.

Sanders proposes leveraging aid for Israel
Why should the US support apartheid in Palestine?

Israelisanapartheidstate : Palestine

Your link:

"The United States government gives a whole lot of money to Israel, and I think we can leverage that money to end some of the racism that we have recently seen in Israel....'"

"The U.S. and Israel inked an agreement in 2016 that would send $38 billion in military aid to Jerusalem over a 10-year span, the largest such aid package in U.S. history.

"Activists have long decried the agreement, saying taxpayer dollars should not be helping fund Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and or its blockade of the Gaza Strip.

"The Vermont Independent first spoke of leveraging funds to Israel in July on the podcast 'Pod Save America,' in which he said Netanyahu leads 'an extreme right-wing government with many racist tendencies.'"

You do, or you do not, understand the meaning of the word "citizen"?
You do, or you do not, understand the meaning of the word "citizen"?
As in illegally transferring citizens into territory that has been militarily occupied?

Israeli Settlements in Occupied Territory - Let's Be Clear

"The West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip all remain under effective control of the Israeli government.

"The legal obligations for any occupying power are outlined in international humanitarian law (IHL), particularly the Fourth Geneva Convention.

"Palestinians living in the OPT are considered protected persons under the convention, which Israel has ratified.

"IHL stipulates states are not to transfer their own civilians into territory they occupy, or to forcibly transfer protected persons from or within an occupied territory.

"States are also forbidden from destroying individual or collective property in an occupied territory, except when this is rendered absolutely necessary by military operations."

Is that a "no"?

When do we start the impeachment of Commie Bernie?

White House hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) proposed at a town hall Tuesday leveraging billions of dollars in aid to Israel to push the country to change some of its policies.

Sanders proposes leveraging aid for Israel
ALL aid should be cut off to Israel period.
and all other countries in the Middle East.

and to all other countries in the world.
You left out the part about making sure the country we are giving millions to isn't still corrupt to the core. Part of that corruption involved the Biden's.

OK what other Americans were mentioned in the phone call by name?
What other Americans were in the middle of massive corruption in Ukraine?

Jared Kushner pictured with Volodymyr Zelensky at diplomat dinner 7 weeks before Trump call

Trump’s Ukraine Mess Feels a Little Too Familiar
How is that corruption?


When do we start the impeachment of Commie Bernie?

White House hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) proposed at a town hall Tuesday leveraging billions of dollars in aid to Israel to push the country to change some of its policies.

Sanders proposes leveraging aid for Israel


call us when he leverages the aid based on investigation of a political rival.

Call us when anyone did that.

your blob tried.

your phone is ringing

When do we start the impeachment of Commie Bernie?

White House hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) proposed at a town hall Tuesday leveraging billions of dollars in aid to Israel to push the country to change some of its policies.

Sanders proposes leveraging aid for Israel


call us when he leverages the aid based on investigation of a political rival.
You left out the part about making sure the country we are giving millions to isn't still corrupt to the core. Part of that corruption involved the Biden's.

Only in the collective conservitard "mind".

When do we start the impeachment of Commie Bernie?

White House hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) proposed at a town hall Tuesday leveraging billions of dollars in aid to Israel to push the country to change some of its policies.

Sanders proposes leveraging aid for Israel


call us when he leverages the aid based on investigation of a political rival.
You left out the part about making sure the country we are giving millions to isn't still corrupt to the core. Part of that corruption involved the Biden's.


Tramp is using that as an excuse and you know it.
Sorry, I read the entire transcript of the call. You let that Madcow fella tell you what to think.
There is not "transcript". It's a set of fough notes proven to be incomplete. Even then it's an incriminating piece of evidence.

When do we start the impeachment of Commie Bernie?

White House hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) proposed at a town hall Tuesday leveraging billions of dollars in aid to Israel to push the country to change some of its policies.

Sanders proposes leveraging aid for Israel
Why should the US support apartheid in Palestine?

Israelisanapartheidstate : Palestine

Your link:

"The United States government gives a whole lot of money to Israel, and I think we can leverage that money to end some of the racism that we have recently seen in Israel....'"

"The U.S. and Israel inked an agreement in 2016 that would send $38 billion in military aid to Jerusalem over a 10-year span, the largest such aid package in U.S. history.

"Activists have long decried the agreement, saying taxpayer dollars should not be helping fund Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and or its blockade of the Gaza Strip.

"The Vermont Independent first spoke of leveraging funds to Israel in July on the podcast 'Pod Save America,' in which he said Netanyahu leads 'an extreme right-wing government with many racist tendencies.'"

You do, or you do not, understand the meaning of the word "citizen"?
You do, or you do not, understand the meaning of the word "citizen"?
As in illegally transferring citizens into territory that has been militarily occupied?

Israeli Settlements in Occupied Territory - Let's Be Clear

"The West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip all remain under effective control of the Israeli government.

"The legal obligations for any occupying power are outlined in international humanitarian law (IHL), particularly the Fourth Geneva Convention.

"Palestinians living in the OPT are considered protected persons under the convention, which Israel has ratified.

"IHL stipulates states are not to transfer their own civilians into territory they occupy, or to forcibly transfer protected persons from or within an occupied territory.

"States are also forbidden from destroying individual or collective property in an occupied territory, except when this is rendered absolutely necessary by military operations."

Is that a "no"?
Is that a "no"?
Are you confused about human rights?

An Incomplete List of Israel's Violations of Human Rights | H, M, E

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