Commie News Network(CNN)exposes filmmaker personal info

I'm still waiting for any of the Liberal Zombie herd to answer the question about their messiah who with Hollywood made a film about the Bin Laden raid.. If that film gets people killed, how many of you ass lickin weenies will demand that Obama be brought in for questioning and state the deaths are his fault, he deserves it????? ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at the selective outrage on display.. Bunch of cowards who pretend not to read what they can't answer. L O S E R S
Stuphie said she hoped the media would get someone killed and you let that pass.

Shows what a silly little hypocrite you are.

stop lying..It really doesn't become you
Oh, my bad, you said when the media got someone killed.

Again, why aren't you upset that this idiot got someone killed AND tried to blame it on an Israeli Jew?

You purposely accused her, either that or you're just too fuckin stupid to comprehend what you read? I'll take option B.. you're a moron.
The maker of the propaganda film calls the media and attempts to get innocent people killed by claiming to be an Israeli with "more than a hundred" Israelis funding his film. And just to make sure he gets the irate Islamistists attention focused on Israelis, he makes a point to say "Islam is a cancer."

So the media outs him and tells the world who REALLY made the film. They tell the TRUTH.

So what the fuck are you idiots whining about, exactly? You'd rather the Muslims he pissed off kill some Israelis. Is that it?

The maker of the propaganda film calls the media and attempts to get innocent people killed by claiming to be an Israeli with "more than a hundred" Israelis funding his film. And just to make sure he gets the irate Islamistists attention focused on Israelis, he makes a point to say "Islam is a cancer."

So the media outs him and tells the world who REALLY made the film. They tell the TRUTH.

So what the fuck are you idiots whining about, exactly? You'd rather the Muslims he pissed off kill some Israelis. Is that it?

I have read that he is an Egyptian who's Egyptian citizenship was revoked by Egypt. If he is not an American, I think he should simply be deported.
I'm still waiting for any of the Liberal Zombie herd to answer the question about their messiah who with Hollywood made a film about the Bin Laden raid.. If that film gets people killed, how many of you ass lickin weenies will demand that Obama be brought in for questioning and state the deaths are his fault, he deserves it????? ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at the selective outrage on display.. Bunch of cowards who pretend not to read what they can't answer. L O S E R S

Look at the gigantic mental block on display here.

Let's go with your scenario. Let's pretend someone made a film about OBL's killing and that film incited some Muslims to go on a killing spree.

You seem to believe that is where the story ends. But that is not where it ends.

After some Americans are killed over the film, the maker of the film then calls the media and says he is from YOUR town. And that the film was paid for by a bunch of people from YOUR town.

Now YOUR town is on the hit list. Every man, woman, and crawling child in YOUR town is now a target, thanks to this fucking asshole.

How would you feel about that filmmaker then, dipshit?

And comparing a film about the OBL raid to this piece of shit bigoted nazi propaganda film this cowardly fuck made is beyond stupid. These asinine perceptions that he is some kind of heroic person demonstrates nothing more than your own illogical bias.

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Notice how the liberal Sheeple won't answer the question and they all blame the filmmaker for the deaths of Americans instead of the people who savagely raped, beat, and slaughtered our Ambassador? Is anything more despicable than liberals excusing the enemy of America for killing our own?!! Will these same swarmy leftists also blame Barack Obama and Hollywood if their film causes the same???
I'm still waiting for any of the Liberal Zombie herd to answer the question about their messiah who with Hollywood made a film about the Bin Laden raid.. If that film gets people killed, how many of you ass lickin weenies will demand that Obama be brought in for questioning and state the deaths are his fault, he deserves it????? ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at the selective outrage on display.. Bunch of cowards who pretend not to read what they can't answer. L O S E R S

No muslims acted upset when bin laden was killed. Only you and your compatriots have shown any upset over that.
The maker of the propaganda film calls the media and attempts to get innocent people killed by claiming to be an Israeli with "more than a hundred" Israelis funding his film. And just to make sure he gets the irate Islamistists attention focused on Israelis, he makes a point to say "Islam is a cancer."

So the media outs him and tells the world who REALLY made the film. They tell the TRUTH.

So what the fuck are you idiots whining about, exactly? You'd rather the Muslims he pissed off kill some Israelis. Is that it?

I have read that he is an Egyptian who's Egyptian citizenship was revoked by Egypt. If he is not an American, I think he should simply be deported.

To Israel.

I hope when this lamestream media end up getting someone KILLED, they get sued out of exsistence

Some of this media has become dangerouse to us and our country

You see it quite clearly....Stephanie is hoping that someone gets killed....and LadyGunSlinger thanks her for it.
I'm still waiting for any of the Liberal Zombie herd to answer the question about their messiah who with Hollywood made a film about the Bin Laden raid.. If that film gets people killed, how many of you ass lickin weenies will demand that Obama be brought in for questioning and state the deaths are his fault, he deserves it????? ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at the selective outrage on display.. Bunch of cowards who pretend not to read what they can't answer. L O S E R S

No muslims acted upset when bin laden was killed. Only you and your compatriots have shown any upset over that.

ROFLMAO!!!!! Raving Ravi shows us the hack dishonest propaganda smear machine.. not answering the question.. SELECTIVE OUTRAGE- FAUX outrage .. all to protect America's enemies.. This the Leftist of today..

FAILED LEADERSHIP; ABSENT LEADERSHIP..........The party who bood God ..and Israel..
Look at the dumbshits whining about free speech now. BWA-HA-HA-HA!

"Waaaaaaaah! Our free press told the TRUTH about the film maker! Waaaaaaaaaa! He said he was an Israeli and they proved he wasn't. Waaaaaaaaaahhh!

"He tried to get Israelis killed and they stopped him. Waaaaaaaaaaaahh!

"A free press sucks! Waaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

Notice how the liberal Sheeple won't answer the question and they all blame the filmmaker for the deaths of Americans instead of the people who savagely raped, beat, and slaughtered our Ambassador? Is anything more despicable than liberals excusing the enemy of America for killing our own?!! Will these same swarmy leftists also blame Barack Obama and Hollywood if their film causes the same???

No one but simpletons such as yourself thinks of this as an "Instead of" issue. But, you apparently are incapable of thinking of multiple or chain causes. How high are you able to count to?.....beyond your 10 fingers, that is.
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The nazi bigot was hoist by his own petard.


"They are supposed to be killin' Israelis, not ME! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

That is absolutely delicious!

Writhe in pain, bitches.

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I hope when this lamestream media end up getting someone KILLED, they get sued out of exsistence

Some of this media has become dangerouse to us and our country

But you don't care that the film maker got someone killed.

I am of the opinion that his film had nothing to do with the killing of the Ambassador and three other Americans. That action was planned as a celebration of 911 by al queda.
I hope when this lamestream media end up getting someone KILLED, they get sued out of exsistence

Some of this media has become dangerouse to us and our country

But you don't care that the film maker got someone killed.

I am of the opinion that his film had nothing to do with the killing of the Ambassador and three other Americans. That action was planned as a celebration of 911 by al queda.

I agree with that opinion. I was more talking about the more widespread butthurt by the muslim protestors in general.

Though I'm not sure if it is AQ or some other terrorist group.
Hey Lady......Romney giving people the real deal speech today......painting it as it is..........THIS is winning politics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Romney Talks Bluntly of Those Dependent on Government -

45% or so of the public are losers who want handouts and entitlements. He needs to be saying this over, and over, and over. You want to be a ward of the state? Vote for Obama.:coffee:

He's right in the video clip.......screw the 45% who will never be able to do the connect the dots thing. They dont matter in my world and shouldnt matter int he world of those who will decide this election.........the non-brainless. Romney needs to attack this bozo of a president the same way that Trump did...........and we are going to see this in the coming days as the world burns and the economy falls deeper and deeper into the shitter.:D:D

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