Committee Votes To Release Trumps' Taxes 24-16. Tell Me Why ThisI isn't Partisan Bullsh#T

He wasn't looking into Burisma, or anyone else. That was the problem. He was corrupt. After being fired, he said he had planned on investigating Burisma, but nobody ever found any evidence that he had actually done anything concerning Burisma.

Well why did biden have to threaten him then?
That makes no sense whatsoever.
They have no choice now, the dems will either release them, or leak them. Either way, I hope it's shown that there is a big nothing burger there and Trump personally sues every member of the committee for illegally releasing his personal tax information, and if it causes damage to his future business endeavors, I hope he sues them for damages.

If there is nothing there it would be a huge boost to Trump.

With that being the case you would think there would have to be something there.

But then again that is giving Democrats credit they do not deserve.
STFU you idiot.
I've given you plenty of evidence and I see you dont want to see the video of biden threatening the Ukraine.
I'd say thats because you know it's true.
Damn do you liberals lie a lot.

A vice president can't cut funding to anything.

And your entire Burisma conspiracy goes poof.
It doesn't say a thing about public documents. And with the tax returns now part of the record of a congressional investigation, they're public too.

Nor does the statute indicate that the only method to authorize the release of tax documents is by consent of the person who submitted them. If you believe otherwise, show me.

Try again.
Tax returns aren't public.
A candidate has to volunteer to make them public for them to be public.
You folks know, I am not a Trump supporter, not a party member and have stated my Independent status many times. That said, what is this action other than partisan bullsh#t? While quite aware, it has become tradition for a candidate before an election, but this crap is about him not doing it before the 2016 election and whether I liked or you liked it or not, he was elected, anyway. That was then. This is now. I am aware, the Supreme Court the Supreme Court ordered that he release the information to Congressional scrutiny. I am good with that, but they never said release it to the public, that I am aware of. This is just a spitefull, partisan action and I tend to think, public release at this point is an undue release, an invasion of privacy (even if he's an asshole) and possibly illegal. My representative is on that committee and voted against. Barring him not doing something stupid (which he doesn't have much history of) I shall vote for him again, next time he runs.

US politics 101: some basic rules for politicians

Rule #1 ==> keep promoting positive images of yourself.
Rule #2 ==> show no mercy to rivals.
Rule #3 ==> use any means to complete missions.
Rule #4 ==> keep watching your back.

Yeah, the world's so wild. Now Trump's kinda like a dead man walking! lol. :)
Tax breaks. Trump has been the most audited person in country by the IRS. If there was some discrepancy, don't you think the IRS would have been on it? He would have already been sued for back taxes, and it would have been all over the news.

That's if one takes the assumption the IRS does its job. I'm not going to assume that.
Tax returns aren't public.
A candidate has to volunteer to make them public for them to be public.

They are when they're part of a congressional investigation. Which is, by definition, public.

And you failed to show us anywhere in the statute you cited where the ONLY method of authorization of access....was the consent of the person who submitted the tax return.

Try again.

If your argument has merit, you wouldn't need to run from the very statute you cited.
They are when they're part of a congressional investigation. Which is, by definition, public.

And you failed to show us anywhere in the statute you cited where the ONLY method of authorization of access....was the consent of the person who submitted the tax return.

Try again.

If your argument has merit, you wouldn't need to run from the very statute you cited.
Congress has to follow the law like everyone else.
You can't rationalize this away.
They have consistently refused to give him due process and allowed him the right to confront his accusers.
They don't have the right to make public a private tax return.
They could all go to prison for making his IRS forms public without his consent.
Anybody with half a brain could predict this. The only reason the democrats wanted Trump’s tax returns was to release them in an effort to embarrass him. Now a independent Justice Department would bring charges against the democrats who sued to get the returns for violating the laws on financial privacy. But we all know that won’t happen.
There is a Federal law that requires a taxpayer consent to release his tax returns. Only a federal court can order them released but such release to Congress is for legislative purposes only and not for the public. The Democrats are breaking the law.
Congress has to follow the law like everyone else.
You can't rationalize this away.
They have consistently refused to give him due process and allowed him the right to confront his accusers.
They don't have the right to make public a private tax return.
They could all go to prison for making his IRS forms public without his consent.
They are when they're part of a congressional investigation. Which is, by definition, public.

And you failed to show us anywhere in the statute you cited where the ONLY method of authorization of access....was the consent of the person who submitted the tax return.

Try again.

If your argument has merit, you wouldn't need to run from the very statute you cited.
Well you'd better learn how to read, fuckwad.
Consent is simply volunteering to wave your rights under that statute.
It doesn't have to be written in the statute itself.
Anybody with half a brain could predict this. The only reason the democrats wanted Trump’s tax returns was to release them in an effort to embarrass him. Now a independent Justice Department would bring charges against the democrats who sued to get the returns for violating the laws on financial privacy. But we all know that won’t happen.
Asshole Garland won't prosecute but Trump can sue Congress or get an injunction.
You folks know, I am not a Trump supporter, not a party member and have stated my Independent status many times. That said, what is this action other than partisan bullsh#t? While quite aware, it has become tradition for a candidate before an election, but this crap is about him not doing it before the 2016 election and whether I liked or you liked it or not, he was elected, anyway. That was then. This is now. I am aware, the Supreme Court the Supreme Court ordered that he release the information to Congressional scrutiny. I am good with that, but they never said release it to the public, that I am aware of. This is just a spitefull, partisan action and I tend to think, public release at this point is an undue release, an invasion of privacy (even if he's an asshole) and possibly illegal. My representative is on that committee and voted against. Barring him not doing something stupid (which he doesn't have much history of) I shall vote for him again, next time he runs.

If I were Trump, I would have fought giving my taxes to anyone as well.


Cuz you know they will use it like they do everything else to destroy him.

But it is not to bring you to justice. No, no, no, it is just to destroy you every day of your life by smearing you in the DNC controlled media

If I were Trump, I would look into the camera and say, "If my taxes are a problem, then the IRS is not doing it's job cuz I have yet to hear any complaints from them and I'm still a free man."
Congress has to follow the law like everyone else.
You can't rationalize this away.
They have consistently refused to give him due process and allowed him the right to confront his accusers.
They don't have the right to make public a private tax return.
They could all go to prison for making his IRS forms public without his consent.
Trump absolutely had due process. The 3 judge appellant panel ruling against him, the full appellant court upholding the 3 judge panel and the Supreme Court that let the full appellant court ruling stand were all due process.

Trump just lost in court. Losing doesn't mean you didn't have due process. Losing means you had a shit legal argument.

And of course, the Appealant Court obliterated your entire 'violation of the law' pseudo-legal gibberish, rightly citing the ACTUAL statutes that authorized the release of the tax returns. Section 6103(f)(1).

"As a general rule, Title 26, Section 6103 of the United States Code makes tax returns and return information confidential unless their release is authorized by an exception enumerated in that same section. 26 U.S.C. § 6103(a). Section 6103 includes a number of exceptions to the general rule of confidentiality but only one is at issue here. Section 6103(f)(1) provides that

pon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives . . . the Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request . . . .

26 U.S.C. § 6103(f)(1). At bottom, this case simmers down to the constitutionality and application of § 6103(f)(1)." have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. It tends to limit your legal arguments.
So what!!!
He doesn't have to release his tax returns to anyone other than those who are authorized to see them.
And they cannot release them to the public.

He doesn't need to. Congress will do it for him.
US politics 101: some basic rules for politicians

Rule #1 ==> keep promoting positive images of yourself.
Rule #2 ==> show no mercy to rivals.
Rule #3 ==> use any means to complete missions.
Rule #4 ==> keep watching your back.

Yeah, the world's so wild. Now Trump's kinda like a dead man walking! lol. :)

I'm not jaded, but politicians suck and we vote for these bozos. My son is a nurse, by the way. Much more trustworthy. They can selflessly save your ass and give comfort, while politicians will Fk your ass and take your money, while self promoting.

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