Committee Votes To Release Trumps' Taxes 24-16. Tell Me Why ThisI isn't Partisan Bullsh#T

By all means get past your Potato worshipping and get informed. Goddamn dumbfck

Another elaborate conspiracy that is irrefutable.....until you ask the slightest question about it.

Laughing.......that's what I thought.
You'll live. If not I don't care

You care enough to demonstrate my point that your ilk can't even lay out a coherent conspiracy about Biden and 'foreign countries'. Let alone provide the evidence to back it.

Thank you.
You folks know, I am not a Trump supporter, not a party member and have stated my Independent status many times. That said, what is this action other than partisan bullsh#t? While quite aware, it has become tradition for a candidate before an election, but this crap is about him not doing it before the 2016 election and whether I liked or you liked it or not, he was elected, anyway. That was then. This is now. I am aware, the Supreme Court the Supreme Court ordered that he release the information to Congressional scrutiny. I am good with that, but they never said release it to the public, that I am aware of. This is just a spitefull, partisan action and I tend to think, public release at this point is an undue release, an invasion of privacy (even if he's an asshole) and possibly illegal. My representative is on that committee and voted against. Barring him not doing something stupid (which he doesn't have much history of) I shall vote for him again, next time he runs.

It is partisan BS.
What connection? Hunter, absolutely. But what does Biden have to do with any of it?

I haven't even heard a coherent conspiracy about Biden and 'foreign countries'. Let alone evidence to support it.

Are you serious?
Hunter was selling influence how else do you think he got a job at burisma making 80k a month with zero experience in the oil and gas industry and he doesnt even speak the language.
And how do you explain hunters new interest in his painting career where he's selling to unknown buyers?
And then there's the 10% for the big guy.

STFU you clown,we all know you cant possibly be so blind as to not see the conflict of interest.
If you dont you're a complete idiot.
Are you serious?
Hunter was selling influence how else do you think he got a job at burisma making 80k a month with zero experience in the oil and gas industry and he doesnt even speak the language.
And how do you explain hunters new interest in his painting career where he's selling to unknown buyers?
And then there's the 10% for the big guy.

STFU you clown,we all know you cant possibly be so blind as to not see the conflict of interest.
If you dont you're a complete idiot.

And what is the conspiracy that involves Biden exactly? Backed by what evidence?

You're being vague and leaning into obtuse insinuation for a reason.
Your tax returns aren't public.
Only you, your accountant or lawyers, or the IRS can see them.

My tax returns weren't subpoena by congress nor made part of the record of a congressional investigation.

The record of a congressional investigation is public. So what crime is committed when you release a public document to the public?
And what is the conspiracy that involves Biden exactly? Backed by what evidence?

You're being vague and leaning into obtuse insinuation for a reason.

Ya dumb shit,I just gave you the evidence.
Not to mention biden threatening the Ukraine that if they didnt fire the Burisma investigator they wouldn't be receiving the billion dollars in aid that was promised them.
And low and behold they fired him.

This is on video would you like me to post it?
Ya dumb shit,I just gave you the evidence.
Not to mention biden threatening the Ukraine that if they didnt fire the Burisma investigator they wouldn't be receiving the billion dollars in aid that was promised them.
And low and behold they fired him.

This is on video would you like me to post it?

No, you insinuated a conspiracy you couldn't quite articulate. Nor did you provide the slightest evidence that Biden had done anything wrong. Let alone illegal. All of your accusations were against Hunter.

It doesn't work nearly as well outside the echo chamber, does it? Try again.

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