Committee Votes To Release Trumps' Taxes 24-16. Tell Me Why ThisI isn't Partisan Bullsh#T

Well Trump broke tradition by refusing to release his returns when prior presidents since Nixon have done it. So what is there to hide if there is nothing to hide. Anyway it won't change how people view Trump amongst the population. It is a love/hate thing that will not change.

So if there is nothing there then never mind

So what is there to hide if there is nothing to hide.

Thats irrelevant. Politicians are not required to release them and the people have no entitlement to see them...and congress has no authority to release them.
Hadn't looked, but that figures.

My mistake. I counted the Ways and Means Committee from the 116th Congress, not the 117th.

United States House Committee on Ways and Means - Wikipedia

The American people deserve to know if their president is involved financially with other governments.

Sure, if such proof is found, but that proof hasnt been found, so there is no reason to release them. Just because you want to dig through them to find dirt is not a reason to release them.

But, just as the dems did with this J6 investigation after the impeachment, they shoot first, and ask later.
How are they going to smear Trump because he exaggerates. We all know that. The perception of trump will not change. IF they are releasing them then there is something juicy.

NYT reports says that they have obtained these records that report Trump just paid $750 in federal income taxes in 2016, and that same tiny amount the following year. Trump paid no income tax at all in 11 out of the 18 years that the Times examined after obtaining his tax-return data.

Yeah I want to see them
So what?

Did the IRS say he broke the law?

As for what you want to see, we’ll it ain’t none of your business unless you get a law passed requiring him to show them!

Simple as that!
You folks know, I am not a Trump supporter, not a party member and have stated my Independent status many times. That said, what is this action other than partisan bullsh#t? While quite aware, it has become tradition for a candidate before an election, but this crap is about him not doing it before the 2016 election and whether I liked or you liked it or not, he was elected, anyway. That was then. This is now. I am aware, the Supreme Court the Supreme Court ordered that he release the information to Congressional scrutiny. I am good with that, but they never said release it to the public, that I am aware of. This is just a spitefull, partisan action and I tend to think, public release at this point is an undue release, an invasion of privacy (even if he's an asshole) and possibly illegal. My representative is on that committee and voted against. Barring him not doing something stupid (which he doesn't have much history of) I shall vote for him again, next time he runs.


The House Committee is just trying to remain relevant ... :thup:


If Trump had said "screw off" I'm not releasing them. That's his right. He made it a campaign promise to release them. I support making politicians accountable to their promises.

Doesn't matter, it is not a requirement to release them. Now, if you want to hold Trump accountable for lying about releasing his tax returns, fine, don't vote for him, but being held accountable is not the dems publicly releasing his personal information without his permission.

The dems just broke tax law.
Doesn't matter, it is not a requirement to release them. Now, if you want to hold Trump accountable for lying about releasing his tax returns, fine, don't vote for him, but being held accountable is not the dems publicly releasing his personal information without his permission.

The dems just broke tax law.

Let them fight it out. They all deserve each other.
Doesn't matter, it is not a requirement to release them. Now, if you want to hold Trump accountable for lying about releasing his tax returns, fine, don't vote for him, but being held accountable is not the dems publicly releasing his personal information without his permission.

The dems just broke tax law.

Congress has the right to view them. They just don't have the right to leak them to the public.

Except the most revealing parts of his tax returns are not public.
The corporate tax returns containing details on the S-corporations that have been the source of most of their recent income and that they set up shortly after Joe Biden left his post as vice president ave been omitted.
Let them fight it out. They all deserve each other.
They have no choice now, the dems will either release them, or leak them. Either way, I hope it's shown that there is a big nothing burger there and Trump personally sues every member of the committee for illegally releasing his personal tax information, and if it causes damage to his future business endeavors, I hope he sues them for damages.
How are they going to smear Trump because he exaggerates. We all know that. The perception of trump will not change. IF they are releasing them then there is something juicy.

NYT reports says that they have obtained these records that report Trump just paid $750 in federal income taxes in 2016, and that same tiny amount the following year. Trump paid no income tax at all in 11 out of the 18 years that the Times examined after obtaining his tax-return data.

Yeah I want to see them
That’s why the rich spend millions bribing politicians to pass laws exempting them from taxes. It’s always been that way and will always be that way.
Congress has the right to view them. They just don't have the right to leak them to the public.
There are limits on their right to see them, specifically the tax code that states that if the information they are requesting is personally identifiable information, then they must request that return information only in closed executive session, which means that information is not able to be shared outside of that committee. There are secrecy rules to closed executive session.

Waya and means, as far as I know, were not in closed executive session when they requested, and were furnished the information, so that's a violation of tax code. I believe it also says that they cannot share that information outside of that committee unless the person to whom the information belongs to gives permission, which Trump has not, so if they release them, they will have violated another statute of tax law.

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