Common Core Math Craziness on Full Display

Years ago, schools only educated and did a fine job. Now schools are social experiments gone wrong. they play to costly fads, are a replacement for the family and politically attempt tomodel the nation' children to liberals.

Not to mention all the millions of illegal alien kids in our schools who just come for the free meals. Their parents don't care about education since they expect the kids to do what they do - go on welfare and live off working white people.
The one thing I learned from my experience is that fancy buildings are not the answer. Neither is throwing more and more money into a system that shows no improvement with ever increasing costs. What works is a competent teacher, a well-written and relevant text book, a proven lesson plan and zero tolerance for student misconduct. I remember when schools had these things. I remember a time when there was no such thing as a functionally illiterate high school graduate. I remember when colleges did not offer remedial reading courses for incoming freshmen. I remember a time when this country's educational system was the envy of the world. Sadly, in far too many school districts the quality of education has been in serious decline for years.

I humbly suggest that perhaps the cure is simply to do things the way we used to do them when the system actually worked. Unfortunately, I doubt that those in charge have the balls to do it.

I bet your school was also all white. Blacks and hispanics should have their own dumbed-down schools.
Doesn't it depend on the topic. Rounding and estimating perhaps?
I think we are talking about two different situations. In the estimating situation, the student would best be advised to read the directions thoroughly and not guess what the assignment is asking for.
In the other part of common core math, the issue is it takes at least 20 times longer to figure out a simple multiplication problem using boxes, lines, circles and x's and counting or deleting over and over again. The "old fashioned method" of memorizing the math facts and applying them is a matter of seconds to give the student the right answer.

Well that is you. My response was dealing with question 9. Also, how many points were each question worth. Is one point off appropriate for not understanding the concept? I don't know because their is not enough information to say.

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