Common Sense is not part of "Common Core"...

Why would anyone object to that answer

Knowing how a problem is constructed and alternate ways to reach a solution helps you solve problems in your head. Good skill since most of todays students can't do math without a calculator

Look for the majority of educated people like me over the last 70 years we learned by rote tables BUT when we were capable learned how to use relationships, i.e. 81 + 39..= 120 (carry the one!) . It will be interesting to see how long the common core methodology lasts with the measure being will a kid learning Common core method be able at age 71 to add in their head "81+39"....

Learning by rote is an abuse of math
Math involves fluid thinking and creativity. More than one way to skin a cat

Learning by rote and memorization stifles that

Rote memorization for adding and multiplying in the young grades gives a wonderful floor to conceptualization. Children of those ages can rote learn. Conceptual, abstract learning occurs individually generally from ages seven to twelve.

Don't him throw out the baby with the bath water.

This is room for both.
The fundamentals were already present in the old way. In example above, common core is trying to eliminate subtracting by justifying that adding is less complex. There are many ways to get to the result and there is no wrong way if result is correct. Our centralized, liberal, socialist edu is trying to force their way as only acceptable way. See picture.


It makes sense, right?

Well, it also make sense to convert it to binary so you only use two numbers. It would also make sense to convert previous example to base 12 and still get easy way to correct answer. But no, common core is something they want because it justify their self serving existence.
You would still need to learn Boolean Algebra to learn how to calculate binary code..

And you picked me to tell me about my profession.
At least I got something you'll hardly ever have... logical relations.
Why would anyone object to that answer

Knowing how a problem is constructed and alternate ways to reach a solution helps you solve problems in your head. Good skill since most of todays students can't do math without a calculator

Look for the majority of educated people like me over the last 70 years we learned by rote tables BUT when we were capable learned how to use relationships, i.e. 81 + 39..= 120 (carry the one!) . It will be interesting to see how long the common core methodology lasts with the measure being will a kid learning Common core method be able at age 71 to add in their head "81+39"....

Learning by rote is an abuse of math
Math involves fluid thinking and creativity. More than one way to skin a cat

Learning by rote and memorization stifles that
I made a mistake using the term"rote tables" and I apologize.
I meant to describe how using "carry the one" for example was the simple method of addition,etc.. there was no need to learn "relationships"!
We learned in multiplication that when you multiply 31 X 3 that 31 is the multiplicand i.e. number to be "multiplied" by the Multiplier..
this case 3.
Breaking 31 into units, (1), the 3 is (tens) 3 we knew that 1 X 3 equaled 3 and that 3 X3 =9 hence 93!
Didn't take much to understand the fundamentals of multiplication/division/addition/subtraction. Almost ALL of my classmates knew it!
Why would anyone object to that answer

Knowing how a problem is constructed and alternate ways to reach a solution helps you solve problems in your head. Good skill since most of todays students can't do math without a calculator
The thing is with this method , a lot of parents wont be able to understand their kids homework because they were never taught in this manner.. So, after the kids leave school they are pretty much on their own
The thing is with this method , a lot of parents wont be able to understand their kids homework because they were never taught in this manner.. So, after the kids leave school they are pretty much on their own
Of course they are not on their own - BIG BROTHER will always be there 'for' them
The thing is with this method , a lot of parents wont be able to understand their kids homework because they were never taught in this manner.. So, after the kids leave school they are pretty much on their own
Good point... But it is apparent this will be truly a "womb to tomb" society for this next generation, i.e. EVERYTHING controlled by central government.
The thing is with this method , a lot of parents wont be able to understand their kids homework because they were never taught in this manner.. So, after the kids leave school they are pretty much on their own
first, it's the child's homework, not the parents.
second, the parents can learn if they want to help. they aren't difficult concepts, it should not take them long.
The thing is with this method , a lot of parents wont be able to understand their kids homework because they were never taught in this manner.. So, after the kids leave school they are pretty much on their own

That works out perfectly, since the state is supposed to take the place of the family anyway. It's straight out of Karl's handbook.
The thing is with this method , a lot of parents wont be able to understand their kids homework because they were never taught in this manner.. So, after the kids leave school they are pretty much on their own
first, it's the child's homework, not the parents.
second, the parents can learn if they want to help. they aren't difficult concepts, it should not take them long.

Several students and parents at Kell High School in Marietta are upset about an assignment handed out on Monday.

The assignment asked students to find evidence for a comparison of Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin's methods of changing Russia from a capitalist country to a command country to President Barack Obama's methods of changing the United States from a capitalist country to a socialist country.

Obama socialism homework angers students at Kell High School - CBS46 News
The loony brigades from the far right are out beating the bushes on this issue.
From the link above, ""The mistake made (by the teacher)," said Carnes, "was the line crossed between comparing our president to someone like Stalin, even though we are most definitely progressing toward a socialist union."
The thing is with this method , a lot of parents wont be able to understand their kids homework because they were never taught in this manner.. So, after the kids leave school they are pretty much on their own
first, it's the child's homework, not the parents.
second, the parents can learn if they want to help. they aren't difficult concepts, it should not take them long.

Several students and parents at Kell High School in Marietta are upset about an assignment handed out on Monday.

The assignment asked students to find evidence for a comparison of Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin's methods of changing Russia from a capitalist country to a command country to President Barack Obama's methods of changing the United States from a capitalist country to a socialist country.

Obama socialism homework angers students at Kell High School - CBS46 News

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