Communism vs. Free market capitalism

Im no economics expert i have no idea, i know in the west they had better consumer goods, so the people in communist countries wanted to escape to the west, because they also wanted mercedes benz large shopping malls, coca cola etc.
Is that what it was like in Serbia?
"Free market capitalism" is as imaginary as a benevolent dictatorship.
"Communism", as a term, has come to mean Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist authoritarianism. It is justly viewed as vile and inhuman.
Aspects of capitalism can be constructive and creative. Communal action can be enormously beneficial to those involved. Balanced and reasoned application of the lessons history has for us would be the intelligent approach. Therefor, it is probably out of the question, given the refusal of people to make the effort to think.
Im no economics expert i have no idea, i know in the west they had better consumer goods, so the people in communist countries wanted to escape to the west, because they also wanted mercedes benz large shopping malls, coca cola etc.
Was Serbia a communist country?
Pros and Contras for both?

Im no economics expert i have no idea, i know in the west they had better consumer goods, so the people in communist countries wanted to escape to the west, because they also wanted mercedes benz large shopping malls, coca cola etc.

Humans are selfish, the way to get humans working is to appeal to their selfishness.
You can do this in both Communism and Capitalism.

However Communism really hasn't existed. Just states that claim to be "working towards" Communism, or like China "Communism with Chinese Characteristics"

Like rice is "bread with Chinese characteristics"
When a population shares dedication to identifiable ideals, the system they exemplify works.
Pros and Contras for both?

Im no economics expert i have no idea, i know in the west they had better consumer goods, so the people in communist countries wanted to escape to the west, because they also wanted mercedes benz large shopping malls, coca cola etc.

get used to our brutal form of monopoly capitalism. when one "person" controls an essential product the free market can not exist.

this principle also applies to health care,. when you are bleeding out in the emergency room is a hell of a time to negotiate the price of bandages.
Nowhere does Free Market capitalism exist so one would have to ask themselves why that is to address this question.

free markets exist among chimps and very primitive tribes. and are probably organic. "capitalism" is a recent invention that MUST be regulated to avoid this" end stage" of despotic monopoly and kleptocracy.

Communism vs. Free market capitalism​

Pros and Contras for both?

In communist countries, they don't let you wear nice hats. They just don't.

should insufficient dedication to those ideals be grounds for expulsion?
Human society is so complex that a "sound bite" answer to this question is probably useless. Nevertheless, at a certain point disdain for the system that sustains one implies exclusion, either on the part of the individual or upon the part of the group that sees supporting such an attitude as communally degenerative.
Pros and Contras for both?

Im no economics expert i have no idea, i know in the west they had better consumer goods, so the people in communist countries wanted to escape to the west, because they also wanted mercedes benz large shopping malls, coca cola etc.
Seems contradictory.
Partly yes, but not only because of Consumer Goods but it is a factor.
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Pros and Contras for both?

Im no economics expert i have no idea, i know in the west they had better consumer goods, so the people in communist countries wanted to escape to the west, because they also wanted mercedes benz large shopping malls, coca cola etc.
There is a funny song based on the anthem of the USSR of Pet Shop Boys:


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