COMMUNIST/DEMOCRAT WATCH: New Jersey Prepares To Raise Taxes On 'Almost Everything'...

Couldn't have anything to do with electing Chris Christie. LOL

As I said..stupid liberals.

REPUBLICAN Gov. Snyder, Michigan treasurer warn taxes will rise under Trump tax overhaul

Michigan State Treasurer Nick Khouri agrees with Governor Rick Snyder that the tax overhaul signed by President Trump into law last month will raise taxes for Michiganders

Those are Republicans talking you stupid fuck. Not my words. So now you know that whatever tax break you got from Trump, your state is going to have to raise your taxes to make up for the lost revenue. This will affect you greatly because you are a poor pos. Rich people on the other hand will make out bigly.
When, not if, NJ loses its tax base most of the rest of the Blue Wall will follow. That is, of course, if some other blue state doesn't default first.
Communists/Democrats decimating another US State. Go figure?

New Jersey Prepares To Raise Taxes On "Almost Everything" As It Nears Financial Disaster

Last week we noted that in what was a radical U-turn to what other public pension funds have been doing in recent years - most notably Calpers - the struggling New Jersey public pension system decided that instead of lowering its expected rate of return, it would raise it, from 7% to 7.5%.

The simple reason behind this odd increase in projected returns was an accounting sleight of hand which would allow the state of New Jersey to save some $238 million in pension contributions as a result of the higher discount rate applied to the fund's liabilities. And with a pension funding level of only 37% for the 2015 fiscal year, the worst of any state in the US, New Jersey would gladly take even the most glaring accounting gimmickry that would delay its inevitable death.

Unfortunately, being the not so proud owner of the most distressed and underfunded public pension fund in the US is just the start of New Jersey's monetary woes, and as Bloomberg reports, New Jersey's fiscal situation is so dire that new Governor Phil Murphy has proposed taxing online-room booking, ride-sharing, marijuana, e-cigarettes and Internet transactions...


New Jersey Prepares To Raise Taxes On "Almost Everything" As It Nears Financial Disaster
What we get from eight years of mismanagement from Gov Christie
Communists/Democrats decimating another US State. Go figure?

New Jersey Prepares To Raise Taxes On "Almost Everything" As It Nears Financial Disaster

Last week we noted that in what was a radical U-turn to what other public pension funds have been doing in recent years - most notably Calpers - the struggling New Jersey public pension system decided that instead of lowering its expected rate of return, it would raise it, from 7% to 7.5%.

The simple reason behind this odd increase in projected returns was an accounting sleight of hand which would allow the state of New Jersey to save some $238 million in pension contributions as a result of the higher discount rate applied to the fund's liabilities. And with a pension funding level of only 37% for the 2015 fiscal year, the worst of any state in the US, New Jersey would gladly take even the most glaring accounting gimmickry that would delay its inevitable death.

Unfortunately, being the not so proud owner of the most distressed and underfunded public pension fund in the US is just the start of New Jersey's monetary woes, and as Bloomberg reports, New Jersey's fiscal situation is so dire that new Governor Phil Murphy has proposed taxing online-room booking, ride-sharing, marijuana, e-cigarettes and Internet transactions...


New Jersey Prepares To Raise Taxes On "Almost Everything" As It Nears Financial Disaster
What we get from eight years of mismanagement from Gov Christie

Confused RINO. He's one of you.
Couldn't have anything to do with electing Chris Christie. LOL

As I said..stupid liberals.

Maybe I should stop listening to Trump then because according to this tweet Chris Christie is responsible.

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.

11:01 AM - 8 Nov 2013

And Christie is a stupid liberal.
Couldn't have anything to do with electing Chris Christie. LOL

As I said..stupid liberals.

REPUBLICAN Gov. Snyder, Michigan treasurer warn taxes will rise under Trump tax overhaul

Michigan State Treasurer Nick Khouri agrees with Governor Rick Snyder that the tax overhaul signed by President Trump into law last month will raise taxes for Michiganders

Those are Republicans talking you stupid fuck. Not my words. So now you know that whatever tax break you got from Trump, your state is going to have to raise your taxes to make up for the lost revenue. This will affect you greatly because you are a poor pos. Rich people on the other hand will make out bigly.

No state has to raise taxes. We used Trump to crush the liberals in DC and now each state will have to do the same thing in it's own backyard. Kill the Federal beast then let each state handle taxing its citizens as it must. Much easier to control.
Washington DC was never intended to be some kind of tax clearinghouse for the states. Are you that stupid that you think state taxes are set in DC?
Couldn't have anything to do with electing Chris Christie. LOL

As I said..stupid liberals.

Maybe I should stop listening to Trump then because according to this tweet Chris Christie is responsible.

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.

11:01 AM - 8 Nov 2013

I think your confusion comes from your hyper partisanship. I just realized that when I saw your post on Michigan where you put "REPUBLICAN" as the first word.. Chris Christie is a republican (sorta) and so that means anything he did I am supposed to like? Right?
Dont project.
Who really wants to live in New Jersey at this point? Third World Misery is all they have to look forward to. :(
Couldn't have anything to do with electing Chris Christie. LOL

As I said..stupid liberals.

Maybe I should stop listening to Trump then because according to this tweet Chris Christie is responsible.

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.

11:01 AM - 8 Nov 2013

And Christie is a stupid liberal.

I love it! Anyone who doesn't go along with the program is a RINO or Liberal. Got it. Or, you can call him a globalist"

I'm sorry but Chris Chistie didn't run in the Democratic primaries and none of us wanted him to be president.

I'm so sick of this shit from Republicans calling anyone who doesn't go along with the radical GOP agenda a RINO. The fact is Trump is the least like a Republican out of all the Republicans. He's not acting like a Republican at all. Tariffs? I was saying that shit before Trump was. Illegals are hurting us? Unions have been saying that for years.

So please stop calling bad Republicans Democrats/liberals. They are simple bad Republicans. And most of them fall into that catagory. Don't make me defend Chris Christy because I won't. He's one of yours stupid.
Couldn't have anything to do with electing Chris Christie. LOL

As I said..stupid liberals.

REPUBLICAN Gov. Snyder, Michigan treasurer warn taxes will rise under Trump tax overhaul

Michigan State Treasurer Nick Khouri agrees with Governor Rick Snyder that the tax overhaul signed by President Trump into law last month will raise taxes for Michiganders

Those are Republicans talking you stupid fuck. Not my words. So now you know that whatever tax break you got from Trump, your state is going to have to raise your taxes to make up for the lost revenue. This will affect you greatly because you are a poor pos. Rich people on the other hand will make out bigly.

No state has to raise taxes. We used Trump to crush the liberals in DC and now each state will have to do the same thing in it's own backyard. Kill the Federal beast then let each state handle taxing its citizens as it must. Much easier to control.
Washington DC was never intended to be some kind of tax clearinghouse for the states. Are you that stupid that you think state taxes are set in DC?

I'm just telling you that Trump's tax cut to the rich is going to trickle down and bite you in the ass just as we said it would

I told you that all this tax break was doing was shifting the tax burden onto you. Now you know.
I love it! Anyone who doesn't go along with the program is a RINO or Liberal. Got it. Or, you can call him a globalist"

I'm sorry but Chris Chistie didn't run in the Democratic primaries and none of us wanted him to be president.

I'm so sick of this shit from Republicans calling anyone who doesn't go along with the radical GOP agenda a RINO. The fact is Trump is the least like a Republican out of all the Republicans. He's not acting like a Republican at all. Tariffs? I was saying that shit before Trump was. Illegals are hurting us? Unions have been saying that for years.

So please stop calling bad Republicans Democrats/liberals. They are simple bad Republicans. And most of them fall into that catagory. Don't make me defend Chris Christy because I won't. He's one of yours stupid.

I think you may be slightly retarded. What other explanation is there for a post all over the place like that? Chris Christy isnt mine. As I said you need to stop projecting. He is indeed a liberal globalist and as such is one of yours.
I was once a Republican. An elected official in the party. But the fact is the Republicans were defeated years ago. Annihilated by cuckservatives.
And you are right about Trump...he isnt a very good Republican. Thank God. He had to first defeat the GOP elites before he could move on to the national election and they fought him harder than any Democrat. Many of them are still nevertrumpers. That party still hasnt been properly cleaned out.
You've got no business being sick of anything the Republicans do though since you are a Democrat. Or maybe you do. Democrats claiming to have the best interests of Republicans at heart and giving them advice is a huge part of why the Republicans were subsumed by liberalism.
But in the meantime we have President Trump. Blessed be his name. There is no President but Trump and Sarah Huckabee is his spokesman! You Democrats are defeated and liberal Republicans as well.
Communists/Democrats decimating another US State. Go figure?

New Jersey Prepares To Raise Taxes On "Almost Everything" As It Nears Financial Disaster

Last week we noted that in what was a radical U-turn to what other public pension funds have been doing in recent years - most notably Calpers - the struggling New Jersey public pension system decided that instead of lowering its expected rate of return, it would raise it, from 7% to 7.5%.

The simple reason behind this odd increase in projected returns was an accounting sleight of hand which would allow the state of New Jersey to save some $238 million in pension contributions as a result of the higher discount rate applied to the fund's liabilities. And with a pension funding level of only 37% for the 2015 fiscal year, the worst of any state in the US, New Jersey would gladly take even the most glaring accounting gimmickry that would delay its inevitable death.

Unfortunately, being the not so proud owner of the most distressed and underfunded public pension fund in the US is just the start of New Jersey's monetary woes, and as Bloomberg reports, New Jersey's fiscal situation is so dire that new Governor Phil Murphy has proposed taxing online-room booking, ride-sharing, marijuana, e-cigarettes and Internet transactions...


New Jersey Prepares To Raise Taxes On "Almost Everything" As It Nears Financial Disaster
Christie left NJ a total mess. We now have some financial sanity. There are no free lunches.

“ Communist NJ? “
I’ve lived here all my life and never met a communist... What an asshole!

Oh it’s Drudge. No one takes that site seriously.
When Federal Republicans give the rich huge tax breaks of course the states are going to have to raise state taxes.

Because the federal money dries up. Ask rick Snyder. He admitted the cuts will mean we will all have to pay on a local level.

A long time ago the government decided the rich and corporations would pay a fair share of taxes. You people have been convinced they pay too much. Ok then you pay more then. Happy now?
I love it! Anyone who doesn't go along with the program is a RINO or Liberal. Got it. Or, you can call him a globalist"

I'm sorry but Chris Chistie didn't run in the Democratic primaries and none of us wanted him to be president.

I'm so sick of this shit from Republicans calling anyone who doesn't go along with the radical GOP agenda a RINO. The fact is Trump is the least like a Republican out of all the Republicans. He's not acting like a Republican at all. Tariffs? I was saying that shit before Trump was. Illegals are hurting us? Unions have been saying that for years.

So please stop calling bad Republicans Democrats/liberals. They are simple bad Republicans. And most of them fall into that catagory. Don't make me defend Chris Christy because I won't. He's one of yours stupid.

I think you may be slightly retarded. What other explanation is there for a post all over the place like that? Chris Christy isnt mine. As I said you need to stop projecting. He is indeed a liberal globalist and as such is one of yours.
I was once a Republican. An elected official in the party. But the fact is the Republicans were defeated years ago. Annihilated by cuckservatives.
And you are right about Trump...he isnt a very good Republican. Thank God. He had to first defeat the GOP elites before he could move on to the national election and they fought him harder than any Democrat. Many of them are still nevertrumpers. That party still hasnt been properly cleaned out.
You've got no business being sick of anything the Republicans do though since you are a Democrat. Or maybe you do. Democrats claiming to have the best interests of Republicans at heart and giving them advice is a huge part of why the Republicans were subsumed by liberalism.
But in the meantime we have President Trump. Blessed be his name. There is no President but Trump and Sarah Huckabee is his spokesman! You Democrats are defeated and liberal Republicans as well.
Got to love Huckabee. Tough person.

And I do like that trump is changing the republicans in a few ways but I don’t think trump is sincere. But who cares as long as he calls republicans and democrats out for not representing labor better

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