COMMUNIST/DEMOCRAT WATCH: New Jersey Prepares To Raise Taxes On 'Almost Everything'...

Yea and republicans aren’t afraid of citizens they’re afraid of the nra
God you liberals have OCD.
Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia
NRA, NRA, NRA, NRA.. Do you know, who is the NRA?
Doesn’t matter. Just like you went on and on about Benghazi and Hillary’s emails we want to talk about guns and Russia.

As you saw in yesterday’s special election it’s working! Don’t cry snowflake
Bwaaaaaaahhhhaaaaaaa..... A democrat runs on Republican ideas and you say it is working.....

After PA-18 Squeaker For Conor Lamb Democrats Face A Choice
“Conor Lamb is a lesson to us as a party. Conor Lamb ran as a conservative Democrat, certainly a moderate. He’s a moderate on gun rights, he’s for background checks, but against an assault weapon ban.

Nice spin from the FEDERALIST.

Though his apparent .02 percent win over Republican Rick Saccone is not yet fully secure, the outcome as far as we know it sends some messages to both parties in the lead up to the 2018 midterm election. FIRST NOTICE HOW THEY POINT OUT IT WAS CLOSE? YEA, BUT TRUMP WAS UP 20 POINTS JUST 2 YEARS AGO. WHAT HAPPENED? DOES THE FEDERALIST EXPLAIN? HELL NO. THEY GO ON TO SPOUT NONSENSE

Even though Lamb looks to have won a district that president Trump carried by 20 points in 2016, an ominous sign, there was some reason for GOP hope in the result. NO THERE IS NOT. By yesterday, even after a last ditch rally in the district by the president, most pundits thought Saccone was headed for an embarrassing, multi-point loss. NO THEY DIDN'T. SHOW ME ONE POST FROM ONE REPUBLICAN SAYING THEY THOUGHT HE'D LOSE BY DOUBLE DIGITS.

He was not considered a very good candidate NOT OUR FAULT THIS IS THE BEST YOU HAD and was up against a kind of Democratic golden boy. ARE YOU SCARED OF THIS GOLDEN BOY?

Even when shown proof that the Democrat ran on Republican principles, you just shove that empty skull farther up Uranus.. Will the rest of you radical, dangerous, lunatic liberals move farther to the middle or continue to be Commies that you have shown US day in and day out?

View attachment 182757

That's because you guys are such spinsters you can make shit up so I don't even take you seriously. When every Republican except Trump is now a RINO or Globalist, and now this Democrat is now a conservative, you guys can believe whatever you want.

I do agree the Democrats have had to tweek their message though. They stopped being the party for labor and Trump hijacked that position. We need to get that back in fact we have because it turns out Union workers in PA are why that Republican lost yesterday. Believe that!
For years old people on a budget moved to Florida to save money. Bye bye old broke guy

Then why is Florida not staggering under the kind of fiscal crisis like Illinois, New York, New Jersey and California? And without a state income tax.

This disdain for "old broke guys" is what fuels support for Trump.

No, this is why Florida is going to be blue in 2018 and 2020

Many seniors are scared right now that the Republican tax plan, if passed, will eliminate an important deduction that helps them defray the high cost of medical care.

Under current tax law, if you itemize, you can deduct medical expenses for yourself, your spouse and your dependents if the cost exceeds 10 percent of your adjusted gross income.

The proposed bill would do away with this deduction.

Also the gun issue.
God you liberals have OCD.
Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia
NRA, NRA, NRA, NRA.. Do you know, who is the NRA?
Doesn’t matter. Just like you went on and on about Benghazi and Hillary’s emails we want to talk about guns and Russia.

As you saw in yesterday’s special election it’s working! Don’t cry snowflake
Bwaaaaaaahhhhaaaaaaa..... A democrat runs on Republican ideas and you say it is working.....

After PA-18 Squeaker For Conor Lamb Democrats Face A Choice
“Conor Lamb is a lesson to us as a party. Conor Lamb ran as a conservative Democrat, certainly a moderate. He’s a moderate on gun rights, he’s for background checks, but against an assault weapon ban.

Nice spin from the FEDERALIST.

Though his apparent .02 percent win over Republican Rick Saccone is not yet fully secure, the outcome as far as we know it sends some messages to both parties in the lead up to the 2018 midterm election. FIRST NOTICE HOW THEY POINT OUT IT WAS CLOSE? YEA, BUT TRUMP WAS UP 20 POINTS JUST 2 YEARS AGO. WHAT HAPPENED? DOES THE FEDERALIST EXPLAIN? HELL NO. THEY GO ON TO SPOUT NONSENSE

Even though Lamb looks to have won a district that president Trump carried by 20 points in 2016, an ominous sign, there was some reason for GOP hope in the result. NO THERE IS NOT. By yesterday, even after a last ditch rally in the district by the president, most pundits thought Saccone was headed for an embarrassing, multi-point loss. NO THEY DIDN'T. SHOW ME ONE POST FROM ONE REPUBLICAN SAYING THEY THOUGHT HE'D LOSE BY DOUBLE DIGITS.

He was not considered a very good candidate NOT OUR FAULT THIS IS THE BEST YOU HAD and was up against a kind of Democratic golden boy. ARE YOU SCARED OF THIS GOLDEN BOY?

Even when shown proof that the Democrat ran on Republican principles, you just shove that empty skull farther up Uranus.. Will the rest of you radical, dangerous, lunatic liberals move farther to the middle or continue to be Commies that you have shown US day in and day out?

View attachment 182757

That's because you guys are such spinsters you can make shit up so I don't even take you seriously. When every Republican except Trump is now a RINO or Globalist, and now this Democrat is now a conservative, you guys can believe whatever you want.

I do agree the Democrats have had to tweek their message though. They stopped being the party for labor and Trump hijacked that position. We need to get that back in fact we have because it turns out Union workers in PA are why that Republican lost yesterday. Believe that!
That's because you guys are such spinsters you can make shit up
Like being 1/32 Cherokee? Or an all white women saying she is black? Or a man with boobs is now a woman? Bwaaaahhhhaaaahhhaaaaaa......Sealydodo, you make me laugh....
For years old people on a budget moved to Florida to save money. Bye bye old broke guy

Then why is Florida not staggering under the kind of fiscal crisis like Illinois, New York, New Jersey and California? And without a state income tax.

This disdain for "old broke guys" is what fuels support for Trump.

No, this is why Florida is going to be blue in 2018 and 2020

Many seniors are scared right now that the Republican tax plan, if passed, will eliminate an important deduction that helps them defray the high cost of medical care.

Under current tax law, if you itemize, you can deduct medical expenses for yourself, your spouse and your dependents if the cost exceeds 10 percent of your adjusted gross income.

The proposed bill would do away with this deduction.

Also the gun issue.
Sorry but my family and I are moving to Florida, taking our votes from shithole Virginia and going to keep Fla, republican. That IS my extended family....
Oh, and let's see the Republicans spending cuts and if they add up to tax cuts for you and me. THey won't know why? Because welfare is only a penny for you and I every month so you won't notice when they cut those programs. Also Republicans will spend double on the military. So in the end you'll see Republicans spent more. So they should have never given the tax cut. Now you have to pay.

So your solution is give them more money? Brilliant!
. Also Republicans will spend double on the military.
Just a reminder to the sealydodo.

War on poverty cost
The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion
If we stopped paying welfare to the people who don't want to work, then we can take that trillion dollars and pay down the debt and in 21 years no longer have a deficit. Also with those now working(not sitting on their asses) the taxes taken in also would increase the revenues. Problem is working people don't vote Democrat, which is why you wont see the Democraps taking welfare away from their voters...

Analysis | It’s time to bust the myth: Most Trump voters were not working class.

During the primaries, Trump supporters were mostly affluent people.

Trump voters weren’t majority working class in the general election, either.

What about the general election? A few weeks ago, the American National Election Study — the longest-running election survey in the United States — released its 2016 survey data. And it showed that in November 2016, the Trump coalition looked a lot like it did during the primaries.

In the general election, like the primary, about two thirds of Trump supporters came from the better-off half of the economy.

For years old people on a budget moved to Florida to save money. Bye bye old broke guy

Then why is Florida not staggering under the kind of fiscal crisis like Illinois, New York, New Jersey and California? And without a state income tax.

This disdain for "old broke guys" is what fuels support for Trump.

No, this is why Florida is going to be blue in 2018 and 2020

Many seniors are scared right now that the Republican tax plan, if passed, will eliminate an important deduction that helps them defray the high cost of medical care.

Under current tax law, if you itemize, you can deduct medical expenses for yourself, your spouse and your dependents if the cost exceeds 10 percent of your adjusted gross income.

The proposed bill would do away with this deduction.

Also the gun issue.
Sorry but my family and I are moving to Florida, taking our votes from shithole Virginia and going to keep Fla, republican. That IS my extended family....

Good you will drown with global warming

I love Florida. I may move there too after I make my fortune in Michigan.
For years old people on a budget moved to Florida to save money. Bye bye old broke guy

Then why is Florida not staggering under the kind of fiscal crisis like Illinois, New York, New Jersey and California? And without a state income tax.

This disdain for "old broke guys" is what fuels support for Trump.

No, this is why Florida is going to be blue in 2018 and 2020

Many seniors are scared right now that the Republican tax plan, if passed, will eliminate an important deduction that helps them defray the high cost of medical care.

Under current tax law, if you itemize, you can deduct medical expenses for yourself, your spouse and your dependents if the cost exceeds 10 percent of your adjusted gross income.

The proposed bill would do away with this deduction.

Also the gun issue.
Sorry but my family and I are moving to Florida, taking our votes from shithole Virginia and going to keep Fla, republican. That IS my extended family....

Good you will drown with global warming

I love Florida. I may move there too after I make my fortune in Michigan.

Bwaaaaahhhhaaaaaaa...Welfare isn't going to make you rich....

Bad news for Florida.

New Jersey people are some of the worst turds in the country. People from Pennsylvania just hate them.

They will start leaving New Jersey (Shitholia) and moving to Florida---but they won't learn anything from having ruined New Jersey.

They'll ruin Florida next. Democrats destroy everything they touch. But it's not due to corruption and incompetence solely. It's by design. The Democrats need more folks poor & angry and fully dependent on Government.

The Party thrives on misery. And misery is all they'll bring to any community they control. It's so sad so few Americans have figured that out. So many continue to vote against their own interests. They're lost Useful Idiots.

Florida sucks, there's really nothing to ruin.

Florida's ugly, lacks good schools, lacks police, lacks good hospitals, lacks parks, lacks beaches, lacks parking, has a high crime rate etc. etc.

Having New York relatives gone down there, we're not impressed.

You get what you pay for, and Florida's truly "Cheap" both in terms of what you give, and what you get.

Florida lacks beaches? Are you insane? It's a peninsula jutting out into the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic ocean.
For years old people on a budget moved to Florida to save money. Bye bye old broke guy

Then why is Florida not staggering under the kind of fiscal crisis like Illinois, New York, New Jersey and California? And without a state income tax.

This disdain for "old broke guys" is what fuels support for Trump.

No, this is why Florida is going to be blue in 2018 and 2020

Many seniors are scared right now that the Republican tax plan, if passed, will eliminate an important deduction that helps them defray the high cost of medical care.

Under current tax law, if you itemize, you can deduct medical expenses for yourself, your spouse and your dependents if the cost exceeds 10 percent of your adjusted gross income.

The proposed bill would do away with this deduction.

Also the gun issue.
Sorry but my family and I are moving to Florida, taking our votes from shithole Virginia and going to keep Fla, republican. That IS my extended family....

Good you will drown with global warming

I love Florida. I may move there too after I make my fortune in Michigan.

Bwaaaaahhhhaaaaaaa...Welfare isn't going to make you rich....


Of course an ignorant hick from Virginia would think that about METRO Detroit. Sorry pal but there is lots of money in Michigan.

You don't even know what you are talking about

War on poverty cost
The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion
If we stopped paying welfare to the people who don't want to work, then we can take that trillion dollars and pay down the debt and in 21 years no longer have a deficit. Also with those now working(not sitting on their asses) the taxes taken in also would increase the revenues. Problem is working people don't vote Democrat, which is why you wont see the Democraps taking welfare away from their voters...

It is a hell of a war where after decades and trillions the people prosecuting it still yell "crisis we need more money!".

It is also a very odd situation where millions of people sit out of the workforce and draw handouts while Democrats fight desperately to bring in millions of workers over the border.

Odd...or evil.
I'm just telling you that Trump's tax cut to the rich is going to trickle down and bite you in the ass just as we said it would

I told you that all this tax break was doing was shifting the tax burden onto you. Now you know.

Those lies dont work anymore. Now that the locals have to make decisions, which is squarely where the founders intended decisions to be made, there wont be such room for blaming or praising the great white fathers in DC.
So if a tax burden shifts to me I will demand spending cuts. Funny how I dont see that as an option offered. It isnt an option you suggest. The *only* choice you see is seizing more money. Why is that?
As if we havent been raising taxes for 75 years and spending more and more and more.

My truth which is called REALITY is starting to set in for people so yet it will work. The reality is Republicans suck unless you are rich or a racist.

Oh, and let's see the Republicans spending cuts and if they add up to tax cuts for you and me. THey won't know why? Because welfare is only a penny for you and I every month so you won't notice when they cut those programs. Also Republicans will spend double on the military. So in the end you'll see Republicans spent more. So they should have never given the tax cut. Now you have to pay.
The reality is Republicans suck unless you are rich or a racist.
oh, oh, the liberal playbook just got used.

View attachment 182758

Have you read Vox Day?
No I haven't read that

Get it and read it. He speaks about the marxist appeal to emotion over reason, the identity politics of turning man against woman etc but most importantly he explains the difference between dialectic arguments and rhetoric.
Milo Yiannopoulos was an expert at it but he has been banned from social media. Vox Day himself was ejected from Twitter and demonetized on youtube in the February purge of conservatives.
You think this is new? Vox quotes Socrates to show that tyrants have always used emotion, appeals to pity, identity politics and subversion of culture against free peoples.

War on poverty cost
The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion
If we stopped paying welfare to the people who don't want to work, then we can take that trillion dollars and pay down the debt and in 21 years no longer have a deficit. Also with those now working(not sitting on their asses) the taxes taken in also would increase the revenues. Problem is working people don't vote Democrat, which is why you wont see the Democraps taking welfare away from their voters...

It is a hell of a war where after decades and trillions the people prosecuting it still yell "crisis we need more money!".

It is also a very odd situation where millions of people sit out of the workforce and draw handouts while Democrats fight desperately to bring in millions of workers over the border.

Odd...or evil.[/QUOTE]
Or put that welfare $ into social security
Doesn’t matter. Just like you went on and on about Benghazi and Hillary’s emails we want to talk about guns and Russia.

As you saw in yesterday’s special election it’s working! Don’t cry snowflake
Bwaaaaaaahhhhaaaaaaa..... A democrat runs on Republican ideas and you say it is working.....

After PA-18 Squeaker For Conor Lamb Democrats Face A Choice
“Conor Lamb is a lesson to us as a party. Conor Lamb ran as a conservative Democrat, certainly a moderate. He’s a moderate on gun rights, he’s for background checks, but against an assault weapon ban.

Nice spin from the FEDERALIST.

Though his apparent .02 percent win over Republican Rick Saccone is not yet fully secure, the outcome as far as we know it sends some messages to both parties in the lead up to the 2018 midterm election. FIRST NOTICE HOW THEY POINT OUT IT WAS CLOSE? YEA, BUT TRUMP WAS UP 20 POINTS JUST 2 YEARS AGO. WHAT HAPPENED? DOES THE FEDERALIST EXPLAIN? HELL NO. THEY GO ON TO SPOUT NONSENSE

Even though Lamb looks to have won a district that president Trump carried by 20 points in 2016, an ominous sign, there was some reason for GOP hope in the result. NO THERE IS NOT. By yesterday, even after a last ditch rally in the district by the president, most pundits thought Saccone was headed for an embarrassing, multi-point loss. NO THEY DIDN'T. SHOW ME ONE POST FROM ONE REPUBLICAN SAYING THEY THOUGHT HE'D LOSE BY DOUBLE DIGITS.

He was not considered a very good candidate NOT OUR FAULT THIS IS THE BEST YOU HAD and was up against a kind of Democratic golden boy. ARE YOU SCARED OF THIS GOLDEN BOY?

Even when shown proof that the Democrat ran on Republican principles, you just shove that empty skull farther up Uranus.. Will the rest of you radical, dangerous, lunatic liberals move farther to the middle or continue to be Commies that you have shown US day in and day out?

View attachment 182757

That's because you guys are such spinsters you can make shit up so I don't even take you seriously. When every Republican except Trump is now a RINO or Globalist, and now this Democrat is now a conservative, you guys can believe whatever you want.

I do agree the Democrats have had to tweek their message though. They stopped being the party for labor and Trump hijacked that position. We need to get that back in fact we have because it turns out Union workers in PA are why that Republican lost yesterday. Believe that!
That's because you guys are such spinsters you can make shit up
Like being 1/32 Cherokee? Or an all white women saying she is black? Or a man with boobs is now a woman? Bwaaaahhhhaaaahhhaaaaaa......Sealydodo, you make me laugh....
Man with boobs??
Bad news for Florida.

New Jersey people are some of the worst turds in the country. People from Pennsylvania just hate them.

They will start leaving New Jersey (Shitholia) and moving to Florida---but they won't learn anything from having ruined New Jersey.

They'll ruin Florida next. Democrats destroy everything they touch. But it's not due to corruption and incompetence solely. It's by design. The Democrats need more folks poor & angry and fully dependent on Government.

The Party thrives on misery. And misery is all they'll bring to any community they control. It's so sad so few Americans have figured that out. So many continue to vote against their own interests. They're lost Useful Idiots.

Florida sucks, there's really nothing to ruin.

Florida's ugly, lacks good schools, lacks police, lacks good hospitals, lacks parks, lacks beaches, lacks parking, has a high crime rate etc. etc.

Having New York relatives gone down there, we're not impressed.

You get what you pay for, and Florida's truly "Cheap" both in terms of what you give, and what you get.

Florida is being invaded by Communist/Democrat Useful Idiots. So yeah, it could soon become Third World Misery. The Democrats destroy everything they touch. It's so sad so many Americans continue to vote against their own interests. It's truly crazy to vote Democrat at this point.

Well, the Florida bridge collapse is just another reminder of how poor taxes leads to poor results.

Not that I support uber-high taxes, just enough to get things done.
Florida's ugly, lacks good schools, lacks police, lacks good hospitals, lacks parks, lacks beaches, lacks parking, has a high crime rate etc. etc.

LOL. What the hell?

The beaches in the North-East tend to have a lot more preserved land for them, as opposed to Florida where there's mostly private hodge podges along the shores.
Communists/Democrats decimating another US State. Go figure?

New Jersey Prepares To Raise Taxes On "Almost Everything" As It Nears Financial Disaster

Last week we noted that in what was a radical U-turn to what other public pension funds have been doing in recent years - most notably Calpers - the struggling New Jersey public pension system decided that instead of lowering its expected rate of return, it would raise it, from 7% to 7.5%.

The simple reason behind this odd increase in projected returns was an accounting sleight of hand which would allow the state of New Jersey to save some $238 million in pension contributions as a result of the higher discount rate applied to the fund's liabilities. And with a pension funding level of only 37% for the 2015 fiscal year, the worst of any state in the US, New Jersey would gladly take even the most glaring accounting gimmickry that would delay its inevitable death.

Unfortunately, being the not so proud owner of the most distressed and underfunded public pension fund in the US is just the start of New Jersey's monetary woes, and as Bloomberg reports, New Jersey's fiscal situation is so dire that new Governor Phil Murphy has proposed taxing online-room booking, ride-sharing, marijuana, e-cigarettes and Internet transactions...


New Jersey Prepares To Raise Taxes On "Almost Everything" As It Nears Financial Disaster
Christie left NJ a total mess. We now have some financial sanity. There are no free lunches.

“ Communist NJ? “
I’ve lived here all my life and never met a communist... What an asshole!

Oh it’s Drudge. No one takes that site seriously.

Yeah, but you're a Useful Idiot. You're supporting a Communist Agenda. You are a Communist.
Bad news for Florida.

New Jersey people are some of the worst turds in the country. People from Pennsylvania just hate them.

They will start leaving New Jersey (Shitholia) and moving to Florida---but they won't learn anything from having ruined New Jersey.
sounds like a bulk of california coming to texas.

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