Comp. Immig. Reform is a lie.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Comprehensive Immigration Reform is a lie perpetrated on the American people like the 1986 amnesty that was a failure but only bigger and more expensive.

---Comp. Immig. Reform will do nothing to fix our broken immigration system which in reality is our broken government.
---It will do nothing to fix illegal immigration but will encourage more illegal immigration.
---It will do nothing to secure our borders and protect the country from drug and human smuggling and crimes associated.
---It will do nothing to bring criminal illegal aliens out of the shadows.
---It will do nothing for our economy because legal or illegal they are low wage earners and pay very little in taxes if any and will not contribute to the economy.
---It will mean more cheap labor for business that make large contributions to politicians campaigns that will sell the country to help their agenda.
---We cannot deport children of illegal aliens that were brought here when they were children and this is the only country they know? Mexico is not a strange country for them. They speak the language and their parents have kept the culture alive and have not assimilated so going back to Mexico is not a strange unknow land that Obama would like for you to think. It is like going home. It is no different from the children they crossed the border with or came over on visa and stayed in a country they could not speak the language or know the culture and it was and still is a culture shock for many children and they join gangs to feel at home. They are torn between here and the culture they parents still live in. it is like they are living two lives. American and Mexican. So going back home with their parents will unite them in one culture and one language.

Obama spew this propaganda because he thinks the American people are stupid and to gain the support of Hispanics.

Illegal aliens are not all honest hard working people who only want a better life for their families. If they were, they would stay in Mexico and fight to make a better life for all of Mexico instead of cowardly running away. Mexico’s unemployment rate is at a record high of 4.5%. We are at 9.2%. So the wages are low but so is the cost of living. Hundreds of American companies have move jobs to Mexico. We have given Mexico billions in aid. Illegal aliens send billions in remittance back to Mexico each year making it the largest contribution to Mexico’s economy. So why do they beat down fences to get here? Federal and state freebies and the benefits their anchor babies get for the family.

Comp. Immig. Reform is a biggest lie perpetrated on the American people since the 1986 amnesty.

Dream Act is another lie . We have thousands of homeless and hungry children and children that cannot afford to go to college and we are making it easier for children of illegal aliens to go to school and harder for our own?
Deportations do not sparate families either. Parents leave their chidlren behind in hope they will become an anchor for their deportation status changed. MIllion left after the economy went bad and they took their anchor babies with them.

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