Comp. Immig. Reform will bankrupt this coutnry.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009

The cost of implementing Comp. Immig. Reform and the effect on the economy, the budget and the American people will be devastating and we will never recover before another Comp. Immig. Reform program. We don’t have to money to detain and deport but where is the money for Comp. Immig. Reform? There is none. But Obama will charge it to China and the American tax payers. Illegal aliens don’t pay taxes and Comp. Immig. Refrom will not change that because they will still be low wage earners that will still pay very little in taxes or none.
they already pay taxes and now they will pay income tax too.

You have no idea of which you speak
That's the whole point! Did you just wake from a long sleep??

Democrats want to turn the whole country into Detroit
they already pay taxes and now they will pay income tax too.

You have no idea of which you speak

what part of low wage earners pay very little in taxex or none and don't pay income taxes because of tax refunds and child tax breaks. they pay none and stil get refunds. tax credits for chidren that are in Mexico. :eusa_hand:

Q: Does the IRS pay billions in tax refunds to workers who are in the U.S. illegally?

A: Yes. The Treasury Department’s Inspector General determined that $4.2 billion was paid in 2010, up from less than $1 billion in 2005. Leading Democrats are resisting a bill that would stop future payments.
The title of the report summed up the IG’s finding: “Individuals Who Are Not Authorized to Work in the United States Were Paid $4.2 Billion in Refundable Credits.”

The credits currently amount to $1,000 per child, and they are “refundable,” meaning that parents may receive refunds even when they do not owe any tax.

The IG report stated that more than 2.3 million persons who did not have Social Security numbers valid for working in the U.S. got an average of roughly $1,800 each in 2010 in child tax credit refunds. That included 9,000 illegal immigrants who each got a total of $10,000 or more by retroactively claiming credits for tax years prior to 2010. : Tax Credits for Illegal Immigrants
The High Cost of Cheap Labor: Illegal Immigration and the Federal Budget

This study is one of the first to estimate the total impact of illegal immigration on the federal budget. Most previous studies have focused on the state and local level and have examined only costs or tax payments, but not both. Based on Census Bureau data, this study finds that, when all taxes paid (direct and indirect) and all costs are considered, illegal households created a net fiscal deficit at the federal level of more than $10 billion in 2002. We also estimate that, if there was an amnesty for illegal aliens, the net fiscal deficit would grow to nearly $29 billion.

Among the findings:

Households headed by illegal aliens imposed more than $26.3 billion in costs on the federal government in 2002 and paid only $16 billion in taxes, creating a net fiscal deficit of almost $10.4 billion, or $2,700 per illegal household.

With nearly two-thirds of illegal aliens lacking a high school degree, the primary reason they create a fiscal deficit is their low education levels and resulting low incomes and tax payments, not their legal status or heavy use of most social services.

The High Cost of Cheap Labor: Illegal Immigration and the Federal Budget | Center for Immigration Studies
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when you buy shit in this country you pay taxes you fool

How much taxes do you pay on a loaf of bread? and your children eat the bread in their free lunches? No way illegal aliens can break even in taxes paid and benefits collected, fool.
When you buy the bull shit amnesty advocates sell you, you pay for it too.
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I live in a part of the country that is 60 % latino.

You have no idea what real latinos are like.

They are the most family oriented people on the planet and work REALLY hard.

Your just a racist who doesnt like brown
I live in a part of the country that is 60 % latino.

You have no idea what real latinos are like.

They are the most family oriented people on the planet and work REALLY hard.

Your just a racist who doesnt like brown

I am brown and most of my family is brown, I am not color blind. What is the color of money?
what the fuck does that have to do with liabilities vs asset of illegal aliens to the economy. Good reputation never paid any bills. Have lots of kids,. get lots of tax credits. Work hard for less lowering wages? :cuckoo:
33% Hispanic in Reno and a healthcare, education, housing, legal and employment disaster.Thought I was finally safe from Latino gang activity and woke up to gang graffiti on the garbage bin. Too fucking close for my safety. Illegal aliens has been nightmare for Reno. Most of the 400,000 illegal aliens deported last year were criminals. What does that tell us about law abiding family oriented, hard working Latinos?

Of the convicted criminals deported last year, 1,119 were convicted of homicide, 5,848 of sexual offenses, 44,653 of drug-related offenses and 35,927 of driving under the influence, according to the Homeland Security figures.
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I live in a part of the country that is 60 % latino.

You have no idea what real latinos are like.

They are the most family oriented people on the planet and work REALLY hard.

Your just a racist who doesnt like brown

Do you know what a real american look like? i am a real american.
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Of those 200,000 released from detention, how many had criminal records back in mexico that we cannot detect? All illegal aliens are criminals.

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