Companies crapping out on Paula!

Don't forget the deposition also includes a host of bizarre statements by her involving porn, racial slurs, and a pre civil war wedding.

It does. And I have read every word of it. It is preposterous the number of things she has alleged. But if someone wants to have a pre Civil War wedding, maybe they should leave out the Savannah crowd and invite these folk:

[ame=]Confederates in Brazil - YouTube[/ame]

Those are descendants of Confederates who left the country rather than stay after the war of northern aggression. They never pledged allegiance to the union jack! And are proud of it.
Paula Deen Smithfield Endorsement Deal Over: Company Drops Deen In Wake Of Racist Remarks

Dear Smithfield Hams,

This is America where people are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. Clearly you do not believe in American ideals. Therefore, I will not help you and your employees partake of the American dream. I will NEVER buy another Smithfield ham.

Yours Truly,

A Former Customer

Not sure what your point is here.

Paula Deen admitted her guilt. She admitted she used racial slurs.

Smithfield Hams is perfectly in their rights not to want their product associated with her.

You are perfectly in your right to not buy their products.

Everyone wins, I guess, although it's kind of a silly thing to go fight over.

Then why are you libtards making a big deal over something that happened 30 years ago? you lying sack of shit
Yes, there is that thing called "Context".

I have another word for it: Bullshit

No, it has a lot more to do with the circumstances.

For instance, on The Wall, there's a song on Side 4 where the protoganist of the album thinks he's a fascist dictator and goes on a homophobic, anti-Semitic and racist rant. Yet in the context of the album it makes sense and no one sane would claim Roger Waters is a racist.

Paula Dean, on the other hand, has said quite a lot of stupid stuff.

Now, I have no dog in this fight. Frankly, I wouldn't put her kind of fatty food in my body on a bet. I even think some of these companies are over-reacting.

You got a dog in this fight all right; your pegging/butt buddy.
I understand bobby deen is already developing a new show on "cooking channel", called- "not my mama's racism!"
Children aren't grounded forever when they misbehave unless they continue to misbehave. Does Paula continue to act like a racist? No.

God bless you and her always!!! :) :) :)

Don't forget the deposition also includes a host of bizarre statements by her involving porn, racial slurs, and a pre civil war wedding.

It does. And I have read every word of it. It is preposterous the number of things she has alleged. But if someone wants to have a pre Civil War wedding, maybe they should leave out the Savannah crowd and invite these folk:

[ame=]Confederates in Brazil - YouTube[/ame]

Those are descendants of Confederates who left the country rather than stay after the war of northern aggression. They never pledged allegiance to the union jack! And are proud of it.

That post is very revealing. Tells me a lot.

Fun fact: Brazil was the last country in the Americas to illegalize slavery (1888). But the speaker in the video is correct; race relations are quite different there -- nothing like the divisions we have here. The Portuguese 'settlers' came in waves of males rather than families, so taking natives (and beginning in the mid-15th century, African slaves) was widespread and common; as a result there are infinite gradations of color among the populace.
Paula Deen Smithfield Endorsement Deal Over: Company Drops Deen In Wake Of Racist Remarks

Dear Smithfield Hams,

This is America where people are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. Clearly you do not believe in American ideals. Therefore, I will not help you and your employees partake of the American dream. I will NEVER buy another Smithfield ham.

Yours Truly,

A Former Customer

Not sure what your point is here.

Paula Deen admitted her guilt. She admitted she used racial slurs.

Smithfield Hams is perfectly in their rights not to want their product associated with her.

You are perfectly in your right to not buy their products.

Everyone wins, I guess, although it's kind of a silly thing to go fight over.

Then why are you libtards making a big deal over something that happened 30 years ago? you lying sack of shit

What in the wide world of blue fuck are you babbling about now?? "30 years ago"? This complaint lists incidents from 2005 to 2010. Need a calculator?

Not sure what your point is here.

Paula Deen admitted her guilt. She admitted she used racial slurs.

Smithfield Hams is perfectly in their rights not to want their product associated with her.

You are perfectly in your right to not buy their products.

Everyone wins, I guess, although it's kind of a silly thing to go fight over.

Then why are you libtards making a big deal over something that happened 30 years ago? you lying sack of shit

Well, I'm not making a big deal over it.

The people making a big deal are big corporations that were happy to use her to promote their products (Smithfeild, JC Penny, Home Depot, Food Network), but decided to drop her once she became controversial.

Now since you guys are usually all for a corporation, oh, let's say, firing Joe B because he ran up medical bills after paying into insurance for six years, because gosh darn, Capitalism and Corporatism are wonderful things, I'm just not seeing what your fucking problem here is.

These corporations want to still be able to sell their products. You don't sell your products with the fat old Klan babe as spokesperson.

Or do you think these corporations should be obliged to lose money?
Paula Deen Smithfield Endorsement Deal Over: Company Drops Deen In Wake Of Racist Remarks

Dear Smithfield Hams,

This is America where people are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. Clearly you do not believe in American ideals. Therefore, I will not help you and your employees partake of the American dream. I will NEVER buy another Smithfield ham.

Yours Truly,

A Former Customer

Being able to fire an employee due to advertising and public image doesn't represent current American ideals? You as a conservative believe this?
A companies right to fire someone isn't okay with you?

You clearly know nothing about contract law. But that is no surprise. Hell, you can't even write a cogent sentence in English! "A companies (sic) right....?" Seriously?

Go get your high school diploma. Then I will consider discussing something with you. Until then, you are nothing to me but a troll.

what a bunch of crap....why arent you dead yet? you been dying for how long now?

you are nothing but a lying ass me
this guy was a recruiter for the KKK and defended the Klan in his 1958 U.S. Senate campaign and went on to serve in the Senate. who held this against him???

Paula Deen Smithfield Endorsement Deal Over: Company Drops Deen In Wake Of Racist Remarks

Dear Smithfield Hams,

This is America where people are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. Clearly you do not believe in American ideals. Therefore, I will not help you and your employees partake of the American dream. I will NEVER buy another Smithfield ham.

Yours Truly,

A Former Customer

Have you sent a similar letter to Wal-Mart now that they too crapped on PD?
Don't forget the deposition also includes a host of bizarre statements by her involving porn, racial slurs, and a pre civil war wedding.

It does. And I have read every word of it. It is preposterous the number of things she has alleged. But if someone wants to have a pre Civil War wedding, maybe they should leave out the Savannah crowd and invite these folk:

[ame=]Confederates in Brazil - YouTube[/ame]

Those are descendants of Confederates who left the country rather than stay after the war of northern aggression. They never pledged allegiance to the union jack! And are proud of it.

That post is very revealing. Tells me a lot.

Fun fact: Brazil was the last country in the Americas to illegalize slavery (1888). But the speaker in the video is correct; race relations are quite different there -- nothing like the divisions we have here. The Portuguese 'settlers' came in waves of males rather than families, so taking natives (and beginning in the mid-15th century, African slaves) was widespread and common; as a result there are infinite gradations of color among the populace.

Of course it tells you a lot. One of those things being that I know one helluva lot more about the world than you do, dumbass.
The fact that Deen mocked Michelle might have contributed to this whole thing.

Seems like a coincidence.

I don't really care about Deen I stopped watching her years ago but if she was purposely targeted because she joked about the first lady, that's what worries me.

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