Companies crapping out on Paula!

its funny how folks want to give her the "innocent until proven guilty" treatment and yet those same folks think oj is a murderer even though he was found not guilty in a court of law.

how did that young man's blood make it into oj's car and into his bedroom? Doyathink?

innocent until proven guilty.

he wasn't proven innocent, that jury could have watched him do the crime and still proclaimed him innocent it was payback for the dude who caused the LA riots. I'm glad his sorry ass is in prison.
how did that young man's blood make it into oj's car and into his bedroom? Doyathink?

innocent until proven guilty.

he wasn't proven innocent, that jury could have watched him do the crime and still proclaimed him innocent it was payback for the dude who caused the LA riots. I'm glad his sorry ass is in prison.

Willow's right. Matter of fact they shouldn't just throw away the key - they should melt it down, hone it to a sharp point, hand it to him in his cell, tell him to "do the right thing" and leave the room. Just to give him a chance to reclaim a shred of honor.
innocent until proven guilty.

he wasn't proven innocent, that jury could have watched him do the crime and still proclaimed him innocent it was payback for the dude who caused the LA riots. I'm glad his sorry ass is in prison.

Willow's right. Matter of fact they shouldn't just throw away the key - they should melt it down, hone it to a sharp point, hand it to him in his cell, tell him to "do the right thing" and leave the room. Just to give him a chance to reclaim a shred of honor.

Damn, we need a Reconciliation Commission South Africa style. This country is so divided, it makes me sick.

Maybe we should posthumously impeach Byrd, Thurman and LBJ.

Got no use for old Paula Deen, but, all she did was tell the truth.

It has gotten beyound pathetic in my opinion.

Oh, and good to see you bro!

South Africa is a good example of the kind of outcomes the RATS give us. Mandela's ambulance broke down on the way to the hospital...Their neighbor Bob has turned a fruitful Rhodesia, once the bread basket of southern Africa, into an impoverished outlaw state called Zimbabwe that has to import foodstuffs. The blacks came in the night with machetes, gave white landowners an hour to get out (leave the truck that's ours along with your farm) and then tore down the barns for firewood while the fields went unplanted.
Paula Deen Smithfield Endorsement Deal Over: Company Drops Deen In Wake Of Racist Remarks

Dear Smithfield Hams,

This is America where people are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. Clearly you do not believe in American ideals. Therefore, I will not help you and your employees partake of the American dream. I will NEVER buy another Smithfield ham.

Yours Truly,

A Former Customer

Dear Sunshine,

This is America where among other rights, we enjoy the freedom of association. Clearly you do not believe in this freedom. Therefore you should pack up your shit and move somewhere else where freedom and liberty are not valued. The next time you make a valid argument will be the first.

Yours Truly,

how did that young man's blood make it into oj's car and into his bedroom? Doyathink?

innocent until proven guilty.

he wasn't proven innocent, that jury could have watched him do the crime and still proclaimed him innocent it was payback for the dude who caused the LA riots. I'm glad his sorry ass is in prison.

Nobody is proclaimed "innocent" in our system of law. They are proclaimed "not guilty."

And once a jury of your peers finds you not guilty, you are not guilty in the eyes of the law. That's how it works. Like it or not.
Smithfield has been bought by the Chinese.
Smithfield Foods bought by Chinese meat producer - May. 29, 2013
She is better off without them.
Smithfield Foods also feed our troops. This is bad news, Very bad news.
China is buying up everything here thanks to Obama.
They are buying our coal mines, our movie theaters, our houses.
We are going to be owned by China and nobody is saying a thing about it.

You might want to double check....I think we own more in China than they own in the U.S.
It does. And I have read every word of it. It is preposterous the number of things she has alleged. But if someone wants to have a pre Civil War wedding, maybe they should leave out the Savannah crowd and invite these folk:

Confederates in Brazil - YouTube

Those are descendants of Confederates who left the country rather than stay after the war of northern aggression. They never pledged allegiance to the union jack! And are proud of it.

That post is very revealing. Tells me a lot.

Fun fact: Brazil was the last country in the Americas to illegalize slavery (1888). But the speaker in the video is correct; race relations are quite different there -- nothing like the divisions we have here. The Portuguese 'settlers' came in waves of males rather than families, so taking natives (and beginning in the mid-15th century, African slaves) was widespread and common; as a result there are infinite gradations of color among the populace.

Of course it tells you a lot. One of those things being that I know one helluva lot more about the world than you do, dumbass.

:rofl: Suuuuuure you do. And it shows. :rofl:
The fact that Deen mocked Michelle might have contributed to this whole thing.

Seems like a coincidence.

I don't really care about Deen I stopped watching her years ago but if she was purposely targeted because she joked about the first lady, that's what worries me.

I thought they were friends.
That post is very revealing. Tells me a lot.

Fun fact: Brazil was the last country in the Americas to illegalize slavery (1888). But the speaker in the video is correct; race relations are quite different there -- nothing like the divisions we have here. The Portuguese 'settlers' came in waves of males rather than families, so taking natives (and beginning in the mid-15th century, African slaves) was widespread and common; as a result there are infinite gradations of color among the populace.

Of course it tells you a lot. One of those things being that I know one helluva lot more about the world than you do, dumbass.

:rofl: Suuuuuure you do. And it shows. :rofl:
She knew I was the token black, and I didn't even know I was black. :eusa_shhh:
The Obamas are entirely unrelated in all of this. The only way they're even superficially connected is through internet message board wags who think a TV cooking show is "politics" and that cooking is somehow related to "Marxism".

Then again I've seen O'bama dragged into a thread about advertising for salad dressing and naked people, so nothing surprises me from this particular font of wisdom any more.

Of course they're "unrelated" to everything....plausible deniabilty...that way nobody can pin the shit they do on them.....that's the truth about Hussein "present"...if it fails, trumpet you were against it, if it succeeds, take credit for it. I put nothing past them....Moochelle in particular.....Barry is too stupid to be worried about but that beast he's married to is a whole different animal.

You're a loony. :cuckoo:

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