Companies Who Should Be Boycotted

well - guess you won't be buying any of donny's or the first lady, ivanka's cheap sweat shop made crap then, 'eh?
What stuff is that ? :link:

How many Trump products were made overseas? Here’s the complete list.

& if you are too lazy to read, here are some pics:

View attachment 350729


View attachment 350730




you're welcome.
for what?.....someone actually buys that cheap shit?....
Quick: Who'd Have Trouble Living on $450,000 a Month?
By Kurt Eichenwald
  • June 26, 1990

Donald J. Trump, who has lectured America about architecture, foreign policy and, most of all, how to do deals, may be about to learn a lesson of his own: how to live in Manhattan on $450,000 a month.
That scarcely onerous restriction is being imposed by Mr. Trump's bankers, who have insisted that the man who has made conspicuous consumption a personal trademark must curb his spending a bit.
Moreover, the $450,000-a-month allowance excludes some of the largest of Mr. Trump's daunting expenses, the bankers say. These extras, based on Mr. Trump's spending in May, include the costs of maintaining his personal 727 jetliner ($246,000) and his 282-foot yacht ($841,000). The yacht and the personal jet, to be sure, may be sold to trim the real estate developer's mountainous debts.
In May, Mr. Trump also paid interest of $2.1 million on his personal debt, while his legal, charitable and business expenses totaled $382,000. His interest payments and various expenses do not count as personal spending, either.

Still, the $450,000-a-month limit will require some belt-tightening on Mr. Trump's part. In May, his bankers report, Mr. Trump's personal spending amounted to $583,000 for day-to-day necessities of the ultrarich life style, which range from his $2,000 suits to the costs of maids, gardeners and chefs at his three homes.
So to meet the bankers' target, Mr. Trump must trim his personal expenses by more than $100,000 from the May level. If he can do that, the banks will agree to lend Mr. Trump even more money.

The terms are being required by the banks, which are attempting to structure a loan to Mr. Trump to keep his faltering empire out of bankruptcy court.
The personal spending limits agreed to by the banks, though a cutback for Mr. Trump, still come to $5.4 million a year. If the banks agree to the terms of the new loan, in the month of July, for example, Mr. Trump would have to hold his expenses to just $14,516.13 a day, or $10.08 every minute of the day and night.
'It's Just Phenomenal'
Even the truly wealthy found Mr. Trump's manner of spending, reduced circumstances or not, to be remarkable.®ion=ccolumn&action=click&module=editorContent&pgtype=Article®ion=CompanionColumn&contentCollection=Trending®ion=ccolumn&action=click&module=editorContent&pgtype=Article®ion=CompanionColumn&contentCollection=Trending

''I would have no idea how to spend $450,000 a month,'' said one billionaire, who asked not to be identified. ''It's just phenomenal.''
Financial planners for the well heeled agreed.
''We have handled a lot of entertainers, some of whom lived very extravagantly, but I have never come across anybody who spent that way,'' said Lawrence B. Eichler, president of Sentinel Asset Management. ''Donald Trump lives in strata few of us approach, or even want to approach.''
Even Mr. Trump, who declined to comment, once said: ''A little more moderation would be good.'' But he was quick to add, ''Of course, my life hasn't exactly been one of moderation.''
Deadline on a Payment
Mr. Trump's unfolding financial drama may reach a climax tonight as the developer faces a deadline to make a payment on a high-yield ''junk bond'' issue. No matter what the outcome, the glimpse of Mr. Trump's spending habits is certain to add another layer to the high-spending lore to the 1980's.

Mr. Trump's new allowance may be absorbed easily, given the style of living to which he has become accustomed. The developer owns three homes, including Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, Fla. That home, which was willed to the State of Florida by Marjorie Merriweather Post, was sold to Mr. Trump because the state could not afford to pay for its upkeep. Scores of household staff members are paid to help keep up the 118-room residence.
Mr. Trump will also have to continue to maintain his 50-room penthouse triplex in Manhattan's Trump Tower, which comes complete with an 80-foot living room, bronze-edged floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking Central Park, and a 12-foot waterfall.
you dummy i know that.

donny is just a cheap whore that will market his name & get the cash for it from cheap chinese sweatshop crap.

do you thing that actually makes him look better? it's a distinction without a difference.
It's a huge difference. You called them Trump products. They're not. They are Chinese products, of Chinese owners. So Trump's brand license name is on them. Big deal.

Democrats support TPP, CFR, WTO, TC, and other outsourcing things. THEY are the outsourcer globalist, communist internationalists. Trump is a Nationalist patriot, Exactly the opposite of those China ass-kisser Democrats.

And Trump is the first president to stand up to China. Hit them with tariffs on their exports to us, after Obama gave China unrestricted access to our market, thereby saturating our stores with Made in China trash.

If trashing Trump is your boat, talking about China ain't the way to float it.


donny is a cheap whore that will slap his name on anything for a few bucks. he doesn't care where its made or where its built as long as he gets his cut.

if you & groucho wanna cheerlead for the tribblehead, go right ahead.

its amusing.
And you are in love with lover prices that are a result of Global Slave Labor.
I notice that you never address this issue.

i rarely shop at a big box store.
Which has what to do with the 3 factors that create Slave Labor?

tax loopholes for BIGCORP & their offshore 'headquarters' , stagnant wages, high CEO pay & stock buybacks are the real reasons.
Bi-Partisan and a major campaign target for Trump.
Congress has the power to reverse this and Trump has been calling them out but...R!

most (D)s are corporate dems. bernie & AOC of course are not. i never claimed otherwise... but (R) aren't interested in healthcare.

at all. there's a biggy for ya & i sure will say but ..... (R). the biggest welfare queens.
Since the next person to run after Trump will be owned by Wall Street, I will not vote after this coming election.

btw - wall street had to put donny the 'king of debt' on an allowence back in the 90s because he was so outa control with his spending & they owned him bigley.
I worked on Wall Street at the time.
Bigger real-estate billionaires than Donnie went under.
You need some medication to get past your Donnie Fixation.

uh-huh. you keep on cheerleading for yer chosen one.

donny loves you long time for yer loyalty.
What you can't get through your head is that we voted for the first guy who brought up Trespassers, Off-Shoring and Business Visas as being bad for the American workforce.
Do you think you will convince anyone of anything without having us read the life story of every Real-Estate Tycoon.
I understand that rude people such yourself cannot tolerate anyone else in the room being rude, but since no one listens to you outside of this message board, you'll have to settle with an impolite President who has put more people to work in the last 3 years than the last 2 presidents did since the DOT COM crash.

'America First' for Trump? Not when it comes to hiring foreign workers for his Mar-a-Lago
By Fabiola Santiago
July 10, 2018 02:06 PM ,

Trump opposes foreign worker visas — except for Mar-a-Lago | Fred Grimm

By Fred Grimm

Jul 13, 2018 | 7:00 AM

We’re too lazy, us Americans.

Or maybe we lack the requisite skills.

Either way, we’re obviously not up to staffing a high priority presidential enterprise.

We can’t cook. Serve food. Sling drinks. Wash dishes. Bus tables. Clean rooms. Tend gardens.

We can’t perform such work well enough to serve the president’s business interests. Or maybe it’s that we just won’t do it cheap enough.

So once again, President Trump has found himself forced to staff his beloved Mar-a-Lago Club with the very sort of workers he once vowed to banish — those damn job-stealing foreigners.
Trump opposes foreign worker visas — except for Mar-a-Lago | Fred Grimm

well - guess you won't be buying any of donny's or the first lady, ivanka's cheap sweat shop made crap then, 'eh?
What stuff is that ? :link:

How many Trump products were made overseas? Here’s the complete list.

& if you are too lazy to read, here are some pics:

View attachment 350729


View attachment 350730




you're welcome.
for what?.....someone actually buys that cheap shit?....

to CONfirm that donny will slap his name on anything cheap just for a few bucks. he's a hypocrite & has no standards for anything of quality. let alone american made.
Quick: Who'd Have Trouble Living on $450,000 a Month?
By Kurt Eichenwald
  • June 26, 1990

Donald J. Trump, who has lectured America about architecture, foreign policy and, most of all, how to do deals, may be about to learn a lesson of his own: how to live in Manhattan on $450,000 a month.
That scarcely onerous restriction is being imposed by Mr. Trump's bankers, who have insisted that the man who has made conspicuous consumption a personal trademark must curb his spending a bit.
Moreover, the $450,000-a-month allowance excludes some of the largest of Mr. Trump's daunting expenses, the bankers say. These extras, based on Mr. Trump's spending in May, include the costs of maintaining his personal 727 jetliner ($246,000) and his 282-foot yacht ($841,000). The yacht and the personal jet, to be sure, may be sold to trim the real estate developer's mountainous debts.
In May, Mr. Trump also paid interest of $2.1 million on his personal debt, while his legal, charitable and business expenses totaled $382,000. His interest payments and various expenses do not count as personal spending, either.

Still, the $450,000-a-month limit will require some belt-tightening on Mr. Trump's part. In May, his bankers report, Mr. Trump's personal spending amounted to $583,000 for day-to-day necessities of the ultrarich life style, which range from his $2,000 suits to the costs of maids, gardeners and chefs at his three homes.
So to meet the bankers' target, Mr. Trump must trim his personal expenses by more than $100,000 from the May level. If he can do that, the banks will agree to lend Mr. Trump even more money.

The terms are being required by the banks, which are attempting to structure a loan to Mr. Trump to keep his faltering empire out of bankruptcy court.
The personal spending limits agreed to by the banks, though a cutback for Mr. Trump, still come to $5.4 million a year. If the banks agree to the terms of the new loan, in the month of July, for example, Mr. Trump would have to hold his expenses to just $14,516.13 a day, or $10.08 every minute of the day and night.
'It's Just Phenomenal'
Even the truly wealthy found Mr. Trump's manner of spending, reduced circumstances or not, to be remarkable.®ion=ccolumn&action=click&module=editorContent&pgtype=Article®ion=CompanionColumn&contentCollection=Trending®ion=ccolumn&action=click&module=editorContent&pgtype=Article®ion=CompanionColumn&contentCollection=Trending

''I would have no idea how to spend $450,000 a month,'' said one billionaire, who asked not to be identified. ''It's just phenomenal.''
Financial planners for the well heeled agreed.
''We have handled a lot of entertainers, some of whom lived very extravagantly, but I have never come across anybody who spent that way,'' said Lawrence B. Eichler, president of Sentinel Asset Management. ''Donald Trump lives in strata few of us approach, or even want to approach.''
Even Mr. Trump, who declined to comment, once said: ''A little more moderation would be good.'' But he was quick to add, ''Of course, my life hasn't exactly been one of moderation.''
Deadline on a Payment
Mr. Trump's unfolding financial drama may reach a climax tonight as the developer faces a deadline to make a payment on a high-yield ''junk bond'' issue. No matter what the outcome, the glimpse of Mr. Trump's spending habits is certain to add another layer to the high-spending lore to the 1980's.

Mr. Trump's new allowance may be absorbed easily, given the style of living to which he has become accustomed. The developer owns three homes, including Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, Fla. That home, which was willed to the State of Florida by Marjorie Merriweather Post, was sold to Mr. Trump because the state could not afford to pay for its upkeep. Scores of household staff members are paid to help keep up the 118-room residence.
Mr. Trump will also have to continue to maintain his 50-room penthouse triplex in Manhattan's Trump Tower, which comes complete with an 80-foot living room, bronze-edged floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking Central Park, and a 12-foot waterfall.
you dummy i know that.

donny is just a cheap whore that will market his name & get the cash for it from cheap chinese sweatshop crap.

do you thing that actually makes him look better? it's a distinction without a difference.
It's a huge difference. You called them Trump products. They're not. They are Chinese products, of Chinese owners. So Trump's brand license name is on them. Big deal.

Democrats support TPP, CFR, WTO, TC, and other outsourcing things. THEY are the outsourcer globalist, communist internationalists. Trump is a Nationalist patriot, Exactly the opposite of those China ass-kisser Democrats.

And Trump is the first president to stand up to China. Hit them with tariffs on their exports to us, after Obama gave China unrestricted access to our market, thereby saturating our stores with Made in China trash.

If trashing Trump is your boat, talking about China ain't the way to float it.


donny is a cheap whore that will slap his name on anything for a few bucks. he doesn't care where its made or where its built as long as he gets his cut.

if you & groucho wanna cheerlead for the tribblehead, go right ahead.

its amusing.
And you are in love with lover prices that are a result of Global Slave Labor.
I notice that you never address this issue.

i rarely shop at a big box store.
Which has what to do with the 3 factors that create Slave Labor?

tax loopholes for BIGCORP & their offshore 'headquarters' , stagnant wages, high CEO pay & stock buybacks are the real reasons.
Bi-Partisan and a major campaign target for Trump.
Congress has the power to reverse this and Trump has been calling them out but...R!

most (D)s are corporate dems. bernie & AOC of course are not. i never claimed otherwise... but (R) aren't interested in healthcare.

at all. there's a biggy for ya & i sure will say but ..... (R). the biggest welfare queens.
Since the next person to run after Trump will be owned by Wall Street, I will not vote after this coming election.

btw - wall street had to put donny the 'king of debt' on an allowence back in the 90s because he was so outa control with his spending & they owned him bigley.
I worked on Wall Street at the time.
Bigger real-estate billionaires than Donnie went under.
You need some medication to get past your Donnie Fixation.

uh-huh. you keep on cheerleading for yer chosen one.

donny loves you long time for yer loyalty.
What you can't get through your head is that we voted for the first guy who brought up Trespassers, Off-Shoring and Business Visas as being bad for the American workforce.
Do you think you will convince anyone of anything without having us read the life story of every Real-Estate Tycoon.
I understand that rude people such yourself cannot tolerate anyone else in the room being rude, but since no one listens to you outside of this message board, you'll have to settle with an impolite President who has put more people to work in the last 3 years than the last 2 presidents did since the DOT COM crash.

'America First' for Trump? Not when it comes to hiring foreign workers for his Mar-a-Lago
By Fabiola Santiago
July 10, 2018 02:06 PM ,

Trump opposes foreign worker visas — except for Mar-a-Lago | Fred Grimm
By Fred Grimm

Jul 13, 2018 | 7:00 AM

We’re too lazy, us Americans.

Or maybe we lack the requisite skills.

Either way, we’re obviously not up to staffing a high priority presidential enterprise.

We can’t cook. Serve food. Sling drinks. Wash dishes. Bus tables. Clean rooms. Tend gardens.

We can’t perform such work well enough to serve the president’s business interests. Or maybe it’s that we just won’t do it cheap enough.

So once again, President Trump has found himself forced to staff his beloved Mar-a-Lago Club with the very sort of workers he once vowed to banish — those damn job-stealing foreigners.
Trump opposes foreign worker visas — except for Mar-a-Lago | Fred Grimm

You truly are one stupid piece of shit and have the attention span of a retarded gnat as I have debunked that Mar-A-Largo story at least a dozen times here and at least one time for you.
It is located in an extraordinarily wealthy area and no one in that area needs a 3 month summer job.
Trump assigned a manager to run things and when Trump found out that trespassers were hired they were dismissed.

Your desperation and deceit are unbecoming for a human being who pretends to be intelligent.
well - guess you won't be buying any of donny's or the first lady, ivanka's cheap sweat shop made crap then, 'eh?
What stuff is that ? :link:

How many Trump products were made overseas? Here’s the complete list.

& if you are too lazy to read, here are some pics:

View attachment 350729


View attachment 350730




you're welcome.
for what?.....someone actually buys that cheap shit?....

to CONfirm that donny will slap his name on anything cheap just for a few bucks. he's a hypocrite & has no standards for anything of quality. let alone american made.
Yeah, because no one in the business, entertainment or sports world does that all the time.
well - guess you won't be buying any of donny's or the first lady, ivanka's cheap sweat shop made crap then, 'eh?
What stuff is that ? :link:

How many Trump products were made overseas? Here’s the complete list.

& if you are too lazy to read, here are some pics:

View attachment 350729


View attachment 350730




you're welcome.
for what?.....someone actually buys that cheap shit?....

to CONfirm that donny will slap his name on anything cheap just for a few bucks. he's a hypocrite & has no standards for anything of quality. let alone american made.
trump is a hypocrite? he isnt much different than the rest the assholes in congress.....
well - guess you won't be buying any of donny's or the first lady, ivanka's cheap sweat shop made crap then, 'eh?
What stuff is that ? :link:

How many Trump products were made overseas? Here’s the complete list.

& if you are too lazy to read, here are some pics:

View attachment 350729


View attachment 350730




you're welcome.
for what?.....someone actually buys that cheap shit?....

to CONfirm that donny will slap his name on anything cheap just for a few bucks. he's a hypocrite & has no standards for anything of quality. let alone american made.
trump is a hypocrite? he isnt much different than the rest the assholes in congress.....
Relax, PT is mentally ill and constantly repeats bullshit.
Quick: Who'd Have Trouble Living on $450,000 a Month?
By Kurt Eichenwald
  • June 26, 1990

Donald J. Trump, who has lectured America about architecture, foreign policy and, most of all, how to do deals, may be about to learn a lesson of his own: how to live in Manhattan on $450,000 a month.
That scarcely onerous restriction is being imposed by Mr. Trump's bankers, who have insisted that the man who has made conspicuous consumption a personal trademark must curb his spending a bit.
Moreover, the $450,000-a-month allowance excludes some of the largest of Mr. Trump's daunting expenses, the bankers say. These extras, based on Mr. Trump's spending in May, include the costs of maintaining his personal 727 jetliner ($246,000) and his 282-foot yacht ($841,000). The yacht and the personal jet, to be sure, may be sold to trim the real estate developer's mountainous debts.
In May, Mr. Trump also paid interest of $2.1 million on his personal debt, while his legal, charitable and business expenses totaled $382,000. His interest payments and various expenses do not count as personal spending, either.

Still, the $450,000-a-month limit will require some belt-tightening on Mr. Trump's part. In May, his bankers report, Mr. Trump's personal spending amounted to $583,000 for day-to-day necessities of the ultrarich life style, which range from his $2,000 suits to the costs of maids, gardeners and chefs at his three homes.
So to meet the bankers' target, Mr. Trump must trim his personal expenses by more than $100,000 from the May level. If he can do that, the banks will agree to lend Mr. Trump even more money.

The terms are being required by the banks, which are attempting to structure a loan to Mr. Trump to keep his faltering empire out of bankruptcy court.
The personal spending limits agreed to by the banks, though a cutback for Mr. Trump, still come to $5.4 million a year. If the banks agree to the terms of the new loan, in the month of July, for example, Mr. Trump would have to hold his expenses to just $14,516.13 a day, or $10.08 every minute of the day and night.
'It's Just Phenomenal'
Even the truly wealthy found Mr. Trump's manner of spending, reduced circumstances or not, to be remarkable.®ion=ccolumn&action=click&module=editorContent&pgtype=Article®ion=CompanionColumn&contentCollection=Trending®ion=ccolumn&action=click&module=editorContent&pgtype=Article®ion=CompanionColumn&contentCollection=Trending

''I would have no idea how to spend $450,000 a month,'' said one billionaire, who asked not to be identified. ''It's just phenomenal.''
Financial planners for the well heeled agreed.
''We have handled a lot of entertainers, some of whom lived very extravagantly, but I have never come across anybody who spent that way,'' said Lawrence B. Eichler, president of Sentinel Asset Management. ''Donald Trump lives in strata few of us approach, or even want to approach.''
Even Mr. Trump, who declined to comment, once said: ''A little more moderation would be good.'' But he was quick to add, ''Of course, my life hasn't exactly been one of moderation.''
Deadline on a Payment
Mr. Trump's unfolding financial drama may reach a climax tonight as the developer faces a deadline to make a payment on a high-yield ''junk bond'' issue. No matter what the outcome, the glimpse of Mr. Trump's spending habits is certain to add another layer to the high-spending lore to the 1980's.

Mr. Trump's new allowance may be absorbed easily, given the style of living to which he has become accustomed. The developer owns three homes, including Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, Fla. That home, which was willed to the State of Florida by Marjorie Merriweather Post, was sold to Mr. Trump because the state could not afford to pay for its upkeep. Scores of household staff members are paid to help keep up the 118-room residence.
Mr. Trump will also have to continue to maintain his 50-room penthouse triplex in Manhattan's Trump Tower, which comes complete with an 80-foot living room, bronze-edged floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking Central Park, and a 12-foot waterfall.
you dummy i know that.

donny is just a cheap whore that will market his name & get the cash for it from cheap chinese sweatshop crap.

do you thing that actually makes him look better? it's a distinction without a difference.
It's a huge difference. You called them Trump products. They're not. They are Chinese products, of Chinese owners. So Trump's brand license name is on them. Big deal.

Democrats support TPP, CFR, WTO, TC, and other outsourcing things. THEY are the outsourcer globalist, communist internationalists. Trump is a Nationalist patriot, Exactly the opposite of those China ass-kisser Democrats.

And Trump is the first president to stand up to China. Hit them with tariffs on their exports to us, after Obama gave China unrestricted access to our market, thereby saturating our stores with Made in China trash.

If trashing Trump is your boat, talking about China ain't the way to float it.


donny is a cheap whore that will slap his name on anything for a few bucks. he doesn't care where its made or where its built as long as he gets his cut.

if you & groucho wanna cheerlead for the tribblehead, go right ahead.

its amusing.
And you are in love with lover prices that are a result of Global Slave Labor.
I notice that you never address this issue.

i rarely shop at a big box store.
Which has what to do with the 3 factors that create Slave Labor?

tax loopholes for BIGCORP & their offshore 'headquarters' , stagnant wages, high CEO pay & stock buybacks are the real reasons.
Bi-Partisan and a major campaign target for Trump.
Congress has the power to reverse this and Trump has been calling them out but...R!

most (D)s are corporate dems. bernie & AOC of course are not. i never claimed otherwise... but (R) aren't interested in healthcare.

at all. there's a biggy for ya & i sure will say but ..... (R). the biggest welfare queens.
Since the next person to run after Trump will be owned by Wall Street, I will not vote after this coming election.

btw - wall street had to put donny the 'king of debt' on an allowence back in the 90s because he was so outa control with his spending & they owned him bigley.
I worked on Wall Street at the time.
Bigger real-estate billionaires than Donnie went under.
You need some medication to get past your Donnie Fixation.

uh-huh. you keep on cheerleading for yer chosen one.

donny loves you long time for yer loyalty.
What you can't get through your head is that we voted for the first guy who brought up Trespassers, Off-Shoring and Business Visas as being bad for the American workforce.
Do you think you will convince anyone of anything without having us read the life story of every Real-Estate Tycoon.
I understand that rude people such yourself cannot tolerate anyone else in the room being rude, but since no one listens to you outside of this message board, you'll have to settle with an impolite President who has put more people to work in the last 3 years than the last 2 presidents did since the DOT COM crash.

'America First' for Trump? Not when it comes to hiring foreign workers for his Mar-a-Lago
By Fabiola Santiago
July 10, 2018 02:06 PM ,

Trump opposes foreign worker visas — except for Mar-a-Lago | Fred Grimm
By Fred Grimm

Jul 13, 2018 | 7:00 AM

We’re too lazy, us Americans.

Or maybe we lack the requisite skills.

Either way, we’re obviously not up to staffing a high priority presidential enterprise.

We can’t cook. Serve food. Sling drinks. Wash dishes. Bus tables. Clean rooms. Tend gardens.

We can’t perform such work well enough to serve the president’s business interests. Or maybe it’s that we just won’t do it cheap enough.

So once again, President Trump has found himself forced to staff his beloved Mar-a-Lago Club with the very sort of workers he once vowed to banish — those damn job-stealing foreigners.
Trump opposes foreign worker visas — except for Mar-a-Lago | Fred Grimm

You truly are one stupid piece of shit and have the attention span of a retarded gnat as I have debunked that Mar-A-Largo story at least a dozen times here and at least one time for you.
It is located in an extraordinarily wealthy area and no one in that area needs a 3 month summer job.
Trump assigned a manager to run things and when Trump found out that trespassers were hired they were dismissed.

Your desperation and deceit are unbecoming for a human being who pretends to be intelligent.

well - guess you won't be buying any of donny's or the first lady, ivanka's cheap sweat shop made crap then, 'eh?
What stuff is that ? :link:

How many Trump products were made overseas? Here’s the complete list.

& if you are too lazy to read, here are some pics:

View attachment 350729


View attachment 350730




you're welcome.
for what?.....someone actually buys that cheap shit?....

to CONfirm that donny will slap his name on anything cheap just for a few bucks. he's a hypocrite & has no standards for anything of quality. let alone american made.
trump is a hypocrite? he isnt much different than the rest the assholes in congress.....
Relax, PT is mentally ill and constantly repeats bullshit.

these will look so pretty with yer outfit.

Quick: Who'd Have Trouble Living on $450,000 a Month?
By Kurt Eichenwald
  • June 26, 1990

Donald J. Trump, who has lectured America about architecture, foreign policy and, most of all, how to do deals, may be about to learn a lesson of his own: how to live in Manhattan on $450,000 a month.
That scarcely onerous restriction is being imposed by Mr. Trump's bankers, who have insisted that the man who has made conspicuous consumption a personal trademark must curb his spending a bit.
Moreover, the $450,000-a-month allowance excludes some of the largest of Mr. Trump's daunting expenses, the bankers say. These extras, based on Mr. Trump's spending in May, include the costs of maintaining his personal 727 jetliner ($246,000) and his 282-foot yacht ($841,000). The yacht and the personal jet, to be sure, may be sold to trim the real estate developer's mountainous debts.
In May, Mr. Trump also paid interest of $2.1 million on his personal debt, while his legal, charitable and business expenses totaled $382,000. His interest payments and various expenses do not count as personal spending, either.

Still, the $450,000-a-month limit will require some belt-tightening on Mr. Trump's part. In May, his bankers report, Mr. Trump's personal spending amounted to $583,000 for day-to-day necessities of the ultrarich life style, which range from his $2,000 suits to the costs of maids, gardeners and chefs at his three homes.
So to meet the bankers' target, Mr. Trump must trim his personal expenses by more than $100,000 from the May level. If he can do that, the banks will agree to lend Mr. Trump even more money.

The terms are being required by the banks, which are attempting to structure a loan to Mr. Trump to keep his faltering empire out of bankruptcy court.
The personal spending limits agreed to by the banks, though a cutback for Mr. Trump, still come to $5.4 million a year. If the banks agree to the terms of the new loan, in the month of July, for example, Mr. Trump would have to hold his expenses to just $14,516.13 a day, or $10.08 every minute of the day and night.
'It's Just Phenomenal'
Even the truly wealthy found Mr. Trump's manner of spending, reduced circumstances or not, to be remarkable.®ion=ccolumn&action=click&module=editorContent&pgtype=Article®ion=CompanionColumn&contentCollection=Trending®ion=ccolumn&action=click&module=editorContent&pgtype=Article®ion=CompanionColumn&contentCollection=Trending

''I would have no idea how to spend $450,000 a month,'' said one billionaire, who asked not to be identified. ''It's just phenomenal.''
Financial planners for the well heeled agreed.
''We have handled a lot of entertainers, some of whom lived very extravagantly, but I have never come across anybody who spent that way,'' said Lawrence B. Eichler, president of Sentinel Asset Management. ''Donald Trump lives in strata few of us approach, or even want to approach.''
Even Mr. Trump, who declined to comment, once said: ''A little more moderation would be good.'' But he was quick to add, ''Of course, my life hasn't exactly been one of moderation.''
Deadline on a Payment
Mr. Trump's unfolding financial drama may reach a climax tonight as the developer faces a deadline to make a payment on a high-yield ''junk bond'' issue. No matter what the outcome, the glimpse of Mr. Trump's spending habits is certain to add another layer to the high-spending lore to the 1980's.

Mr. Trump's new allowance may be absorbed easily, given the style of living to which he has become accustomed. The developer owns three homes, including Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, Fla. That home, which was willed to the State of Florida by Marjorie Merriweather Post, was sold to Mr. Trump because the state could not afford to pay for its upkeep. Scores of household staff members are paid to help keep up the 118-room residence.
Mr. Trump will also have to continue to maintain his 50-room penthouse triplex in Manhattan's Trump Tower, which comes complete with an 80-foot living room, bronze-edged floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking Central Park, and a 12-foot waterfall.
you dummy i know that.

donny is just a cheap whore that will market his name & get the cash for it from cheap chinese sweatshop crap.

do you thing that actually makes him look better? it's a distinction without a difference.
It's a huge difference. You called them Trump products. They're not. They are Chinese products, of Chinese owners. So Trump's brand license name is on them. Big deal.

Democrats support TPP, CFR, WTO, TC, and other outsourcing things. THEY are the outsourcer globalist, communist internationalists. Trump is a Nationalist patriot, Exactly the opposite of those China ass-kisser Democrats.

And Trump is the first president to stand up to China. Hit them with tariffs on their exports to us, after Obama gave China unrestricted access to our market, thereby saturating our stores with Made in China trash.

If trashing Trump is your boat, talking about China ain't the way to float it.


donny is a cheap whore that will slap his name on anything for a few bucks. he doesn't care where its made or where its built as long as he gets his cut.

if you & groucho wanna cheerlead for the tribblehead, go right ahead.

its amusing.
And you are in love with lover prices that are a result of Global Slave Labor.
I notice that you never address this issue.

i rarely shop at a big box store.
Which has what to do with the 3 factors that create Slave Labor?

tax loopholes for BIGCORP & their offshore 'headquarters' , stagnant wages, high CEO pay & stock buybacks are the real reasons.
Bi-Partisan and a major campaign target for Trump.
Congress has the power to reverse this and Trump has been calling them out but...R!

most (D)s are corporate dems. bernie & AOC of course are not. i never claimed otherwise... but (R) aren't interested in healthcare.

at all. there's a biggy for ya & i sure will say but ..... (R). the biggest welfare queens.
Since the next person to run after Trump will be owned by Wall Street, I will not vote after this coming election.

btw - wall street had to put donny the 'king of debt' on an allowence back in the 90s because he was so outa control with his spending & they owned him bigley.
I worked on Wall Street at the time.
Bigger real-estate billionaires than Donnie went under.
You need some medication to get past your Donnie Fixation.

uh-huh. you keep on cheerleading for yer chosen one.

donny loves you long time for yer loyalty.
What you can't get through your head is that we voted for the first guy who brought up Trespassers, Off-Shoring and Business Visas as being bad for the American workforce.
Do you think you will convince anyone of anything without having us read the life story of every Real-Estate Tycoon.
I understand that rude people such yourself cannot tolerate anyone else in the room being rude, but since no one listens to you outside of this message board, you'll have to settle with an impolite President who has put more people to work in the last 3 years than the last 2 presidents did since the DOT COM crash.

'America First' for Trump? Not when it comes to hiring foreign workers for his Mar-a-Lago
By Fabiola Santiago
July 10, 2018 02:06 PM ,

Trump opposes foreign worker visas — except for Mar-a-Lago | Fred Grimm
By Fred Grimm

Jul 13, 2018 | 7:00 AM

We’re too lazy, us Americans.

Or maybe we lack the requisite skills.

Either way, we’re obviously not up to staffing a high priority presidential enterprise.

We can’t cook. Serve food. Sling drinks. Wash dishes. Bus tables. Clean rooms. Tend gardens.

We can’t perform such work well enough to serve the president’s business interests. Or maybe it’s that we just won’t do it cheap enough.

So once again, President Trump has found himself forced to staff his beloved Mar-a-Lago Club with the very sort of workers he once vowed to banish — those damn job-stealing foreigners.
Trump opposes foreign worker visas — except for Mar-a-Lago | Fred Grimm

You truly are one stupid piece of shit and have the attention span of a retarded gnat as I have debunked that Mar-A-Largo story at least a dozen times here and at least one time for you.
It is located in an extraordinarily wealthy area and no one in that area needs a 3 month summer job.
Trump assigned a manager to run things and when Trump found out that trespassers were hired they were dismissed.

Your desperation and deceit are unbecoming for a human being who pretends to be intelligent.

We can be the Team of <yawn> and Mentally Ill!
You are being foolish!!

The private sector is choosing to help a group of people whose ancestors have been enslaved, and held down by discrimination in Jim Crow laws for another hundred years after that, and still discriminated against today, by some....

The reparations some believed owed to them by our govt, or us.... capitalists are trying to help on, with their own company's money and not taxes.

Why cut off your nose, to spite your face?

Besides that, I've always been against boycotts of any kind, from any side of the aisle...

Mainly because, the people you hurt most, are your neighbors and friends and every day Joes, who just work there, so they can earn a living for themselves and their families, by working....
Chick Filet workers, have nothing to do with the political stances of their owner....

Boycotting businesses just adds them to the unemployment line...on our tax dime... if the boycott is affective. The owner simply cuts payroll to save costs and still earns a profit....
1. Blacks today are not enslaved, not victimized by Jim Crow, and ARE beneficiaries of many facets of Affirmative Action, at the expense of whites, who are the ones being discriminated against. To say that blacks in 2020, are discriminated against, is preposterous. That is mindless, media propaganda.

2. Businesses cannot cut payroll or cut back staff due to boycotts, or any other reason. To do so, results in sales reductions, and more losses. The number of employees the firm has, comes from what makes them the most money. It's not somebody's lucky number.
You are being foolish!!

The private sector is choosing to help a group of people whose ancestors have been enslaved, and held down by discrimination in Jim Crow laws for another hundred years after that, and still discriminated against today, by some....

The reparations some believed owed to them by our govt, or us.... capitalists are trying to help on, with their own company's money and not taxes.

Why cut off your nose, to spite your face?

Besides that, I've always been against boycotts of any kind, from any side of the aisle...

Mainly because, the people you hurt most, are your neighbors and friends and every day Joes, who just work there, so they can earn a living for themselves and their families, by working....
Chick Filet workers, have nothing to do with the political stances of their owner....

Boycotting businesses just adds them to the unemployment line...on our tax dime... if the boycott is affective. The owner simply cuts payroll to save costs and still earns a profit....
1. Blacks today are not enslaved, not victimized by Jim Crow, and ARE beneficiaries of many facets of Affirmative Action, at the expense of whites, who are the ones being discriminated against. To say that blacks in 2020, are discriminated against, is preposterous. That is mindless, media propaganda.

2. Businesses cannot cut payroll or cut back staff due to boycotts, or any other reason. To do so, results in sales reductions, and more losses. The number of employees the firm has, comes from what makes them the most money. It's not somebody's lucky number.
1. I've witnessed with my own two eyes, discrimination and bigotry against blacks. Your comment is simply not true.

2. The opposite. Businesses cut payroll, because their sales drop, due to boycotts.
uh-huh. you keep on cheerleading for yer chosen one.

donny loves you long time for yer loyalty.

Quick: Who'd Have Trouble Living on $450,000 a Month?
By Kurt Eichenwald
  • June 26, 1990

Donald J. Trump, who has lectured America about architecture, foreign policy and, most of all, how to do deals, may be about to learn a lesson of his own: how to live in Manhattan on $450,000 a month.
That scarcely onerous restriction is being imposed by Mr. Trump's bankers, who have insisted that the man who has made conspicuous consumption a personal trademark must curb his spending a bit.
Moreover, the $450,000-a-month allowance excludes some of the largest of Mr. Trump's daunting expenses, the bankers say. These extras, based on Mr. Trump's spending in May, include the costs of maintaining his personal 727 jetliner ($246,000) and his 282-foot yacht ($841,000). The yacht and the personal jet, to be sure, may be sold to trim the real estate developer's mountainous debts.
In May, Mr. Trump also paid interest of $2.1 million on his personal debt, while his legal, charitable and business expenses totaled $382,000. His interest payments and various expenses do not count as personal spending, either.

Still, the $450,000-a-month limit will require some belt-tightening on Mr. Trump's part. In May, his bankers report, Mr. Trump's personal spending amounted to $583,000 for day-to-day necessities of the ultrarich life style, which range from his $2,000 suits to the costs of maids, gardeners and chefs at his three homes.
So to meet the bankers' target, Mr. Trump must trim his personal expenses by more than $100,000 from the May level. If he can do that, the banks will agree to lend Mr. Trump even more money.

The terms are being required by the banks, which are attempting to structure a loan to Mr. Trump to keep his faltering empire out of bankruptcy court.
The personal spending limits agreed to by the banks, though a cutback for Mr. Trump, still come to $5.4 million a year. If the banks agree to the terms of the new loan, in the month of July, for example, Mr. Trump would have to hold his expenses to just $14,516.13 a day, or $10.08 every minute of the day and night.
'It's Just Phenomenal'
Even the truly wealthy found Mr. Trump's manner of spending, reduced circumstances or not, to be remarkable.

''I would have no idea how to spend $450,000 a month,'' said one billionaire, who asked not to be identified. ''It's just phenomenal.''
Financial planners for the well heeled agreed.
''We have handled a lot of entertainers, some of whom lived very extravagantly, but I have never come across anybody who spent that way,'' said Lawrence B. Eichler, president of Sentinel Asset Management. ''Donald Trump lives in strata few of us approach, or even want to approach.''
Even Mr. Trump, who declined to comment, once said: ''A little more moderation would be good.'' But he was quick to add, ''Of course, my life hasn't exactly been one of moderation.''
Deadline on a Payment
Mr. Trump's unfolding financial drama may reach a climax tonight as the developer faces a deadline to make a payment on a high-yield ''junk bond'' issue. No matter what the outcome, the glimpse of Mr. Trump's spending habits is certain to add another layer to the high-spending lore to the 1980's.

Mr. Trump's new allowance may be absorbed easily, given the style of living to which he has become accustomed. The developer owns three homes, including Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, Fla. That home, which was willed to the State of Florida by Marjorie Merriweather Post, was sold to Mr. Trump because the state could not afford to pay for its upkeep. Scores of household staff members are paid to help keep up the 118-room residence.
Mr. Trump will also have to continue to maintain his 50-room penthouse triplex in Manhattan's Trump Tower, which comes complete with an 80-foot living room, bronze-edged floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking Central Park, and a 12-foot waterfall.
Quick: Who'd Have Trouble Living on $450,000 a Month?
IF any of this is true, it is moot relative to the value of having Trump the nationalist as POTUS, rather than Hillary the globalist (and serial killer),or Biden the globalist, China ass-kisser.
1. I've witnessed with my own two eyes, discrimination and bigotry against blacks. Your comment is simply not true.

2. The opposite. Businesses cut payroll, because their sales drop, due to boycotts.
Yeah ? Try paying a visit to the James A Haley VA hospital here in Tampa. 16,000 employees. Doctors, nurses, technicians, cooks, maintenance. clerical.

60% black. 30% other dark skinned minorities. 10% white women. ZERO white men.

Same with Bay Pines VA hospital across the bay in St Pete.

Same with the state Workforce office in Tampa.

And why would any black worry about being discriminated "against", when he/she has Affirmative Action discriminating FOR them ? :confused-84::dunno:

Lastly, your response is ridiculous. It's nothing but a mindless repetition of what you said before, which I just refuted in Post # 92. Maybe you actually DO think the firm chooses its number of employees by somebody's lucky number. Good thing you're not one of my college economics students. I'd have to flunk you.
1. I've witnessed with my own two eyes, discrimination and bigotry against blacks. Your comment is simply not true.

2. The opposite. Businesses cut payroll, because their sales drop, due to boycotts.
If it makes you feel any better, the firm also cannot lay people off, or raise prices, to compensate for minimum wage raises, either. Same scenario. To do so, triggers sales reduction$$$. Businesses cannot do what causes them to lose money.

These empty claims are just scare talk against those who propose minimum wage raises, tax increases (other than the corporate tax), and boycotts.
'America First' for Trump? Not when it comes to hiring foreign workers for his Mar-a-Lago
By Fabiola Santiago
July 10, 2018 02:06 PM ,

Trump opposes foreign worker visas — except for Mar-a-Lago | Fred Grimm
By Fred Grimm

Jul 13, 2018 | 7:00 AM

We’re too lazy, us Americans.

Or maybe we lack the requisite skills.

Either way, we’re obviously not up to staffing a high priority presidential enterprise.

We can’t cook. Serve food. Sling drinks. Wash dishes. Bus tables. Clean rooms. Tend gardens.

We can’t perform such work well enough to serve the president’s business interests. Or maybe it’s that we just won’t do it cheap enough.

So once again, President Trump has found himself forced to staff his beloved Mar-a-Lago Club with the very sort of workers he once vowed to banish — those damn job-stealing foreigners.
Trump opposes foreign worker visas — except for Mar-a-Lago | Fred Grimm

Once again you ignorantly post something that was debated into mincemeat, years ago. I will go back and retrieve some of those old posts to educate you about the Mar a Lago foreign workers issue.

Other foreign visa employers bring in people for the purpose of boosting their profits, by paying low wages. With Trump it is a Florida seasonal problem. Two different things entirely

Trump needed foreign workers because Americans just don't want seasonal jobs. I live in Florida, and am well aware of this >> The state is inundated with northerners and Canadians who live in Florida just during the winter months, and not many Americans want to work just for 6 months, if that long. Many apply out of desperation, but never follow through. This is common all over the state in winter. HERE's some proof >>>

The New York Times article >>

"For anyone not hired, the employer must tell the Labor Department why. Among the reasons Mar-a-Lago gave: that the applicants could not be reached or were not qualified, as Mr. Trump suggested in his recent interview, and that they did not want the jobs.

That was the case for Austin L. Cohen of Delray Beach, who received a call from Mar-a-Lago and a tour of the 20-acre resort after sending in his résumé for a wait staff position that paid $10.60 an hour for at least 30 hours a week.

Mr. Cohen said that he ultimately chose to keep looking for a permanent job, and that he wanted benefits; the job listing did not mention any. “It was more like a temporary position,” Mr. Cohen said. “You work six months and then you’re out of work again. It was my decision not to take the job.”

Some applicants said they decided against working at Mar-a-Lago because, like some other private clubs, it discourages gratuities; its job listings say “no tips.” Local labor analysts say that private clubs often lose job candidates to restaurants where tipping is permitted."

And no, one cannot always find qualified workers (especially for seasonal work) You want to hire these guys ? >>>



You also have a lot of people who apply who aren't qualified, have no experience or training (the foreign workers come from a group of trade school graduates), and/or have criminal records (which is why they're unemployed to begin with).

Finding clean record, qualified workers in Florida during the winter, is not a simple task. Trump (and all Florida seasonal employers) has had trouble finding QUALIFIED people to work in his hotels. In hotels (I have worked in them & I live in Florida), workers need to be experienced or trained, and LOOK GOOD. Appearance is important in hotel work, as is a non-criminal record. Just because you get applicants, doesn't mean you get hirable workers.

Trump hired some workers from an agency in Europe, whose workers have graduated from training schools in hotel work, and they speak good English, have no criminal record, and look good.
to CONfirm that donny will slap his name on anything cheap just for a few bucks. he's a hypocrite & has no standards for anything of quality. let alone american made.
You said this before, and I refuted it. (in Post # 64). :biggrin:

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