Company hikes price 5,000% for drug that fights complication of AIDS, cancer

Go start a drug company, spend decades researching and developing medicines, then tell us how you will charge $1.00 per pill.

How? By we the people reimbursing drug companies their R&D costs when they develop a successful drug.
Company hikes price 5,000% for drug that fights complication of AIDS, cancer
A drug treating a common parasite that attacks people with weakened immune systems increased in cost 5,000% to $750 per pill.

At a time of heightened attention to the rising cost of prescription drugs, doctors who treat patients with AIDS and cancer are denouncing the new cost to treat a condition that can be life-threatening.

Turing Pharmaceuticals of New York raised the price of Daraprim from $13.50 per pill to $750 per pill last month, shortly after purchasing the rights to the drug from Impax Laboratories. Turing has exclusive rights to market Daraprim (pyrimethamine), on the market since 1953.

Daraprim fights toxoplasmosis, the second most common food-borne disease, which can easily infect people whose immune systems have been weakened by AIDS, chemotherapy or even pregnancy, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

“This is a tremendous increase," said Judith Aberg, a spokesperson for the HIV Medicine Association. Even patients with insurance could have trouble affording the medication, she said. That's because insurance companies often put high-price drugs in the "specialty" category, requiring patients to pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars a year. Patients whose insurance plans require them to pay 20% of the cost — a common practice — would shell out $150 a pill.

About 60 million people in the United States may carry the Toxoplasma parasite, according to the CDC. It comes from eating under-cooked meat, cooking with contaminated knives and boards, drinking unclean water and contact with infected cat feces.

Mothers can also pass it to their children during pregnancy and organ transplant patients can get it through an infected donor. Symptoms can feel flu-like, but the parasite attacks the brain and can lead to blindness or brain damage.

There are only two words to describe this former hedge fund manager-turned-Big Pharma CEO: Arrogant prick
He is EVERYTHING that is wrong with America. This fucking drug has been around since Eisenhower was president and his public relations excuse for increasing it from $13 to $750 a pill is because they need the money for research to make it better as a next generation Rx? What horseshit.


Boycott the motherfuckers. Here's is their list of Rx

Are you fucking kidding me? You cannot justify what this company did.
The drug my property.
I have the right to sell it for whatever price I want.
So price gouging is good. Greed is good, is that correct Mr. Gecko? It is until maybe you need to have a couple of these a day ($1500) for 30 days ($45,000).
Good to see you also understand that I am right.

You're not an M14 Shooter, you're a Keyboard Kowboy. And I bet you couldn't find $45,000 to save your own lousy life much less anyone else.
Are you fucking kidding me? You cannot justify what this company did.
The drug my property.
I have the right to sell it for whatever price I want.
So price gouging is good. Greed is good, is that correct Mr. Gecko? It is until maybe you need to have a couple of these a day ($1500) for 30 days ($45,000).
Good to see you also understand that I am right.
The heartless right wing greed.
Are you fucking kidding me? You cannot justify what this company did.
The drug my property.
I have the right to sell it for whatever price I want.
So price gouging is good. Greed is good, is that correct Mr. Gecko? It is until maybe you need to have a couple of these a day ($1500) for 30 days ($45,000).
Good to see you also understand that I am right.
You're not an M14 Shooter, you're a Keyboard Kowboy. And I bet you couldn't find $45,000 to save your own lousy life much less anyone else.
Your ad homs only further prove that you understand I am correct.
Are you fucking kidding me? You cannot justify what this company did.
The drug my property.
I have the right to sell it for whatever price I want.
So price gouging is good. Greed is good, is that correct Mr. Gecko? It is until maybe you need to have a couple of these a day ($1500) for 30 days ($45,000).
Good to see you also understand that I am right.
The heartless right wing greed.
You've already proven that you understand I am correct - if you;d like to further do so, please feel free.

Fact is your outrage does not overrule my right to sell my property at whatever price I choose.
From the link:

A Turing spokesman, Craig Rothenberg, said the company is working with hospitals and providers to get every patient covered. This includes free-of-charge options for uninsured patients and co-pay assistance programs.

Rothenberg defended Daraprim's price, saying that the company will use the money it makes from sales to further research treatments for toxoplasmosis. They also plan to invest in marketing and education tools to make people more aware of the disease.

“There has been no innovation in dealing with toxoplasmosis,” Rothenberg said. “That has been a long neglect in the patient community.”

They are making sure the people that can't afford the drug are getting it for free and those that can afford to pay are paying. They are alos using the additional profits to invest in research. What's the problem? Isn't that what you LWNJ's want? Free shit for the poor? But make the rich pay?

The makers of Harvoni have done the same thing. From what I understand, it' price is established base on income and deals made with insurance providers. A person I know who needed the drug mentioned charities/foundations are also involved.
Otherwise it's about $1,000 a pop.

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