Compare and contrast: GW Bush vs Barack Obama


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Started new military aggressions against country or countries that didn't attack us? Check, Bush and Obama.
Passed bailouts for banks and the rich? Check. Bush and Obama.
Passed tax cuts for the rich? Ding ding!! Bush AND Obama.
Left the border wide open? Of course. Bush and Obama.
Passed bloated new gov't spending? Oh yeah. Bush (DHS) and Obama (Obamacare).
Saw Americans get poorer in his most recent time in office? Yep. Bush 07-09, Obama entire time in office.
Responsible for tyrants being killed? Yep. Bush and Obama. Saddam, Bin Laden.
Got punked by China? Need we review all the times? W and H did it. H meaning Hussein, not Herbert.
Ivy League grads? Yep. Bush and Obama.
Vacationed and golfed non stop? Of course, both of 'em.
Kept or passed Patriot Act? Yes. Both.
Kept or Gitmo open? Yes. Both of 'em.
Further polarized America?? Ha!! An understatement!! Yes, both did that too.

So.....since left wingers hated Bush so much, I ask, why will then STILL vote for Obama, aka Bush #3, in 2012? Are they THAT brainwashed?????

Oh....wait....they'll blame the republicans for forcing Obama to act like Bush against his own will, even when the Dems controlled the House and Senate from Jan 2009- Jan 2011.

They're like Obama loving zombies.
Started new military aggressions against country or countries that didn't attack us? Check, Bush and Obama.
Passed bailouts for banks and the rich? Check. Bush and Obama.
Passed tax cuts for the rich? Ding ding!! Bush AND Obama.
Left the border wide open? Of course. Bush and Obama.
Passed bloated new gov't spending? Oh yeah. Bush (DHS) and Obama (Obamacare).
Saw Americans get poorer in his most recent time in office? Yep. Bush 07-09, Obama entire time in office.
Responsible for tyrants being killed? Yep. Bush and Obama. Saddam, Bin Laden.
Got punked by China? Need we review all the times? W and H did it. H meaning Hussein, not Herbert.
Ivy League grads? Yep. Bush and Obama.
Vacationed and golfed non stop? Of course, both of 'em.
Kept or passed Patriot Act? Yes. Both.
Kept or Gitmo open? Yes. Both of 'em.
Further polarized America?? Ha!! An understatement!! Yes, both did that too.

So.....since left wingers hated Bush so much, I ask, why will then STILL vote for Obama, aka Bush #3, in 2012? Are they THAT brainwashed?????

Oh....wait....they'll blame the republicans for forcing Obama to act like Bush against his own will, even when the Dems controlled the House and Senate from Jan 2009- Jan 2011.

They're like Obama loving zombies.

But in contrast.......

Only Obama threw cops under the bus
Only Obama supported Islamic terrorists in Libya
Only Obama sued private companies to force them into union states
Only Obama allowed guns to be given to Mexican cartels which killed 2 cops later
Only Obama glorified communist tyrants on his Christmas tree

The differences are many
I think you forgot to contrast. Anyone, left-wing or otherwise, who is looking for the candidate least like GWB (for example, in the tax cuts for the rich area) will have an easy choice in 2012.

To suggest that Obama and Bush played similar roles in the Bush tax cuts, the Patriot Act, and Guantanamo Bay is disingenous in the extreme, as is equating the Iraq war to US intervention in Libya. And I think you'll find very few liberals who are upset that Obama graduated from an Ivy League institution or that he "left the border wide open".

Thanks for the fantasy. :clap:

Oh really? Well feel free to point out which of the above similarities are FALSE.

And LadyLib, bottom line, under Obama's watch, everything negavite about Bush has continued.

He's one of two things:

- Bush 3
- The most spineless man to ever occupy that office

Which is it?

Thanks for the fantasy. :clap:

Oh really? Well feel free to point out which of the above similarities are FALSE.

And LadyLib, bottom line, under Obama's watch, everything negavite about Bush has continued.

He's one of two things:

- Bush 3
- The most spineless man to ever occupy that office

Which is it?

It's hyperbolic out of context bullshit.

It's like saying "Bush has 2 eyes..Obama has 2 eyes...See Obama is just like Bush!"

But I am betting you voted Gore then Kerry..right?

Thanks for the fantasy. :clap:

Oh really? Well feel free to point out which of the above similarities are FALSE.

And LadyLib, bottom line, under Obama's watch, everything negavite about Bush has continued.

He's one of two things:

- Bush 3
- The most spineless man to ever occupy that office

Which is it?

It's hyperbolic out of context bullshit.

It's like saying "Bush has 2 eyes..Obama has 2 eyes...See Obama is just like Bush!"

But I am betting you voted Gore then Kerry..right?

OH!!!!!!! So, once again, it's "not Obamas fault".

Sure, every single negative aspect of Bush has been repeated by Obama. But...not His fault.

Obama had the power to veto all that shit. To say no to bombing Pakistan and Libya. To seal the border. To veto bailouts and tax cuts for the rich. To not pass another bloated federal bill.

OBAMA had a choice, and chose the Bush'en Path (HAHA!!).

No more excuses for Him please.

You lefties are so fucking brainwashed by this man it's pathetic.
Oh really? Well feel free to point out which of the above similarities are FALSE.

And LadyLib, bottom line, under Obama's watch, everything negavite about Bush has continued.

He's one of two things:

- Bush 3
- The most spineless man to ever occupy that office

Which is it?

It's hyperbolic out of context bullshit.

It's like saying "Bush has 2 eyes..Obama has 2 eyes...See Obama is just like Bush!"

But I am betting you voted Gore then Kerry..right?

OH!!!!!!! So, once again, it's "not Obamas fault".

Sure, every single negative aspect of Bush has been repeated by Obama. But...not His fault.

Obama had the power to veto all that shit. To say no to bombing Pakistan and Libya. To seal the border. To veto bailouts and tax cuts for the rich. To not pass another bloated federal bill.

OBAMA had a choice, and chose the Bush'en Path (HAHA!!).

No more excuses for Him please.

You lefties are so fucking brainwashed by this man it's pathetic.

So you didn't vote for Gore or Kerry.

Hence..either you shouldn't be upset.

Or your logic is specious.
Bush was left Iraq by his dad and Clinton, he finished the job.
Bush was set up with 9/11 by Clinton, he took on the job.
Bush left Afghanistan for Obamination, Obamination had big dreams for the craphole and like usual failed.
Bush gave a win in Iraq to Obamination, obamination took credit for it.
Bush's economy went south as soon as Democrats took control of the HoR, Obamination made it worse.
Bush expanded the Govt, Obamination went crazy expanding the Govt compared to Bush.
Bush didn't blame Clinton for 9/11, economy, etc.....Obamination still blames Bush 3 years into the job.
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So everything about Obama is exactly like Bush. BUT....left winger Sallow says it's "bullshit" and out of context to point it out.

So lets see then.......nothing has changed. And being Bush 3 is NOT Obamas intent. He intended to, and still intends to, change all the Bush stuff. But hasn't.

And he's not trying to be like Bush.

Which leaves no other conclusion other than: Obama wanted to change it all up, and FAILED.


Limbaugh is happy as shit right now!!! HAHA!! And so am I!!
Bush was left Iraq by his dad and Clinton, he finished the job.
Bush was set up with 9/11 by Clinton, he took on the job.
Bush left Afghanistan for Obamination, Obamination had big dreams for the craphole and like usual failed.
Bush gave a win in Iraq to Obamination, obamination took credit for it.
Bush's economy went south as soon as Democrats took control of the HoR, Obamination made it worse.
Bush expanded the Govt, Obamination went crazy expanding the Govt compared to Bush.
Bush didn't blame Clinton for 9/11, economy, etc.....Obamination still blames Bush 3 years into the job.

:lol: What lunacy.
So everything about Obama is exactly like Bush. BUT....left winger Sallow says it's "bullshit" and out of context to point it out.

So lets see then.......nothing has changed. And being Bush 3 is NOT Obamas intent. He intended to, and still intends to, change all the Bush stuff. But hasn't.

And he's not trying to be like Bush.

Which leaves no other conclusion other than: Obama wanted to change it all up, and FAILED.


Limbaugh is happy as shit right now!!! HAHA!! And so am I!! didn't and you won't vote for Obama. This is basically a rant about a guy you don't like.

We get it.

Over and over and over and over and over and over and..

Infinity and beyond!

[ame=]Toy Story ending: "Infinity and Beyond" - YouTube[/ame]
Come on dumbfuck, prove it.

Bush was left Iraq by his dad and Clinton, he finished the job.
Bush was set up with 9/11 by Clinton, he took on the job.
Bush left Afghanistan for Obamination, Obamination had big dreams for the craphole and like usual failed.
Bush gave a win in Iraq to Obamination, obamination took credit for it.
Bush's economy went south as soon as Democrats took control of the HoR, Obamination made it worse.
Bush expanded the Govt, Obamination went crazy expanding the Govt compared to Bush.
Bush didn't blame Clinton for 9/11, economy, etc.....Obamination still blames Bush 3 years into the job.

:lol: What lunacy.
Come on dumbfuck, prove it.

Bush was left Iraq by his dad and Clinton, he finished the job.
Bush was set up with 9/11 by Clinton, he took on the job.
Bush left Afghanistan for Obamination, Obamination had big dreams for the craphole and like usual failed.
Bush gave a win in Iraq to Obamination, obamination took credit for it.
Bush's economy went south as soon as Democrats took control of the HoR, Obamination made it worse.
Bush expanded the Govt, Obamination went crazy expanding the Govt compared to Bush.
Bush didn't blame Clinton for 9/11, economy, etc.....Obamination still blames Bush 3 years into the job.

:lol: What lunacy.

Prove what? None of this is even remotely on target. Starting with Bush was set up by Clinton for 9/11. What idiocy. It was Reagan and Bush's father that funded Bin Laden in Afghanistan. Heck..Arbusto..Bush's company..was started by Bin Laden's half brother. Betcha didn't know that. The Bushies and Bin Ladens go way back.

The rest of it..isn't worth the keystrokes.
You're a fucking moron, the top CIA guy in Afghanistan during the "Reagan days" said UBL didn't take our money since he wanted to use his own money and weapons to gain influence over the locals.....which he did. He sided with the Taliban, the group that fought the NORTHERN ALLIANCE after the Soviets left.

Oh, the Northern Alliance was our friends that we helped....dumbfuck.

Come on dumbfuck, prove it.

:lol: What lunacy.

Prove what? None of this is even remotely on target. Starting with Bush was set up by Clinton for 9/11. What idiocy. It was Reagan and Bush's father that funded Bin Laden in Afghanistan. Heck..Arbusto..Bush's company..was started by Bin Laden's half brother. Betcha didn't know that. The Bushies and Bin Ladens go way back.

The rest of it..isn't worth the keystrokes.
You're a fucking moron, the top CIA guy in Afghanistan during the "Reagan days" said UBL didn't take our money since he wanted to use his own money and weapons to gain influence over the locals.....which he did. He sided with the Taliban, the group that fought the NORTHERN ALLIANCE after the Soviets left.

Oh, the Northern Alliance was our friends that we helped....dumbfuck.

Come on dumbfuck, prove it.

Prove what? None of this is even remotely on target. Starting with Bush was set up by Clinton for 9/11. What idiocy. It was Reagan and Bush's father that funded Bin Laden in Afghanistan. Heck..Arbusto..Bush's company..was started by Bin Laden's half brother. Betcha didn't know that. The Bushies and Bin Ladens go way back.

The rest of it..isn't worth the keystrokes.

Oh Bullshit.

Reagan was the king of Plausible deniability. The US gave money to the ISI..who in turn bought weapons and gave them to the Muj.

You really are one dumb shit..aren't ya?
Yeah, the CIA guy on the ground is just a know more than him despite probably not being alive when it all happened.

Just shut the fuck up.

UBL didn't want or need our money, he WAS RICH.

Oh, the head of the CIA's UBL task force said Clinton dropped the ball about 5 times to kill UBL.....but of course he is lying too in your fucked up world.:cuckoo:

You're a fucking moron, the top CIA guy in Afghanistan during the "Reagan days" said UBL didn't take our money since he wanted to use his own money and weapons to gain influence over the locals.....which he did. He sided with the Taliban, the group that fought the NORTHERN ALLIANCE after the Soviets left.

Oh, the Northern Alliance was our friends that we helped....dumbfuck.

Prove what? None of this is even remotely on target. Starting with Bush was set up by Clinton for 9/11. What idiocy. It was Reagan and Bush's father that funded Bin Laden in Afghanistan. Heck..Arbusto..Bush's company..was started by Bin Laden's half brother. Betcha didn't know that. The Bushies and Bin Ladens go way back.

The rest of it..isn't worth the keystrokes.

Oh Bullshit.

Reagan was the king of Plausible deniability. The US gave money to the ISI..who in turn bought weapons and gave them to the Muj.

You really are one dumb shit..aren't ya?
Here's a thought:

How about we stop voting for both parties, and start forming a viable third party? After all, whichever either side of the fence you may be on, it seems you're just choosing the lesser of two evils.

You know, a party that's not "far left" (green) or "far right" (tea party), but still represents the clear frustration the American people have with the facts that:

1. The government has become so polarized that nothing useful ever seems to get done.
2. ALL of Washington seems to be at the beck and call of the corporations, especially the giant media conglomerates and the giant banking conglomerates.
3. The federal government seems to have too much power over the populace, in ways that do not adhere to the Bill of Rights.
4. The federal government has been wasting taxpayer money and overextending our debt.

I think we can pretty much all agree on all 4 of those points. And I think that these points are cohesive enough to gather a potent political force around.
In other words, maybe we should start looking at common denominators for our collective outrage, rather than constantly bickering back and forth about relatively minor points of contention.

It seems to me that the parties are basically there to give the American populace the illusion that they have a choice, when in actuality, the same people are bribing the vast majority of politicians on both sides of the fence.

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