Compare Trump to Potato... Trump on Levin last night


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
the contrast between him and Corn Pop Dementia was astounding

If that had been Corn Pop being interviewed, we would have had something like this:

Question: What happened in Afghanistan?

Corn Pop: Um... where's that? Oh... yeh... yeh, I vaguely recall the name of that city

Levin: It's a country

CP: Oh, yeh... I knew that.

Levin: So what happened there? How did we lose Americans? Why were billions of $$ is military equipment left behind?

CP: Trump... Trump did that

Levin: Oh, you actually remember who was pres... Oh never mind... Anyhow, how is it Trump's fault when he was out of office then?

CP: I don't know... it just is. Everything is Trump's fault... except the good economy we had a couple years ago. I was actually responsible for that, not Trump...

Trump claw.jpg
Sorry about the stuff I left out in OP

Levin interviewed Trump the other night. I accidentally deleted the part that said that...

So yeh, OP was about how the interview would sound if it was CornDementiaPop being interviewed
CP: Trump... Trump did that
Levin: Oh, you actually remember who was pres... Oh never mind... Anyhow, how is it Trump's fault when he was out of office then?
CP: I don't know... it just is. Everything is Trump's fault... except the good economy we had a couple years ago. I was actually responsible for that, not Trump...

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