Compared to capitalism, what has socialism and communism ever produced or manufactured?

Like all socialists they wanted to rule the world, force everyone to bend to their will, Same reason Stalin invaded Poland and the Baltic's.
Why did Hitler kill communists and tolerate capitalists?

Hitler was a socialist. Do you even know the name of his party without looking it up? I doubt it. And, OBTW, HE personally named it.

Hitler killed communist apparatchiks and socialist nomenklatura mostly because they were in rival political parties. Not because of their beliefs but because they were a political threat to his party.

You people are just simply stupid.

socialism is when the government owns the means of production. communism is when there is no government.

Do you know what a 'soviet' is? I doubt that one, too.

This is like reading 3rd graders debate Relativity
socialism is when the government owns the means of production. communism is when there is no government.
Who owned the means of production in Nazi Germany?

It wasn't the socialists.
Authoritarian dictatorship

Hands down

Socialism requires authoritarian dictatorship, which is why socialism is the deadliest system in modern human history. Oh yes, the Aztecs were probably worse, Babylon was very fond of mass murder as well. But for anything modern, nothing kills as many people as socialism.

And let's face is leach, that is one of the primary attractions to it for you.
everyIn theworld but right wing GOP dupes knows that socialism is not communism and is always democratic. Wake up and smell the coffee. Check any Socialist Party in the modern world.... Brainwashed functional moron

Socialism is a step toward the final end, which is communism. Friedrich Engels who wrote the Communist Manifesto along with Marx, wrote a description of "democratic socialists" back in 1847 and explained their usefulness.

Engels described "democratic socialists" as those who "favor some of the same measures the communists advocate." Engels scolded such "democratic socialists" for not pursuing total revolution, but he also listed three points that democratic socialists and communists tend to agree on.

1. "By limiting private property in such a way that it gradually prepares the way for its transformation into social property, e.g., by progressive taxation, limitation of the right of inheritance in favour of the state, etc."

2. "By employing workers in national workshops and factories and on national estates."

3. "By educating all children at the expense of the state."

Engels wrote "In moments of action, the communists will have to come to an understanding with these democratic socialists, and in general to follow as far as possible a common policy with them – provided that these socialists do not enter into the service of the ruling bourgeoisie and attack the communists."
Socialism has never led to Communism yet, except with a violent revolution in between. Marx was wrong about everything. People are going to have to evolve for communism to be possible except through violent revolution and total police state. Absolute garbage no one in the United States in their right mind argues for it. Socialism now means fair capitalism and that is all, brainwashed functional moron. And we don't have it here thanks to the scumbag GOP and their brainwashed dupes. We need at least to have healthcare for all.

"And we'll never have it here thanks to the scumbag GOP and their brainwashed dupes.."

Fixed that for you. You're welcome.
Will never have Healthcare ? And you think that's great? You people are absolutely out of your minds brainwashed...
Socialism requires authoritarian dictatorship, which is why socialism is the deadliest system in modern human history. Oh yes, the Aztecs were probably worse, Babylon was very fond of mass murder as well. But for anything modern, nothing kills as many people as socialism.

And let's face is leach, that is one of the primary attractions to it for you.
everyIn theworld but right wing GOP dupes knows that socialism is not communism and is always democratic. Wake up and smell the coffee. Check any Socialist Party in the modern world.... Brainwashed functional moron

Socialism is a step toward the final end, which is communism. Friedrich Engels who wrote the Communist Manifesto along with Marx, wrote a description of "democratic socialists" back in 1847 and explained their usefulness.

Engels described "democratic socialists" as those who "favor some of the same measures the communists advocate." Engels scolded such "democratic socialists" for not pursuing total revolution, but he also listed three points that democratic socialists and communists tend to agree on.

1. "By limiting private property in such a way that it gradually prepares the way for its transformation into social property, e.g., by progressive taxation, limitation of the right of inheritance in favour of the state, etc."

2. "By employing workers in national workshops and factories and on national estates."

3. "By educating all children at the expense of the state."

Engels wrote "In moments of action, the communists will have to come to an understanding with these democratic socialists, and in general to follow as far as possible a common policy with them – provided that these socialists do not enter into the service of the ruling bourgeoisie and attack the communists."
Socialism has never led to Communism yet, except with a violent revolution in between. Marx was wrong about everything. People are going to have to evolve for communism to be possible except through violent revolution and total police state. Absolute garbage no one in the United States in their right mind argues for it. Socialism now means fair capitalism and that is all, brainwashed functional moron. And we don't have it here thanks to the scumbag GOP and their brainwashed dupes. We need at least to have healthcare for all.

"And we'll never have it here thanks to the scumbag GOP and their brainwashed dupes.."

Fixed that for you. You're welcome.
Will never have Healthcare ? And you think that's great? You people are absolutely out of your minds brainwashed...

Pay for your own damned healthcare. I didn't breed you, so I'm not responsible for you.
Like all socialists they wanted to rule the world, force everyone to bend to their will, Same reason Stalin invaded Poland and the Baltic's.
Why did Hitler kill communists and tolerate capitalists?

Hitler was a socialist. Do you even know the name of his party without looking it up? I doubt it. And, OBTW, HE personally named it.

Hitler killed communist apparatchiks and socialist nomenklatura mostly because they were in rival political parties. Not because of their beliefs but because they were a political threat to his party.

You people are just simply stupid.

socialism is when the government owns the means of production. communism is when there is no government.

Do you know what a 'soviet' is? I doubt that one, too.

This is like reading 3rd graders debate Relativity
socialism is when the government owns the means of production. communism is when there is no government.
Who owned the means of production in Nazi Germany?

It wasn't the socialists.

The Nazis. The Nazis controlled everything. There is a famous, or infamous story of Hitler saying "I don't care if you own the cow, as long as I own you".

The Nazis were very much for the appearance of private ownership, but they made it clear they controlled the owners. Yes, you can own that factory, but you build what we want you to build, and the way we want you to build it.

It was very much a socialist system. As the name "National Socialists" implied.
everyIn theworld but right wing GOP dupes knows that socialism is not communism and is always democratic. Wake up and smell the coffee. Check any Socialist Party in the modern world.... Brainwashed functional moron

Socialism is a step toward the final end, which is communism. Friedrich Engels who wrote the Communist Manifesto along with Marx, wrote a description of "democratic socialists" back in 1847 and explained their usefulness.

Engels described "democratic socialists" as those who "favor some of the same measures the communists advocate." Engels scolded such "democratic socialists" for not pursuing total revolution, but he also listed three points that democratic socialists and communists tend to agree on.

1. "By limiting private property in such a way that it gradually prepares the way for its transformation into social property, e.g., by progressive taxation, limitation of the right of inheritance in favour of the state, etc."

2. "By employing workers in national workshops and factories and on national estates."

3. "By educating all children at the expense of the state."

Engels wrote "In moments of action, the communists will have to come to an understanding with these democratic socialists, and in general to follow as far as possible a common policy with them – provided that these socialists do not enter into the service of the ruling bourgeoisie and attack the communists."
Socialism has never led to Communism yet, except with a violent revolution in between. Marx was wrong about everything. People are going to have to evolve for communism to be possible except through violent revolution and total police state. Absolute garbage no one in the United States in their right mind argues for it. Socialism now means fair capitalism and that is all, brainwashed functional moron. And we don't have it here thanks to the scumbag GOP and their brainwashed dupes. We need at least to have healthcare for all.

"And we'll never have it here thanks to the scumbag GOP and their brainwashed dupes.."

Fixed that for you. You're welcome.
Will never have Healthcare ? And you think that's great? You people are absolutely out of your minds brainwashed...

Pay for your own damned healthcare. I didn't breed you, so I'm not responsible for you.
Go barbarism! Enjoy hell LOL
What do we have to show for electing a reality TV host?


Best economy in 60 years, lowest unemployment among minorities in history, Ending the aid to Iran's nuclear weapons program, opening the road to peace and reunification in Korea, no new wars and efforts to bring Obama's war in Syria to a close.

Since you consider that "failure," it's pretty damned clear what your agenda is, Comrade.
Best economy in 60 years, lowest unemployment among minorities in history, Ending the aid to Iran's nuclear weapons program, opening the road to peace and reunification in Korea
Best economy in 60 years if you don't consider the "King of Debt's" contribution

The unhinged lunatic in the White House has the potential to bury the GOP for a generation, at least.

Will you blame socialism for that?

Not so much.

Debt is a product of personal choices. It has nothing to do with the economy. Only idiot thinks that if the economy is good, debt will go down, and if the economy is bad, debt will go up.

In fact, it is generally the reverse.

Just as your graph shows, when the economy sucks, debt goes down. This is because people, and the banks both, tend to reduce borrowing when the economy is struggling. If you are worried about your job, or have uncertain income, you are less likely to take out a loan on a car, or mortgage on a house. Equally the banks themselves are less likely to lend, in that environment.

Personal debt has nothing directly to do with the economy. I have been living debt free since about 2007. It's a choice. I could take out loans. I refuse.
Like all socialists they wanted to rule the world, force everyone to bend to their will, Same reason Stalin invaded Poland and the Baltic's.
Why did Hitler kill communists and tolerate capitalists?

Hitler was a socialist. Do you even know the name of his party without looking it up? I doubt it. And, OBTW, HE personally named it.

Hitler killed communist apparatchiks and socialist nomenklatura mostly because they were in rival political parties. Not because of their beliefs but because they were a political threat to his party.

You people are just simply stupid.

socialism is when the government owns the means of production. communism is when there is no government.

Do you know what a 'soviet' is? I doubt that one, too.

This is like reading 3rd graders debate Relativity
socialism is when the government owns the means of production. communism is when there is no government.
Who owned the means of production in Nazi Germany?

It wasn't the socialists.

The Nazis. The Nazis controlled everything. There is a famous, or infamous story of Hitler saying "I don't care if you own the cow, as long as I own you".

The Nazis were very much for the appearance of private ownership, but they made it clear they controlled the owners. Yes, you can own that factory, but you build what we want you to build, and the way we want you to build it.

It was very much a socialist system. As the name "National Socialists" implied.
Of course you believe socialism is communism, but also any right-wing propaganda you hear, even Nazis'. Brain-washed functional moron... Yes they were dictators so of course they controlled everything they needed to, but Nazis also loved aristocrats and CEOs as long as they weren't Jewish or in opposition. No political science departments or anyone not brainwashed by the GOP propaganda machine believes that Nazis were socialists. Absolute and brand newpoppycock, for dupes like you only...
Last edited:
Most every advancement in technology, medicine, agriculture, transportation, communication, construction, energy and power, etc. this world has ever seen was conceived and developed by countries that practiced a capitalist ideology. Yet many Democrats are pushing socialism, the goal of which is communism as Lenin explained.

So what groundbreaking things have socialism/communism ever contributed to this world, aside from what they stole from capitalist countries?
Capitalism can be ruined and/or corrupted too right? It’s just another ism don’t worship it
Like all socialists they wanted to rule the world, force everyone to bend to their will, Same reason Stalin invaded Poland and the Baltic's.
Why did Hitler kill communists and tolerate capitalists?

Hitler was a socialist. Do you even know the name of his party without looking it up? I doubt it. And, OBTW, HE personally named it.

Hitler killed communist apparatchiks and socialist nomenklatura mostly because they were in rival political parties. Not because of their beliefs but because they were a political threat to his party.

You people are just simply stupid.

socialism is when the government owns the means of production. communism is when there is no government.

Do you know what a 'soviet' is? I doubt that one, too.

This is like reading 3rd graders debate Relativity
socialism is when the government owns the means of production. communism is when there is no government.
Who owned the means of production in Nazi Germany?

It wasn't the socialists.

The Nazis. The Nazis controlled everything. There is a famous, or infamous story of Hitler saying "I don't care if you own the cow, as long as I own you".

The Nazis were very much for the appearance of private ownership, but they made it clear they controlled the owners. Yes, you can own that factory, but you build what we want you to build, and the way we want you to build it.

It was very much a socialist system. As the name "National Socialists" implied.

You are absolutely correct: "Nationalized socialism."

All industry and production was for the support of the state. Industrialists could make good money but they were directed by the government to manufacture mainly certain things needed for Hitler's military expansionism.
Like all socialists they wanted to rule the world, force everyone to bend to their will, Same reason Stalin invaded Poland and the Baltic's.
Why did Hitler kill communists and tolerate capitalists?

Hitler was a socialist. Do you even know the name of his party without looking it up? I doubt it. And, OBTW, HE personally named it.

Hitler killed communist apparatchiks and socialist nomenklatura mostly because they were in rival political parties. Not because of their beliefs but because they were a political threat to his party.

You people are just simply stupid.

socialism is when the government owns the means of production. communism is when there is no government.

Do you know what a 'soviet' is? I doubt that one, too.

This is like reading 3rd graders debate Relativity
socialism is when the government owns the means of production. communism is when there is no government.
Who owned the means of production in Nazi Germany?

It wasn't the socialists.

The Nazis. The Nazis controlled everything. There is a famous, or infamous story of Hitler saying "I don't care if you own the cow, as long as I own you".

The Nazis were very much for the appearance of private ownership, but they made it clear they controlled the owners. Yes, you can own that factory, but you build what we want you to build, and the way we want you to build it.

It was very much a socialist system. As the name "National Socialists" implied.

You are absolutely correct: "Nationalized socialism."

All industry and production was for the support of the state. Industrialists could make good money but they were directed by the government to manufacture mainly certain things needed for Hitler's military expansionism.

We spend more on military than the rest of the world combined. That’s all government spending. A lot. Trillions can’t even be accounted for. So shady.

What are we manufacturing?
Socialism is a step toward the final end, which is communism. Friedrich Engels who wrote the Communist Manifesto along with Marx, wrote a description of "democratic socialists" back in 1847 and explained their usefulness.

Engels described "democratic socialists" as those who "favor some of the same measures the communists advocate." Engels scolded such "democratic socialists" for not pursuing total revolution, but he also listed three points that democratic socialists and communists tend to agree on.

1. "By limiting private property in such a way that it gradually prepares the way for its transformation into social property, e.g., by progressive taxation, limitation of the right of inheritance in favour of the state, etc."

2. "By employing workers in national workshops and factories and on national estates."

3. "By educating all children at the expense of the state."

Engels wrote "In moments of action, the communists will have to come to an understanding with these democratic socialists, and in general to follow as far as possible a common policy with them – provided that these socialists do not enter into the service of the ruling bourgeoisie and attack the communists."
Socialism has never led to Communism yet, except with a violent revolution in between. Marx was wrong about everything. People are going to have to evolve for communism to be possible except through violent revolution and total police state. Absolute garbage no one in the United States in their right mind argues for it. Socialism now means fair capitalism and that is all, brainwashed functional moron. And we don't have it here thanks to the scumbag GOP and their brainwashed dupes. We need at least to have healthcare for all.

"And we'll never have it here thanks to the scumbag GOP and their brainwashed dupes.."

Fixed that for you. You're welcome.
Will never have Healthcare ? And you think that's great? You people are absolutely out of your minds brainwashed...

Pay for your own damned healthcare. I didn't breed you, so I'm not responsible for you.
Go barbarism! Enjoy hell LOL

2 Thessalonians 3:10
For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat.

1 Timothy 5:8

But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

Proverbs 12:24
The hand of the diligent will rule, while the slothful will be put to forced labor.

2 Thessalonians 3:8
Nor did we eat anyone's bread without paying for it, but with toil and labor we worked night and day, that we might not be a burden to any of you.

Psalm 128:2

You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with you.
Why did Hitler kill communists and tolerate capitalists?

Hitler was a socialist. Do you even know the name of his party without looking it up? I doubt it. And, OBTW, HE personally named it.

Hitler killed communist apparatchiks and socialist nomenklatura mostly because they were in rival political parties. Not because of their beliefs but because they were a political threat to his party.

You people are just simply stupid.

socialism is when the government owns the means of production. communism is when there is no government.

Do you know what a 'soviet' is? I doubt that one, too.

This is like reading 3rd graders debate Relativity
socialism is when the government owns the means of production. communism is when there is no government.
Who owned the means of production in Nazi Germany?

It wasn't the socialists.

The Nazis. The Nazis controlled everything. There is a famous, or infamous story of Hitler saying "I don't care if you own the cow, as long as I own you".

The Nazis were very much for the appearance of private ownership, but they made it clear they controlled the owners. Yes, you can own that factory, but you build what we want you to build, and the way we want you to build it.

It was very much a socialist system. As the name "National Socialists" implied.

You are absolutely correct: "Nationalized socialism."

All industry and production was for the support of the state. Industrialists could make good money but they were directed by the government to manufacture mainly certain things needed for Hitler's military expansionism.

We spend more on military than the rest of the world combined. That’s all government spending. A lot. Trillions can’t even be accounted for. So shady.

What are we manufacturing?

Military superiority against our adversaries, at any cost. Last I checked, we weren't marching across the border to annex Mexico or Canada.
Like all socialists they wanted to rule the world, force everyone to bend to their will, Same reason Stalin invaded Poland and the Baltic's.
Why did Hitler kill communists and tolerate capitalists?

There are two reasons Hitler opposed the communists.

One.... Communists wanted to be a puppet under Stalin. Stalin wanted control over the world. Hitler wanted to be in control over the world.

These are mutually exclusive goals. Thus, while communists shared many beliefs ideologically, they were mutually exclusive on the key factor of 'who is king'. Hitler was not going to be under the control of Russia. So Hitler killed the communists.

Second reason was because Hitler had already seen that communism failed in Russia.

When Lenin and then Stalin, wiped out the wealthy business owners in Russia, the economy was wrecked. Shortages and starvation swept across Russia.

Hitler, wisely, figured out that going around slaughtering the business owners was a bad idea. He also correctly figured out that if he merely nationalized all the companies, the rich and wealthy business owners would pack up and leave, such as they did in Venezuela.

Hitler's new plan, was instead of trying to take over all the companies and steal the wealth from the elite, he intended to control them. Force them to act in the best interest of the government, while maintaining the illusion of private ownership.

It is a fact that the control over the economy still had negative effects, but it didn't result in the catastrophic decline that happened in Russia under communism.

The two ideologies may have used different methods, but the goal was the same, total control under the government.
Most every advancement in technology, medicine, agriculture, transportation, communication, construction, energy and power, etc. this world has ever seen was conceived and developed by countries that practiced a capitalist ideology. Yet many Democrats are pushing socialism, the goal of which is communism as Lenin explained.

So what groundbreaking things have socialism/communism ever contributed to this world, aside from what they stole from capitalist countries?
Capitalism can be ruined and/or corrupted too right? It’s just another ism don’t worship it

Not really. Capitalism can't be ruined or corrupted. The only thing that can happen in Capitalism, is for socialism to ruin or corrupt the system... but then it isn't capitalism.

Think about it.... without a government interfering, how can a Capitalist system be ruined or corrupted?

It can't. I've considered this for ages, but every time, you have to have government interference. But government interference, is not capitalist. That's socialist.
Poverty, starvation, mass graves and misery are the specialty of socialists. It’s what they import into every nation they get control of.
Basically everyone in the world but Republicans knows that socialists are always Democratic Fair capitalists with a good safety net these days. Check any socialists from developed countries or any Socialist Party in developed countries. Or Bernie or AOC. Brainwashed functional morons.
I see we’re renaming shit again. WTF is fair capitalism? The kind where you can make as much as you want as long as it’s not more than anyone else? Those Venezuela socialists are sure fair capitalisming the hell out of that place. Don’t get me started praising their safety nets I’ll never be able to stop with all that gloriousness.
equal protection of the law regarding the legal concept of employment at will, for unemployment compensation.

and, a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.
Yeah not communist at all. The government will just tell you who you can hire, when you can fire them and how much they will be paid.
the right wing is worse. they also want a wall, in addition to all you claim.
A wall to protect our border? What the hell kind of retarded reply is this?
Why did Hitler kill communists and tolerate capitalists?

Hitler was a socialist. Do you even know the name of his party without looking it up? I doubt it. And, OBTW, HE personally named it.

Hitler killed communist apparatchiks and socialist nomenklatura mostly because they were in rival political parties. Not because of their beliefs but because they were a political threat to his party.

You people are just simply stupid.

socialism is when the government owns the means of production. communism is when there is no government.

Do you know what a 'soviet' is? I doubt that one, too.

This is like reading 3rd graders debate Relativity
socialism is when the government owns the means of production. communism is when there is no government.
Who owned the means of production in Nazi Germany?

It wasn't the socialists.

The Nazis. The Nazis controlled everything. There is a famous, or infamous story of Hitler saying "I don't care if you own the cow, as long as I own you".

The Nazis were very much for the appearance of private ownership, but they made it clear they controlled the owners. Yes, you can own that factory, but you build what we want you to build, and the way we want you to build it.

It was very much a socialist system. As the name "National Socialists" implied.

You are absolutely correct: "Nationalized socialism."

All industry and production was for the support of the state. Industrialists could make good money but they were directed by the government to manufacture mainly certain things needed for Hitler's military expansionism.

We spend more on military than the rest of the world combined. That’s all government spending. A lot. Trillions can’t even be accounted for. So shady.

What are we manufacturing?

Yeah, but there are a number of reasons for that.

If you think about any product in the economy... any product at all.... The latest and greatest product, is always the most expensive.

The latest sports car, is always the most expensive. The latest Smart Phone, is always the most expensive model.

The top of the line anything, is always the most expensive.

The biggest reasons is because the companies have to recoup their Research and Design costs. You have to pay a higher price for the latest version, because they have to make up the millions lost on the R&D for it.

The second reason is simply that the older design has simply been around longer. The longer a design is around, the more they are able to find cheaper ways of manufacturing that design.

The cost of producing the materials needed for a given product, tend to decline over time.

So how does that explain the difference in cost between the US military, verses other nations?

Well, the US always tries to be ahead of the curve, relative to the military strength of other countries. We try to have the best weapons, armor, vehicles, planes, tanks, and so on.

But as I just pointed out, that means paying the high price.

What a ton of people seem to have no idea about, is that we sell weapons to a large part of the world. Do you think we are selling them, the best weapons we have?

No. Of course not. We are not selling other countries our F-35 stealth fighter jets. We're selling them our F-15s. Why? Because we want to have the edge.

But of course that means they are buying older planes at a lower cost, while we have expense top quality planes, at a high cost.

They are buying the old products that are cheap. We're buying the high quality products that are new.

It would be the equivalent argument to me buying 10 year old cars (which is what I do. My current car is a 2003), and you buying a new car, and then complaining "why is Andy paying a fraction of the cost for transportation?!".

The rest of the world isn't doing research and design on their weapons, and paying top dollar for the newest stuff to have an edge in combat. We, being the super power of the world, are.

However, there is yet another reason....

And this is so obvious, that I'm always a little baffled by people who even ask why our military spending is so much higher than that of specifically Europe.

Much of Europe.... not all... but much Europe spends a ton less on military and defense, than the US....... Because we defend them.

There was a few years ago now, a couple of Russian military forces that crossed into Finland space. I believe one was a submarine, and the other an aircraft.

Finland started doing drills, and I was honestly, a bit shocked by how badly prepared the Finnish forces were. Sub-standard weapons, limited supplies, lack of vehicles.... I was amazed.

Now don't get me wrong, they only have 5 million people in their country. I wasn't expecting a mass of star wars storm troopers.... but they were barely equipped. And the first thing they did, was bump up military spending.

This is why Trump is so hated around certain parts of the world. Because he's been saying it's time for Europe and Japan, and South Korea, to start defending themselves.

And honestly I find it a little hypocritical on the left-wing that some are complaining Japan is beefing up its military, and so is South Korea, and so are parts of Europe.... because of Trump.... but then complaining we are spending so much on our military.

Because if you want all of these countries to stay passive and without a powerful military, then we have to continue to defend all these countries, which requires us to spend more on our military.

If you want us to cut back on the military, then we can't keep defending all these nations, and that will result in those nations building up their military... which by the way will make some of them hate us. Because Europe has loved having us there, so they don't have to fund a powerful military themselves.
We seem to have a couple Trumpers talking to themselves trying to decide just how "evil" socialism is...and not actually knowing shit about the subject.

Socialism is the ownership or regulation of the means of production by the government . Well the government doesn't own shit so...we're talking about regulation.

Clearly we WANT a certain amount of regulation so the discussion is NOT about "how" evil socialism is...but rather how much of it we require
Hitler was a socialist. Do you even know the name of his party without looking it up? I doubt it. And, OBTW, HE personally named it.

Hitler killed communist apparatchiks and socialist nomenklatura mostly because they were in rival political parties. Not because of their beliefs but because they were a political threat to his party.

You people are just simply stupid.

socialism is when the government owns the means of production. communism is when there is no government.

Do you know what a 'soviet' is? I doubt that one, too.

This is like reading 3rd graders debate Relativity
socialism is when the government owns the means of production. communism is when there is no government.
Who owned the means of production in Nazi Germany?

It wasn't the socialists.

The Nazis. The Nazis controlled everything. There is a famous, or infamous story of Hitler saying "I don't care if you own the cow, as long as I own you".

The Nazis were very much for the appearance of private ownership, but they made it clear they controlled the owners. Yes, you can own that factory, but you build what we want you to build, and the way we want you to build it.

It was very much a socialist system. As the name "National Socialists" implied.

You are absolutely correct: "Nationalized socialism."

All industry and production was for the support of the state. Industrialists could make good money but they were directed by the government to manufacture mainly certain things needed for Hitler's military expansionism.

We spend more on military than the rest of the world combined. That’s all government spending. A lot. Trillions can’t even be accounted for. So shady.

What are we manufacturing?

Military superiority against our adversaries, at any cost. Last I checked, we weren't marching across the border to annex Mexico or Canada.
Just because hitler used nationalized socialism doesn’t make socialism bad. If bush used capitalism to lie us into the Iraq war, do you blame capitalism?

Actually I blame government being in bed with haloburton for that one. Dick Chaney’s company made a fortune.
Hitler was a socialist. Do you even know the name of his party without looking it up? I doubt it. And, OBTW, HE personally named it.

Hitler killed communist apparatchiks and socialist nomenklatura mostly because they were in rival political parties. Not because of their beliefs but because they were a political threat to his party.

You people are just simply stupid.

socialism is when the government owns the means of production. communism is when there is no government.

Do you know what a 'soviet' is? I doubt that one, too.

This is like reading 3rd graders debate Relativity
socialism is when the government owns the means of production. communism is when there is no government.
Who owned the means of production in Nazi Germany?

It wasn't the socialists.

The Nazis. The Nazis controlled everything. There is a famous, or infamous story of Hitler saying "I don't care if you own the cow, as long as I own you".

The Nazis were very much for the appearance of private ownership, but they made it clear they controlled the owners. Yes, you can own that factory, but you build what we want you to build, and the way we want you to build it.

It was very much a socialist system. As the name "National Socialists" implied.

You are absolutely correct: "Nationalized socialism."

All industry and production was for the support of the state. Industrialists could make good money but they were directed by the government to manufacture mainly certain things needed for Hitler's military expansionism.

We spend more on military than the rest of the world combined. That’s all government spending. A lot. Trillions can’t even be accounted for. So shady.

What are we manufacturing?

Military superiority against our adversaries, at any cost. Last I checked, we weren't marching across the border to annex Mexico or Canada.

We already did that .
Who owned the means of production in Nazi Germany?

It wasn't the socialists.

The Nazis. The Nazis controlled everything. There is a famous, or infamous story of Hitler saying "I don't care if you own the cow, as long as I own you".

The Nazis were very much for the appearance of private ownership, but they made it clear they controlled the owners. Yes, you can own that factory, but you build what we want you to build, and the way we want you to build it.

It was very much a socialist system. As the name "National Socialists" implied.

You are absolutely correct: "Nationalized socialism."

All industry and production was for the support of the state. Industrialists could make good money but they were directed by the government to manufacture mainly certain things needed for Hitler's military expansionism.

We spend more on military than the rest of the world combined. That’s all government spending. A lot. Trillions can’t even be accounted for. So shady.

What are we manufacturing?

Military superiority against our adversaries, at any cost. Last I checked, we weren't marching across the border to annex Mexico or Canada.
Just because hitler used nationalized socialism doesn’t make socialism bad. If bush used capitalism to lie us into the Iraq war, do you blame capitalism?

Actually I blame government being in bed with haloburton for that one. Dick Chaney’s company made a fortune.

There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that Halliburton had anything to do with the Iraq war. None. Zero.

Saying someone made money, does not mean that magically that somehow it was the point, or goal, or had any influence on the decision making.

Um... Bush using Capitalism to justify a war, is impossible. Capitalism has nothing ideologically, to support war. If anything Capitalism would support peace, because dead people do not engage in trade.

Socialism, is an ideology that has an 'us vs them' perspective. Socialism naturally results in war, because fundamental to ideology is the belief that other people are preventing you from succeeding. Things are not equal, and those other people are hindering equality, so we need to take their stuff, and distribute it.

A perfect example of the natural progression of socialism, is Venezuela. Again Hugo Chavez laid out the typical progression.

First we demand food be shared equally. Then you have stores selling food illegal at black market prices. So you activate the military and order them into stores.

Then you have shortages, because produces refuse to sell at a price that is too low. So you order the military to the farms and factories.

Then you end up no food there, and you blame Columbia, and send troops to the border in the name of 'economic sabotage'.

Chavez followed this to the letter. The only reason war didn't break out between Columbia and Venezuela, is because the US put marines there, and Venezuela backed down.

But this is the why all socialists countries naturally move towards violence and war. The problem can't be that their system doesn't work... it has to be that all the factories are in the Rhineland, so we need to take over that land... then Austria, then on and on and on.

Us Vs Them, is the underpinning of the entire Socialist belief system.

And violence is the natural result. Why do you think Antifa was so quick to resort to violence, and none of the left-wing governments on the west coast have done much to stop them?
Ted Wheeler, Portland mayor, stands by decision to allow Antifa to block traffic

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