Comparing the AR with other Legal Firearms

You keep saying BAN I am saying regulation. Banning won't work but a slow and steady regulation does.

OK, that's a fair stance to take, maybe depending on the regulation you want to take place. But everything I hear from the Left is "Assault Weapons Ban", which IMHO won't solve the problem but gets a lot of attention anyway. And I know of no proposed regulation that would have prevented most if not any of the recent mass shootings.

Don't follow the law, don't get caught with one. It's going to have a very long Prison sentence.

Here you've touched on a pet peeve of mine. I believe that if you want to reduce gun violence then you should hand down long prison sentences to every person found guilty, regardless of race, religion, etc. And I believe the sentence should be served with no parole allowed. That's called deterrence, we have too many violent criminals being let out of prison for social justice reasons. Or in some cases they don't go to prison on the 1st place.

And the AR isn't a heavy weapon, that's designed to be light. Your idea of heavy must be in the 6lb range or heavier. Weight a Mini-14 with a full mag and get a huge surprise. YOU probably can't do a fast fire using multiple mags on an AR but I can.

My AR-15 weighs 7 lbs, but my 9mm semi-auto pistol weighs just over 1 lb, guess which one I can reload and aim faster. Even though my pistol only carries 15 rounds in the mag, I would venture to say that I could get off 60 shots (4 mags) with my pistol about as fast as I could for 60 shots out of my AR-15 (2 mags). You are obviously stronger and more experienced than I am, so maybe your speed at reloading exceeds mine significantly, but I doubt the average mass shooter will be as good at it as you are.
Believe it or not, the M-16A1 is not banned. It's fully auto and anyone that can pass a normal Background Check can also pass the EFL firearms license to own one. But it's going to cost you. The last time I checked, pieces of junk were starting at 30K. You will be closer to 35K for a good one. Of course, there will be some rules you have to live by.
I am aware (wow 30K didn't know that) - thanks, to me the issue isn't really the gun/rifle itself.
But these inadequate regulations governing the purchase and owning of guns - and them being "legally" tampered with, in general.
That someone who is parading in public with an AR-15 or any other military originating weapon has a serious physiological issue - is understood.
In 1959, Maylasia purchased a few thousand of the AR-15 Model 601 and fell in love with it. Yes, it was full auto.
Bingo - the Singapore Armed Forces after gaining independence, had them also in use and later standardized it's forces onto the M-16's from IIRC 1972/3 onward.
I am aware (wow 30K didn't know that) - thanks, to me the issue isn't really the gun/rifle itself.
But these inadequate regulations governing the purchase and owning of guns - and them being "legally" tampered with, in general.
That someone who is parading in public with an AR-15 or any other military originating weapon has a serious physiological issue - is understood.

Simce it was first sold to civilians it is a civlian rifle......

I know from pages and pages of your posts you are dumb as a stump.....but keep trying and you might understand truth, facts and reality one day
Bingo - the Singapore Armed Forces after gaining independence, had them also in use and later standardized it's forces onto the M-16's from IIRC 1972/3 onward.

So...they gave up the civilian rifle for the military rifle you dope...
Are these the same AR15s commonly sold in stores all across the US and the the subject of so much ire from the anti-gun left?
No they are not, because in 1959 there were no semi-automatic conversions - aka AR-15's that could have been sold to US civilians.
Co. Colt however realized the sales potential of a converted AR-15 from fully automatic to semi-automatic - to wannabe military gun nuts.

And those parading in public with an AR-15 plus a bump stock - IMO, should be immediately arrested (potential risk to the public) and escorted to a psychiatrist.

You really don't know anything about the AR-15
My AR-15 weighs 7 lbs, but my 9mm semi-auto pistol weighs just over 1 lb, guess which one I can reload and aim faster. Even though my pistol only carries 15 rounds in the mag, I would venture to say that I could get off 60 shots (4 mags) with my pistol about as fast as I could for 60 shots out of my AR-15 (2 mags). You are obviously stronger and more experienced than I am, so maybe your speed at reloading exceeds mine significantly, but I doubt the average mass shooter will be as good at it as you are.
Much easier to aim with an AR. Longer sight radius. So easy to just point and shoot the children. Yeah that is what these guns do. They kill children.
Very sad. Plus the extreme speed of the bullet creates a wound cavity. Yeah the 9mm might expand, but this little killer fragments and shreds every thing
it can find (organs and arteries) you know.. It "kills" dead. That is what it is DESIGNED TO DO..
So yeah these gunnutters are going to stomp and shout "no man not true" "no no no" "insert expletive here" :(

They know I am 💯 percent ACURATE.. but hey, give them some cred.. they try, sure they look silly, but they try. :D

2aguy go to bed
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OK, that's a fair stance to take, maybe depending on the regulation you want to take place. But everything I hear from the Left is "Assault Weapons Ban", which IMHO won't solve the problem but gets a lot of attention anyway. And I know of no proposed regulation that would have prevented most if not any of the recent mass shootings.
Thanks - we are in agreement, that meaningful and practical laws need to be introduced. The common people, (not just "lefties"), the Media and politicians are picking onto the AR-15 due to being a public known highlight.

Why don't people with common sense, (incl. gun owners) come up with a meaningful proposal by themselves - instead of being cornered by "lefties"??

But anyway, there is already another thread dedicated to this issue: The Problem Is Guns, And Easy Access To Guns
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OK, that's a fair stance to take, maybe depending on the regulation you want to take place. But everything I hear from the Left is "Assault Weapons Ban", which IMHO won't solve the problem but gets a lot of attention anyway. And I know of no proposed regulation that would have prevented most if not any of the recent mass shootings.

Treating the AR exactly like they do the Thompson SMG works. Almost all the ARs have been recently purchased legally. Remove the ability to buy it with nothing more than a signature. We don't even have to confiscate the ones out there. The Fruitcakes won't be able to purchase them. Licensed Holders don't do insane things with their guns.

Here you've touched on a pet peeve of mine. I believe that if you want to reduce gun violence then you should hand down long prison sentences to every person found guilty, regardless of race, religion, etc. And I believe the sentence should be served with no parole allowed. That's called deterrence, we have too many violent criminals being let out of prison for social justice reasons. Or in some cases they don't go to prison on the 1st place.

Even if the AR gets treated exactly like the Thompson?

My AR-15 weighs 7 lbs, but my 9mm semi-auto pistol weighs just over 1 lb, guess which one I can reload and aim faster. Even though my pistol only carries 15 rounds in the mag, I would venture to say that I could get off 60 shots (4 mags) with my pistol about as fast as I could for 60 shots out of my AR-15 (2 mags). You are obviously stronger and more experienced than I am, so maybe your speed at reloading exceeds mine significantly, but I doubt the average mass shooter will be as good at it as you are.

I would be. But I am much better with either a M-16 or an AR. In a compact situation, the AR will not only kill but maim when it exits out of the body. In the Theater Shooting here, the 50 rounds of 556 took 40 lives but injured over 200. I am not stronger than you I just know how to do it. Believe it or not, the AR also shoots one handed quite well in a short distance so your left hand can be free to retrieve the Mags and change them out. So you don't have to give up your sight windows. The other weapons, you have to reacquire you sight window ever time you change out your mag. Stoner was a friggin Genius.
No they are not, because in 1959 there were no semi-automatic conversions - aka AR-15's that could have been sold to US civilians.
Co. Colt however realized the sales potential of a converted AR-15 from fully automatic to semi-automatic - to wannabe military gun nuts.

And those parading in public with an AR-15 plus a bump stock - IMO, should be immediately arrested (potential risk to the public) and escorted to a psychiatrist.

You really don't know anything about the AR-15


The FOIA request itself was prompted from a Nov. 2017 article in The Atlantic in which the magazine, unsurprisingly to anyone familiar with its anti-gun bent, attempted to bolster a claim that “these rifles were meant for the military, not civilians.”

“Colt sent a pilot model rifle (serial no. GX4968) to the BATF for civilian sale approval on Oct. 23, 1963. It was approved on Dec. 10, 1963, and sales of the ‘Model R6000 Colt AR-15 SP1 Sporter Rifle’ began on Jan 2, 1964,”

one critic of the article contended. “The M16 wasn’t issued to infantry units until 1965 (as the XM16E1), wasn’t standardized as the M16A1 until 1967, and didn’t officially replace the M14 until 1969.”
Original ATF AR-15 Classification Refutes Claim that Rifle ‘Not Meant’ for Civilians
I am aware (wow 30K didn't know that) - thanks, to me the issue isn't really the gun/rifle itself.
But these inadequate regulations governing the purchase and owning of guns - and them being "legally" tampered with, in general.
That someone who is parading in public with an AR-15 or any other military originating weapon has a serious physiological issue - is understood.

It's not illegal to prance around wearing your AR around here but it's extremely frowned upon. And on very fast way to get 6 really nervous cops to surround you with their weapons drawn until they find out you are just going to prance.
Thanks - we are in agreement, that meaningful and practical laws need to be introduced. The common people, (not just "lefties"), the Media and politicians are picking onto the AR-15 due to being a public known highlight.

Why don't people with common sense, (incl. gun owners) come up with a meaningful proposal by themselves - instead of being cornered by "lefties"??

But anyway, there is already another thread dedicated to this issue: The Problem Is Guns, And Easy Access To Guns

Because you rightees won't budge. It becomes all or nothing. When somewhere in the middle not only protects our civil rights but protects our children.
Treating the AR exactly like they do the Thompson SMG works. Almost all the ARs have been recently purchased legally. Remove the ability to buy it with nothing more than a signature. We don't even have to confiscate the ones out there. The Fruitcakes won't be able to purchase them. Licensed Holders don't do insane things with their guns.

Even if the AR gets treated exactly like the Thompson?

I would be. But I am much better with either a M-16 or an AR. In a compact situation, the AR will not only kill but maim when it exits out of the body. In the Theater Shooting here, the 50 rounds of 556 took 40 lives but injured over 200. I am not stronger than you I just know how to do it. Believe it or not, the AR also shoots one handed quite well in a short distance so your left hand can be free to retrieve the Mags and change them out. So you don't have to give up your sight windows. The other weapons, you have to reacquire you sight window ever time you change out your mag. Stoner was a friggin Genius.

Moron........shooting into a tightly packed stadium, filled with over 22,000 people who didn't know they were under attack, and then, confined by limited exit points..........that caused the damage in Las Vegas......

In a mass public shooting, where the killer has all the free time a gun free zone can give you, shooting unarmed, helpless victims......the gun type does not matter....changing a mini-14 magazine isn't going to slow down the killing......someone with a gun shooting back slows down the killing.

Yes....we don't want to ban guns, just regulate them to the point no one can own moron.
Because you rightees won't budge. It becomes all or nothing. When somewhere in the middle not only protects our civil rights but protects our children.

You don't want to protect children.....dead children are the only way you get to push gun control.....

When push comes to shove, you don't want children protected, you want them exposed to murder so that you can use the emotional black male to push your gun banning....
Thanks - we are in agreement, that meaningful and practical laws need to be introduced. The common people, (not just "lefties"), the Media and politicians are picking onto the AR-15 due to being a public known highlight.

Why don't people with common sense, (incl. gun owners) come up with a meaningful proposal by themselves - instead of being cornered by "lefties"??

But anyway, there is already another thread dedicated to this issue: The Problem Is Guns, And Easy Access To Guns

Yeah....we have all the meaningful laws we need....

Number of mass public shootings in 2022...


Total murderd...74

Total number of murders in 2020....

About 19,000

19,000 murders don't get the emotional blackmail you need to stampede uninformed Americans..........because they are a direct result of the policies of the democrat party, and they take place in cities under the total control of the democrat party....

You can, however, exploit the rarest of rare mass public shootings with 24/7 coverage by the democrat party stampede uninformed people into giving you the gun bans and confiscation that fill your fever dreams...
Much easier to aim with an AR. Longer sight radius. So easy to just point and shoot the children. Yeah that is what these guns do. They kill children.
Very sad. Plus the extreme speed of the bullet creates a wound cavity. Yeah the 9mm might expand, but this little killer fragments and shreds every thing
it can find (organs and arteries) you know.. It "kills" dead. That is what it is DESIGNED TO DO..
So yeah these gunnutters are going to stomp and shout "no man not true" "no no no" "insert expletive here" :(

They know I am 💯 percent ACURATE.. but hey, give them some cred.. they try, sure they look silly, but they try. :D

2aguy go to bed

Moron.....a room length doesn't require the training of a Navy Seal......which is why the gun doesn't matter in mass public shootings, you dope......

Even the Las Vegas shooting it didn't matter......the longer sight radius didn't mean anything because he was firing into a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people who were confined and had limited ability to run and dope.......

Time in the gun free zone is what matters, not the gun.....

A shotgun, at close range of a mass public shooting will do more damage than an AR-15 and the shooter can load on the go....never running dry........


6 killed with AR-15 rifle

Cumbria, England

22 killed with a bolt action rifle

Kerch, Russia

20 killed with a pump action shotgun.....

You idiot.

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