Comparison DC Mall Pictures - Glenn Beck's Tea-Bagger Protest vs Obama's Inauguration

Let's see the source which indicates that these people did not protest the war, for example. I'd like to know on what you base such a conclusion.

I base my conclusion on the SIGNS they are carrying!! ....
What signs that were carried at both cause you to conclude that there was no intersection of the two sets. Get specific.

.... Read the freaking SIGNS and then tell me that they are protesting health care/ taxes. ....
I did; most were.

.... And if you could explain where all these "two million" people were during the BUSH admin the one that set our civil liberties and world standing back about 60 years while adding $5 TRILLION to our debt that would be worth reading.
Many, perhaps most, were pissed off with the administration, that's where.

Now, source? All I see is your gut feel and that gut feel doesn't even make much logical sense.

Oh so they were "PISSED" at the Bush admin but were just too lazy to do anything about it.......That's your explanation!!??? Pretty fing WEAK!
I base my conclusion on the SIGNS they are carrying!! ....
What signs that were carried at both cause you to conclude that there was no intersection of the two sets. Get specific.

I did; most were.

.... And if you could explain where all these "two million" people were during the BUSH admin the one that set our civil liberties and world standing back about 60 years while adding $5 TRILLION to our debt that would be worth reading.
Many, perhaps most, were pissed off with the administration, that's where.

Now, source? All I see is your gut feel and that gut feel doesn't even make much logical sense.

Oh so they were "PISSED" at the Bush admin but were just too lazy to do anything about it.......That's your explanation!!??? Pretty fing WEAK!
LMAO. Do you have a source (or any logic) that allows you to conclude that none of those protesting yesterday protested the war? All I see is your gut feel and continued dodging. That's nothing - at all - well, except your emoting.
No, they do not.

1) The inauguration was planned for months.
2) The inauguration was a first time in history kind of event
3) The inauguration was promoted, hyped and talked about, rightfully so, all over the media leading up to the event.

The protests yesterday had none of these factors in play.

If you leave out these facts from your equation, your interpretation will be faulty, and not at all logical.

The two do not compare. At all.

For the record, this event was in planning since March.

This is also a first time in history kind of event considering the circumstances.

This protest was also promoted, hyped, and talked about all over the media.

I'm not so sure if the crowd number is 60,000 to 70,000 considering the pictures. However, Sinatra had a good number with 200,000. For some reason, Republicans are obsessed with trying to make this event have more people than when Obama was sworn in. Perhaps some of them believe that by doing so, their "revolution" will seem legit and should be taken further. :eusa_eh:

Edit: What I find hilarious is instead of dismissing the obvious ignorant number by the Democrat who said it. Republicans have taken the 2 million number as it if it were the truth.

"It looks like Saturday's event is going to be a huge gathering, estimates ranging from hundreds of thousands to 2 million people," Doug Thornell, an aide to Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., wrote in a memo obtained by

But conservatives believe the memo is ploy to inflate expectations for the turnout anticipating that it will fall short.

"It's an old political tactic to get out in front and make wild projections and when they're not met, claim their opponents don't have the juice," said Pete Sepp, a spokesman for the National Taxpayers Union, one of the organizers of the rally.
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All I know is they weren't protesting the MASSIVE defict spending by Bush care to prove me wrong?
Prove what wrong? Your gut feel? You are entitled to your feelings, but I work with facts typically.

I can say I was at this protest and two anti-war protests in DC. That's rather irrelevant, though as it's just anecdotal. I might wonder how you feel about that, but I don't.
2010 - that will be the cycle that the Democrats take veto proof 2/3d majorities in both chambers of Congress. Thanks for pointing that date out, alli.
Sorry Si but the FACT is they weren't protesting the deficit spending by Bush but now that a Dem is doing the spending they are suddenly OUTRAGED. Hm interesting doncha think?
All I know is they weren't protesting the MASSIVE defict spending by Bush care to prove me wrong?
Prove what wrong? Your gut feel? You are entitled to your feelings, but I work with facts typically.

I can say I was at this protest and two anti-war protests in DC. That's rather irrelevant, though as it's just anecdotal. I might wonder how you feel about that, but I don't.

Sorry Si but the FACT is they weren't protesting the deficit spending by Bush but now that a Dem is doing the spending they are suddenly OUTRAGED. Hm interesting doncha think?
Don't be sorry for having just feelings. It's quite OK. But, most who post here probably don't give a damn what you feel.
The KOS Kids got their marching orders and, like little lemmings, perform their assigned duties...

Of course, all of those protesters came there with signs, chanting, etc were there all by themselves. It makes no difference that lobbyists were funding the event yesterday. However, whenever someone on the Left has a different opinion from that, they're obviously under marching orders. :eusa_eh: :cuckoo:
The KOS Kids got their marching orders and, like little lemmings, perform their assigned duties...

Of course, all of those protesters came there with signs, chanting, etc were there all by themselves. It makes no difference that lobbyists were funding the event yesterday. However, whenever someone on the Left has a different opinion from that, they're obviously under marching orders.

You're such a good little lemming...

Mocking and belittling good, peaceful protest against your 0ssiah...

Make sure you call them all racists too...

The conservatives decided to tea bag Washington, again?

I must have missed that.

The balls those people have.
You're such a good little lemming...

Mocking and belittling good, peaceful protest against your 0ssiah...

Make sure you call them all racists too...


Look at the funny little partisan who thinks he's witty. I love how you make such false accusations against me. If you even bothered to read any of my posts, you'd see that I am one of Obama's biggest critics on the Left. I don't support him half as much as I use to since he's taken office. However, I don't expect you to realize such facts, just continue to be ignorant and see the world as black and white. Must be fun being delusional.
I've been watching these threads now for days and it is apparent to me that this march on DC is something the progressive's feel threatened by. They have constantly done all they can to try and discredit, mock, and attack non-stop. Just like they tried with anyone perceived to be a threat ala Glenn Beck. They even organized to boycott Beck's sponsors only to fail. Yes I would say that this March hit a big nerve. They are going nuts because well, their talking points of they are in the majority is threatened. They know they have to keep that facade going.

It doesn't matter the total amount of marchers, the fact it was much more then ANYONE expected speaks volumes and they know it.
You're such a good little lemming...

Mocking and belittling good, peaceful protest against your 0ssiah...

Make sure you call them all racists too...


Look at the funny little partisan who thinks he's witty. I love how you make such false accusations against me. If you even bothered to read any of my posts, you'd see that I am one of Obama's biggest critics on the Left. I don't support him half as much as I use to since he's taken office. However, I don't expect you to realize such facts, just continue to be ignorant and see the world as black and white. Must be fun being delusional.
So, what's your beef with the protesters? (Third time I've asked you.)
The KOS Kids got their marching orders and, like little lemmings, perform their assigned duties...

Of course, all of those protesters came there with signs, chanting, etc were there all by themselves. It makes no difference that lobbyists were funding the event yesterday. However, whenever someone on the Left has a different opinion from that, they're obviously under marching orders.

You're such a good little lemming...

Mocking and belittling good, peaceful protest against your 0ssiah...

Make sure you call them all racists too...


So what country and CinC do you support during this time of war sport?
So, what's your beef with the protesters? (Third time I've asked you.)

They're the same people who condemned the Left when they had Iraq War Protests and called them radicals. Now, since they feel "threatened" by Obama due to scare tactics, they're doing the exact same thing except worse.

Even back then, I never really saw anyone say we need to spill the blood of the tyrants, or the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time. I didn't see Liberals bringing guns near Bush's rallies considering this country's history.

My beef with the protesters is that they're merely falling into the Health Care Lobbyists bait. Yesterday's protest was highly funded by those lobbyists. Many of them are sprouting false statements, and willing to incite violence. Peaceful Protest is nice, what could of easily turned into a riot yesterday was not. If it weren't for the fact that yesterday's rally was filled with lies and everything I wouldn't of minded it so much.
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Michelle Malkin says it was 2 million. Fire and police say 30,000 is being "generous.'

The RW Media is calling it a roaring success. ABC News says...not so much.


Michelle Freakin Malkin said it was 2 million? That means there were tens of hundreds there. LOL

Michelle Malkin....LOL. This is the measure of truth for the righty's? :eusa_liar:

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