Compromise on the wall

Obie took care of that with a trillion dollars of shovel ready jobs. Don't you remember that?

Those projects DID happen. In fact, the Transportation Department's website still carries a rundown of stimulus projects, saying that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act "initiated more than 13,000 projects through the Federal Highway Administration, improving more than 42,000 miles of road and more than 2,700 bridges."

FACT CHECK: Trump's Claim That The 2009 Stimulus Built Nothing
Better idea...

How about Trump and his shrinking base go live in Mexico?
You don't want to live around Mexicans too?

I have lived around Mexicans and Mexican-Americans.

They're good decent people, totally devoted to family and church. they would truly give you the shirt off their backs.

I would live in their midst again without hesitation.
here, you fucking moron....Would you rather have a wall for Trump's "glory" OR fix this crap...
Were Americans, we can do both, you little bitch

Not without a HUGE tax increase. You're broke!

.....AND, the idiot wants to cut taxes on ANYONE who makes over $250K (and raise his own?) LOL

It would give his evil spawn a very quick $4BILLION tax cut.

And after all, isn't that what really matters to our ultra-wealthy RWNJs?
Obie took care of that with a trillion dollars of shovel ready jobs. Don't you remember that?

Those projects DID happen. In fact, the Transportation Department's website still carries a rundown of stimulus projects, saying that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act "initiated more than 13,000 projects through the Federal Highway Administration, improving more than 42,000 miles of road and more than 2,700 bridges."

FACT CHECK: Trump's Claim That The 2009 Stimulus Built Nothing

Obama pulled us back from the brink.

This month's job report is out ... $156K.

Looks like the Obama Bump is about to give out.
Mexicans are good decent people. Just as with Muslims, the right sides with their enemies. The right is on the side of ISIS and with drug cartels.
Mexicans and muslims don't even want to live in their own countries

Not true.

I know, first hand, most Mexicans don't want anything to do with the US.

Its a shame Americans will never know what Mexico and Mexicans are really like. OTOH, some alt right, human garbage slime, like you, don't want to know the truth. You just want to repeat lies and hurt as many innocent people as you can.
Ok Dims, so Trump offers to put solar panels on the wall to save planet earth but it's not enough, you still don't want to build it. And here I thought saving the planet was a high ranking goal. My bad.

Ok, how about we also paint pictures of Karl Marx on it and anti-capitalist slogans as well? Hell, I'll even include statues of George Soros on it so you can go worship at your leisure. Still not convinced? If you order now I'll even throw in a tax for anyone who wants to enter or exit the wall as all proceeds go toward free abortions, contraception, sanctuary cities, the Iran nuclear program, gay sex acts, Hamas to destroy Israel, and gender changing surgeries.

Do we have a deal or not?
Well, all things considered, I would rather states follow immigration laws rather than our local government feel free to to ignore federal immigration laws. Rather than build walls. But our local government is rather frustrating lot, they appeal to illegals and ignore the rest. Ignore the wishes of the masses and the need for integrity and honesty. This is a recipe for disaster. A few might defend illegal aliens, those are the ones we need to question. Every other group that emigrated here dosen't expect this level of duplicity and fraud. Why Mexicans?

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