Compulsory workplace vaccination rules cannot apply to vegans

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
Though a Legal argument, the premise for the argument seems to fall under ethics. And apparently some ethical arguments seem to carry more weight than others.

So, uh...who wants a cucumber sandwich? Ha.

The firm said that ''some ethical vegans may disagree with vaccinations on the basis that they inevitably have been tested on animals'' adding that ethical veganism has been found to amount to a belief by employment tribunal.

Report - Compulsory workplace vaccination rules cannot apply to vegans

Putting that aside, naturally one might ask why ones's belief in natural immunity is not equally protected. At least one would think.

Of course, natural immunity is science rather than a belief. So there's that. Certainly there are no sacred truths in science.'s also clearly observable that all of these power grabs are an act of political science. The terms of controversy clearly haven't been consistent, and in most cases contradictory, depending on the political motivation. In fact, the've actually basatardized actual science in the process, to the point that people are starting to reject actual science as a consequence.

So there's also that. I suppose that's the flip side of the flip side.

Oh, what a tangled web. Sigh...
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Though a Legal argument, the premise for the argument seems to fall under ethics. And apparently some ethical arguments seem to carry more weight than others.

So, uh...who wants a cucumber sandwich? Ha.

The firm said that ''some ethical vegans may disagree with vaccinations on the basis that they inevitably have been tested on animals'' adding that ethical veganism has been found to amount to a belief by employment tribunal.

Report - Compulsory workplace vaccination rules cannot apply to vegans

Putting that aside, naturally one might ask why ones's belief in natural immunity is not equally protected. At least one would think.

Of course, natural immunity is science rather than a belief. So there's that. Certainly there are no sacred truths in science.

Oh, what a tangled web. Sigh.

I am fine with this decision. Vegans are such sickly people, covid clearing them off my employment rolls would be a wink from Baby Jesus.
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Well they just showed the 'vaccine' doesn't stop transmission of the how is this even a point anymore?

Maybe so, but have they stopped trying to mandate your health decisions?

Seems like they're hitting the gas, so to speak.
Maybe so, but have they stopped trying to mandate your health decisions?

Seems like they're hitting the gas, so to speak.
Unfortunately, to get Big Government off our backs about Covid, we need to supply them with an even bigger disaster as a distraction. Government did their job. They supplied a vaccine for those who want it. Those who don't want it are well aware of the risks and accept them. Time to move on.
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Nonsense, according to one law firm? Whatever. Everyone who attended a public school since the 1950's had to get around 6 vaccines. Why the whining now?

Public school is a choice.

And I don't understand the purpose of trivializing the issue with the use of language like 'whining'

They're making a Legal argument based on an ethical belief. And there are anti-discrimination laws. They're valid. It does not require a village to point this point.
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But that's illegal, per the law firm. You'd be firing someone based on their beliefs.
I can't get through the paywall to see the specifics. But lawyers will make any and all nutty arguments. See Rudy and Sidney for more details.

Btw, working or not working for a company who is asking you to vax is a choice too. They can find another job.
I can't get through the paywall to see the specifics. But lawyers will make any and all nutty arguments. See Rudy and Sidney for more details.

Btw, working or not working for a company who is asking you to vax is a choice too. They can find another job.

Oh, there's a paywall? Hm. Apologies, I did not know that.

I don't know anyone over there, so can't just quickly shoot an email and ask for permission to reprint. Plus I donlt wanna make a habit of doign that anyway.

I'm sure it's on the web some place else, though.

In the mean time, I'll go try to get a detailed snip from it, just as a courtesy. Be back.
Ok. Thanks for your feedback!

That's a claim better offered up for debate in the health section of the board. It's not germane to the topic here.

This dialogue is likely better suited for the Flame Zone.

Or I just have different ethics and this is the ethics forum. The ultimately, however, is a legal issue.
Of course, this is in Europe.

But clearly the power grab is a global endeavor. And European nations seem to be leading the charge against freedom of choice.

Have you seen all of the rioting going on over there because of these mandates? Sheesh. They're kind of mad about it.
Or I just have different ethics and this is the ethics forum. The ultimately, however, is a legal issue.

Really depends on how far down the rabbit hole one goes here, given the underlying basis for jurisprudence itself. Or, more clearly, how deeply one wishes to discuss it. As it is, jurisprudence is simply the philosophy of Law. The theories and pratice of law. You see?

To just say it's a Legal issue is trivializing the fundamental terms of controversy here.

That said, why is one's belief in natural immunity is not equally protected. Philosophically speaking. Natural immunity is, scientifically speaking, well established.
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Oh tell them to shaddup and get the jab if they'd like to keep their jobs.
Lord have mercy...both of you numbskulls need to look up the word HITMAN....The person sending the hitman out so kill someone is not the hitman either english defination or by law.
Really depends on how far down the rabbit hole one goes here, given the underlying basis for jurisprudence itself. Or. more clearly, how deeply one wishes to discuss it. As it is, jurisprudence is simply the philosophy of Law. The theories and pratice of law. You see?

To just say it's a Legal issue is trivializing the fundamental terms of controversy here.

That said, why is one's belief in natural immunity is not equally protected. Natural immunity is established.

We don't and have never taken "beliefs" to the absurd. We traditionally accommodate to the extent they can be without negative consequences to others, In these myriad of issues, our accommodation is generally focused on who will pay the greatest price. In this case, it will be the sickly vegans who die of covid. Sometimes it is the Amish who will be deafened by measles, the Jehovah Witness who bled to death or the Christian Scientist who will go down in toxic shock. Only when it comes to childen do we tend to intervene to protect them from their own stupidity (or more likely that of a parent)

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