Computer expert absolutely decimates the Dominion Voting System and the security abuses by Arizona election officials!!!!!


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
I watched it live and don't have a link but here are a few summary statement from the computer forensics expert:

He stated that Maricopa County was uncooperative to the point of being OBSTRUCTIONIST in providing information he requested.
He found evidence the Dominion Voting Machine was configured for a WIRELESS LAN CONNECTION.
He also found evidence of a remote access on the DAY that the Dominion data base was PURGED.
His summary statement was this system could have been hacked within 10 minutes by a hacker of average ability and that this
voting system has failed to meet any measure of security

So what this means is, there is NO WAY to prove or disprove Joe Biden won the election because like I've been saying for over a year, the Dominion Voting System was designed for vote tampering AND the resident database was purged.

The Arizona voting results should be voided. That is all.
Dominion Voting Machine was configured for a WIRELESS LAN CONNECTION

It was my understanding, that none of the States were to have voting systems that were to be able to be connected to the web, during, or right after voting.

I am wrong here?

If not, why were they enabled to be connected, what would be the purpose? I don't get it.

All of the results from the machines could be tabulated, and then uploaded to an external data source, which could be safe-guarded and audited, and kept in reserve for both historical and posterity, in case there is any controversy.

As it is, done this way? Yeah, the whole thing reeks of corruption, regardless of whether any is afoot or not.

We have become ruled not by an administrative voting system, which have safe guards, ensuring safety and fairness, but by a secretive cabal of global corporations and political oligarchs, with billion dollar media lackey's telling folks what the "truth," of the situation is. . .
Well, a "computer forensics expert!" said so somewhere, so it must be true! Who needs actual evidence?

Trump cult sore-losers are so damn gullible. And they're so butthurt now that their precious fraudit blew up in their faces and demonstrated they've all been lying for months now.

Just stop lying about fraud, Trump cultists. You'll avoid hell that way, and you'll feel better if you don't have to keep track of all the lies you told. That's one reason why liberals are so cheerful in comparison.
The media is skewing the truth about the audit...the real facts will come out later....
Dream on. The "real," truth never came out in '04 or '12. Why should it now?

The corporate media has completely gas-lit the population about the importance of exit polls, so much, that now they can't even be done, since folks vote by mail now.

The system has become a farce.
Rambunctious Our election integrity is in the toilet and our Government does not care. If we don't even have a secure election system, then the Republic is done.
We have to win in 22 and 24 and unweaponize the DOJ.....Biden is making that easier by the day....
Dream on. The "real," truth never came out in '04 or '12. Why should it now?

The corporate media has completely gas-lit the population about the importance of exit polls, so much, that now they can't even be done, since folks vote by mail now.

The system has become a farce.
I don't disagree with that....
It was my understanding, that none of the States were to have voting systems that were to be able to be connected to the web, during, or right after voting.

I am wrong here?

If not, why were they enabled to be connected, what would be the purpose? I don't get it.

All of the results from the machines could be tabulated, and then uploaded to an external data source, which could be safe-guarded and audited, and kept in reserve for both historical and posterity, in case there is any controversy.

As it is, done this way? Yeah, the whole thing reeks of corruption, regardless of whether any is afoot or not.

We have become ruled not by an administrative voting system, which have safe guards, ensuring safety and fairness, but by a secretive cabal of global corporations and political oligarchs, with billion dollar media lackey's telling folks what the "truth," of the situation is. . .
The voting machines didn't have the capability to be connected ti the internet.
t was my understanding, that none of the States were to have voting systems that were to be able to be connected to the web, during, or right after voting.
You are 100% correct sir. That was one of the expert's first statements. He said that Az voting officials assured him that at NO TIME was the Dominion Voting System connected to the internet. He found literally THOUSANDS of accesses via the internet to the Dominion System.
It was my understanding, that none of the States were to have voting systems that were to be able to be connected to the web, during, or right after voting.

I am wrong here?
You're right. And they're not connected to the internet.

The machines are basically standard Dell servers with special programming. They are capable of wireless comms, because it would be much more expensive to create special hardware without wireless capability. The wireless function is turned off at the BIOS level during setup. And that never changes. The machines are never left unsupervised after that, so nobody can go in and change it, which would require the admin privileges anyways.
Well, a "computer forensics expert!" said so somewhere, so it must be true! Who needs actual evidence?

Trump cult sore-losers are so damn gullible. And they're so butthurt now that their precious fraudit blew up in their faces and demonstrated they've all been lying for months now.

Just stop lying about fraud, Trump cultists. You'll avoid hell that way, and you'll feel better if you don't have to keep track of all the lies you told. That's one reason why liberals are so cheerful in comparison.
This has nothing to do with Trump.

The fact that you are stuck trying to gas-light folks about that fact? Makes you pretty dimwitted.

The establishment has used this same tactic against Bernie Sanders as well.

It has been used against many folks in the DNC. The Deep State has it's own agenda, and, depending on which way the wind is blowing, and which policies they need to have implemented, at any particular time, they will use this technical infrastructure to put in whomever they decide in any office. State level, or federal level.
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They are capable of wireless comms, because it would be much more expensive to create special hardware without wireless capability.

I don't give a good GD if it would cost a mint. . . that is NOT the point. The fact is. . yes, they have the technical capability to steal an election, so says yourself.

Fuck off.

If giant global corporations, and elite politicians use as an excuse. . . "oh, we need to save some money, so we are going to use hardware that can be used to steal your elections instead of dedicated secure machines?"

Fucking hang them all is my attitude.

I frankly I don't give a shit about theirs', or your equivocating, especially when they decide to stonewall an investigation into malfeasance and just declare;

Rambunctious IMO Those elections represent the final tipping point. The Democrats are not a Party, they are a foreign army taking over this country and doing one a hell of a job attacking us on all fronts.
And where are the republicans and the good guys with the white hats?.....nowhere to be seen....this nation does not deserve to last...our experiment with democracy and freedom was stolen from us and no one is doing a thing about it.....
I watched it live and don't have a link but here are a few summary statement from the computer forensics expert:

He stated that Maricopa County was uncooperative to the point of being OBSTRUCTIONIST in providing information he requested.
He found evidence the Dominion Voting Machine was configured for a WIRELESS LAN CONNECTION.
He also found evidence of a remote access on the DAY that the Dominion data base was PURGED.
His summary statement was this system could have been hacked within 10 minutes by a hacker of average ability and that this
voting system has failed to meet any measure of security

So what this means is, there is NO WAY to prove or disprove Joe Biden won the election because like I've been saying for over a year, the Dominion Voting System was designed for vote tampering AND the resident database was purged.

The Arizona voting results should be voided. That is all.
"irrefutable evidence" ..... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
And where are the republicans and the good guys with the white hats?.....nowhere to be seen....this nation does not deserve to last...our experiment with democracy and freedom was stolen from us and no one is doing a thing about it.....
I'll tell you where they are.

Don't you get it? If establishment republicans play ball with the global organized cabal/consortium? They stand to benefit from the rigged voting as much as the establishment DNC. NO OUTSIDER POLITICIAN will ever, and I mean EVER get elected again.

You will never have to worry about a Trump, or an Andrew Jackson, or a Theodore Roosevelt ever again.

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