Computer repairman who claimed to have Hunter's laptop Closes Shop

Your [Markle] link fails to prove your bullshit claims. Here, I'll be nice enough to educate you ... the FBI spied on Paul Manafort and Carter Page, neither of whom were with the Trump campaign when the FBI spied on them.

I provided a link to an excellent Search Engine, not Google which establishes logarithms to filter out right-leaning sources. You can do your own research.

Either you're a troll or someone so ignorant that they should be embarrassed to post some of the things you do.

Documents show Trump right about FBI, FISA warrants
By Rowan Scarborough - The Washington Times - Wednesday, May 20, 2020

When the Justice Department released heavily redacted FBI wiretap applications to spy on Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page in July 2018, the media generally panned President Trump’s response.
It turns out that, based on the subsequent release of government documents, Mr. Trump was right on a number of his assertions, according to an analysis by The Washington Times.


In a nutshell, the released applications showed that the FBI relied on a dossier financed by the Democratic Party and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as evidence of “probable cause” for judges to approve four, three-month surveillances of Mr. Page.


F.B.I. Apologizes to Court for Botching Surveillance of Trump Adviser, and Pledges Fixes
In a rare public filing, the bureau said it would extend wiretap changes to other tools for collecting data on suspected spies and terrorists.


Steele Admits Fake Dossier Fabricated So Democrats Could Overturn Election Outcome
Trump-Russia dossier was created so Clinton could challenge 2016 election results – Steele

The British ex-spy who authored the infamous dossier alleging collusion between Donald Trump and the Kremlin said one of his goals was to give Hillary Clinton legal basis to challenge the 2016 election results.

Christopher Steele’s salacious 17-page report was commissioned by Fusion GPS, a firm connected to Clinton’s campaign.


The story never made sense to start with. Hunter lives in CA....he drops it off in DE. The guy takes ownership of the device instead of the standard destroying it? Then makes copies and hands it over to the President's personal lawyer?

Hollywood would have rejected the script on it being too implausible.

It appears that the far-left Liberals have shifted into high-gear in re-writing history. Is your ignorance real or are you just being facetious?
What part did I get wrong?

Most everything.

Where do you get the idea that the appliance, left for repair and not picked up in a reasonable time, has to be destroyed? As you know, the tradesman is allowed to put the appliance in working condition and sell the item to recover their costs. Here in Florida, if you hire an HVAC mechanic to repair your central AC and you do not pay them in a timely manner, they can place a lien on your property so if you sell the house, they get paid. They can't go out and destroy the AC.

Hunter Biden probably forgot where he left the computer. When it was not picked up, the tradesman had every right to clean the computer and put it up for sale. Complying with the law, when he discovered kiddie porn, he notified the FBI who made certified copies of the hard drive. After a year, and nothing had happened, he notified his congressman and they did nothing. After that, he notified Rudy's office who acted on the information.

No one, not Hunter, Joe, or anyone in their family or crime family has denied the authenticity of the hard drives and that they were owned by Hunter Biden.

Are you lying or just uninformed?

The laptop was left in April 2019

Rudy was given a copy of the hard drive in September 2019

The FBI weren't involved until late Nov 2019

Published October 15
Hunter Biden email story: A timeline
Newly released emails by the New York Post have brought a new light to Joe Biden' son Hunter's dealings in Ukraine

the unnamed intermediatary who contacted the fbi was the shopowners military father.
The story never made sense to start with. Hunter lives in CA....he drops it off in DE. The guy takes ownership of the device instead of the standard destroying it? Then makes copies and hands it over to the President's personal lawyer?

Hollywood would have rejected the script on it being too implausible.

It appears that the far-left Liberals have shifted into high-gear in re-writing history. Is your ignorance real or are you just being facetious?
What part did I get wrong?

Most everything.

Where do you get the idea that the appliance, left for repair and not picked up in a reasonable time, has to be destroyed? As you know, the tradesman is allowed to put the appliance in working condition and sell the item to recover their costs. Here in Florida, if you hire an HVAC mechanic to repair your central AC and you do not pay them in a timely manner, they can place a lien on your property so if you sell the house, they get paid. They can't go out and destroy the AC.

Hunter Biden probably forgot where he left the computer. When it was not picked up, the tradesman had every right to clean the computer and put it up for sale. Complying with the law, when he discovered kiddie porn, he notified the FBI who made certified copies of the hard drive. After a year, and nothing had happened, he notified his congressman and they did nothing. After that, he notified Rudy's office who acted on the information.

No one, not Hunter, Joe, or anyone in their family or crime family has denied the authenticity of the hard drives and that they were owned by Hunter Biden.

Are you lying or just uninformed?

The laptop was left in April 2019

Rudy was given a copy of the hard drive in September 2019

The FBI weren't involved until late Nov 2019

Published October 15
Hunter Biden email story: A timeline
Newly released emails by the New York Post have brought a new light to Joe Biden' son Hunter's dealings in Ukraine

the unnamed intermediatary who contacted the fbi was the shopowners military father.

Yah, I had a Friend that had a cousin that had a friend....... I get the idea.
Update on Mac Isaac, the computer repairman that claimed he had Hunter Biden's laptop. According to USA Today:

Ten days after the election, a sign on the repair shop’s door said it had closed. A neighbor said the owner, Mac Isaac had left town.

Read full article below
Computer repairman in Hunter Biden laptop saga closes up shop.

That corrupt MFer got to running like...

I guess the whack job left went after him like they did that hairdresser who exposed Nancy's maskless haircut.
I think they should file charges against Rudy’s Hairdresser.
Update on Mac Isaac, the computer repairman that claimed he had Hunter Biden's laptop. According to USA Today:

Ten days after the election, a sign on the repair shop’s door said it had closed. A neighbor said the owner, Mac Isaac had left town.

Read full article below
Computer repairman in Hunter Biden laptop saga closes up shop.

That corrupt MFer got to running like...



His life was threatened and he is going in to Witness Protection. One FBI agent said to him "nothing ever happens to people who do not talk." BTW Gay people are not funny. They are disgusting pedophiles who will spend the rest of eternity in Hell.

Joe Biden is as illegitimate as Hitler was in 1933. Trump will never leave The White House unless you can hold fair and Fraud Free elections in the 6 states that engaged in statewide Voter Fraud.

Anyone that sees Joe Biden should throw their shoes at him, and yell, Not My Senile Pedophile!
You pretty well covered all the Communist talking points, including throwing shoes. Ask Bush.
Your [Markle] link fails to prove your bullshit claims. Here, I'll be nice enough to educate you ... the FBI spied on Paul Manafort and Carter Page, neither of whom were with the Trump campaign when the FBI spied on them.

I provided a link to an excellent Search Engine, not Google which establishes logarithms to filter out right-leaning sources. You can do your own research.

Either you're a troll or someone so ignorant that they should be embarrassed to post some of the things you do.

Documents show Trump right about FBI, FISA warrants
By Rowan Scarborough - The Washington Times - Wednesday, May 20, 2020

When the Justice Department released heavily redacted FBI wiretap applications to spy on Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page in July 2018, the media generally panned President Trump’s response.
It turns out that, based on the subsequent release of government documents, Mr. Trump was right on a number of his assertions, according to an analysis by The Washington Times.


In a nutshell, the released applications showed that the FBI relied on a dossier financed by the Democratic Party and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as evidence of “probable cause” for judges to approve four, three-month surveillances of Mr. Page.


F.B.I. Apologizes to Court for Botching Surveillance of Trump Adviser, and Pledges Fixes
In a rare public filing, the bureau said it would extend wiretap changes to other tools for collecting data on suspected spies and terrorists.


Steele Admits Fake Dossier Fabricated So Democrats Could Overturn Election Outcome
Trump-Russia dossier was created so Clinton could challenge 2016 election results – Steele

The British ex-spy who authored the infamous dossier alleging collusion between Donald Trump and the Kremlin said one of his goals was to give Hillary Clinton legal basis to challenge the 2016 election results.

Christopher Steele’s salacious 17-page report was commissioned by Fusion GPS, a firm connected to Clinton’s campaign.


Thanks for proving me right. Nothing you posted shows anyone in the Trump campaign was spied on. Carter page was no longer with the Trump campaign when he was spied on. He wasn't really with the Trump campaign prior to then either. He was invited to one meeting and never met with, or spoke with Trump.

You [Carter Page] were merely one of the many people named to a foreign policy advisory committee in March of 2016 -- a committee that met one time. You never met Mr. Trump, nor did you ever ‘advise’ Mr. Trump about anything. You are thus not an ‘advisor’ to Mr. Trump in any sense of the word.” ~ attorney for Impeached Trump's campaign
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You would to, he's a marked man, maybe he just didn't want to end up like Vince Foster. To be honest surprised he didn't vanish after he turned it over to the FBI.

But why? When you have the truth on your side and all those just and righteous "patriots" and their alt-right rags backing you up?
If you were telling the truth..why would you need to run? weren't telling the truth. :)..and now law enforcement has your "evidence"...and it might come off as manufactured??? :auiqs.jpg:

Obviously someone who knows the truth is at risk of death because if you are dead and can't be cross examined in court, your previous statements to law enforcement can't be used as evidence in court.

If he was lying, then police could easily find him through his banking and tax contacts, so he would have been arrested by now.
The fact he has not been arrested is proof he was not lying.
And all evidence, including statements from Hunter Biden, say that the laptop was Hunter's and the repair technician was telling the truth.
In fact, no one disputes the quid pro quo with US foreign aid money being kick backed to Hunter Biden.
It simply is a fact.
Fake News. He never really existed in the first place.

It all been a last minute desperation ploy dreamed up by Bannon and Rove.

Right up there with Pizzagate.

Rightwing moroonies bought more pizza this time than last.

That is ridiculous, since Hunter Biden never even was willing to say the laptop was not his.
The guy was paid well ... enough to retire on ... I'd close up shop and move to The Bahamas myself ...

Moving to the Bahamas leaves a much larger paper trail than if one stays in the US.
When you change countries there are all sorts of health forms you have to fill out.
Update on Mac Isaac, the computer repairman that claimed he had Hunter Biden's laptop. According to USA Today:

Ten days after the election, a sign on the repair shop’s door said it had closed. A neighbor said the owner, Mac Isaac had left town.

Read full article below
Computer repairman in Hunter Biden laptop saga closes up shop.

That corrupt MFer got to running like...




TRUMPERS have a go-fund me page for him, he is getting rich and trump plans to install him as chief of staff
You would to, he's a marked man, maybe he just didn't want to end up like Vince Foster. To be honest surprised he didn't vanish after he turned it over to the FBI.
  1. Is it because he had a VIP laptop and didn't shut up about it?
  2. Why do these VIP guys act so Average Joe dumb and illiterate on computers anyway?
  3. If said VIP is that rich, he can easily, all by himself, buy a brand new laptop, transfer his files, and trash the old one without risking ID theft.
Sally Yates might become the next Attorney General. Remember Trump fired her. They’re also talking about Merrick garland becoming the next Attorney General. The guy the GOP screwed over

The entire Trump crime family is definitely going to have problems after January 20. I can’t wait.

Trump and IVanka could be a Toofer because he paid her hundreds of thousands of dollars as his tax advisor and then wrote all that off as a tax write off. That’s multiple felonies on different levels.


Sally Yates might become the next Attorney General. Remember Trump fired her. They’re also talking about Merrick garland becoming the next Attorney General. The guy the GOP screwed over

The entire Trump crime family is definitely going to have problems after January 20. I can’t wait.

Trump and IVanka could be a Toofer because he paid her hundreds of thousands of dollars as his tax advisor and then wrote all that off as a tax write off. That’s multiple felonies on different levels.

View attachment 423957
View attachment 423956

More announcements that the Dimwinger Brown Shirts are coming.................
Fake News. He never really existed in the first place.

It all been a last minute desperation ploy dreamed up by Bannon and Rove.

Right up there with Pizzagate.

Rightwing moroonies bought more pizza this time than last.

That is ridiculous, since Hunter Biden never even was willing to say the laptop was not his.

You should have brought that up before the election. That would have been a game changer..... Man o man Biden sure is lucky!
Fake News. He never really existed in the first place.

It all been a last minute desperation ploy dreamed up by Bannon and Rove.

Right up there with Pizzagate.

Rightwing moroonies bought more pizza this time than last.

That is ridiculous, since Hunter Biden never even was willing to say the laptop was not his.

You should have brought that up before the election. That would have been a game changer..... Man o man Biden sure is lucky!
Notice how it's all pretty much just gone away since Trump lost the election?
Update on Mac Isaac, the computer repairman that claimed he had Hunter Biden's laptop. According to USA Today:

Ten days after the election, a sign on the repair shop’s door said it had closed. A neighbor said the owner, Mac Isaac had left town.

Read full article below
Computer repairman in Hunter Biden laptop saga closes up shop.

That corrupt MFer got to running like...




You goons dox him and his family?
The guy who turned over Hunter Biden’s laptop to Rudy Giuliani is worried about invasion of his privacy?

you must have missed the earlier posts. go figure.
Fake News. He never really existed in the first place.

It all been a last minute desperation ploy dreamed up by Bannon and Rove.

Right up there with Pizzagate.

Rightwing moroonies bought more pizza this time than last.

That is ridiculous, since Hunter Biden never even was willing to say the laptop was not his.

You should have brought that up before the election. That would have been a game changer..... Man o man Biden sure is lucky!
Notice how it's all pretty much just gone away since Trump lost the election?

Yep just like the invading hordes along the southern border.
Sally Yates might become the next Attorney General. Remember Trump fired her. They’re also talking about Merrick garland becoming the next Attorney General. The guy the GOP screwed over

The entire Trump crime family is definitely going to have problems after January 20. I can’t wait.

Trump and IVanka could be a Toofer because he paid her hundreds of thousands of dollars as his tax advisor and then wrote all that off as a tax write off. That’s multiple felonies on different levels.

View attachment 423957
View attachment 423956
I'd fire the IRS then.
Fake News. He never really existed in the first place.

It all been a last minute desperation ploy dreamed up by Bannon and Rove.

Right up there with Pizzagate.

Rightwing moroonies bought more pizza this time than last.

That is ridiculous, since Hunter Biden never even was willing to say the laptop was not his.

You should have brought that up before the election. That would have been a game changer..... Man o man Biden sure is lucky!
Notice how it's all pretty much just gone away since Trump lost the election?

Yep just like the invading hordes along the southern border.
still blind huh?

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