Comrade Trump Jr. compares Syrian Refugees to Skittles

Why does anyone care? Are democrats so desperate that they pick out the word "skittles" from a Trump speech when the freaking world is falling apart and demented Islamic terrorists are bombing New York and New Jersey?

The meme accurately and succinctly illustrates the problem with bringing in 110,000 Syrian Muslims.

So of course democrats are OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA.

The douche doesn't fall far from the bag...

HIs point is completely true.

It's true for dogs and handgun owners, too. How do you like those apples Skittles?
They fought the Barbary Pirates.

President Jefferson ordered the terrorists (and that's what they were) hung from the yard arm of the Constitution, which had sailed to the North of Libya in pursuit of the Muslim scum. The Barbary Pirates said that taking America colonists as slaves was allowed because Allah deemed it so, Jefferson did not agree.

The First Barbary War | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

After Jefferson finished with them, no Muslim fucked with America for the next hundred years.

Obama is no Jefferson.

Shit, Obama isn't even Jimmy Carter...

It's true for dogs and handgun owners, too. How do you like those apples Skittles?

I know that Soros trained you little shit flinging feral baboons to say that, but it's pretty fucking stupid, Guno.

Guno5000 sez "DERP dogs iz gunna set of BOMS jes like the terrorists we luv dew!" #democratsloveterrorists
It's the same TardLogic™ used by rubes on both ends of the retard spectrum.
LIBTARD: Guns just killed some more people. We must ban them.

RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?

FOX NEWS: Some more Muslims just killed some more people. Every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone, we will be right here to tell you all about it, with doom music.


There's clowns to the Left of me, jokers to the Right
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you...
Notice how the tards don't have a real retort to the truth? :lol:
Go ahead, tards. Explain how Junior's Skittle comment doesn't apply to handgun owners but does apply to Muslims.

Or you can scream and howl and not answer the question and tell yourselves how clever you are for dodging the question.
You see, I would not ban guns or Muslims or swimminig pools based on the TardLogic™ demonstrated by Junior.

But you morons use his TardLogic™ to justify your positions, but only where it aligns with your hatred and bigotry.

Stupid AND hypocritical.
LIBTARD: Guns just killed some more people. We must ban them.

RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?

FOX NEWS: Some more Muslims just killed some more people. Every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone, we will be right here to tell you all about it, with doom music.


There's clowns to the Left of me, jokers to the Right
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you...

Guno5000: if I mindlessly fling shit, I'll be praised by the other leftists...

I wonder why nobody was concerned about enemies posing as refugees when 1,600,000 Vietnamese refugees immigrated to the USA, after their countrymen killed 58,000 Americans?

Vietnamese Immigrants in the United States

Maybe because terrorism and holy war are not embedded in the Vietnam Culture, like in Islam.

Right. It is a cultural thing. Negros are lazy, Irish are drunks, Italians are criminals, Chinese are crafty, Jews are misers, Japanese are duplicitous, and Muslims are terrorists.

If they ever remake all in the family, you could try out for the part of Archie Bunker.
I guess I stumped them. Again.

This is getting boring. I should probably scoop out seven pounds of my brain to level the playing field.

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