Comrade Trump Jr. compares Syrian Refugees to Skittles

Skittles Issues Terse Response to Trump Jr. Refugee Tweet

Just another spoiled rich kid. I am sure dad is very proud of Comrade Junior for such a sick analogy,,,
The fun thing about this analogy is how easily it is applied to a lot of different things and demonstrates how weak the logic skills are for the average person. For example:

  • This bowl of skittles represents Americans that own guns. A few of them will shoot up their place of work. We need less armed Americans.
  • This bowl of skittles represents factories. A few of them will poison all of the people and workers nearby killing hundreds. We need less factories.
  • This bowl of skittles represent automobiles. A few of them will malfunction killing their drivers and anyone in their path. We need less cars.
  • This bowl of skittles represents dogs. A few of them will kill random strangers. We need less dogs.
  • This bowl represents goldfish. A few are secretly plotting the downfall of mankind. We need less goldfish. Damn goldfish.
If you object to any one of those arguments then you are illustrating the stupidity of the skittles argument.
Who should we load into cattlecars next? Mormons? Fundamentalist Amish?

Only people I've seen loaded into Cattle Cars are people that leftist states exterminated, and no one is talking about doing anything to those goat fuckers beyond keeping them out of our country.

How do people as stupid as you survive this long? You would have died under a sink years ago if the Drano didn't have a child resistant lid on it.

lol @ Nazis being "leftist." You remarking on anyone's intelligence is like Huckabee preaching fitness.

We all know that Nazis were all about small government....just like right-wingers.
Typical lefty.....more concerned about offending candy than dealing with the actual know, the one that stabbed 8 people in a mall in Minnesota and set off bombs in New Jersey and New York this weekend....

Neither of which were refugees.

Neither of which were refugees.

Excellent point. We need to get rid of all the Muslims who are already here.

I read that Obama fixed Syria, we should send them all there.

Where you going to send the Charleston shooter, the Planned Parenthood shooter, the Sandy Hook shooter, the Aurora shooter, etc, "back to"?

The fact that we have homegrown dangerous nutjobs is not a reason to actively import more dangerous nutjobs to kill even more of US.

The fact that you would turn away refugees fleeing a war torn country because you're afraid one of them might be a "bad guy" is cowardly and ridiculous.

We turned away 900 Jews fleeing Germany. 25% were killed in the Holocaust. That's okay with you?

The US has a finite ability to absorb immigrants.

If you wanted to see cases judged on a case by case basis based on need, then your beef is with the MF A-holes who have been flooding the US with Third World Immigrants for the last 50 years.

A finite resource has been exhausted. If you want to complain about it, I suggest a seance, go bitch to Ted Kennedy.

FYI: The idea of a low immigration environment where cases could be judged on need on a case by case basis would have been much better than what actually happened.

If you put together that seance, let me know. I will join you in telling off that dead asshole.
Skittles Issues Terse Response to Trump Jr. Refugee Tweet

Just another spoiled rich kid. I am sure dad is very proud of Comrade Junior for such a sick analogy,,,
The fun thing about this analogy is how easily it is applied to a lot of different things and demonstrates how weak the logic skills are for the average person. For example:

  • This bowl of skittles represents Americans that own guns. A few of them will shoot up their place of work. We need less armed Americans.
  • This bowl of skittles represents factories. A few of them will poison all of the people and workers nearby killing hundreds. We need less factories.
  • This bowl of skittles represent automobiles. A few of them will malfunction killing their drivers and anyone in their path. We need less cars.
  • This bowl of skittles represents dogs. A few of them will kill random strangers. We need less dogs.
  • This bowl represents goldfish. A few are secretly plotting the downfall of mankind. We need less goldfish. Damn goldfish.
If you object to any one of those arguments then you are illustrating the stupidity of the skittles argument.

Except in all the cases above their is a counterbalancing benefit.

Not so with Third World Immigration.
Skittles Issues Terse Response to Trump Jr. Refugee Tweet

Just another spoiled rich kid. I am sure dad is very proud of Comrade Junior for such a sick analogy,,,
The fun thing about this analogy is how easily it is applied to a lot of different things and demonstrates how weak the logic skills are for the average person. For example:

  • This bowl of skittles represents Americans that own guns. A few of them will shoot up their place of work. We need less armed Americans.
  • This bowl of skittles represents factories. A few of them will poison all of the people and workers nearby killing hundreds. We need less factories.
  • This bowl of skittles represent automobiles. A few of them will malfunction killing their drivers and anyone in their path. We need less cars.
  • This bowl of skittles represents dogs. A few of them will kill random strangers. We need less dogs.
  • This bowl represents goldfish. A few are secretly plotting the downfall of mankind. We need less goldfish. Damn goldfish.
If you object to any one of those arguments then you are illustrating the stupidity of the skittles argument.

Except in all the cases above their is a counterbalancing benefit.

Not so with Third World Immigration.
I'd put forth there is no counterbalancing effect from Dogs or Goldfish.

As for the refugees? Sure there is a counterbalancing effect. A vast vast majority will become law abiding citizens and contribute to their society. That's how things have always been in America. Folks come here, they become part of the country, they contribute. A very small few will be bad apples. That also has always happened no matter where groups of people come from.
We all know that Nazis were all about small government....just like right-wingers.

That's why I have ZERO respect for libturds. Nothing they believe in is based on facts and reality. They're too stupid to grasp simple concepts. They're deliberately ignorant and aren't even content to maintain that, they're compelled to spread that ignorance and have no tolerance for those who question it, let alone prove that their political philosophy is founded on a fairy tale about a collectivist utopia where everyone is "equal".

I'm not sure how people can be that stupid and live long enough to develop the motor skills required to manipulate a mouse. They're literally genetic garbage and are kept alive by the exertions of people they're programmed to hate.

Why have loopholes in the background check laws for gun buying?
What loopholes?

Private sales, you asshole.

How do you propose regulating private sales, asshole? If John wants to sell his 12-gauge to his cousin, is he going to have to file paperwork with the Federal Government, pay for a back ground check, and make his cousin wait for a period of time? How are you going to enforce it?

Does OBAMA fall under this, since it was HE who authorized the sale / give-away of thousands of guns and grenades to Mexican Drug cartels, resulting in the deaths of over 500 people - 4 Americans? Or is the govt, as always, above the law? (So far they have been - no one punished for Fas and Furious, which is STILL on-going as Barry runs out the clock).

They manage to do it in other countries.

You enforce it when you bust a felon with a gun and find out he bought it from an individual who didn't do a background check. Then you jail the seller.

find out he bought it from an individual who didn't do a background check. Then you jail the seller

I bought it from Cleavon.
Skittles Issues Terse Response to Trump Jr. Refugee Tweet

Just another spoiled rich kid. I am sure dad is very proud of Comrade Junior for such a sick analogy,,,
The fun thing about this analogy is how easily it is applied to a lot of different things and demonstrates how weak the logic skills are for the average person. For example:

  • This bowl of skittles represents Americans that own guns. A few of them will shoot up their place of work. We need less armed Americans.
  • This bowl of skittles represents factories. A few of them will poison all of the people and workers nearby killing hundreds. We need less factories.
  • This bowl of skittles represent automobiles. A few of them will malfunction killing their drivers and anyone in their path. We need less cars.
  • This bowl of skittles represents dogs. A few of them will kill random strangers. We need less dogs.
  • This bowl represents goldfish. A few are secretly plotting the downfall of mankind. We need less goldfish. Damn goldfish.
If you object to any one of those arguments then you are illustrating the stupidity of the skittles argument.

Except in all the cases above their is a counterbalancing benefit.

Not so with Third World Immigration.
I'd put forth there is no counterbalancing effect from Dogs or Goldfish.

As for the refugees? Sure there is a counterbalancing effect. A vast vast majority will become law abiding citizens and contribute to their society. That's how things have always been in America. Folks come here, they become part of the country, they contribute. A very small few will be bad apples. That also has always happened no matter where groups of people come from.

They are shitty Third World Immigrants, with shitty Third world skills and culture.

We need to reduce the supply of labor to increase the price, ie wages.

Not increase it.
We all know that Nazis were all about small government....just like right-wingers.

That's why I have ZERO respect for libturds. Nothing they believe in is based on facts and reality. They're too stupid to grasp simple concepts. They're deliberately ignorant and aren't even content to maintain that, they're compelled to spread that ignorance and have no tolerance for those who question it, let alone prove that their political philosophy is founded on a fairy tale about a collectivist utopia where everyone is "equal".

I'm not sure how people can be that stupid and live long enough to develop the motor skills required to manipulate a mouse. They're literally genetic garbage and are kept alive by the exertions of people they're programmed to hate.

I wonder how they can find their way out of their homes to find food or not accidentally put a fork in an electrical outlet.
Why have loopholes in the background check laws for gun buying?
What loopholes?

Private sales, you asshole.

How do you propose regulating private sales, asshole? If John wants to sell his 12-gauge to his cousin, is he going to have to file paperwork with the Federal Government, pay for a back ground check, and make his cousin wait for a period of time? How are you going to enforce it?

Does OBAMA fall under this, since it was HE who authorized the sale / give-away of thousands of guns and grenades to Mexican Drug cartels, resulting in the deaths of over 500 people - 4 Americans? Or is the govt, as always, above the law? (So far they have been - no one punished for Fas and Furious, which is STILL on-going as Barry runs out the clock).

They manage to do it in other countries.

You enforce it when you bust a felon with a gun and find out he bought it from an individual who didn't do a background check. Then you jail the seller.

find out he bought it from an individual who didn't do a background check. Then you jail the seller

I bought it from Cleavon.

Mine fell off a truck

I'd put forth there is no counterbalancing effect from Dogs or Goldfish.

As for the refugees? Sure there is a counterbalancing effect. A vast vast majority will become law abiding citizens and contribute to their society. That's how things have always been in America. Folks come here, they become part of the country, they contribute. A very small few will be bad apples. That also has always happened no matter where groups of people come from.

The chances, as remote as they are that a member of this group of "refugees" could kill dozens of people outweighs any benefit we might see from arbitrarily allowing tens of thousands of syrians who just want to get out of Syria.

If they petitioned the government and were properly vetted that would be a decent argument to let them in, but the vetting is piss poor and these people seem to want to go anywhere else. You know damn well most if not all will be subsidized at tax payer expense for a long time if not for generations.

There is an inherent problem with the islamic cult also. It is a cult of slavery, death and conquest. Every country that has allowed masses of these people into their border has faced massive increases in violent crimes. They're NOT assimilating. They're demanding their hosts appease their sense of "morality". Then they're indignant when one of their own blows up or somehow murders people because of a cartoon and it pisses people off.

The simple fact of the matter is that WE DO NOT NEED any more people coming in to the country from ANYWHERE, let alone islamic hell holes. So whatever "benefit" you envision from letting these people in can't possibly outweigh the chance that someone, anyone, even just one person could be killed or raped by some bearded fanatic of the mesopotamian moongod and his false prophet. It's happening all over europe and even the krauts are ready to resurrect hitler over it.

Skittles Issues Terse Response to Trump Jr. Refugee Tweet

Just another spoiled rich kid. I am sure dad is very proud of Comrade Junior for such a sick analogy,,,
The fun thing about this analogy is how easily it is applied to a lot of different things and demonstrates how weak the logic skills are for the average person. For example:

  • This bowl of skittles represents Americans that own guns. A few of them will shoot up their place of work. We need less armed Americans.
  • This bowl of skittles represents factories. A few of them will poison all of the people and workers nearby killing hundreds. We need less factories.
  • This bowl of skittles represent automobiles. A few of them will malfunction killing their drivers and anyone in their path. We need less cars.
  • This bowl of skittles represents dogs. A few of them will kill random strangers. We need less dogs.
  • This bowl represents goldfish. A few are secretly plotting the downfall of mankind. We need less goldfish. Damn goldfish.
If you object to any one of those arguments then you are illustrating the stupidity of the skittles argument.

Except in all the cases above their is a counterbalancing benefit.

Not so with Third World Immigration.
I'd put forth there is no counterbalancing effect from Dogs or Goldfish.

As for the refugees? Sure there is a counterbalancing effect. A vast vast majority will become law abiding citizens and contribute to their society. That's how things have always been in America. Folks come here, they become part of the country, they contribute. A very small few will be bad apples. That also has always happened no matter where groups of people come from.

Muslims do NOT correlate into your argument.
Do they?
You know they don't so cut the bullshit.
I wonder how they can find their way out of their homes to find food or not accidentally put a fork in an electrical outlet.

We are doing everything we can to keep morons on the welfare rolls. We have to install these stupid pain in the ass plugs in all new construction because of these parasites.

Comparing immigrants to snakes, rapists, a Trojan Horse and poisoned candy is actually a smear to an entire nation of immigrants. To me, that's obvious. We are people. Human beings.
What would the founding fathers think?

What would the founding fathers think?

The Founders knew that Muslims were dangerous.

Didn't they fight to keep them from our shores?

They fought the Barbary Pirates.
Skittles Issues Terse Response to Trump Jr. Refugee Tweet

Just another spoiled rich kid. I am sure dad is very proud of Comrade Junior for such a sick analogy,,,

Typical lefty.....more concerned about offending candy than dealing with the actual know, the one that stabbed 8 people in a mall in Minnesota and set off bombs in New Jersey and New York this weekend....

Neither of which were refugees.

Neither of which were refugees.

Excellent point. We need to get rid of all the Muslims who are already here.

I read that Obama fixed Syria, we should send them all there.

Where you going to send the Charleston shooter, the Planned Parenthood shooter, the Sandy Hook shooter, the Aurora shooter, etc, "back to"?

We're talking about sending the Muslims to some Muslim country.
Try to stay focused.
Why does anyone care? Are democrats so desperate that they pick out the word "skittles" from a Trump speech when the freaking world is falling apart and demented Islamic terrorists are bombing New York and New Jersey?

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