Comrade Trump Jr. compares Syrian Refugees to Skittles

You see, I would not ban guns or Muslims or swimminig pools based on the TardLogic™ demonstrated by Junior.

But you morons use his TardLogic™ to justify your positions, but only where it aligns with your hatred and bigotry.

Stupid AND hypocritical.

Let's have them go stay at your house then, fuckwad!
You see, I would not ban guns or Muslims or swimminig pools based on the TardLogic™ demonstrated by Junior.

But you morons use his TardLogic™ to justify your positions, but only where it aligns with your hatred and bigotry.

Stupid AND hypocritical.

Let's have them go stay at your house then, fuckwad!
I would gladly take in a Syrian refugee, pants shitter. You see, I am a man, not some shriveled up wet ball of fear on the floor like yourself.

I am a man. I walk upright. I fear neither guns nor dogs nor swimming pools nor refugees. I recognize flawed arguments from a mile away.

Too bad Trump's Chumps cannot say the same.
Here's a funny thing.

One street over from my last house was a Muslim neighborhood.

Most Muslims from the Middle East are terrified of dogs. When I used to walk my big dog, my Muslim neighbors used to flee the sidewalk and actually walk out into traffic to avoid passing by my dog.

They were more afraid of my dog than traffic! Even though my dog was the friendliest dog you could ask for.

Kind of reminds me of the people in this topic who are afraid of Muslims. It's the kind of fear which comes from ignorance. And they are trying to run our country into danger out of their irrational fear.
Here's a funny thing.

One street over from my last house was a Muslim neighborhood.

Most Muslims from the Middle East are terrified of dogs. When I used to walk my big dog, my Muslim neighbors used to flee the sidewalk and actually walk out into traffic to avoid passing by my dog.

They were more afraid of my dog than traffic! Even though my dog was the friendliest dog you could ask for.

Kind of reminds me of the people in this topic who are afraid of Muslims. It's the kind of fear which comes from ignorance. And they are trying to run our country into danger out of their irrational fear.

Dogs and children can smell evil, which is why Muhammad killed dogs and fucked children...
Skittles Issues Terse Response to Trump Jr. Refugee Tweet

Just another spoiled rich kid. I am sure dad is very proud of Comrade Junior for such a sick analogy,,,
The fun thing about this analogy is how easily it is applied to a lot of different things and demonstrates how weak the logic skills are for the average person. For example:

  • This bowl of skittles represents Americans that own guns. A few of them will shoot up their place of work. We need less armed Americans.
  • This bowl of skittles represents factories. A few of them will poison all of the people and workers nearby killing hundreds. We need less factories.
  • This bowl of skittles represent automobiles. A few of them will malfunction killing their drivers and anyone in their path. We need less cars.
  • This bowl of skittles represents dogs. A few of them will kill random strangers. We need less dogs.
  • This bowl represents goldfish. A few are secretly plotting the downfall of mankind. We need less goldfish. Damn goldfish.
If you object to any one of those arguments then you are illustrating the stupidity of the skittles argument.

Except in all the cases above their is a counterbalancing benefit.

Not so with Third World Immigration.
I'd put forth there is no counterbalancing effect from Dogs or Goldfish.

As for the refugees? Sure there is a counterbalancing effect. A vast vast majority will become law abiding citizens and contribute to their society. That's how things have always been in America. Folks come here, they become part of the country, they contribute. A very small few will be bad apples. That also has always happened no matter where groups of people come from.'d think we'd learn from it.

History remembers how the Irish, the Germans, the Italians were treated and America's "closed borders" attitudes about them too. Prohibition came about in response to Irish immigrants and their evil whiskey. Always blaming the "other" until a new "other" comes along.
What happens when John sells his 1994 Ford pickup to his cousin?

I only have to register a vehicle if I operate it on a public road, shitflinger.

Hence, If I plan to shoot a gun on a public road, I'll follow the same rules.

Otherwise, go pound sand.

Fine with me if the gun cannot be taken outside of your home. Kill your own family on purpose or by accident, I don't care.
Skittles Issues Terse Response to Trump Jr. Refugee Tweet

Just another spoiled rich kid. I am sure dad is very proud of Comrade Junior for such a sick analogy,,,

It was excellent. Bummer that it made you cry.


Thank you for posting this. Leftist/Progs only understand simple graphics. Anything else is too difficult for them.

Right wing dirt bags think that Obama is a dictator. They should spend just one day under the hand of Bashar al Assad. That would shut their big mouths up and introduce them to reality. Take your guns and put 'em where the sun don't shine, since Obama never wanted them in the first place.

Calm the fuck down, you're going to soil yourself.
LIBTARD: Guns just killed some more people. We must ban them.

RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?

FOX NEWS: Some more Muslims just killed some more people. Every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone, we will be right here to tell you all about it, with doom music.


There's clowns to the Left of me, jokers to the Right
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you...

Never. Once. Said.
Here's a funny thing.

One street over from my last house was a Muslim neighborhood.

Most Muslims from the Middle East are terrified of dogs. When I used to walk my big dog, my Muslim neighbors used to flee the sidewalk and actually walk out into traffic to avoid passing by my dog.

They were more afraid of my dog than traffic! Even though my dog was the friendliest dog you could ask for.

Kind of reminds me of the people in this topic who are afraid of Muslims. It's the kind of fear which comes from ignorance. And they are trying to run our country into danger out of their irrational fear.

Was your dog blowing shit up all over the world? I'm guessing not.

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