Con Job Or Hit Job?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Con Job Or Hit Job?
Was Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony against Judge Brett Kavanaugh a total con job? It had all the earmarks of an 11th-hour ambush, facilitated by the dismissal of the lack of corroborating evidence, a predictable presumption of guilt ginned up by a media that feeds sensationalism and mob rule, and the calculated protection of the impenetrable shield of the #MeToo movement. It almost worked..... There are also fingerprints of a Deep State political hit job. The Steele Dossier and Kavanaugh accusation have a lot in common, each being based on uncorroborated charges involving sex -- tailor-made to foment a media circus, which is now the tail that wags the political dog in America..... To better understand these destructive forces, we need to follow the lawyers just like we need to follow the money. Flanked on each side of Ford at her October 4 testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee were attorneys Debra Katz and Michael Bromwich..... Out of all the lawyers in the most lawyered city in America, why would Ford choose him? Maybe Bromwich was chosen for Ford as the one attorney uniquely positioned to influence a final anticipated FBI investigation through McCabe’s remaining supporters within the FBI.
Debra Katz, introduced to Ford by Senator Diane Feinstein, is more than just a lawyer.... She serves as vice-chair of the Project on Government Oversight, a “core grantee” of George Soros’s Open Society Foundation....
This latest Supreme Court nomination process has revealed the raw, unscrupulous, scorched-earth politics of the Democrats for all to see. Apparently for them, it's now all in with Saul Alinsky, whose ten rules for radicals can be boiled down to one: "the ends justify the means

For all the efforts of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats, have turned what would been about a 54-46 confirmation into a 50-48 confirmation. Their strategy probably has lost them an additional 3-6 seats in the Senate. On the plus side, they threw tons of raw meat to the frothing, angry mob that is their base, alarming and energizing an untold number of formerly apolitical and apathetic citizens against them. This was a totally orchestrated hit job funded by deep state Soros type Left wingers utilizing a Leftist nutty professor willing to be used for the cause understanding she would reap the benefits as a newly anointed Anita Hill figure who is able to increase her net worth 10x what she would have at the university pay rate.
Christine Blasey Ford stood up and took an oath to tell the truth, and then sat down and lied, completely lied about everything.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left's attempt to destroy Kavanaugh has paid great dividends for the GOP. I hope to see this "recovered memory" business again. They view the long term, they've been devolving for over one hundred fifty years. From Slavery, to the KKK, to the Welfare Trap, Abortion, to their plantation/ghetto sanctuary cities, they've systematically destroyed lives and families.
Losing at the ballot box only furthers their zeal to slaughter the heart of America on their altar of godless socialism. Their dreams always end in streets flowing with blood.
We need to put these sluts in their place. And throw away the key. If they can't grow up and get over shit, and just act like whiney ass whipped alter boys, they need to go away. (sarcasm)

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