Concealed Carry Permits Should be Treated Like Driver's Licenses

Not sure if you're stupid or just pretending to be, but a casual read would be easily sufficient to anyone with the most minimal of intelligence that isn't what my question was. Here it is again:

kaz said:
What if we require people to get a license and pay a fee to have free speech or to have their home protected from illegal searches?

in fact - you do.

How do I get those licenses you said I needed to buy for free speech and to protect me from illegal searches, asshole?
If a black guy had a concealed carry permit in Baltimore, and the cops found a gun on him, would they let him live long enough to prove it was legal?

Gee, I don't know. What is the experience in states where people are allowed to defend themselves? Are black men being murdered by cops all over the place? Why no, no they aren't. I wonder how they are able to survive?

Honestly, if that "black man" is legally carrying (by THEIR law) and he is waving his weapon around - the odds are that he would run into a great deal of problems. Probably DEADLY problems. One does not go to a riot with the intention of brandishing a firearm unless he has a death wish.

The vast majority there were not rioting. They were protesting. Isn't that what all those gun nuts were doing when they pranced up and down the streets with lots of exposed weapons, or swarming that those coffee shops? Protesting and brandishing............that was their point wasn't it?
If a black guy had a concealed carry permit in Baltimore, and the cops found a gun on him, would they let him live long enough to prove it was legal?

Gee, I don't know. What is the experience in states where people are allowed to defend themselves? Are black men being murdered by cops all over the place? Why no, no they aren't. I wonder how they are able to survive?

Honestly, if that "black man" is legally carrying (by THEIR law) and he is waving his weapon around - the odds are that he would run into a great deal of problems. Probably DEADLY problems. One does not go to a riot with the intention of brandishing a firearm unless he has a death wish.

The vast majority there were not rioting. They were protesting. Isn't that what all those gun nuts were doing when they pranced up and down the streets with lots of exposed weapons, or swarming that those coffee shops? Protesting and brandishing............that was their point wasn't it?

Jesus guy - I get it, you're a pussy. I get it. Do us all a favor "bulldog" and change your name to "kitten", will you?
It's always something, isn't it? :)
Hell, I qualified on a range at every post I was ever stationed at, at every Embassy, at Fort Meade, At Bolling AFB, shoot, everywhere. I have been shooting since I was 6 years old - I think I can say, with some authority, that I KNOW how to shoot. Their argument is a little "bogus". :)
So you have experience with guns. Do you think everybody has that same experience? More importantly than knowing how to shoot a gun is knowing when to shoot a gun. Do you think everybody knows that? Do you think every one of the protesters in Ferguson or Baltimore should have been armed?
None of this is relevant to the point made here.

Indeed. How many aren't qualified to throw rocks? Didn't stop them from doing that in Baltimore, now did it? These leftists always forget that murder has been around since the beginning of time. Doesn't take a gun to kill someone. It takes a murderous heart.

So you think all the peaceful protesters in Baltimore and Ferguson, the vast majority, should have all taken advantage of their second amendment rights?

Why the hell not? If they are carrying and no one knows it (as I will bet you a thousand dollars 90% of them were) who do they hurt? When I was with the Army (and specifically) the DIA - When I wasn't working - I carried credentials that identified me as an Intelligence Operative. I NEVER had to show it anywhere but the Police station that I might be working with on a given time frame. I carried all the time. 7 days a week, 365 days a year and not ONCE was my weapon ever seen.

Hell, outside of Europe, I never pulled the weapon and only killed with it, when it was necessary in the performance of my mission.

A Black man, like myself, who, in the prime of his life - (and looked like the proverbial greek god in those days) and not once - not once did anyone suspect that I was carrying.

I'm always amazed at how every anonymous poster on the internet has massive credentials for what ever the subject of discussion is, and they all look like Greek Gods. I know none of them would lie to boost their fragile egos.
If a black guy had a concealed carry permit in Baltimore, and the cops found a gun on him, would they let him live long enough to prove it was legal?

Gee, I don't know. What is the experience in states where people are allowed to defend themselves? Are black men being murdered by cops all over the place? Why no, no they aren't. I wonder how they are able to survive?

Honestly, if that "black man" is legally carrying (by THEIR law) and he is waving his weapon around - the odds are that he would run into a great deal of problems. Probably DEADLY problems. One does not go to a riot with the intention of brandishing a firearm unless he has a death wish.

The vast majority there were not rioting. They were protesting. Isn't that what all those gun nuts were doing when they pranced up and down the streets with lots of exposed weapons, or swarming that those coffee shops? Protesting and brandishing............that was their point wasn't it?

Jesus guy - I get it, you're a pussy. I get it. Do us all a favor "bulldog" and change your name to "kitten", will you?

As an insult, that was pretty weak, but answer the question dumbass. That was their purpose wasn't it?
So you have experience with guns. Do you think everybody has that same experience? More importantly than knowing how to shoot a gun is knowing when to shoot a gun. Do you think everybody knows that? Do you think every one of the protesters in Ferguson or Baltimore should have been armed?
None of this is relevant to the point made here.

Indeed. How many aren't qualified to throw rocks? Didn't stop them from doing that in Baltimore, now did it? These leftists always forget that murder has been around since the beginning of time. Doesn't take a gun to kill someone. It takes a murderous heart.

So you think all the peaceful protesters in Baltimore and Ferguson, the vast majority, should have all taken advantage of their second amendment rights?

Why the hell not? If they are carrying and no one knows it (as I will bet you a thousand dollars 90% of them were) who do they hurt? When I was with the Army (and specifically) the DIA - When I wasn't working - I carried credentials that identified me as an Intelligence Operative. I NEVER had to show it anywhere but the Police station that I might be working with on a given time frame. I carried all the time. 7 days a week, 365 days a year and not ONCE was my weapon ever seen.

Hell, outside of Europe, I never pulled the weapon and only killed with it, when it was necessary in the performance of my mission.

A Black man, like myself, who, in the prime of his life - (and looked like the proverbial greek god in those days) and not once - not once did anyone suspect that I was carrying.

I'm always amazed at how every anonymous poster on the internet has massive credentials for what ever the subject of discussion is, and they all look like Greek Gods. I know none of them would lie to boost their fragile egos.

No lying here , pussy. I'm now 71 one years old and a threat to no one. Wasn't always the case, however. You, however, who choose the moniker "bulldog" but is, in reality a pussy, well, not much I can do for you....I've been on here for years - with the same story since day one. I don't know why you have such a hard on for guns and their owners, (and I don't give a shit) but that is YOUR problem, not mine.
Concealed Carry Permits Should be Treated Like Driver's Licenses

Except for one thing:

The Constitution does NOT forbid governments in the U.S. from restricting your right to drive on public streets. Such as by requiring you pass tests, granting you a license (which they can refuse if they want to), etc.

It DOES forbid governments from restricting your right to keep and bear arms, such as by requiring you to pass tests, granting you a license (which they can refuse if they want to), etc.

So CCW permits should NOT be treated like drivers' licenses. Instead, they should be eliminated, in conformance to the Constitution.
None of this is relevant to the point made here.

Indeed. How many aren't qualified to throw rocks? Didn't stop them from doing that in Baltimore, now did it? These leftists always forget that murder has been around since the beginning of time. Doesn't take a gun to kill someone. It takes a murderous heart.

So you think all the peaceful protesters in Baltimore and Ferguson, the vast majority, should have all taken advantage of their second amendment rights?

Why the hell not? If they are carrying and no one knows it (as I will bet you a thousand dollars 90% of them were) who do they hurt? When I was with the Army (and specifically) the DIA - When I wasn't working - I carried credentials that identified me as an Intelligence Operative. I NEVER had to show it anywhere but the Police station that I might be working with on a given time frame. I carried all the time. 7 days a week, 365 days a year and not ONCE was my weapon ever seen.

Hell, outside of Europe, I never pulled the weapon and only killed with it, when it was necessary in the performance of my mission.

A Black man, like myself, who, in the prime of his life - (and looked like the proverbial greek god in those days) and not once - not once did anyone suspect that I was carrying.

I'm always amazed at how every anonymous poster on the internet has massive credentials for what ever the subject of discussion is, and they all look like Greek Gods. I know none of them would lie to boost their fragile egos.

No lying here , pussy. I'm now 71 one years old and a threat to no one. Wasn't always the case, however. You, however, who choose the moniker "bulldog" but is, in reality a pussy, well, not much I can do for you....I've been on here for years - with the same story since day one. I don't know why you have such a hard on for guns and their owners, (and I don't give a shit) but that is YOUR problem, not mine.

I probably have as many or more guns than you dumbass. I don't hate gun owners. Just the dumbasses who don't have enough sense to know there has to be reasonable restrictions for their use. You still haven't answered the question.....
I don't know why you have such a hard on for guns and their owners, (and I don't give a shit) but that is YOUR problem, not mine.

I probably have as many or more guns than you dumbass. I don't hate gun owners. Just the dumbasses who don't have enough sense to know there has to be reasonable restrictions for their use. You still haven't answered the question.....

Yes, liberals are all gun owners. You were all in the military. And you're all Republicans, or at least you used to be. It's amazing. I'm convinced now that W won his first term unanimously, apparently no one in the country voted against him
Concealed Carry Permits Should be Treated Like Driver's Licenses

Except for one thing:

The Constitution does NOT forbid governments in the U.S. from restricting your right to drive on public streets. Such as by requiring you pass tests, granting you a license (which they can refuse if they want to), etc.

It DOES forbid governments from restricting your right to keep and bear arms, such as by requiring you to pass tests, granting you a license (which they can refuse if they want to), etc.

So CCW permits should NOT be treated like drivers' licenses. Instead, they should be eliminated, in conformance to the Constitution.

Indeed. "Shall not be infringed" is fairly straightforward. That is why a number of states are completely doing away with licensing and CCW permits. You want to own and carry concealed - do it. You break a law - go to jail. It really is that simple.
Indeed. How many aren't qualified to throw rocks? Didn't stop them from doing that in Baltimore, now did it? These leftists always forget that murder has been around since the beginning of time. Doesn't take a gun to kill someone. It takes a murderous heart.

So you think all the peaceful protesters in Baltimore and Ferguson, the vast majority, should have all taken advantage of their second amendment rights?

Why the hell not? If they are carrying and no one knows it (as I will bet you a thousand dollars 90% of them were) who do they hurt? When I was with the Army (and specifically) the DIA - When I wasn't working - I carried credentials that identified me as an Intelligence Operative. I NEVER had to show it anywhere but the Police station that I might be working with on a given time frame. I carried all the time. 7 days a week, 365 days a year and not ONCE was my weapon ever seen.

Hell, outside of Europe, I never pulled the weapon and only killed with it, when it was necessary in the performance of my mission.

A Black man, like myself, who, in the prime of his life - (and looked like the proverbial greek god in those days) and not once - not once did anyone suspect that I was carrying.

I'm always amazed at how every anonymous poster on the internet has massive credentials for what ever the subject of discussion is, and they all look like Greek Gods. I know none of them would lie to boost their fragile egos.

No lying here , pussy. I'm now 71 one years old and a threat to no one. Wasn't always the case, however. You, however, who choose the moniker "bulldog" but is, in reality a pussy, well, not much I can do for you....I've been on here for years - with the same story since day one. I don't know why you have such a hard on for guns and their owners, (and I don't give a shit) but that is YOUR problem, not mine.

I probably have as many or more guns than you dumbass. I don't hate gun owners. Just the dumbasses who don't have enough sense to know there has to be reasonable restrictions for their use. You still haven't answered the question.....

Betcha a dollar you don't.....The best place for you? Ignore.
Concealed Carry Permits Should be Treated Like Driver's Licenses

Except for one thing:

The Constitution does NOT forbid governments in the U.S. from restricting your right to drive on public streets. Such as by requiring you pass tests, granting you a license (which they can refuse if they want to), etc.

It DOES forbid governments from restricting your right to keep and bear arms, such as by requiring you to pass tests, granting you a license (which they can refuse if they want to), etc.

So CCW permits should NOT be treated like drivers' licenses. Instead, they should be eliminated, in conformance to the Constitution.

The Supreme Court has determined that restrictions on firearms are constitutional. How do you think they restrict ownership of fully automatic weapons or bazookas?
I don't know why you have such a hard on for guns and their owners, (and I don't give a shit) but that is YOUR problem, not mine.

I probably have as many or more guns than you dumbass. I don't hate gun owners. Just the dumbasses who don't have enough sense to know there has to be reasonable restrictions for their use. You still haven't answered the question.....

Yes, liberals are all gun owners. You were all in the military. And you're all Republicans, or at least you used to be. It's amazing. I'm convinced now that W won his first term unanimously, apparently no one in the country voted against him

Never said all liberals were gun owners, but I am and have been since I was a kid.
oh look; another gun lover without a clue or a Cause.
We know you hate the fact that, like all other anti-gun loons, you can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty -- but that's your problem, not ours.
if it were Only that, i would agree with you. unfortunately those of your point of view only have fallacy for your Cause and its effect is an appeal to ignorance of the law.

No, it is not ignorance of any law. The Bill of Rights is specifically about protecting the rights of the individual. It is not about protecting state or federal rights. The founding fathers did indeed think about this. The saw the value of an armed population, out of which a ready militia could be formed.

The SCOTUS has ruled clearly that it is an individual right.
The Supreme Court has also ruled clearly that the Second Amendment right is not unlimited, and subject to reasonable restrictions by government.
So you think all the peaceful protesters in Baltimore and Ferguson, the vast majority, should have all taken advantage of their second amendment rights?

Why the hell not? If they are carrying and no one knows it (as I will bet you a thousand dollars 90% of them were) who do they hurt? When I was with the Army (and specifically) the DIA - When I wasn't working - I carried credentials that identified me as an Intelligence Operative. I NEVER had to show it anywhere but the Police station that I might be working with on a given time frame. I carried all the time. 7 days a week, 365 days a year and not ONCE was my weapon ever seen.

Hell, outside of Europe, I never pulled the weapon and only killed with it, when it was necessary in the performance of my mission.

A Black man, like myself, who, in the prime of his life - (and looked like the proverbial greek god in those days) and not once - not once did anyone suspect that I was carrying.

I'm always amazed at how every anonymous poster on the internet has massive credentials for what ever the subject of discussion is, and they all look like Greek Gods. I know none of them would lie to boost their fragile egos.

No lying here , pussy. I'm now 71 one years old and a threat to no one. Wasn't always the case, however. You, however, who choose the moniker "bulldog" but is, in reality a pussy, well, not much I can do for you....I've been on here for years - with the same story since day one. I don't know why you have such a hard on for guns and their owners, (and I don't give a shit) but that is YOUR problem, not mine.

I probably have as many or more guns than you dumbass. I don't hate gun owners. Just the dumbasses who don't have enough sense to know there has to be reasonable restrictions for their use. You still haven't answered the question.....

Betcha a dollar you don't.....The best place for you? Ignore.

Run you coward. You still didn't answer the question dumbass.
I don't know why you have such a hard on for guns and their owners, (and I don't give a shit) but that is YOUR problem, not mine.

I probably have as many or more guns than you dumbass. I don't hate gun owners. Just the dumbasses who don't have enough sense to know there has to be reasonable restrictions for their use. You still haven't answered the question.....

Yes, liberals are all gun owners. You were all in the military. And you're all Republicans, or at least you used to be. It's amazing. I'm convinced now that W won his first term unanimously, apparently no one in the country voted against him

Never said all liberals were gun owners, but I am and have been since I was a kid.

I didn't you said all liberals do. But you said you do. Every discussion every liberal says I don't hate guns, I am a gun owner. Most of you are lying. I'm not saying it's you specifically, but I'm not saying I believe you either. Just apparently you all vote for lefties then go out and buy guns and vote for people who want to prevent you from doing that.

All I can say is sure you do...
I am of the belief that a CCW should be treated like a vehicle driver's license. If you are visiting a state, your CCW issued in your state should be legal and valid, just like your driver's license. If you move to a new state, you should have a set amount of time in which to get a new CCW issued by your new state.

CCW permits, in my opinion, should not be treated like a marriage licenses.

While I'm sorry for the folks that live in nazi like concentration camp cities and states in the liberal/progressive areas where the 2nd amendment is a joke, I like the way the gun laws are working in the free states.
The only thing that's a joke is this post, as this is ignorant, ridiculous, and wrong.
The SCOTUS has ruled clearly that it is an individual right.
The Supreme Court has also ruled clearly that the Second Amendment right is not unlimited, and subject to reasonable restrictions by government.

Yes, the Supreme Court says the second amendment is a limited unfettered right. Makes perfect sense. To an imbecile or a judge. But I repeat myself...

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