Concealed Carry Permits Should be Treated Like Driver's Licenses

The Supreme Court has determined that restrictions on firearms are constitutional.
Really? Which ones? Cite, please.

Look it up yourself. Surely you are smart enough to know that fully automatic rifles are just as illegal as RPG's. or did you just think nobody ever thought to ask why?
Gee I own a fully automatic weapon and even have the federal tax stamp to show it's legal. What am I doing wrong?

Do you have constitutional restrictions on carrying that gun across state lines? Did you just go out and buy it at the first gun store, or did you have to fill out all the paper work and meet all the restrictions required to buy that particular gun? Can you let your friend borrow it to go hunting? Is that a restriction?
The second amendment is a right, not a privilege. Driving is a privilege, not a right. Get it straight.
It is Only a right for that which is necessary to the security of a free State.

Yes, the FREE is the important part. The Bill of Rights is 9 limitations on what government is ALLOWED to do, and one final option should they overstep their authority. Get used to it. The Founders disliked, and didn't trust government. They realized that corrupt people are drawn to power like moths to flame and they wished to ensure we had the means to remove them when they got too onerous.
why do gun lovers believe they are necessary to the security of a free State if they don't love their republic as much as they claim to love their guns?

“Men did not love Rome because she was great. She was great because they had loved her.”
G.K. Chesterton

The Republic is under attack by progressives like you. We DO love our Republic. You wish to tear it apart.
y'all need a better clue and a better Cause.
Without background checks, how are you going to know which ones are legally carrying? Do you expect the cops to take down everybody with a gun, or to respect their rights until a single thug in the crowd, who isn't allowed to have a gun, takes a shot? If or when that thug does that, what do you think should happen?

You are not particularly bright, are you!
You should know that one of the "C"s in CCW stands for "CONCEALED"?
IF they are concealed, how will the police know who is carrying a concealed weapon?
IF someone takes out a weapon and points it at anyone or threatens anyone, that is criminal threatening, which is a felony.

Indeed. The ONLY time that weapon should leave the holster is when you intend to defend yourself. Anything other than that - you are committing a crime.

Never saw a holster for a rifle. You got a picture of that?

Funny, but hardly a realistic answer to the question.

I see a dozen questions... I answered the one that is answerable.
I am of the belief that a CCW should be treated like a vehicle driver's license. If you are visiting a state, your CCW issued in your state should be legal and valid, just like your driver's license. If you move to a new state, you should have a set amount of time in which to get a new CCW issued by your new state.

CCW permits, in my opinion, should not be treated like a marriage licenses.

States Rights will set the law on who can and cannot carry, until such time as all states drop the licensing of human rights, it will have to be this way.
I don't know why you have such a hard on for guns and their owners, (and I don't give a shit) but that is YOUR problem, not mine.

I probably have as many or more guns than you dumbass. I don't hate gun owners. Just the dumbasses who don't have enough sense to know there has to be reasonable restrictions for their use. You still haven't answered the question.....

Yes, liberals are all gun owners. You were all in the military. And you're all Republicans, or at least you used to be. It's amazing. I'm convinced now that W won his first term unanimously, apparently no one in the country voted against him

Never said all liberals were gun owners, but I am and have been since I was a kid.

I didn't you said all liberals do. But you said you do. Every discussion every liberal says I don't hate guns, I am a gun owner. Most of you are lying. I'm not saying it's you specifically, but I'm not saying I believe you either. Just apparently you all vote for lefties then go out and buy guns and vote for people who want to prevent you from doing that.

All I can say is sure you do...

That's just stupid. Gun nuts are like a little kid whose mother tells them they can't have a cookie before supper, and they start crying because they think they will never have another cookie. Responsible gun owners know that owning a gun requires reasonable precautions for safety's sake. That's what the NRA used to teach.

Exactly, you love guns, you're a gun owner, so when you're against them somehow we're supposed to take you more seriously. It doesn't work with me, it doesn't work with any other 2nd amendment advocate I see on the board. Give it up, it's lame. Just admit to you Constitutional rights are not equal and move on, don't claim to be one of us, which is why you know and are against us
You are not particularly bright, are you!
You should know that one of the "C"s in CCW stands for "CONCEALED"?
IF they are concealed, how will the police know who is carrying a concealed weapon?
IF someone takes out a weapon and points it at anyone or threatens anyone, that is criminal threatening, which is a felony.

Indeed. The ONLY time that weapon should leave the holster is when you intend to defend yourself. Anything other than that - you are committing a crime.

Never saw a holster for a rifle. You got a picture of that?

Funny, but hardly a realistic answer to the question.

I see a dozen questions... I answered the one that is answerable.

It's OK, he's a gun owner, he's one of us. So he can be against them, no problem
Because of being a full time care taker for my spouse I could not sit in the required classes (which I could teach) to get My CCL in Ohio. So I sent my DD214 and my Finger prints to AZ and received it from there. Simple and gives me about 30 states I can carry in....
Really? Which ones? Cite, please.
Look it up yourself.
TRANSLATION: I have no idea if they really did or not, so I just blustered my way through and hoped nobody called me on my fibs.

(Whenever a liberal tells you to "look it up yourself", essentially trying to fool you that it's your job to justify his assertions :cuckoo:, you know he's been caught in a lie. It happens a lot)

BTW, the Supremes never said that. In the latest cases such as DC v. Heller, they said that nothing in the case addressed the issue of whether restrictions in general were constitutional or not. So they were leaving things as they were... for the time being.

Of course, by the plain language of the Constitution, gun restrictions (on the local, state, of Federal level) are as unconstitutional as slavery is. So the liberals have been scrambling like cockroaches when a light turns on, trying to avoid any direct address of the question.
The Supreme Court has determined that restrictions on firearms are constitutional.
Really? Which ones? Cite, please.

Look it up yourself. Surely you are smart enough to know that fully automatic rifles are just as illegal as RPG's. or did you just think nobody ever thought to ask why?
Gee I own a fully automatic weapon and even have the federal tax stamp to show it's legal. What am I doing wrong?

That's scary since you don't know the difference between a gun and a big screen tv.
I don't know why you have such a hard on for guns and their owners, (and I don't give a shit) but that is YOUR problem, not mine.

I probably have as many or more guns than you dumbass. I don't hate gun owners. Just the dumbasses who don't have enough sense to know there has to be reasonable restrictions for their use. You still haven't answered the question.....

Yes, liberals are all gun owners. You were all in the military. And you're all Republicans, or at least you used to be. It's amazing. I'm convinced now that W won his first term unanimously, apparently no one in the country voted against him

Never said all liberals were gun owners, but I am and have been since I was a kid.

I didn't you said all liberals do. But you said you do. Every discussion every liberal says I don't hate guns, I am a gun owner. Most of you are lying. I'm not saying it's you specifically, but I'm not saying I believe you either. Just apparently you all vote for lefties then go out and buy guns and vote for people who want to prevent you from doing that.

All I can say is sure you do...

Am I lying? I own a side by side Ithaca SKB 20 gauge double, an Ithaca model 37 12 gauge pump, and a bolt action .22.
If a black guy had a concealed carry permit in Baltimore, and the cops found a gun on him, would they let him live long enough to prove it was legal?

Gee, I don't know. What is the experience in states where people are allowed to defend themselves? Are black men being murdered by cops all over the place? Why no, no they aren't. I wonder how they are able to survive?

The cops killed a black guy in a Walmart who was walking around with BB gun. The cops killed a 12 year old in a park because he was carrying a toy gun.

Open carry is a good way to get even more black people killed by the police.
(1) There is no justification in the second amendment for ANY license - either to own or carry.

(2) Several states (Kansas being the latest) have done away with license requirements altogether and good for them.

I have carried a pistol for the last 45 or so years. It was my job, then after retiring, I continued to carry and will continue to do so from time to time. Where I live - in Montana - guns are a way of life. Sorry us "great unwashed" aren't as "sophisticated" as the rest of the country - but it works out well for us. VERY LOW murder rate, as opposed to those cities and states with rigid laws.

The second amendment was written 200+ years ago. This country is a much different now.

The entire constitution needs to be updated.
The cops killed a 12 year old in a park because he was carrying a toy gun.
Wrong as usual.

They didn't kill him because he was carrying a toy gun.

They killed him because they made a mistake.

Find a way to produce cops who never, ever make mistakes (i.e. superhuman robots), and this will stop happening.

But as long as cops are human, it will keep happening... very occasionally.

OTOH, if you disarm cops, or take them off the streets completely, a lot MORE people will get killed.

Is that what you want?
The second amendment was written 200+ years ago. This country is a much different now.
Not in any significant way that concerns the 2nd amendment. There are still crooks, muggers, rapists, and people looking for trouble etc. And they are still pretty good at avoiding the cops while committing their crimes. And having ordinary people (that's all law-abiding citizens) able to carry their own weapon of choice, is by far the best way of containing the criminal threat. Most of them still won't bother, but a few will... and the criminals won't know which ones they are.

The entire constitution needs to be updated.
The only "updating" it needs, is language calling out specific penalties on people found guilty of violating it. Including (but not limited to) legislators and executives in government.
I didn't you said all liberals do. But you said you do. Every discussion every liberal says I don't hate guns, I am a gun owner. Most of you are lying. I'm not saying it's you specifically, but I'm not saying I believe you either. Just apparently you all vote for lefties then go out and buy guns and vote for people who want to prevent you from doing that.

All I can say is sure you do...

Am I lying? I own a side by side Ithaca SKB 20 gauge double, an Ithaca model 37 12 gauge pump, and a bolt action .22.

Odds are, yes, you are lying. Most of you are lying. Leftists far more than Conservatives support gun laws. That the only ones carrying the argument happen to be those of you who own guns is preposterous. Even PaintMyHouse says he owns guns. Do I know which ones of you are lying? No. Can't be clearer than that
The Supreme Court has determined that restrictions on firearms are constitutional.
Really? Which ones? Cite, please.
Look it up yourself.
In other words, you know you're just making things up.
Surely you are smart enough to know that fully automatic rifles are just as illegal as RPG's
Wait.... you think machineguns are illegal?
Way to prove to the world that you have no idea what you;re talking about.

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