Concealed Carry Permits Should be Treated Like Driver's Licenses

The second amendment is a right, not a privilege. Driving is a privilege, not a right. Get it straight.
It is Only a right for that which is necessary to the security of a free State.
Another lie.
not at all; i am not the one who has to appeal to ignorance of the law in legal venues.
Your argument is based on a willful denial of reality. which is nothing less than a lie.
I didn't you said all liberals do. But you said you do. Every discussion every liberal says I don't hate guns, I am a gun owner. Most of you are lying. I'm not saying it's you specifically, but I'm not saying I believe you either. Just apparently you all vote for lefties then go out and buy guns and vote for people who want to prevent you from doing that.

All I can say is sure you do...

Am I lying? I own a side by side Ithaca SKB 20 gauge double, an Ithaca model 37 12 gauge pump, and a bolt action .22.

Odds are, yes, you are lying. Most of you are lying. Leftists far more than Conservatives support gun laws. That the only ones carrying the argument happen to be those of you who own guns is preposterous. Even PaintMyHouse says he owns guns. Do I know which ones of you are lying? No. Can't be clearer than that

You're an asshole.

Name the liberals you've actually caught lying about how many guns they own.

And prove it.
I am of the belief that a CCW should be treated like a vehicle driver's license. If you are visiting a state, your CCW issued in your state should be legal and valid, just like your driver's license. If you move to a new state, you should have a set amount of time in which to get a new CCW issued by your new state.

CCW permits, in my opinion, should not be treated like a marriage licenses.


I am a hardcore advocate of gun rights and I want a true constitutional carry law observed by every state. Maybe a 28th Amendment that revokes all gun laws, restrictions and ammo regulations across the board and forbids any local, state or federal agency, office or legislation to enact any law, policy or ordinance that hinders a free person from exercising their 2A rights of self defense in the carry of arms.

At this time we don't have that.

I'm also a 10th Amendment advocate, so in the current status of the law, states can bar carry as they see fit and I don't really have a problem if people in CA, New Yuck Et Al, want to limit their citizens rights. People who care about certain rights will go to live in states that have laws in which they will feel comfortable in.

However there is NOTHING, not one fucking word about marriage, gays, marriage licenses, or any sexual political AT ALL in the COTUS. Gays have the right to marry, but if the state says it has to be someone of the opposite sex find another state that doesn't specify a boundary.

The results will be that bed wetters live in high tax hell hole states completely disarmed and vulnerable, but still be able to marry anyone and anything they like, while the rest of us enjoy keeping most of our money and living free.

That's "compromise".

The cops killed a 12 year old in a park because he was carrying a toy gun.
Wrong as usual.

They didn't kill him because he was carrying a toy gun.

They killed him because they made a mistake.

Find a way to produce cops who never, ever make mistakes (i.e. superhuman robots), and this will stop happening.

But as long as cops are human, it will keep happening... very occasionally.

OTOH, if you disarm cops, or take them off the streets completely, a lot MORE people will get killed.

Is that what you want?

You're an asshole. If he'd been white the rightwing nuts would be blowing up Federal buildings.
I am of the belief that a CCW should be treated like a vehicle driver's license. If you are visiting a state, your CCW issued in your state should be legal and valid, just like your driver's license. If you move to a new state, you should have a set amount of time in which to get a new CCW issued by your new state.

CCW permits, in my opinion, should not be treated like a marriage licenses.


I am a hardcore advocate of gun rights and I want a true constitutional carry law observed by every state. Maybe a 28th Amendment that revokes all gun laws, restrictions and ammo regulations across the board and forbids any local, state or federal agency, office or legislation to enact any law, policy or ordinance that hinders a free person from exercising their 2A rights of self defense in the carry of arms.

At this time we don't have that.

I'm also a 10th Amendment advocate, so in the current status of the law, states can bar carry as they see fit and I don't really have a problem if people in CA, New Yuck Et Al, want to limit their citizens rights. People who care about certain rights will go to live in states that have laws in which they will feel comfortable in.

However there is NOTHING, not one fucking word about marriage, gays, marriage licenses, or any sexual political AT ALL in the COTUS. Gays have the right to marry, but if the state says it has to be someone of the opposite sex find another state that doesn't specify a boundary.

The results will be that bed wetters live in high tax hell hole states completely disarmed and vulnerable, but still be able to marry anyone and anything they like, while the rest of us enjoy keeping most of our money and living free.

That's "compromise".

No, that's idiocy.
Your argument is based on a willful denial of reality. which is nothing less than a lie.

It's worse than a lie. It's a criminal deception.

These are dangerously stupid people who would have starved to death years ago in the sort of third world country they're trying to create here.

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

Marcus Tullius Cicero
You're an asshole. If he'd been white the rightwing nuts would be blowing up Federal buildings.
You can always tell when a liberal has lost the argument. He starts cursing and swearing, calling you names, and making up things you "would have done". :biggrin:

It's been happening more and more for the last several years.
I am a hardcore advocate of gun rights and I want a true constitutional carry law observed by every state. Maybe a 28th Amendment that revokes all gun laws, restrictions and ammo regulations across the board and forbids any local, state or federal agency, office or legislation to enact any law, policy or ordinance that hinders a free person from exercising their 2A rights of self defense in the carry of arms.
The 2nd amendment already says that.

With the leftist fanatics so commonly and willingly violating the 2nd, what makes you think they will obey another?
I didn't you said all liberals do. But you said you do. Every discussion every liberal says I don't hate guns, I am a gun owner. Most of you are lying. I'm not saying it's you specifically, but I'm not saying I believe you either. Just apparently you all vote for lefties then go out and buy guns and vote for people who want to prevent you from doing that.

All I can say is sure you do...

Am I lying? I own a side by side Ithaca SKB 20 gauge double, an Ithaca model 37 12 gauge pump, and a bolt action .22.

Odds are, yes, you are lying. Most of you are lying. Leftists far more than Conservatives support gun laws. That the only ones carrying the argument happen to be those of you who own guns is preposterous. Even PaintMyHouse says he owns guns. Do I know which ones of you are lying? No. Can't be clearer than that

You're an asshole.

Name the liberals you've actually caught lying about how many guns they own.

And prove it.

Suck yourself off, dick
No, that's idiocy.

You are one of this forum's poster children of utter idiocy.

If it wasn't for brain dead mouth breathing utter imbeciles like you the words "NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION" would not need to be printed on jars of fish bait.

I strongly recommend a retroactive self abortion, because the greatest contribution to the earth you will ever provide, the only real achievement you will ever earn will be fertilizer. You are walking biohazardous waste that should have ended up in a dumpster behind a planned parenthood clinic.

(1) There is no justification in the second amendment for ANY license - either to own or carry.

(2) Several states (Kansas being the latest) have done away with license requirements altogether and good for them.

I have carried a pistol for the last 45 or so years. It was my job, then after retiring, I continued to carry and will continue to do so from time to time. Where I live - in Montana - guns are a way of life. Sorry us "great unwashed" aren't as "sophisticated" as the rest of the country - but it works out well for us. VERY LOW murder rate, as opposed to those cities and states with rigid laws.

The second amendment was written 200+ years ago. This country is a much different now.

The entire constitution needs to be updated.
Our Founding Fathers did an Most Excellent job at the convention with our federal Constitution and supreme law of the land. We could not do a better job today.
The Supreme Court has determined that restrictions on firearms are constitutional.
Really? Which ones? Cite, please.

Look it up yourself. Surely you are smart enough to know that fully automatic rifles are just as illegal as RPG's. or did you just think nobody ever thought to ask why?
Gee I own a fully automatic weapon and even have the federal tax stamp to show it's legal. What am I doing wrong?

That's scary since you don't know the difference between a gun and a big screen tv.
No I do. I think you are the one who doesnt know the difference between someone's post and your own opinion.
I don't know why you have such a hard on for guns and their owners, (and I don't give a shit) but that is YOUR problem, not mine.

I probably have as many or more guns than you dumbass. I don't hate gun owners. Just the dumbasses who don't have enough sense to know there has to be reasonable restrictions for their use. You still haven't answered the question.....

Yes, liberals are all gun owners. You were all in the military. And you're all Republicans, or at least you used to be. It's amazing. I'm convinced now that W won his first term unanimously, apparently no one in the country voted against him

Never said all liberals were gun owners, but I am and have been since I was a kid.

I didn't you said all liberals do. But you said you do. Every discussion every liberal says I don't hate guns, I am a gun owner. Most of you are lying. I'm not saying it's you specifically, but I'm not saying I believe you either. Just apparently you all vote for lefties then go out and buy guns and vote for people who want to prevent you from doing that.

All I can say is sure you do...

Am I lying? I own a side by side Ithaca SKB 20 gauge double, an Ithaca model 37 12 gauge pump, and a bolt action .22.
If you have problems with the shotgun check down the barrel and pull the trigger. Often you can clear the problem that way.
(1) There is no justification in the second amendment for ANY license - either to own or carry.

(2) Several states (Kansas being the latest) have done away with license requirements altogether and good for them.

I have carried a pistol for the last 45 or so years. It was my job, then after retiring, I continued to carry and will continue to do so from time to time. Where I live - in Montana - guns are a way of life. Sorry us "great unwashed" aren't as "sophisticated" as the rest of the country - but it works out well for us. VERY LOW murder rate, as opposed to those cities and states with rigid laws.

The second amendment was written 200+ years ago. This country is a much different now.

The entire constitution needs to be updated.
Good luck with that, chief.
I didn't you said all liberals do. But you said you do. Every discussion every liberal says I don't hate guns, I am a gun owner. Most of you are lying. I'm not saying it's you specifically, but I'm not saying I believe you either. Just apparently you all vote for lefties then go out and buy guns and vote for people who want to prevent you from doing that.

All I can say is sure you do...

Am I lying? I own a side by side Ithaca SKB 20 gauge double, an Ithaca model 37 12 gauge pump, and a bolt action .22.

Odds are, yes, you are lying. Most of you are lying. Leftists far more than Conservatives support gun laws. That the only ones carrying the argument happen to be those of you who own guns is preposterous. Even PaintMyHouse says he owns guns. Do I know which ones of you are lying? No. Can't be clearer than that

You're an asshole.

Name the liberals you've actually caught lying about how many guns they own.

And prove it.
Since the libs on this site lie all the time it would be odd if they were telling the truth just in this one area.
The 2nd amendment already says that.

With the leftist fanatics so commonly and willingly violating the 2nd, what makes you think they will obey another?

Stupid liberals need things spelled out for them in detail. The 28th Amendment will do that for future generations of "No Child Left Behind" and the vapid bed wetters we're stuck with now.

It is Only a right for that which is necessary to the security of a free State.

If you have problems with the shotgun check down the barrel and pull the trigger. Often you can clear the problem that way.

Bed wetters like NYCaridouchebag are so narrow minded a point blank shotgun blast into the frontal lobe still only has a %5 chance of hitting anything vital

Take Gabby Giffords for instance. She has proven a democrook can take a bullet between the eyes and have nothing vital damaged enough to stop her from regurgitating liberal bullshit.

Our Founding Fathers did an Most Excellent job at the convention with our federal Constitution and supreme law of the land. We could not do a better job today.

Bed wetters like YOU couldn't, that's for sure.

If the founders could have envisioned such an abundance of complete fuckheads undermining the theory of natural selection they might have made provisions to make sure you starved to death rather than be supported by government subsidies.


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