Condemning communism

You can't implement socialism without violating their property rights. Whether they have other "equal" right is irrelevant.

Socialism and communism do not at all require taking any property from anyone.
While the ending of colonialism through violent rebellion often does involve nationalization of private holdings, that is usually the penalty you would expect imperialists to pay for decades or centuries of colonial abuses.
But if any democratic country decided to start implementing socialism or communism, that would not have to involve any taking of any private property.
It would mean making new public means of production that were regulated for fairness.
If the old private enterprises were able to compete with similar prices, they would continue without any change.
I am quoting one right here^^^

Curious goat already said he defends communism because he supports it

But what you claim communism may be, likely is not what anyone else would claim it to be.
The reality of what communism is can easily be seen in any traditional social group like a family or tribe.
Again, do families or tribes work on the profit motive?
The answer clearly is no.
They are communist instead.
And there is no implication of compulsion, force, centralization, or lack of democratic decision making.
I know no such thing you emasculated creep.
Lol. You know it, cuck boy. You tried to pretend legality gave the Founders cover for being rapists and slavers but one question was all it took to make a bitch like you run from debate. :lmao:
Lol. You know it, cuck boy. You tried to pretend legality gave the Founders cover for being rapists and slavers but one question was all it took to make a bitch like you run from debate. :lmao:
I do not think anyone who followed the law should be punished. Which one of our founding fathers was a rapist? And source it.
No they have not.

Communism is a modern political ideology.

Capitalism is a modern economic system which works well.
A Plutocrat-Mandated College Diploma = A Communist Party Card in the Defunct Soviet Union

Communism is State Capitalism. Same outside ownership, same elitist clique who think they know best. Capitalism is also a command economy over employment, the clique having totalitarian power to determine what kind of crippling sacrifice they should make before becoming employees, what those Yuppy bootlickers and wage-slaves should be paid and what percentage the equity clique's own profit margin should be. Another similarity is that there were no unions in the Soviet Union, which is the openly expressed desire of today's decadent Capitalists, too. Commies call themselves "republics," so do Capitalist countries. A republic is a foster government and the absolute enemy of democracy.

Capitalism is collectivist. The employees create all the revenue, and the owners collect it.

All these similarities are undeniable proof that Communism is the project of sons of Capitalists who hate their Daddies but act just like them.
I am quoting one right here^^^

Curious goat already said he defends communism because he supports it
See? Shameless liar acting put another bizarre, paranoid fantasy. Not that everyone here doesn't know this about you already.

You literally are inventing fake things to make your giney quiver. What a miserable existence.
I do not think anyone who followed the law should be punished. Which one of our founding fathers was a rapist? And source it.
Jefferson started raping Sally Hemings when she was 16. I linked to the Monticello site which finally decided to acknowledge Jefferson's sexual relationship with a teenage girl who was his slave, and they use the term "negotiated" to describe the relationship and try to leave it ambiguous about whether this was rape, but it was rape. Any decision Sally made to sleep with Jefferson occurred under duress, not only from the fact that he owned her and her family members as property but also because she was 16 year old girl and him a 40+ year old man.
Jefferson started raping Sally Hemings when she was 16. I linked to the Monticello site which finally decided to acknowledge Jefferson's sexual relationship with a teenage girl who was his slave, and they use the term "negotiated" to describe the relationship and try to leave it ambiguous about whether this was rape, but it was rape. Any decision Sally made to sleep with Jefferson occurred under duress, not only from the fact that he owned her and her family members as property but also because she was 16 year old girl and him a 40+ year old man.
There is no proof of rape. Next.
Does the same go for the proof of massive fraud? I do not need a safe space.
Sure you. You didn't even attempt a counter argument, instead you've chosen the hilarious route of pretending you can't see it. I knew I smelt bitch on you, you safe space needing mother fucker. :lmao:
Jefferson started raping Sally Hemings when she was 16. I linked to the Monticello site which finally decided to acknowledge Jefferson's sexual relationship with a teenage girl who was his slave, and they use the term "negotiated" to describe the relationship and try to leave it ambiguous about whether this was rape, but it was rape. Any decision Sally made to sleep with Jefferson occurred under duress, not only from the fact that he owned her and her family members as property but also because she was 16 year old girl and him a 40+ year old man.

It is wrong to condemn Jefferson.
We do not really know the details.
While the age difference and power are suspicious, that is not proof of lack of consent.
The human species inherently triggers for attachment to those of authority who can be the best providers.
This is actually true of all species.
The dominant male who gets the most sexual attraction is always older, with all species I can think of.
It is wrong to condemn Jefferson.
We do not really know the details.
While the age difference and power are suspicious, that is not proof of lack of consent.
The human species inherently triggers for attachment to those of authority who can be the best providers.
This is actually true of all species.
The dominant male who gets the most sexual attraction is always older, with all species I can think of.
Slaves can't consent you moron. That's called duress. I have all the details I need.

If you chain someone to your room and she agrees to sleep with you in exchange for food that isn't a consensual relationship, even if she initiated the transaction.
Sure you. You didn't even attempt a counter argument, instead you've chosen the hilarious route of pretending you can't see it. I knew I smelt bitch on you, you safe space needing mother fucker. :lmao:
A Smelt is a fish, and you are a punk.
That's dead wrong. They are inherently tyrannical. Furthermore, you claimed that a tyranny isn't necessarily evil.

You can't implement socialism or communism without tyranny. Taking people's property is tyrannical.

You can't implement socialism without violating their property rights. Whether they have other "equal" right is irrelevant.

All extreme forms of government are "inherently tyrannical" because they won't tolerate any diversity of ideas. The right wing "free market" dictatorships installed by the CIA throughout South America throughout the 1970's were some of the most brutally repressive regimes in history. In those countries, all social programs were cancelled, and both wages and prices were allowed to find their "natural level". In all cases, wages fell, prices increased, the poor got poorer and the rich got richer. Just like what happened in the USA when Reagan destroyed the union movement.

If you can't implement socialism without "tyranny", why is all of socialist Western Europe the freest place in the world to live and why is the USA one of the least "free" nations in the First World"? Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Norway - all heavily socialist countries, have far more freedom than the USA.

These are the top 10 nations for "freedom" in the world. Not only does the USA not even make the top 10, but every single on of the countries in the Top 10 are Social Democracies. One of these days, FingerBoi, you're going to realize that you've been brainwashed by Republican lies for the past 40 years.

The ten countries with the highest human freedom indexes (the freest countries in the world) are:

  1. New Zealand 8.88
  2. Switzerland 8.82
  3. Hong Kong 8.81
  4. Canada 8.65
  5. Australia 8.62
  6. Denmark 8.56
  7. Luxembourg 8.56
  8. Finland 8.53
  9. Germany 8.53
  10. Ireland 8.52


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