Condemning communism

No you haven't. You've leveled angry rants and accusations that don't amount to much.

I listed on in my last post, douchebag.
Because slavery was a big part of capitalism and slavery is obviously tyrannical. I was making a point that capitalism can be tyrannical and socialism can be democratic with a real world example as proof. Apparently that went over your head.

Slavery was part of every society on Earth at the time. Singling out capitalism for the blame is utterly disingenuous.

No I did not. I never used the word evil at all. I said slavery as practiced by America until the end of segregation 57 years ago was tyrannical because factually it was. If you disagree with those facts then make an argument and present your evidence.

You used the word "tyrannical." There's another lie.

Segregation is not slavery, moron.

It's never idiotic to rely on facts as evidence. America's Founders were capitalists and they were tyrannical slavers who capitalized off their brutality to black people. Those are all facts.

The term "tyranny" has never been applied to countries that practiced slavery except by woke douchebags like you.

Where did Americans first get their property from? What even is property? What came first, property or government? Do you even know?
It doesn't matter where it came from. Every square foot of property on this earth was probably taken from the first person who owned it.

And you're ignorant. You don't even really know what property is or how it came to be.

I know far more about property than you, as your latest post clearly demonstrates.

The bottom line: you're a fucking commie who hates the institution of private property.
I listed on in my last post, douchebag.
Lol. You did. Your arguments are adorably angry and simple.
Slavery was part of every society on Earth at the time. Singling out capitalism for the blame is utterly disingenuous.
"Everyone else was doing it" is not a good defense. I never once said capitalists are the only ones who ever engaged in slavery in fact I pointed out to you that China, a communist country, is keeping people as slaves today. My point that capitalism doesn't always equal good and socialism doesn't always equal bad continues to fly over your head.
You used the word "tyrannical." There's another lie.
I did use the word tyrannical. Tyrannical doesn't mean evil or rather what is and isn't considered evil is subjective. Some people might find tyranny to be evil a tyrant probably thinks it's good. This is probably another point that will sail right over your head. Suffice it to say, tyranny has a definitive definition and the American Founders can be factually labeled as tyrants.
Segregation is not slavery, moron.
It's not slavery but it is still tyranny.
The term "tyranny" has never been applied to countries that practiced slavery except by woke douchebags like you.
What does that mean? I'm applying the word tyranny to them right now. What you mean to say is you don't want to accept the fact that they were indeed tyrants. That's a fact. It really doesn't matter that your education was so inadequate that you never learned that fact.
It doesn't matter where it came from. Every square foot of property on this earth was probably taken from the first person who owned it.
Exactly. So you admit property itself is derived from force, private property and communal property alike.
I know far more about property than you, as your latest post clearly demonstrates.
Apparently not because you probably don't even realize what you just admitted. Lol.
The bottom line: you're a fucking commie who hates the institution of private property.
The private property you obtained by force?
Lol. You did. Your arguments are adorably angry and simple.

"Everyone else was doing it" is not a good defense. I never once said capitalists are the only ones who ever engaged in slavery in fact I pointed out to you that China, a communist country, is keeping people as slaves today. My point that capitalism doesn't always equal good and socialism doesn't always equal bad continues to fly over your head.
That isn't my argument, dumb fuck. You are trying to blame capitalism for the existence of slavery. That doesn't wash. The fact that slavery existed in capitalist countries is a stain on those governments, not on slavery. You might as well blame democracy for slavery since it has existed under a number of democracies.

Your 2 + 2 = 5 prog logic just doesn't grock.

I did use the word tyrannical. Tyrannical doesn't mean evil or rather what is and isn't considered evil is subjective.

Yes, it does mean evil in modern usage. How the Greeks used it is irrelevant to how you use it.

Some people might find tyranny to be evil a tyrant probably thinks it's good. This is probably another point that will sail right over your head. Suffice it to say, tyranny has a definitive definition and the American Founders can be factually labeled as tyrants.
You're deliberatedly miscommunicating.

Who do you believe you're fooling?

It's not slavery but it is still tyranny.
Again, you're misusing the word. Furthermore, you claimed the tyranny doesn't necesarrily mean evil, but here you are using it to mean evil.

You keep stepping on your own dick.

What does that mean? I'm applying the word tyranny to them right now. What you mean to say is you don't want to accept the fact that they were indeed tyrants. That's a fact. It really doesn't matter that your education was so inadequate that you never learned that fact.
They weren't tyrants according to any reasonable definition of the term, dumbass.

Exactly. So you admit property itself is derived from force, private property and communal property alike.
Nope, property can be acquired without force. For instance, if some neolithic tribes start growing wheat on a plot of land.

Apparently not because you probably don't even realize what you just admitted. Lol.

The private property you obtained by force?

I realize that you're an imbecile who doesn't know the meaning of simple terms.
That isn't my argument, dumb fuck. You are trying to blame capitalism for the existence of slavery.
No I have not. You aren't even smart enough to understand my argument are you?
That doesn't wash. The fact that slavery existed in capitalist countries is a stain on those governments, not on slavery.
lol. Do you mean capitalism?
You might as well blame democracy for slavery since it has existed under a number of democracies.
No, I don't blame ideas like democracy or capitalism or communism, you clowns do that. I blame people by their actions.
Your 2 + 2 = 5 prog logic just doesn't grock.
Lol. I've already won. I got you to admit all property is derived from force.
Yes, it does mean evil in modern usage. How the Greeks used it is irrelevant to how you use it.
What is and isn't evil is subjective, that the American Founders were tyrants is a fact. You're too simple to understand the difference.
You're deliberatedly miscommunicating.
Should I speak to you as if you were a child?
Who do you believe you're fooling?
I believe I'm exposing a fool.
Again, you're misusing the word. Furthermore, you claimed the tyranny doesn't necesarrily mean evil, but here you are using it to mean evil.
Nope, tyranny has a definition that fits the American Founders. Whether or not you think the Founders were evil is subjective but them being tyrants is a cold hard fact.
You keep stepping on your own dick.
Lol. Boy, you are a moron who can't even discern opinion from fact. Buy a clue you mental midget.
They weren't tyrants according to any reasonable definition of the term, dumbass.
One of the definitions of tyrant is usurper of sovereignty. That certainly sounds like it describes slavers.
Nope, property can be acquired without force. For instance, if some neolithic tribes start growing wheat on a plot of land.
Why does that make the land theirs? According to who?
I realize that you're an imbecile who doesn't know the meaning of simple terms.
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No I have not. You aren't even smart enough to understand my argument are you?

ROFL! You flatter yourself.

lol. Do you mean capitalism?

No, I don't blame ideas like democracy or capitalism or communism, you clowns do that. I blame people by their actions.
That's exactly what you're trying to do in this thread.

Lol. I've already won. I got you to admit all property is derived from force.
Declaring yourself the victor is not a good tactic. I have admitted no such thing.

What is and isn't evil is subjective, that the American Founders were tyrants is a fact. You're too simple to understand the difference.
Only an imbecile would accuse the Founding Fathers of being tyrants and then claim tyranny isn't evil.
Should I speak to you as if you were a child?

I believe I'm exposing a fool.

Nope tyranny has a definition that fits the American Founders. Whether or not you think the Founders were evil is subjective but them being tyrants is a cold hard fact.

There is no such definition, douchebag, and condescending to me only convinces people that you're a jackass.

Lol. Boy, you are a moron who can't even discern opinion from fact. Buy a clue you mental midget.

One of the definitions of tyrant is usurper of sovereignty. That certainly sounds like it describes slavers.

Why does that make the land theirs? According to who?

Please spare us your attempt to change the meaning of words. You use both definition in a single post.
Only an imbecile would accuse the Founding Fathers of being tyrants and then claim tyranny isn't evil.
Only an imbecile would keep volunteering the evidence that they don't understand the difference between subjective opinion and verifiable fact.
There is no such definition, douchebag, and condescending to me only convinces people that you're a jackass.
Please spare us your attempt to change the meaning of words. You use both definition in a single post.
I just linked to Websters definition of Tyrant. Keep denying easily verifiable facts you moron. That really helps your case. :lmao:
Only an imbecile would keep volunteering the evidence that they don't understand the difference between subjective opinion and verifiable fact.


I just linked to Websters definition of Tyrant. Keep denying easily verifiable facts you moron. That really helps your case. :lmao:

: an absolute ruler unrestrained by law or constitution
b: a usurper of sovereignty
2a: a ruler who exercises absolute power oppressively or brutally
b: one resembling an oppressive ruler in the harsh use of authority or power

Which one of those isn't evil?
: an absolute ruler unrestrained by law or constitution
b: a usurper of sovereignty
2a: a ruler who exercises absolute power oppressively or brutally
b: one resembling an oppressive ruler in the harsh use of authority or power

Which one of those isn't evil?
My assessment of evil or not evil would be an opinion. Are you really so stupid that you don't understand what subjective means?

I don't make arguments that rest on subjective notions. I make arguments that are based in fact and reason. Learn the difference, short bus.
My assessment of evil or not evil would be an opinion. Are you really so stupid that you don't understand what subjective means?

I don't make arguments that rest on subjective notions. I make arguments that are based in fact and reason. Learn the difference, short bus.
Whose facts? The fact checkers? Proven liars?
You think historians are lying when the say America's Founders were slavers? You think that's fake news? :lmao:
Do you think the founding fathers were breaking any laws by owning slaves? Do you think we should be punished for what they did when it was an accepted norm? Do you realize this country fixed that mistake?
My assessment of evil or not evil would be an opinion. Are you really so stupid that you don't understand what subjective means?
You use the term only because most people interpret it to mean evil.

Who are you trying to kid?

I don't make arguments that rest on subjective notions. I make arguments that are based in fact and reason. Learn the difference, short bus.

Sure you do. You also lie constantly.
Do you think the founding fathers were breaking any laws by owning slaves?
I think they were violating the sovereignty of the people they kept enslaved and I'd be amused to watch you argue otherwise.
Do you think we should be punished for what they did when it was an accepted norm?
Do you feel like black political agendas are punishing to you? Are you a victim? :lmao:
You use the term only because most people interpret it to mean evil.

Who are you trying to kid?

Sure you do. You also lie constantly.
I don't care how most people interpret it. Yes or no the slaving American Founders factually fit the definition of tyrants? You going to deny reality again because it triggers you? Do you need a safe space little bitch? :lmao:
I think they were violating the sovereignty of the people they kept enslaved and I'd be amused to watch you argue otherwise.
The Founding Fathers were no different than the leaders of any other country, so why have you singled them out for special disapprobation?

Do you feel like black political agendas are punishing to you? Are you a victim? :lmao:
They obviously are, and I am a victim.

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