Condemning communism

Is that the best intellectual response you can muster? :lmao:
I have better things to do than read total nonsense.
Why should I? What's wrong with people choosing to share resources and property? It's force against liberty and freedom that should he condemned not free choice.

I don't choose to share my "resources" and "property" with the government.

Only a true moron would claim enforcing property rights is the same thing as communism.

We use force to protect you against thugs and thieves. Do you object to that? Do you believe that's communism?
I have better things to do than read total nonsense.
Sounds like a dodge from someone afraid of debate.
I don't choose to share my "resources" and "property" with the government.
Nevertheless, if your fellow countrymen choose socialism or communism democratically that isn't tyranny, that's just you losing a vote. Democracy, while not perfect is the least tyrannical system we have.
Only a true moron would claim enforcing property rights is the same thing as communism.
That's a personal attack, not a reasoned argument. In both cases, capitalism and communism, who owns what is decided by force of government. What decides whether or not either is tyrannical is how that government is formed and how it operates. The American government at its Founding was a capitalist one but also a tyrannical one with respect to their treatment of African slaves.
We use force to protect you against thugs and thieves. Do you object to that? Do you believe that's communism?
No. Using force to protect yourself or others from violence is called self defense. The police force that protects all citizens, regardless of their ability to pay for that defense is an example of the socializing of resources.
There's nothing irrational about it. Communism has killed at least 100 million people.
So has capitalism.
Sounds like a dodge from someone afraid of debate.
No, it's someone who has no patience for pure idiocy.
Nevertheless, if your fellow countrymen choose socialism or communism democratically that isn't tyranny, that's just you losing a vote. Democracy, while not perfect is the least tyrannical system we have.
It's tyranny. Socialism is organized looting and slavery. Majority rule is not freedom. It can be just as tyrannical as a dictatorship.
That's a personal attack, not a reasoned argument. In both cases, capitalism and communism, who owns what is decided by force of government. What decides whether or not either is tyrannical is how that government is formed and how it operates. The American government at its Founding was a capitalist one but also a tyrannical one with respect to their treatment of African slaves.
Under capitalism the government doesn't decide who owns what. It merely enforces what people have voluntarily agreed to. I know commie scum like you like to pretend that the system you favor bares some resemblance to a free society, but it just doesn't. Tyranny is defined by how a government behaves, not by how it is formed. I know you like to think that anything a democracy does is moral and just, but that just isn't the case.

The government the Founders established was in no way tyrannical. No one was punished without a fair trial. Such is not the case with many democracies, like Australia.

Every nation on earth once enforced slavery, so what's your point, douchebag?
No. Using force to protect yourself or others from violence is called self defense. The police force that protects all citizens, regardless of their ability to pay for that defense is an example of the socializing of resources.

So has capitalism.
No, it's someone who has no patience for pure idiocy.
Lol. I'm not the one who hilarious claimed the Founders were in no way tyrannical. You don't think slavery is tyrannical?
It's tyranny. Socialism is organized looting and slavery. Majority rule is not freedom. It can be just as tyrannical as a dictatorship.
You sound like you're describing America at its Founding.
Under capitalism the government doesn't decide who owns what. It merely enforces what people have voluntarily agreed to.
Slaves didn't volunteer to be property of Washington they forced to by the American government.
I know commie scum like you like to pretend that the system you favor bares some resemblance to a free society, but it just doesn't. Tyranny is defined by how a government behaves, not by how it is formed.
Exactly. If a government behaves as a democracy then even if it's a socialist democracy then it is not authoritarian.
I know you like to think that anything a democracy does is moral and just, but that just isn't the case.
I never said that at all. America at its Founding was a democracy for some and it was a slave state.
The government the Founders established was in no way tyrannical.
Except for the whole keeping human beings as property...
No one was punished without a fair trial. Such is not the case with many democracies, like Australia.
How can you claim blacks received fair trials when at the time they couldn't be judges, jurors, prosecutors or defense attorneys? They had no say or representation in government. Do you simply not know what the word 'fair means?
Every nation on earth once enforced slavery, so what's your point, douchebag?
My point is fairly simple. Capitalist countries can be tyrannical and socialist countries can be democracies.
Lol. I'm not the one who hilarious claimed the Founders were in no way tyrannical. You don't think slavery is tyrannical?

You sound like you're describing America at its Founding.

Slaves didn't volunteer to be property of Washington they forced to by the American government.

Exactly. If a government behaves as a democracy then even if it's a socialist democracy then it is not authoritarian.

I never said that at all. America at its Founding was a democracy for some and it was a slave state.

Except for the whole keeping human beings as property...

How can you claim blacks received fair trials when at the time they couldn't be judges, jurors, prosecutors or defense attorneys? They had no say or representation in government. Do you simply not know what the word 'fair means?

My point is fairly simple. Capitalist countries can be tyrannical and socialist countries can be democracies.
Why do you prog assholes have to make everything about slavery? I know! It's because you haven't got any issues you can win on.

Every country in the world enforced slavery in 1789, so name one that was better than the United States.
Why do you prog assholes have to make everything about slavery? I know! It's because you haven't got any issues you can win on.
:lmao: Now you're just lashing out because you can't debate me.
Every country in the world enforced slavery in 1789, so name one that was better than the United States.
Why should I? That has nothing at all to do with my point. "Everybody was doing it too" isn't a very good defense.
:lmao: Now you're just lashing out because you can't debate me.
You can't debate a congenital liar. It's a waste of time since you lie about everything.
Why should I? That has nothing at all to do with my point. "Everybody was doing it too" isn't a very good defense.
Sure it is. You attack the United States for a socially accepted practice. You're obviously a douchebag.
You can't debate a congenital liar. It's a waste of time since you lie about everything.
Prove I lied.
Sure it is. You attack the United States for a socially accepted practice. You're obviously a douchebag.
Socially accepted doesn't mean it wasn't a tyrannical government. You yourself pointed out that people could vote to do tyrannical things and that's what the American government did. Sorry if facts hurts your feelings, snowflake.
Naturally, on a political discussion site, there is a lot of discussion about communism. The pattern that I see over and over is condemnation of communism from righties, and support and defense of communism from lefties. Why don't we see lefties condemning communism? Even in this very thread, we will see lefties trying to protect communism with attempts to derail the thread instead of condemning communism. Why don't lefties condemn it?

If you haven’t seen lefties condemning communism then you’re not reading their posts. To say that they aren’t condemning communism is to lie.

There has been no communism since 1989 and yet you’re still talking about it as if it’s a living viable thing.

It’s 2021. The problem today is not communism it is right wing authoritarianism. The issues that Americans are dealing with is a loss of democracy, a rise in white supremacy and Nazism, misogyny and hate crimes under an openly authoritarian President.

And what we see time and time again is Republicans deflecting to this fallacy of communism being the problem.
There has been no communism since 1989 and yet you’re still talking about it as if it’s a living viable thing.
We have active communism in San Francisco right now. The government has legalized looting the private sector, taking over private property rights.
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You can't debate a congenital liar. It's a waste of time since you lie about everything.

Sure it is. You attack the United States for a socially accepted practice. You're obviously a douchebag.

The practice ceased to be socially acceptable by 1800, I’m here 24 years after you established it as a founding principle for your nation. Slavery was outlawed in all British colonies in 1810.

No nation in the world fight a Civil War in an attempt to retain slavery in their nation except the United States of America.

With the exception of apartheid in South Africa, no other nation in the world has instituted racial segregation and racist principles in their legal codes other than United States of America.
We have active communism in San Francisco right now. The government has legalized looting the private sector.

The dumb as shit Republicans. “Anything that is bad or evil is communist and Democrats are in favour of it.” I don’t know whether to laugh at your incredible stupidity or cry because you actually believe shit like this.

That’s not “communism” that’s “anarchy”. When you have laws, you’re no longer capable of enforcing it’s, anarchy.

High end retailers are putting hundreds of thousands of dollars worth by of goods on their floors, that more than half the population could not in this lifetime afford to purchase on the wages they’re being currently being paid.

Gangs of young white anarchists are holding flash mob smash and grabs organized in social media.

You’ve raised an entire generation of entitled white males, and taking all of their opportunities away to exploit their entitlement. They’re turning to anarchy because Republicans are offering them nothing but “owning the libs”.

Publicans still have no platform, no policies, and no plans on how they will run the nation. Based on their past record we can expect them to cut taxes and crash the economy. It’s all they know how to do. Oh yes and pack the courts with conservative judges.

Yesterday the Secret Service came out and said that corporations stole more than $1 billion from the payroll protection plan. Joe Manchin doesn’t want to give child tax benefits to poor families, because he fears there will be fraud and the poor will abuse the money.

Manchon and the rest of the rich white men in the Senate don’t mind seeing theft of government money by the wealthy but God forbid some poor person should get a buck or two that they didn’t work for.
The dumb as shit Republicans. “Anything that is bad or evil is communist and Democrats are in favour of it.” I don’t know whether to laugh at your incredible stupidity or cry because you actually believe shit like this.

That’s not “communism” that’s “anarchy”. When you have laws, you’re no longer capable of enforcing it’s, anarchy.

High end retailers are putting hundreds of thousands of dollars worth by of goods on their floors, that more than half the population could not in this lifetime afford to purchase on the wages they’re being currently being paid.

Gangs of young white anarchists are holding flash mob smash and grabs organized in social media.

You’ve raised an entire generation of entitled white males, and taking all of their opportunities away to exploit their entitlement. They’re turning to anarchy because Republicans are offering them nothing but “owning the libs”.

Publicans still have no platform, no policies, and no plans on how they will run the nation. Based on their past record we can expect them to cut taxes and crash the economy. It’s all they know how to do. Oh yes and pack the courts with conservative judges.

Yesterday the Secret Service came out and said that corporations stole more than $1 billion from the payroll protection plan. Joe Manchin doesn’t want to give child tax benefits to poor families, because he fears there will be fraud and the poor will abuse the money.

Manchon and the rest of the rich white men in the Senate don’t mind seeing theft of government money by the wealthy but God forbid some poor person should get a buck or two that they didn’t work for.
When government takes over private property rights like they did in San Francisco, it is communism.
Prove I lied.
It's not worth the trouble. However, you lie almost every time you post.
Socially accepted doesn't mean it wasn't a tyrannical government. You yourself pointed out that people could vote to do tyrannical things and that's what the American government did. Sorry if facts hurts your feelings, snowflake.

I'm not going to debate the morality of slavery with you. You ,oved the goal posts to a location where you think you have an advantage. Slaver was enforced by every nation on earth in 1789, so what do you imagine you're proving, that the United States was more evil than other countries at the time?

Naturally, on a political discussion site, there is a lot of discussion about communism. The pattern that I see over and over is condemnation of communism from righties, and support and defense of communism from lefties. Why don't we see lefties condemning communism? Even in this very thread, we will see lefties trying to protect communism with attempts to derail the thread instead of condemning communism. Why don't lefties condemn it?

Don't just proclaim it, explain it and prove it. You don't think socialism or communism can be implemented democratically? Why not?

No you're not. You're engaging in a logical fallacy by saying because some self proclaimed communist was a dictator that all communists and socialists are wannabe dictators and that simply isn't the case. Not one that you've proven any way.

It was.

Not at all. Whether you want to put the start of modern capitalism at America, which was a slave state or Europe which was ruled by kings, capitalism got its start and has spent the majority of its existence as a tyrannical system imposed on others against their will through violence.

Counter my facts then.
Because it requires force and violence to implement just as marx described and history proves.

I am statriuung no logical fallacy YOU are.

Communism requires a dictator and yes they were communists.

You are ignorant of history and an outright liar.

Slavery pre existed capitalism by millenia and it was capitalisyy nations which ended it.'

I have crushed your claims and proven them to be fallacies not facts. You are repeating soundbytes rather than facts

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