Condemning communism

It's not worth the trouble. However, you lie almost every time you post.
Yet you can show a single one. Funny that.
I'm not going to debate the morality of slavery with you.
Because you'd lose.
You ,oved the goal posts to a location where you think you have an advantage.
What goal post are you talking about? Do you even know what that phrase means? We were discussing whether or not socialism can be democratic and capitalism tyrannical. Pointing out a point in time when capitalism was just that isn't moving any goal post, it's proving a point with facts.
Slaver was enforced by every nation on earth in 1789, so what do you imagine you're proving, that the United States was more evil than other countries at the time?

I never claimed the United States was more evil than anybody else. That's fucking silly. I don't believe in voodoo. I said capitalism can be tyrannical and American capitalism at its Founding up until 57 years ago when segregation was abolished was just that.
Because it requires force and violence to implement just as marx described and history proves.
Name a government that doesn't.
I am statriuung no logical fallacy YOU are.
Communism requires a dictator and yes they were communists.
No, it doesn't. Explain why you think communism requires a dictator.
You are ignorant of history and an outright liar.
Slavery pre existed capitalism by millenia and it was capitalisyy nations which ended it.'
That was after capitalist nations industrialized it and in America, a lot of the civil rights activists that fought and protested to end America's capitalist tyranny where socialists and communists.
I have crushed your claims and proven them to be fallacies not facts. You are repeating soundbytes rather than facts
Only in your own imagination.
When government takes over private property rights like they did in San Francisco, it is communism.
No, it's called eminent domain and most of the time the government does it on behalf of capitalists. Lol. You deserve to be poor and uneducated and a salad tosser for the very people who encourage the government to keep you that way. :lmao:
No, it's called eminent domain and most of the time the government does it on behalf of capitalists. Lol. You deserve to be poor and uneducated and a salad tosser for the very people who encourage the government to keep you that way. :lmao:
Are you suggesting that the government stripping these business owners of their private property rights was to benefit capitalists?
Are you suggesting that the government stripping these business owners of their private property rights was to benefit capitalists?
What business owners? I made a point eminent domain in general if you have a specific incident you'd like to talk about then link to it.
What business owners? I made a point eminent domain in general if you have a specific incident you'd like to talk about then link to it.
The business owners that you originally quoted me referring to. The ones who had their businesses looted after the government blessed looting.
I'm supposed to take your word for that?
We ARE on a political site where pretty much everybody knows about the government enabled looting, and you DO have immediate access to a search engine that could save you the shame of looking so ignorant...
I'm supposed to take your word for that?
THIS is the problem with communism. You are waiting for people to feed you information like you are waiting for the government to feed you food. You have your own search engine at your finger tips, but instead you are assembling a notion that government infringement on private property isn't happening because nobody fed you the information. Reminds me of the kid who closed his eyes playing hide n seek...
We ARE on a political site where pretty much everybody knows about the government enabled looting, and you DO have immediate access to a search engine that could save you the shame of looking so ignorant...
Yes, this is a political site, even a moron like you should know it's your responsibility to back up your own claims.
THIS is the problem with communism. You are waiting for people to feed you information like you are waiting for the government to feed you food. You have your own search engine at your finger tips, but instead you are assembling a notion that government infringement on private property isn't happening because nobody fed you the information. Reminds me of the kid who closed his eyes playing hide n seek...
Or I simply want you to provide an example of what you think government sanctioning looting looks like so there's no misunderstanding. Am I supposed to guess? Assume I don't read Qannon and have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
Yes, this is a political site, even a moron like you should know it's your responsibility to back up your own claims.

Or I simply want you to provide an example of what you think government sanctioning looting looks like so there's no misunderstanding. Am I supposed to guess? Assume I don't read Qannon and have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
The reason why you are never going to be aware of the government sanctioned looting in San Francisco is because commies do not perceive looting as looting or theft. Through the eyes of a commie, the looted or stolen items were never private property in the first place, which means they can't be looted. If you do not recognize private property in the first place, you will never recognize private property being looted.
The reason why you are never going to be aware of the government sanctioned looting in San Francisco is because commies do not perceive looting as looting or theft. Through the eyes of a commie, the looted or stolen items were never private property in the first place, which means they can't be looted. If you do not recognize private property in the first place, you will never recognize private property being looted.
Why should I take your word? You're obviously very biased. Do you have any evidence of this at all?
You have yet to provide an argument, .....
Who's arguing? I gave you some good advice to which you can only reply disingenuously. Your ideological stance is based on nothing but whatever bullshit some PoliSci professor force-fed you as a kid.
Who's arguing? I gave you some good advice to which you can only reply disingenuously. Your ideological stance is based on nothing but whatever bullshit some PoliSci professor force-fed you as a kid.
Lol. I'm amused by the brave assessment of the heckler from the cheap seats
Yet you can show a single one. Funny that.

Because you'd lose.

I've already shown dozens of your claims are lies, moron.
What goal post are you talking about? Do you even know what that phrase means? We were discussing whether or not socialism can be democratic and capitalism tyrannical. Pointing out a point in time when capitalism was just that isn't moving any goal post, it's proving a point with facts.

So why the fuck did you bring up slavery, which has about as much to do with slavery as COVID?

I never claimed the United States was more evil than anybody else. That's fucking silly. I don't believe in voodoo. I said capitalism can be tyrannical and American capitalism at its Founding up until 57 years ago when segregation was abolished was just that.

You claimed it was just as evil as socialism, which is a fucking lie. It's idiotic to claim capitalism is "tyrannical" because it's not a form of government, and it certainly doesn't require a tyrannical government to implement. On the other hand, socialism does. Only a tyrannical government would expropriate people's property, and that's what socialism requires.

Bottom line: You're a lying douchebag commie.
Why should I take your word? You're obviously very biased. Do you have any evidence of this at all?
No, this is where common sense comes into play. We do not need to proves the technology of how lenses work every time somebody looks through one. If you do not recognize private property, then you will not be able to recognize government sanctioned theft of it.
I've already shown dozens of your claims are lies, moron.
No you haven't. You've leveled angry rants and accusations that don't amount to much.
So why the fuck did you bring up slavery, which has about as much to do with slavery as COVID?
Because slavery was a big part of capitalism and slavery is obviously tyrannical. I was making a point that capitalism can be tyrannical and socialism can be democratic with a real world example as proof. Apparently that went over your head.
You claimed it was just as evil as socialism, which is a fucking lie.
No I did not. I never used the word evil at all. I said slavery as practiced by America until the end of segregation 57 years ago was tyrannical because factually it was. If you disagree with those facts then make an argument and present your evidence.
It's idiotic to claim capitalism is "tyrannical" because it's not a form of government, and it certainly doesn't require a tyrannical government to implement.
It's never idiotic to rely on facts as evidence. America's Founders were capitalists and they were tyrannical slavers who capitalized off their brutality to black people. Those are all facts.
On the other hand, socialism does. Only a tyrannical government would expropriate people's property, and that's what socialism requires.
Where did Americans first get their property from? What even is property? What came first, property or government? Do you even know?
Bottom line: You're a lying douchebag commie.
And you're ignorant. You don't even really know what property is or how it came to be.

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