Condi Rice, Charged with War Crimes at Rutgers, withdraws as Commencement Speaker

Pres Obama ordered the execution, w/o trial, of al whacky (I don't care how it's spelled).

Was that illegal?

While he was being murdered, his minor son, a US citizen, was also murdered.

Was that illegal?

Yes, the killing of persons who are believed to be in the process of planning attacks on the United States are legally assassinated when a specific process and procedure is followed. That process was approved by congress, is supervised by a federal court and fits into international laws of self defense.
Anwar Awlaki was judged by the intelligence community to be one of the most dangerous terrorist on the planet because of his status as an American and his ability to recruit other Americans and able to advise terrorist infiltrators on American culture and behaviors that could make their infiltration more likely to be successful. He was linked to 3 of the 9/11 terrorist, the shoe bomber and the Ft. Hood shooter as examples. He made propaganda video's on regular and consistent schedule.
His son Abdurahman should never have been in Yemen and associating with his fathers fellow members of al Qaeda. At the very least, his family should have gotten him out of Yemen and away from his fathers partners as soon as his father was killed. Instead, Abduraman stayed in Yemen and continued his association with people who he shouldn't have been associating with. One of them was an individual already on the approved target list. This gave legal authority to taking out Abduraman as "collateral" damage and setting to rest what was considered by intelligence authorities a newly developing serious threat of a viable replacement for the martyr American Anwar.
But hey, it's easier to just say bad obama, bad America.

replace every name with Iraq and you have your answer that Condi isn't a criminal.

or just admit you're a liar and are ok with the murder of our citizens

Nothing in my post is a lie. The names used are factual names that make it possible for people to google and do their own research if they desire. My post gives you a clear, accurate and sober response to you post.
I am not ok with murder. I don't consider the killing of our enemies by our military forces to be murder. I find it offensive that you would call military persons carrying out lawful orders to be murderers. Your suggestion and insistence that our soldiers that operate drones or our pilots who drop guided munitions are committing acts of murder are repulsive. Your questioning of the moral character of those who wear a uniform to protect you is disgusting.
Tell the truth, you just made that definition of illegal war up didn't you.

It's in our Constitution.
Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 of the U.S. Constitution gives Congress alone the power to declare war.

A declaration of war has nothing to do with whether a war is legal or illegal. Furthermore, the international community is not obligated to consider an individual nations constitution in regards to war powers as relevant to the question of legality of offensive actions of one nation against another. In addition, just because the Congress gives permission to the President to wage war doesn't give him or his administration to commit acts that would make brake international or even domestic laws which would make the war turn from legal to illegal.
The whole point of the war with Iraq being illegal is that it was based on fraudulent data (lies) that were transmitted to the Congress via administration officials, including Rice, which made the process null and void. Ignorance being no excuse for breaking laws being a long accepted precedent, Rice becomes a war criminal for her efforts to lead Congress into making an illegal decision. If nothing else, she ignored and/or rejected factual data and instead transmitted the data she knew was at the very least was highly probable to be false and at the worst outright lies.

Why did the Democrats not hold them accountable then?
Democrats should have had an investigation over it.
Oh that's right they did.
What happened?

The Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Sen.Jay Rockefeller, stated in press release of report's publication“It is my belief that the Bush Administration was fixated on Iraq, and used the 9/11 attacks by al Qa’ida as justification for overthrowing Saddam Hussein. To accomplish this, top Administration officials made repeated statements that falsely linked Iraq and al Qa’ida as a single threat and insinuated that Iraq played a role in 9/11. Sadly, the Bush Administration led the nation into war under false pretenses. While the report highlights many of the problems with the intelligence and criticizes the Bush Administration for its handling of the lead up to the war and its reasons for doing so, the report also supports in many cases that claims made by the Bush Administration about Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction programs were "generally substantiated by the intelligence".

“There is no question we all relied on flawed intelligence. But, there is a fundamental difference between relying on incorrect intelligence and deliberately painting a picture to the American people that you know is not fully accurate."

The Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Sen.Jay Rockefeller twice alleged that the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, or its former head Douglas Feith may have engaged in unlawful activities,

Phase II of the report "found nothing to substantiate that claim; nothing unlawful about the "alleged" rogue intelligence operation in the PCTEG , nothing unlawful about the Office of Special Plans, and nothing unlawful about the so-called failure to inform Congress of alleged intelligence activities." The previous year, the chairman released a press statement claiming that it appeared that the office's were "not in compliance with the law." Yet, rather than pursue these allegations, Rockfeller decided to pursue an issue unrelated to the intelligence, and unrelated to Iraq. He pursued and inquiry of an exploratory meeting held in Rome in 2001 between two DOD officials and two Iranians. Writing for the Minority Opinion as part of the report it was stated that "After four years of making unsubstantiated allegations of unlawful activities, the calculus appears to be that proclamations of "inappropriate" behavior will generate the desired headlines focusing only on the caustic words, rather than the lack of substance behind them. We hope that these additional views will help redirect that focus to the evidence, or lack thereof."

Despite House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's telling her caucus members "that impeachment is off the table; she is not interested in pursuing it," Dennis Kucinich D-Ohio introduced a formal resolution to the House of Representatives in an attempt to impeach President George W. Bush from the White House.House Democrats unanimously voted to send it to a committee; a maneuver that essentially killed Kucinich's efforts.
i had no idea that many liberals on this board are frightened of a black woman and their blatant racism is appalling....
Yes, the killing of persons who are believed to be in the process of planning attacks on the United States are legally assassinated when a specific process and procedure is followed. That process was approved by congress, is supervised by a federal court and fits into international laws of self defense.
Anwar Awlaki was judged by the intelligence community to be one of the most dangerous terrorist on the planet because of his status as an American and his ability to recruit other Americans and able to advise terrorist infiltrators on American culture and behaviors that could make their infiltration more likely to be successful. He was linked to 3 of the 9/11 terrorist, the shoe bomber and the Ft. Hood shooter as examples. He made propaganda video's on regular and consistent schedule.
His son Abdurahman should never have been in Yemen and associating with his fathers fellow members of al Qaeda. At the very least, his family should have gotten him out of Yemen and away from his fathers partners as soon as his father was killed. Instead, Abduraman stayed in Yemen and continued his association with people who he shouldn't have been associating with. One of them was an individual already on the approved target list. This gave legal authority to taking out Abduraman as "collateral" damage and setting to rest what was considered by intelligence authorities a newly developing serious threat of a viable replacement for the martyr American Anwar.
But hey, it's easier to just say bad obama, bad America.

replace every name with Iraq and you have your answer that Condi isn't a criminal.

or just admit you're a liar and are ok with the murder of our citizens

Nothing in my post is a lie. The names used are factual names that make it possible for people to google and do their own research if they desire. My post gives you a clear, accurate and sober response to you post.
I am not ok with murder. I don't consider the killing of our enemies by our military forces to be murder. I find it offensive that you would call military persons carrying out lawful orders to be murderers. Your suggestion and insistence that our soldiers that operate drones or our pilots who drop guided munitions are committing acts of murder are repulsive. Your questioning of the moral character of those who wear a uniform to protect you is disgusting.

your outrage is a lie

If you actually cared you wouldn't support the murderer that ordered the hits.
Condoleezza Rice, Charged with War Crimes at Rutgers, withdraws as Commencement Speaker

Condoleezza Rice on Saturday pulled out of giving the commencement address at Rutgers University after professor and student protests.
Rutgers historian Professor Rudy Bell argued that while it would be appropriate to have Rice on campus as part of an academic debate, she is unsuitable as a commencement speaker because of her role in an administration that launched an illegal and destructive war and practiced torture. He said, “Commencement is a day when we honor the graduates, who have accomplished so much. It’s a day when there should not be controversy.” He also pointed to her role in an administration that practiced torture.

Some 50 students occupied the offices of Rutgers University’s president last week in protest.

We have a Professor teaching our children and he doesn't know that an illegal war means that the administration had to go to war without congressional approval.
The Congress did approve it.
House - 297 Yes 133 No
Senate - 77 Yes 23 No

How'd the UN vote go?
replace every name with Iraq and you have your answer that Condi isn't a criminal.

or just admit you're a liar and are ok with the murder of our citizens

Nothing in my post is a lie. The names used are factual names that make it possible for people to google and do their own research if they desire. My post gives you a clear, accurate and sober response to you post.
I am not ok with murder. I don't consider the killing of our enemies by our military forces to be murder. I find it offensive that you would call military persons carrying out lawful orders to be murderers. Your suggestion and insistence that our soldiers that operate drones or our pilots who drop guided munitions are committing acts of murder are repulsive. Your questioning of the moral character of those who wear a uniform to protect you is disgusting.

your outrage is a lie

If you actually cared you wouldn't support the murderer that ordered the hits.

Wait what?

You think that Obama should have waited until Al Awaki had a successful attack?

You mean sending folks to bomb airplanes and Time's square wasn't enough?

Or the fact he was failing to answer warrants for his arrest and hiding out in Yemen?

Or that he had an online forum for terrorists to compare notes and formulate plans?

You wanted ANOTHER 9/11?

Because that is what that guy was after.
We have a Professor teaching our children and he doesn't know that an illegal war means that the administration had to go to war without congressional approval.
The Congress did approve it.
House - 297 Yes 133 No
Senate - 77 Yes 23 No

Tell the truth, you just made that definition of illegal war up didn't you.

Pres Obama ordered the execution, w/o trial, of al whacky (I don't care how it's spelled).

Was that illegal?

While he was being murdered, his minor son, a US citizen, was also murdered.

Was that illegal?

I was so happy that Bin Laden got what was coming to him - he was an enemy of the united states - who we were at war with.

Over 2,229 US troops were killed and over 20,000 wounded, in order to give Bin Laden a fair trial?

Are you effing kidding me????

Seriously, dude! War was "a good thing" when republicans ran the show. Us Libs were a bunch of pantywaists, who didn't have the temperament for it.

My, how the idiot wind vacillates upon the political landscape ~
Tell the truth, you just made that definition of illegal war up didn't you.

Pres Obama ordered the execution, w/o trial, of al whacky (I don't care how it's spelled).

Was that illegal?

While he was being murdered, his minor son, a US citizen, was also murdered.

Was that illegal?

I was so happy that Bin Laden got what was coming to him - he was an enemy of the united states - who we were at war with.

Over 2,229 US troops were killed and over 20,000 wounded, in order to give Bin Laden a fair trial?

Are you effing kidding me????

Seriously, dude! War was "a good thing" when republicans ran the show. Us Libs were a bunch of pantywaists, who didn't have the temperament for it.

My, how the idiot wind vacillates upon the political landscape ~

Actually, the death tolls in Afghanistan under each administration look like this:


So you would think Democrats would react like this:


and like this:


And like this:


However, these types of facts are met with this type of reaction from a typical liberal like mad cabbie.

President Barack Obama, claim that drone strikes are precise and only target terrorists. But a study from Columbia Law School’s Human Rights Institute finds that the number of Pakistani civilians killed in drone strikes is “significantly and consistently underestimated" and that as many as 98% of those killed by drone strikes are civilians.

While it is ultimately impossible to get exact numbers, this means that for every "terrorist" killed by a drone strike, anywhere between 10 and 50 civilians are killed.

Read that sentence again. Let it sink in

How many of those are children? A new study compiled from The Bureau of Investigative Journalism lays it bare:


Name | Age | Gender

Noor Aziz | 8 | male
Abdul Wasit | 17 | male
Noor Syed | 8 | male
Wajid Noor | 9 | male
Syed Wali Shah | 7 | male
Ayeesha | 3 | female
Qari Alamzeb | 14| male
Shoaib | 8 | male
Hayatullah KhaMohammad | 16 | male
Tariq Aziz | 16 | male
Sanaullah Jan | 17 | male
Maezol Khan | 8 | female
Nasir Khan | male
Naeem Khan | male
Naeemullah | male
Mohammad Tahir | 16 | male
Azizul Wahab | 15 | male
Fazal Wahab | 16 | male
Ziauddin | 16 | male
Mohammad Yunus | 16 | male
Fazal Hakim | 19 | male
Ilyas | 13 | male
Sohail | 7 | male
Asadullah | 9 | male
khalilullah | 9 | male
Noor Mohammad | 8 | male
Khalid | 12 | male
Saifullah | 9 | male
Mashooq Jan | 15 | male
Nawab | 17 | male
Sultanat Khan | 16 | male
Ziaur Rahman | 13 | male
Noor Mohammad | 15 | male
Mohammad Yaas Khan | 16 | male
Qari Alamzeb | 14 | male
Ziaur Rahman | 17 | male
Abdullah | 18 | male
Ikramullah Zada | 17 | male
Inayatur Rehman | 16 | male
Shahbuddin | 15 | male
Yahya Khan | 16 |male
Rahatullah |17 | male
Mohammad Salim | 11 | male
Shahjehan | 15 | male
Gul Sher Khan | 15 | male
Bakht Muneer | 14 | male
Numair | 14 | male
Mashooq Khan | 16 | male
Ihsanullah | 16 | male
Luqman | 12 | male
Jannatullah | 13 | male
Ismail | 12 | male
Taseel Khan | 18 | male
Zaheeruddin | 16 | male
Qari Ishaq | 19 | male
Jamshed Khan | 14 | male
Alam Nabi | 11 | male
Qari Abdul Karim | 19 | male
Rahmatullah | 14 | male
Abdus Samad | 17 | male
Siraj | 16 | male
Saeedullah | 17 | male
Abdul Waris | 16 | male
Darvesh | 13 | male
Ameer Said | 15 | male
Shaukat | 14 | male
Inayatur Rahman | 17 | male
Salman | 12 | male
Fazal Wahab | 18 | male
Baacha Rahman | 13 | male
Wali-ur-Rahman | 17 | male
Iftikhar | 17 | male
Inayatullah | 15 | male
Mashooq Khan | 16 | male
Ihsanullah | 16 | male
Luqman | 12 | male
Jannatullah | 13 | male
Ismail | 12 | male
Abdul Waris | 16 | male
Darvesh | 13 | male
Ameer Said | 15 | male
Shaukat | 14 | male
Inayatur Rahman | 17 | male
Adnan | 16 | male
Najibullah | 13 | male
Naeemullah | 17 | male
Hizbullah | 10 | male
Kitab Gul | 12 | male
Wilayat Khan | 11 | male
Zabihullah | 16 | male
Shehzad Gul | 11 | male
Shabir | 15 | male
Qari Sharifullah | 17 | male
Shafiullah | 16 | male
Nimatullah | 14 | male
Shakirullah | 16 | male
Talha | 8 | male


Afrah Ali Mohammed Nasser | 9 | female
Zayda Ali Mohammed Nasser | 7 | female
Hoda Ali Mohammed Nasser | 5 | female
Sheikha Ali Mohammed Nasser | 4 | female
Ibrahim Abdullah Mokbel Salem Louqye | 13 | male
Asmaa Abdullah Mokbel Salem Louqye | 9 | male
Salma Abdullah Mokbel Salem Louqye | 4 | female
Fatima Abdullah Mokbel Salem Louqye | 3 | female
Khadije Ali Mokbel Louqye | 1 | female
Hanaa Ali Mokbel Louqye | 6 | female
Mohammed Ali Mokbel Salem Louqye | 4 | male
Jawass Mokbel Salem Louqye | 15 | female
Maryam Hussein Abdullah Awad | 2 | female
Shafiq Hussein Abdullah Awad | 1 | female
Sheikha Nasser Mahdi Ahmad Bouh | 3 | female
Maha Mohammed Saleh Mohammed | 12 | male
Soumaya Mohammed Saleh Mohammed | 9 | female
Shafika Mohammed Saleh Mohammed | 4 | female
Shafiq Mohammed Saleh Mohammed | 2 | male
Mabrook Mouqbal Al Qadari | 13 | male
Daolah Nasser 10 years | 10 | female
AbedalGhani Mohammed Mabkhout | 12 | male
Abdel- Rahman Anwar al Awlaki | 16 | male
Abdel-Rahman al-Awlaki | 17 | male
Nasser Salim | 19

Of course they will want a link to all of this, and it actually from one of their left wing sources.

Counting Drone Strike Deaths | Human Rights Institute | Columbia Law School


Watch this folks. You would think that FACTUAL information like this where BROWN children are being systematically killed by Obama's DRONE strikes on MYTHICAL terrorists (you remember them calling the terrorists a bumper sticker myth right? Cause I sure as hell do) would garner this kind of reaction from peaceniks, right?


Or maybe something close to this:

But, what we have from the left is something exactly like this:


Watch folks how they do not respond to this. Oh, they will say something like but but but but BOOOOOOOOSH!!!!!!!

They will maintain that he lied about wmds. Of course we all showed the facts in regards to that with facts they cannot refute (humorous how they try to refute facts). Like how the democrats propagated the existence of WMDs before Bush took office and those democrats (all of which they will gladly vote for) also voted for the war.

Their response to the findings on the killings of these children will be.......


There is no point to debate these losers. There really isn't. They are hopeless assholes.
replace every name with Iraq and you have your answer that Condi isn't a criminal.

or just admit you're a liar and are ok with the murder of our citizens

Nothing in my post is a lie. The names used are factual names that make it possible for people to google and do their own research if they desire. My post gives you a clear, accurate and sober response to you post.
I am not ok with murder. I don't consider the killing of our enemies by our military forces to be murder. I find it offensive that you would call military persons carrying out lawful orders to be murderers. Your suggestion and insistence that our soldiers that operate drones or our pilots who drop guided munitions are committing acts of murder are repulsive. Your questioning of the moral character of those who wear a uniform to protect you is disgusting.

your outrage is a lie

If you actually cared you wouldn't support the murderer that ordered the hits.

Think of how ridiculous you are. Unable to find a lie in my post, but trained like a brainwashed low information hack that you appear to be, you have fallen to the level of calling a person a liar because of their motivation for an opinion or data they use to reach conclusions. You are a mind reader that can see through the computer screen and judge the honesty of a persons feelings, motivation and emotions. Amazing, or as I said, you have become a trained, brainwashed, low information hack.
And by the way, I support the people who are tasked with chasing down terrorist and I support the ones who kill them. I'm supposing you are an asshole who screams Benghazi at the top of his lungs and demands "justice" for their deaths. You call your protectors heroes when they are dead and you can use them for your political agenda, but spit on them and call them murderers when they are alive. Am I right?
Might as well go the whole route and call them baby killers while you spit on them.
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Rutgers the actions of the students

sad really

any speech that threatens the bubble

must be squelched

the future book burners
President Barack Obama, claim that drone strikes are precise and only target terrorists. But a study from Columbia Law School’s Human Rights Institute finds that the number of Pakistani civilians killed in drone strikes is “significantly and consistently underestimated" and that as many as 98% of those killed by drone strikes are civilians.

While it is ultimately impossible to get exact numbers, this means that for every "terrorist" killed by a drone strike, anywhere between 10 and 50 civilians are killed.

Read that sentence again. Let it sink in

How many of those are children? A new study compiled from The Bureau of Investigative Journalism lays it bare:


Name | Age | Gender

Noor Aziz | 8 | male
Abdul Wasit | 17 | male
Noor Syed | 8 | male
Wajid Noor | 9 | male
Syed Wali Shah | 7 | male
Ayeesha | 3 | female
Qari Alamzeb | 14| male
Shoaib | 8 | male
Hayatullah KhaMohammad | 16 | male
Tariq Aziz | 16 | male
Sanaullah Jan | 17 | male
Maezol Khan | 8 | female
Nasir Khan | male
Naeem Khan | male
Naeemullah | male
Mohammad Tahir | 16 | male
Azizul Wahab | 15 | male
Fazal Wahab | 16 | male
Ziauddin | 16 | male
Mohammad Yunus | 16 | male
Fazal Hakim | 19 | male
Ilyas | 13 | male
Sohail | 7 | male
Asadullah | 9 | male
khalilullah | 9 | male
Noor Mohammad | 8 | male
Khalid | 12 | male
Saifullah | 9 | male
Mashooq Jan | 15 | male
Nawab | 17 | male
Sultanat Khan | 16 | male
Ziaur Rahman | 13 | male
Noor Mohammad | 15 | male
Mohammad Yaas Khan | 16 | male
Qari Alamzeb | 14 | male
Ziaur Rahman | 17 | male
Abdullah | 18 | male
Ikramullah Zada | 17 | male
Inayatur Rehman | 16 | male
Shahbuddin | 15 | male
Yahya Khan | 16 |male
Rahatullah |17 | male
Mohammad Salim | 11 | male
Shahjehan | 15 | male
Gul Sher Khan | 15 | male
Bakht Muneer | 14 | male
Numair | 14 | male
Mashooq Khan | 16 | male
Ihsanullah | 16 | male
Luqman | 12 | male
Jannatullah | 13 | male
Ismail | 12 | male
Taseel Khan | 18 | male
Zaheeruddin | 16 | male
Qari Ishaq | 19 | male
Jamshed Khan | 14 | male
Alam Nabi | 11 | male
Qari Abdul Karim | 19 | male
Rahmatullah | 14 | male
Abdus Samad | 17 | male
Siraj | 16 | male
Saeedullah | 17 | male
Abdul Waris | 16 | male
Darvesh | 13 | male
Ameer Said | 15 | male
Shaukat | 14 | male
Inayatur Rahman | 17 | male
Salman | 12 | male
Fazal Wahab | 18 | male
Baacha Rahman | 13 | male
Wali-ur-Rahman | 17 | male
Iftikhar | 17 | male
Inayatullah | 15 | male
Mashooq Khan | 16 | male
Ihsanullah | 16 | male
Luqman | 12 | male
Jannatullah | 13 | male
Ismail | 12 | male
Abdul Waris | 16 | male
Darvesh | 13 | male
Ameer Said | 15 | male
Shaukat | 14 | male
Inayatur Rahman | 17 | male
Adnan | 16 | male
Najibullah | 13 | male
Naeemullah | 17 | male
Hizbullah | 10 | male
Kitab Gul | 12 | male
Wilayat Khan | 11 | male
Zabihullah | 16 | male
Shehzad Gul | 11 | male
Shabir | 15 | male
Qari Sharifullah | 17 | male
Shafiullah | 16 | male
Nimatullah | 14 | male
Shakirullah | 16 | male
Talha | 8 | male


Afrah Ali Mohammed Nasser | 9 | female
Zayda Ali Mohammed Nasser | 7 | female
Hoda Ali Mohammed Nasser | 5 | female
Sheikha Ali Mohammed Nasser | 4 | female
Ibrahim Abdullah Mokbel Salem Louqye | 13 | male
Asmaa Abdullah Mokbel Salem Louqye | 9 | male
Salma Abdullah Mokbel Salem Louqye | 4 | female
Fatima Abdullah Mokbel Salem Louqye | 3 | female
Khadije Ali Mokbel Louqye | 1 | female
Hanaa Ali Mokbel Louqye | 6 | female
Mohammed Ali Mokbel Salem Louqye | 4 | male
Jawass Mokbel Salem Louqye | 15 | female
Maryam Hussein Abdullah Awad | 2 | female
Shafiq Hussein Abdullah Awad | 1 | female
Sheikha Nasser Mahdi Ahmad Bouh | 3 | female
Maha Mohammed Saleh Mohammed | 12 | male
Soumaya Mohammed Saleh Mohammed | 9 | female
Shafika Mohammed Saleh Mohammed | 4 | female
Shafiq Mohammed Saleh Mohammed | 2 | male
Mabrook Mouqbal Al Qadari | 13 | male
Daolah Nasser 10 years | 10 | female
AbedalGhani Mohammed Mabkhout | 12 | male
Abdel- Rahman Anwar al Awlaki | 16 | male
Abdel-Rahman al-Awlaki | 17 | male
Nasser Salim | 19

Of course they will want a link to all of this, and it actually from one of their left wing sources.

Counting Drone Strike Deaths | Human Rights Institute | Columbia Law School


Watch this folks. You would think that FACTUAL information like this where BROWN children are being systematically killed by Obama's DRONE strikes on MYTHICAL terrorists (you remember them calling the terrorists a bumper sticker myth right? Cause I sure as hell do) would garner this kind of reaction from peaceniks, right?


Or maybe something close to this:

But, what we have from the left is something exactly like this:


Watch folks how they do not respond to this. Oh, they will say something like but but but but BOOOOOOOOSH!!!!!!!

They will maintain that he lied about wmds. Of course we all showed the facts in regards to that with facts they cannot refute (humorous how they try to refute facts). Like how the democrats propagated the existence of WMDs before Bush took office and those democrats (all of which they will gladly vote for) also voted for the war.

Their response to the findings on the killings of these children will be.......


There is no point to debate these losers. There really isn't. They are hopeless assholes.

War criminals should not be welcomed anywhere.

Would that include military leaders who use drones to kill innocent victims? Obama?

Don't even debate the loser. They lie, they ofuscate, they are impossible to debate. They stand for absolutely nothing.

They truly lower the pond scum and I am not exaggerating.

Ya, right, don't debate "them". You don't want to debate because the only defense you have for Rice is "Obama, LOOK WHAT OBAMA DID!!!". In other words, you can not defend her.
Would that include military leaders who use drones to kill innocent victims? Obama?

Don't even debate the loser. They lie, they ofuscate, they are impossible to debate. They stand for absolutely nothing.

They truly lower the pond scum and I am not exaggerating.

Ya, right, don't debate "them". You don't want to debate because the only defense you have for Rice is "Obama, LOOK WHAT OBAMA DID!!!". In other words, you can not defend her.

Like I said folks. No point in debating the losers. They cannot accept facts.

LOL at this idiot thinking he is making a valid point by breaking out liberal cliches.

Lower than pond scum.
charged with war crimes huh?

lying is all the left has going for them...Now you see why there is so much anger on this board with this bunch of liars posting garbage

we better get ole Hillary and every Democrat who voted for Iraq up in front of a firing squad or just go to this university , they seem like they will shoot them for us
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You dumb assholes don't even know who instigated and led the protest against Rice. It fits your agenda to blame the "liberals". You're even dumb enough to counter the protesters with "Drone" garbage.
The Rugers demonstration against Rice was instigated by members of ABSA, Ahlul Bayt Student Association at Rutgers. ABSA is a Muslim student association. The students complaint was mainly not that Rice was going to speak, but that she would receive an Honorary Degree.
You are attacking Muslim born Americans who are voicing and implementing their constitutional rights.
Now go back to a Bundy thread and defend him and his protest, he is a white American.
Pres Obama ordered the execution, w/o trial, of al whacky (I don't care how it's spelled).

Was that illegal?

While he was being murdered, his minor son, a US citizen, was also murdered.

Was that illegal?

I was so happy that Bin Laden got what was coming to him - he was an enemy of the united states - who we were at war with.

Over 2,229 US troops were killed and over 20,000 wounded, in order to give Bin Laden a fair trial?

Are you effing kidding me????

Seriously, dude! War was "a good thing" when republicans ran the show. Us Libs were a bunch of pantywaists, who didn't have the temperament for it.

My, how the idiot wind vacillates upon the political landscape ~

Actually, the death tolls in Afghanistan under each administration look like this....



This isn't a fucking contest - did you not hear what I said about how many soldiers died and how that they did not die so that Bin Laden could get a "fair trial?"

You don't capture the enemy on a field of battle and take him to court - you put a bayonet in his ass.

Why is that so hard for you to understand? I was for the Afghanistan war - like a lot of other people. In the end though, Bin Laden escaped and the war didn't really acomplish anything.

We got Bin Laden partially because of the early failures that everyone thought would work, but did not.

Obama said that this was how he would get him and folks like Bill O'Riely scoffed and said that he was too week and that he would not go after him. Well, instead of admitting that you guys were wrong, you became a bunch of peace loving hippies and started sticking flowers in the barrels of US guns, in order to not have "look bad." Deny it all you want, but you never wanted Bin Laden to get a spiffy high profile trial with Johnnie Cochran and the chewbacca defense, you wanted a Republican to kill him so you could march downtown with Bin Laden's head on a stick, while poor, forlorn democrats looked at their shoes and whined about how bad it is to kill stuff. :(

More people died under Obama's watch? Why was that? You mean, he didn't "cut and run" like Republicans said that he would? Like our military suggested would completely wipe out any hope of anything good coming out of the war?

Quit being a partisan clown for a minute and consider the possibility that you, like others, are being duped into believing talking points that were designed to do the thinking for you.

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