Condi Rice, Charged with War Crimes at Rutgers, withdraws as Commencement Speaker

The new generation has to hear what the older generation refuses to tell it. Simon Wiesenthal

Simon Wiesenthal chased down war criminals till the day he died.

Justice for crimes against humanity must have not limitations. Simon Wiesenthal

He chased down criminals who were members of organizations that were convicted as criminal enterprises, The SS, the Gestapo, the SD, the Nazi party Leadership. If one was a member of one of those organizations one was considered a criminal.

Nothing of the sort has been done to Condi, Bush, Rove, Chaney, etc.

It is metaphorical at the very least. Part of the Muslim community believe that war crimes have been committed against their community. They believe one of the persons responsible for these crimes is Condoleezza Rice. They have used their constitutional rights to petition grievances, assemble and speech to bring about public awareness to their beliefs. They believe Rice is a war criminal.
They are using their constitutional rights exactly the way they were designed to be used and exactly the way we want people to use their rights.
It's not their fault other Americans don't believe in the constitution or only believe in it when it suites them.

The Branch Davidians believed David Koresh was a prophet. Believing something to be true doesn't make it so.

If they truly believed she was a war criminal then they should provide the evidence and let the courts decide.

But we all know that no such evidence exists because no such crime occurred.
so this group of Muslims not only don't like black (especially a WOMAN) people... but others are singing songs about homosexuals AND I heard it's homophobic

we should be glad they now control our freedoms of speech...and of course the left jumps right in there with them because this woman was Bush's SOS..

no surprise is it?
Condoleezza Rice, Charged with War Crimes at Rutgers, withdraws as Commencement Speaker

Condoleezza Rice on Saturday pulled out of giving the commencement address at Rutgers University after professor and student protests.
Rutgers historian Professor Rudy Bell argued that while it would be appropriate to have Rice on campus as part of an academic debate, she is unsuitable as a commencement speaker because of her role in an administration that launched an illegal and destructive war and practiced torture. He said, “Commencement is a day when we honor the graduates, who have accomplished so much. It’s a day when there should not be controversy.” He also pointed to her role in an administration that practiced torture.

Some 50 students occupied the offices of Rutgers University’s president last week in protest.

You lynched her GOOD boss.

Sho-nuff you teached them coloreds their place - yoo beez a perfect democrat, yaazer..
Condoleezza Rice, Charged with War Crimes at Rutgers, withdraws as Commencement Speaker

Condoleezza Rice on Saturday pulled out of giving the commencement address at Rutgers University after professor and student protests.
Rutgers historian Professor Rudy Bell argued that while it would be appropriate to have Rice on campus as part of an academic debate, she is unsuitable as a commencement speaker because of her role in an administration that launched an illegal and destructive war and practiced torture. He said, “Commencement is a day when we honor the graduates, who have accomplished so much. It’s a day when there should not be controversy.” He also pointed to her role in an administration that practiced torture.

Some 50 students occupied the offices of Rutgers University’s president last week in protest.

The Chickens are coming home to roost.

I feel sorry for her. I never saw her as "evil" -- just misguided.
Yale University invades Yemen? How dare they without UN approval! I'm telling you, these Ivy Leagues are totally out of control.
Not all dems are racist, but they're deluded and power-mad So are nearly all Republicans
There are thousands of students who wanted to hear what Rice had to say. They were overruled by 50 protesters. They are taking it up with the chancellor. Texas Tech has invited Rice to speak there.

UN Irvine dealt with muslim protesters as they should be dealt with. One protest and the charters of every muslim student group was suspended for a year.
REALLY? and you know all this because?
you're a fly on the walls of the defense dept? you are in this government?
please, spare us...this administration is as guilty as the last...

I know this because, unlike urself, I am a sentient being who actually analyzes actual information and thinks about how it applies in complex situations...rather than just parroting partisan talking points designed to distract from the truth.

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oh my, do we all need to bow at your high high high intelligence over everyone else?
that was gag worthy from rolfloao

Not "everyone else"...just fools like u who limit their info to Fox news talking points.

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Condoleezza Rice, Charged with War Crimes at Rutgers, withdraws as Commencement Speaker

Condoleezza Rice on Saturday pulled out of giving the commencement address at Rutgers University after professor and student protests.
Rutgers historian Professor Rudy Bell argued that while it would be appropriate to have Rice on campus as part of an academic debate, she is unsuitable as a commencement speaker because of her role in an administration that launched an illegal and destructive war and practiced torture. He said, “Commencement is a day when we honor the graduates, who have accomplished so much. It’s a day when there should not be controversy.” He also pointed to her role in an administration that practiced torture.

Some 50 students occupied the offices of Rutgers University’s president last week in protest.

Was she arrested? Which court charged her. Where is her jail cell? What?
There are thousands of students who wanted to hear what Rice had to say. They were overruled by 50 protesters. They are taking it up with the chancellor. Texas Tech has invited Rice to speak there.

UN Irvine dealt with muslim protesters as they should be dealt with. One protest and the charters of every muslim student group was suspended for a year.

every single one of those thousands should boycott Rice's replacement. Let the replacement preach to the liberal choir.
Condoleezza Rice, Charged with War Crimes at Rutgers, withdraws as Commencement Speaker

Condoleezza Rice on Saturday pulled out of giving the commencement address at Rutgers University after professor and student protests.
Rutgers historian Professor Rudy Bell argued that while it would be appropriate to have Rice on campus as part of an academic debate, she is unsuitable as a commencement speaker because of her role in an administration that launched an illegal and destructive war and practiced torture. He said, “Commencement is a day when we honor the graduates, who have accomplished so much. It’s a day when there should not be controversy.” He also pointed to her role in an administration that practiced torture.

Some 50 students occupied the offices of Rutgers University’s president last week in protest.

Was she arrested? Which court charged her. Where is her jail cell? What?
I heard the Rutgers special forces aka football team waterboarded her into a confession!
Condoleezza Rice, Charged with War Crimes at Rutgers, withdraws as Commencement Speaker

Condoleezza Rice on Saturday pulled out of giving the commencement address at Rutgers University after professor and student protests.
Rutgers historian Professor Rudy Bell argued that while it would be appropriate to have Rice on campus as part of an academic debate, she is unsuitable as a commencement speaker because of her role in an administration that launched an illegal and destructive war and practiced torture. He said, “Commencement is a day when we honor the graduates, who have accomplished so much. It’s a day when there should not be controversy.” He also pointed to her role in an administration that practiced torture.

Some 50 students occupied the offices of Rutgers University’s president last week in protest.

Why would she even be asked? That administration has yet to answer for any of the corrupt activities that went on over all those years.
Good question -
how funny, Bush is corrupted but the cult followers of Obama has painted him as clean the first fallen snow, after SIX years...not one scandal, not one lie (though he won LIE OF THE YEAR), not one cover up( as their children wails, Ben-gaaaaa-zeeee)...he is something we should all bow to

ins't that just so cute

Mrs. Rice didn't do anything to these people yet they hate her just the same as they do Bush

being black and woman is no reason for them to give a shit how she is treated
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I know this because, unlike urself, I am a sentient being who actually analyzes actual information and thinks about how it applies in complex situations...rather than just parroting partisan talking points designed to distract from the truth.

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oh my, do we all need to bow at your high high high intelligence over everyone else?
that was gag worthy from rolfloao

Not "everyone else"...just fools like u who limit their info to Fox news talking points.
I see you've completely dropped your "doctor" and "professional" persona. You weren't able to fake it for long.
the OP; a complete liberal idiot; makes it sound like Condi withdrew from speaking BECAUSE some idiotic, far-left or Muslim group on campus "charged (Condi) with war crimes"

lmao libs are such idiots!

she has about as much to fear of that as bush does

so how is the whole war crimes trial thingy going leftardz?
oh my, do we all need to bow at your high high high intelligence over everyone else?
that was gag worthy from rolfloao

Not "everyone else"...just fools like u who limit their info to Fox news talking points.
I see you've completely dropped your "doctor" and "professional" persona. You weren't able to fake it for long.
all I ever saw was another snob who believed he was better than everyone else

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