Confederate constitution legalized slavery

How you doing with those questions?

I'm trying to help you move on from humiliating yourself like that, fool. Instead, why don't you just answer my question?
You cant answer them can you?....

You really are this stupid? Nobody told you that you are on the internet? Holy shit...
Your questions are childishly irrelevant and meaningless.........

How so? They are questions about your personal educational history, not things you could Google whether you know the answer or not. Are you getting this yet, fool?

Just answer honestly. It will be OK, really.
No, I am not stupid, I am far and above your I.Q. level. No, I need no one to tell me that I am on the internet.
Now, answer my question if you can, as I have answered your irrelevant question.
How you doing with those questions?

I'm trying to help you move on from humiliating yourself like that, fool. Instead, why don't you just answer my question?
You cant answer them can you?....

You really are this stupid? Nobody told you that you are on the internet? Holy shit...
Your questions are childishly irrelevant and meaningless.........

How so? They are questions about your personal educational history, not things you could Google whether you know the answer or not. Are you getting this yet, fool?

Just answer honestly. It will be OK, really.
The question that I have posed to you are not so simple as a simple google, So answer them as I have answered YOURS...
We both know that neither YOU nor JAKE are educated enough to answer them, such is the whole point of the exercise.
So one more time....GO !
How you doing with those questions?

I'm trying to help you move on from humiliating yourself like that, fool. Instead, why don't you just answer my question?
You cant answer them can you?....

You really are this stupid? Nobody told you that you are on the internet? Holy shit...
Your questions are childishly irrelevant and meaningless.
I still await those answers to the questions that I asked you. Now as I was the one who asked relevant questions, and asked them first: You answer my questions and the we will address you childish irrelevant questions.
Your questions, James, are irrelevant, and as such they have been shown to you as being irrelevant. That you reject their death is irrelevant. Walk as a shade in your own OP.
So JAKE, I missed this showing of yours that my questions are irrelevant, so why don't you repeat this showing of irrelevance right now.
For almost 18 pages, experts in the field has rejected his arguments so there are going to be, James, no "just once more." You are done. You have shown yourself to be merely an internet shittenpuppy hobbyist.
For almost 18 pages, experts in the field has rejected his arguments so there are going to be, James, no "just once more." You are done. You have shown yourself to be merely an internet shittenpuppy hobbyist.
No JAKE, only pseudo intellectuals have been defeated by the truth that I have conveyed, that is why they vacated the field. No JAKE YOU have done nothing but show yourself for the ignorant that you are.
I will check back shortly, but for now I am leaving the Walking IGNORANT to watch the Walking Dead, I cannot enjoy both amusements at one time.
You are a mere shade. Allegorically, you are the count being pursued by Inigo Montoya. There is only one outcome from your silly OP.

I'm trying to help you move on from humiliating yourself like that, fool. Instead, why don't you just answer my question?
You cant answer them can you?....

You really are this stupid? Nobody told you that you are on the internet? Holy shit...
Your questions are childishly irrelevant and meaningless.
I still await those answers to the questions that I asked you. Now as I was the one who asked relevant questions, and asked them first: You answer my questions and the we will address you childish irrelevant questions.
Your questions, James, are irrelevant, and as such they have been shown to you as being irrelevant. That you reject their death is irrelevant. Walk as a shade in your own OP.
Neither of you are able to answer them, that does not make them irrelevant,....

why don't you just tell me if you have ever actually studied any of the topics I mentioned?
Is it not obvious to you that I have studied every topic to which we have covered?
You have been unable to answer the basic questions concerning your own CONstitution that I have asked you.
You and your partner JAKE, have done nothing with regard to showing any knowledge of any of the subjects beyond base indoctrination. All that either of you have resorted to when challenged are childish lil smiley faces and video clips.
Neither of you should post on any thread, but would do well to sit and read what others post in order that you may gain some knowledge o these subjects.
why don't you just tell me if you have ever actually studied any of the topics I mentioned?
Is it not obvious to you that I have studied every topic to which we have covered?....

It's obvious that you haven't really studied them at all. You seem to have read a very little, understood nothing, and presumed to fill in the gaps with your bitter, revisionist nonsense. You only make yourself look more ignorant and ridiculous with each post.
why don't you just tell me if you have ever actually studied any of the topics I mentioned?
Is it not obvious to you that I have studied every topic to which we have covered?....

It's obvious that you haven't really studied them at all. You seem to have read a very little, understood nothing, and presumed to fill in the gaps with your bitter, revisionist nonsense. You only make yourself look more ignorant and ridiculous with each post.
there are no gaps, I filled in nothing, I simply stated and cited the facts proving you and your buddy JAKE to be lacking in the understanding of YOUR own CONstitution.
It is the two of you who have been shown to be fools.
why don't you just tell me if you have ever actually studied any of the topics I mentioned?
Is it not obvious to you that I have studied every topic to which we have covered?....

It's obvious that you haven't really studied them at all. You seem to have read a very little, understood nothing, and presumed to fill in the gaps with your bitter, revisionist nonsense. You only make yourself look more ignorant and ridiculous with each post.
there are no gaps, I filled in nothing, I simply stated and cited the facts .

No, you have referred to things you don't understand and have attempted to twist reality to suit your bitter, ridiculous agenda. You Have also humorously attempted to use terms you don't understand.
why don't you just tell me if you have ever actually studied any of the topics I mentioned?
Is it not obvious to you that I have studied every topic to which we have covered?....

It's obvious that you haven't really studied them at all. You seem to have read a very little, understood nothing, and presumed to fill in the gaps with your bitter, revisionist nonsense. You only make yourself look more ignorant and ridiculous with each post.
there are no gaps, I filled in nothing, I simply stated and cited the facts .

No, you have referred to things you don't understand and have attempted to twist reality to suit your bitter, ridiculous agenda. You Have also humorously attempted to use terms you don't understand.
By all means, give an example of the use of a term that I don't understand, as well as anything that I have posted that I don't understand. It is you who do not understand his Own Governments CONstitutional system.
Is it not obvious to you that I have studied every topic to which we have covered?....

It's obvious that you haven't really studied them at all. You seem to have read a very little, understood nothing, and presumed to fill in the gaps with your bitter, revisionist nonsense. You only make yourself look more ignorant and ridiculous with each post.
there are no gaps, I filled in nothing, I simply stated and cited the facts .

No, you have referred to things you don't understand and have attempted to twist reality to suit your bitter, ridiculous agenda. You Have also humorously attempted to use terms you don't understand.
By all means, give an example of the use of a term that I don't understand....

Here's one humorous little gem, for example:

YOUR so called Justice.

A REAL Justice. Yours as well as mine.
Well there is de jure and defacto, force does not make de jure what is defacto.
Is it not obvious to you that I have studied every topic to which we have covered?....

It's obvious that you haven't really studied them at all. You seem to have read a very little, understood nothing, and presumed to fill in the gaps with your bitter, revisionist nonsense. You only make yourself look more ignorant and ridiculous with each post.
there are no gaps, I filled in nothing, I simply stated and cited the facts .

No, you have referred to things you don't understand and have attempted to twist reality to suit your bitter, ridiculous agenda. You Have also humorously attempted to use terms you don't understand.
By all means, give an example of the use of a term that I don't understand....

Here's one humorous little gem, for example:

YOUR so called Justice.

A REAL Justice. Yours as well as mine.
Well there is de jure and defacto, force does not make de jure what is defacto.
Well, let's examine this little gem....
De jure means .....
"By right of law"
De facto means....
"In reality, or fact"
A de facto government is one that is acting as a result of revolution, not by law.
So, Lincoln's rebellion to the lawful authority of YOUR CONstitution, and the installation of governments and the replacement of our State constitutions in true Stalanistic stile via war instead of law, which he and the Yankees were in violation of, does not Dejure make.....
"By right of law"
You ignorant moron.
Hence the governments that were put in place of or de jure governments, which were "by right of law", are de facto, which means..,..
"In reality or right"
Force of arms to replace a government, by right of law=de jure, does not make what is de facto..,,
"A government acting as a result of revolution right" dejure.
Now, do you know what colorable means?
Colorable means something that appears to be real but is not.
Your government being put in place by rebellion to the lawful Authority of YOUR CONstitution a revolutionary act, is de facto.
"By color of law, means by pretending to be law. By color of right, means pretending to be right.
Yeah I would say my wording was a real gem, another gem of truth.
Really, I should be charging you for this valuable education.
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It's obvious that you haven't really studied them at all. You seem to have read a very little, understood nothing, and presumed to fill in the gaps with your bitter, revisionist nonsense. You only make yourself look more ignorant and ridiculous with each post.
there are no gaps, I filled in nothing, I simply stated and cited the facts .

No, you have referred to things you don't understand and have attempted to twist reality to suit your bitter, ridiculous agenda. You Have also humorously attempted to use terms you don't understand.
By all means, give an example of the use of a term that I don't understand....

Here's one humorous little gem, for example:

YOUR so called Justice.

A REAL Justice. Yours as well as mine.
Well there is de jure and defacto, force does not make de jure what is defacto.
Well, let's examine this little gem....
De jure means .....
"By right of law"
De facto means....
"In reality, or fact"....

You were specifically making an ass of yourself regarding Justice Scalia, who "by law" as well as "in fact" IS a Supreme Court Justice. You wanted to sound like a big boy by using terms you have seen but obviously don't really understand. Lincoln was President "by law" and the traitorous confederate 'secession' was "by law" illegal.

And now you know that.

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