Confederate Flag nutbags crash black kid's party, yell "******" at them

One of them had a gun and threatened to shot the assholes that were harassing and threatening them.

Which is completely "nice". Blacks, even in the presence of confederate flags, don't have the right to do that.

If those blacks didn't want to be threatened with being shot, they shouldn't have bothered the guys in pickup trucks just driving by.

Just driving by and parked in a field 100' from the party.

Too funny.

After rock(s) were thrown, causing an accident, AND that single trucks passenger(s) were threatened by the angry and provoked blacks.

It is one thing to choose to believe one side over the other, but to pretend to be completely ignorant of the other side of the argument is to be a jerk.

You don't see me playing that game.

There's no proof of any accident. There's no proof of any flat tire.

You personally checked the guys truck out?

If there was visible damage, I'm sure they would have reported it.

LOL!!! Your faith in the media is gravely misplaced.

I hope the cops checked for damage and a flat tire.

I fear that they, since no one was hurt and this is unlikely to lead to arrests or convictions, might have just wanted to disperse the crowd and then consider it done.

In your opinion would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?
What rocks?

DIdn't read the linked article.

And unwilling to answer the question honestly.

There's no proof of any rocks being thrown. They didn't capture it on video, so it never happened.

Ummn, that is crazy talk.

Video is not the only standard of proof anywhere for anything, except in your head, right now, to give yourself an excuse to dismiss the more credible scenario.

In your opinion, would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?

It's a "he said, she said" situation.

The only thing we know for sure is that a convoy of Confederate flag-bearing pickup trucks and their passengers somehow ended up at a black child’s birthday party, who then yelled racial slurs.

From the link in the OP

Bush said, admitting that a specific racial slur was likely used by members of his group.

Yes, it is a "he said, she said" situation.

So in such a case one must compare both stories and judge likely hood.

Would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?

The answer is obviously yes. THat is why you will not give it.

Thus, the white guys story becomes the more credible.

And once you realize that the blacks threw rocks,caused the accident, then went over to harass and threaten the lone truck's occupant(s) and then the other trucks came back to protect them,

then the question is, how does harsh language compare to that, as to whom the bad guy is here?

Oh, and btw, what kind of language do you think the outraged blacks were using?

Has anyone asked the lady from the party about that?

I doubt it.

It is ok for blacks to use racial slurs against whites.

What racial slurs were used by the black people at the party? I listened to the video, and I didn't hear any.
"Just driving by minding their own business when some crazy blacks started throwing rocks for no reason."

LOL! What an idiot.

NOpe. You lefties have divided US into the traditional view of the Confederate Flag, as a harmless symbol of regional pride,

and another nation where the Flag is a symbol of terrible EVULNESS.

Thus from the perspective of the white truck drivers that attack would have come from out of the blue for no reason.

I do note that you ignored my overall point to go for a moronic gotcha.

IN your opinion, would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?
DIdn't read the linked article.

And unwilling to answer the question honestly.

There's no proof of any rocks being thrown. They didn't capture it on video, so it never happened.

Ummn, that is crazy talk.

Video is not the only standard of proof anywhere for anything, except in your head, right now, to give yourself an excuse to dismiss the more credible scenario.

In your opinion, would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?

It's a "he said, she said" situation.

The only thing we know for sure is that a convoy of Confederate flag-bearing pickup trucks and their passengers somehow ended up at a black child’s birthday party, who then yelled racial slurs.

From the link in the OP

Bush said, admitting that a specific racial slur was likely used by members of his group.

Yes, it is a "he said, she said" situation.

So in such a case one must compare both stories and judge likely hood.

Would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?

The answer is obviously yes. THat is why you will not give it.

Thus, the white guys story becomes the more credible.

And once you realize that the blacks threw rocks,caused the accident, then went over to harass and threaten the lone truck's occupant(s) and then the other trucks came back to protect them,

then the question is, how does harsh language compare to that, as to whom the bad guy is here?

Oh, and btw, what kind of language do you think the outraged blacks were using?

Has anyone asked the lady from the party about that?

I doubt it.

It is ok for blacks to use racial slurs against whites.

What racial slurs were used by the black people at the party? I listened to the video, and I didn't hear any.

From my post, that you just hit the reply button to.

Oh, and btw, what kind of language do you think the outraged blacks were using?

Has anyone asked the lady from the party about that?

I doubt it.

It is ok for blacks to use racial slurs against whites.

It is obvious from this that I do not know what kind of slurs were used. THat is strongly implied when you ask a question.

So, care to answer the question(s)?
Just driving by and parked in a field 100' from the party.

Too funny.

After rock(s) were thrown, causing an accident, AND that single trucks passenger(s) were threatened by the angry and provoked blacks.

It is one thing to choose to believe one side over the other, but to pretend to be completely ignorant of the other side of the argument is to be a jerk.

You don't see me playing that game.

There's no proof of any accident. There's no proof of any flat tire.

You personally checked the guys truck out?

If there was visible damage, I'm sure they would have reported it.

LOL!!! Your faith in the media is gravely misplaced.

I hope the cops checked for damage and a flat tire.

I fear that they, since no one was hurt and this is unlikely to lead to arrests or convictions, might have just wanted to disperse the crowd and then consider it done.

In your opinion would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?

You would think that the cops would have known about any damage done to a vehicle.

Until you can show real evidence that rocks were thrown, you're just blowing in the wind.
After rock(s) were thrown, causing an accident, AND that single trucks passenger(s) were threatened by the angry and provoked blacks.

It is one thing to choose to believe one side over the other, but to pretend to be completely ignorant of the other side of the argument is to be a jerk.

You don't see me playing that game.

There's no proof of any accident. There's no proof of any flat tire.

You personally checked the guys truck out?

If there was visible damage, I'm sure they would have reported it.

LOL!!! Your faith in the media is gravely misplaced.

I hope the cops checked for damage and a flat tire.

I fear that they, since no one was hurt and this is unlikely to lead to arrests or convictions, might have just wanted to disperse the crowd and then consider it done.

In your opinion would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?

You would think that the cops would have known about any damage done to a vehicle.

Until you can show real evidence that rocks were thrown, you're just blowing in the wind.

Like you said, it is a "he said, she said" situation.

I was not there. I can only hope the cops did their job and wrote up an informative report that will be released.

In the absence of evidence, we can only judge credibility and likely hood of the two versions of events.

In your opinion would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?
"Just driving by minding their own business when some crazy blacks started throwing rocks for no reason."

LOL! What an idiot.

NOpe. You lefties have divided US into the traditional view of the Confederate Flag, as a harmless symbol of regional pride,

and another nation where the Flag is a symbol of terrible EVULNESS.

Thus from the perspective of the white truck drivers that attack would have come from out of the blue for no reason.

I do note that you ignored my overall point to go for a moronic gotcha.

IN your opinion, would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?

Again, I wasn't there. I don't know what I would have done in that situation. I suppose if someone were to waive a gun at me, I'd want it to be a big rock with good aim.

I actually don't have any problem with the Confederate flag. It's the idiots who are waiving them around, yelling racial slurs, that I have a problem with.
To all of you lefties, So, in your opinion would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?

What rocks?

DIdn't read the linked article.

And unwilling to answer the question honestly.

There's no proof of any rocks being thrown. They didn't capture it on video, so it never happened.

Ummn, that is crazy talk.

Video is not the only standard of proof anywhere for anything, except in your head, right now, to give yourself an excuse to dismiss the more credible scenario.

In your opinion, would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?
No. To you, the only standard of proof is what the white folks say. Bunch of racist assholes drive around, advertising their racism and yelling racist slurs and you claim they did nothing wrong. Which truck were you in?
"Just driving by minding their own business when some crazy blacks started throwing rocks for no reason."

LOL! What an idiot.

NOpe. You lefties have divided US into the traditional view of the Confederate Flag, as a harmless symbol of regional pride,

and another nation where the Flag is a symbol of terrible EVULNESS.

Thus from the perspective of the white truck drivers that attack would have come from out of the blue for no reason.

I do note that you ignored my overall point to go for a moronic gotcha.

IN your opinion, would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?
To the racists in the trucks, the flag clearly is associated with their racism.
There's no proof of any rocks being thrown. They didn't capture it on video, so it never happened.

Ummn, that is crazy talk.

Video is not the only standard of proof anywhere for anything, except in your head, right now, to give yourself an excuse to dismiss the more credible scenario.

In your opinion, would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?

It's a "he said, she said" situation.

The only thing we know for sure is that a convoy of Confederate flag-bearing pickup trucks and their passengers somehow ended up at a black child’s birthday party, who then yelled racial slurs.

From the link in the OP

Bush said, admitting that a specific racial slur was likely used by members of his group.

Yes, it is a "he said, she said" situation.

So in such a case one must compare both stories and judge likely hood.

Would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?

The answer is obviously yes. THat is why you will not give it.

Thus, the white guys story becomes the more credible.

And once you realize that the blacks threw rocks,caused the accident, then went over to harass and threaten the lone truck's occupant(s) and then the other trucks came back to protect them,

then the question is, how does harsh language compare to that, as to whom the bad guy is here?

Oh, and btw, what kind of language do you think the outraged blacks were using?

Has anyone asked the lady from the party about that?

I doubt it.

It is ok for blacks to use racial slurs against whites.

What racial slurs were used by the black people at the party? I listened to the video, and I didn't hear any.

From my post, that you just hit the reply button to.

Oh, and btw, what kind of language do you think the outraged blacks were using?

Has anyone asked the lady from the party about that?

I doubt it.

It is ok for blacks to use racial slurs against whites.

It is obvious from this that I do not know what kind of slurs were used. THat is strongly implied when you ask a question.

So, care to answer the question(s)?

Do you have any proof that racial slurs were used by the black people at the party? If so, I'd like to see it.

We do have proof that racial slurs were used by members in the trucks, because they confessed to it.

I'll wait here.
Do you consider the flying of the Confederate Fly to be provocative?

I suppose to some it could be depending on the manner it's flying. If it were paraded several times past an outdoor party attended by black folks accompanied by verbal insults, that might do it.

Did those fellers believe it might be provacative if that's what they did?


From the demagoguery that you lefties have been pushing the last few months, with the flying of the confederate flag equating support of slavery, you obviously consider it provocative.

THus, the one scenario has a group of blacks, in their/your mind, reacting strongly to a great provocation.

THe other scenario, has the whites randomly picking this birthday party, with a crowd that greatly outnumbered the truck drivers, for intimidation.

WOrds have consequences. Your lefty race baiting has primed blacks to react violently to the Confederate Flag.

I doubt this will be the last such incident.

THe other scenario, has the whites randomly picking this birthday party, with a crowd that greatly outnumbered the truck drivers, for intimidation.

With seven trucks decked out with flags?
Yes, I firmly believe the flagtards were looking for trouble.

The black folks were at home and not driving around town looking for someone flying flags to assault with stones.

He's going to defend the "losers" to no matter how obvious it is to everyone. That's the way racists roll.

These guys got rocks throw at them and yelled at for no reason. But none of them were hurt.

THe blacks got themselves riled up for no reason, and ruined their own party.

Who lost here?

Both sides.

This should not have happened.

BUt you libs don't seem to think that spreading hatred and bigotry is going to have consequences.

Again, you're talking out of your ass. You have no proof that rocks were thrown.
To all of you lefties, So, in your opinion would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?

What rocks?

DIdn't read the linked article.

And unwilling to answer the question honestly.

There's no proof of any rocks being thrown. They didn't capture it on video, so it never happened.

Ummn, that is crazy talk.

Video is not the only standard of proof anywhere for anything, except in your head, right now, to give yourself an excuse to dismiss the more credible scenario.

In your opinion, would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?

Okay, where's your other proof.
"Just driving by minding their own business when some crazy blacks started throwing rocks for no reason."

LOL! What an idiot.

NOpe. You lefties have divided US into the traditional view of the Confederate Flag, as a harmless symbol of regional pride,

and another nation where the Flag is a symbol of terrible EVULNESS.

Thus from the perspective of the white truck drivers that attack would have come from out of the blue for no reason.

I do note that you ignored my overall point to go for a moronic gotcha.

IN your opinion, would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?

Again, I wasn't there. I don't know what I would have done in that situation. I suppose if someone were to waive a gun at me, I'd want it to be a big rock with good aim.

I actually don't have any problem with the Confederate flag. It's the idiots who are waiving them around, yelling racial slurs, that I have a problem with.

And again you refuse to answer the question.

I did not ask you what you personally would do.

I asked you if you would thing throwing rocks at the trucks HYPOTHETICALLY, would be justified, considering how EVUL such flags and their wavers are?

Here is another good question.

Hypothetically, would it be justifiable, IN YOUR OPINION, to gather around and ridicule and harass a man or two men who had a truck with such EVUL flags on?
"Just driving by minding their own business when some crazy blacks started throwing rocks for no reason."

LOL! What an idiot.

NOpe. You lefties have divided US into the traditional view of the Confederate Flag, as a harmless symbol of regional pride,

and another nation where the Flag is a symbol of terrible EVULNESS.

Thus from the perspective of the white truck drivers that attack would have come from out of the blue for no reason.

I do note that you ignored my overall point to go for a moronic gotcha.

IN your opinion, would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?

Again, I wasn't there. I don't know what I would have done in that situation. I suppose if someone were to waive a gun at me, I'd want it to be a big rock with good aim.

I actually don't have any problem with the Confederate flag. It's the idiots who are waiving them around, yelling racial slurs, that I have a problem with.

According to the more credible story, the rocks came first.

It is one thing to disbelieve the more credible story. It is another to pretend to be unaware of it.

SO, you have a problem with the "idiots" who wave them around.

IN your opinion, would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at those idiots?
Ummn, that is crazy talk.

Video is not the only standard of proof anywhere for anything, except in your head, right now, to give yourself an excuse to dismiss the more credible scenario.

In your opinion, would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?

It's a "he said, she said" situation.

The only thing we know for sure is that a convoy of Confederate flag-bearing pickup trucks and their passengers somehow ended up at a black child’s birthday party, who then yelled racial slurs.

From the link in the OP

Bush said, admitting that a specific racial slur was likely used by members of his group.

Yes, it is a "he said, she said" situation.

So in such a case one must compare both stories and judge likely hood.

Would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?

The answer is obviously yes. THat is why you will not give it.

Thus, the white guys story becomes the more credible.

And once you realize that the blacks threw rocks,caused the accident, then went over to harass and threaten the lone truck's occupant(s) and then the other trucks came back to protect them,

then the question is, how does harsh language compare to that, as to whom the bad guy is here?

Oh, and btw, what kind of language do you think the outraged blacks were using?

Has anyone asked the lady from the party about that?

I doubt it.

It is ok for blacks to use racial slurs against whites.

What racial slurs were used by the black people at the party? I listened to the video, and I didn't hear any.

From my post, that you just hit the reply button to.

Oh, and btw, what kind of language do you think the outraged blacks were using?

Has anyone asked the lady from the party about that?

I doubt it.

It is ok for blacks to use racial slurs against whites.

It is obvious from this that I do not know what kind of slurs were used. THat is strongly implied when you ask a question.

So, care to answer the question(s)?

Do you have any proof that racial slurs were used by the black people at the party? If so, I'd like to see it.

We do have proof that racial slurs were used by members in the trucks, because they confessed to it.

I'll wait here.

Dude. I have clearly stated that I have asked the question because I do not know what kind of slurs were used.

I am asking your personal opinion on what you think the blacks said.

Was harsh language used?
To all of you lefties, So, in your opinion would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?

What rocks?

DIdn't read the linked article.

And unwilling to answer the question honestly.

There's no proof of any rocks being thrown. They didn't capture it on video, so it never happened.

Ummn, that is crazy talk.

Video is not the only standard of proof anywhere for anything, except in your head, right now, to give yourself an excuse to dismiss the more credible scenario.

In your opinion, would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?
No. To you, the only standard of proof is what the white folks say. Bunch of racist assholes drive around, advertising their racism and yelling racist slurs and you claim they did nothing wrong. Which truck were you in?

It is very unlikely in 2015 that a group of white guys just randomly chose a party of blacks to drive up to and attempt to intimidate.

It is much more likely, after the massive demagoguery of the last few months, that a group of blacks would consider a line of trucks with Confederate Flags on them to be a provocation and to react badly.

This is my position.

Do you care to actually address it, seriously, instead of just being an asshole?

"Just driving by minding their own business when some crazy blacks started throwing rocks for no reason."

LOL! What an idiot.

NOpe. You lefties have divided US into the traditional view of the Confederate Flag, as a harmless symbol of regional pride,

and another nation where the Flag is a symbol of terrible EVULNESS.

Thus from the perspective of the white truck drivers that attack would have come from out of the blue for no reason.

I do note that you ignored my overall point to go for a moronic gotcha.

IN your opinion, would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?
To the racists in the trucks, the flag clearly is associated with their racism.

That is just your assumption.

If the blacks in question admitted to throwing the rocks, would you support them anyways?
"Just driving by minding their own business when some crazy blacks started throwing rocks for no reason."

LOL! What an idiot.

NOpe. You lefties have divided US into the traditional view of the Confederate Flag, as a harmless symbol of regional pride,

and another nation where the Flag is a symbol of terrible EVULNESS.

Thus from the perspective of the white truck drivers that attack would have come from out of the blue for no reason.

I do note that you ignored my overall point to go for a moronic gotcha.

IN your opinion, would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?

Again, I wasn't there. I don't know what I would have done in that situation. I suppose if someone were to waive a gun at me, I'd want it to be a big rock with good aim.

I actually don't have any problem with the Confederate flag. It's the idiots who are waiving them around, yelling racial slurs, that I have a problem with.

According to the more credible story, the rocks came first.

It is one thing to disbelieve the more credible story. It is another to pretend to be unaware of it.

SO, you have a problem with the "idiots" who wave them around.

IN your opinion, would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at those idiots?

Yes, I have a problem with people waiving the Confederate flag while yelling racial slurs. You don't?

There were no rocks thrown.
Ummn, that is crazy talk.

Video is not the only standard of proof anywhere for anything, except in your head, right now, to give yourself an excuse to dismiss the more credible scenario.

In your opinion, would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?

It's a "he said, she said" situation.

The only thing we know for sure is that a convoy of Confederate flag-bearing pickup trucks and their passengers somehow ended up at a black child’s birthday party, who then yelled racial slurs.

From the link in the OP

Bush said, admitting that a specific racial slur was likely used by members of his group.

Yes, it is a "he said, she said" situation.

So in such a case one must compare both stories and judge likely hood.

Would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?

The answer is obviously yes. THat is why you will not give it.

Thus, the white guys story becomes the more credible.

And once you realize that the blacks threw rocks,caused the accident, then went over to harass and threaten the lone truck's occupant(s) and then the other trucks came back to protect them,

then the question is, how does harsh language compare to that, as to whom the bad guy is here?

Oh, and btw, what kind of language do you think the outraged blacks were using?

Has anyone asked the lady from the party about that?

I doubt it.

It is ok for blacks to use racial slurs against whites.

What racial slurs were used by the black people at the party? I listened to the video, and I didn't hear any.

From my post, that you just hit the reply button to.

Oh, and btw, what kind of language do you think the outraged blacks were using?

Has anyone asked the lady from the party about that?

I doubt it.

It is ok for blacks to use racial slurs against whites.

It is obvious from this that I do not know what kind of slurs were used. THat is strongly implied when you ask a question.

So, care to answer the question(s)?

Do you have any proof that racial slurs were used by the black people at the party? If so, I'd like to see it.

We do have proof that racial slurs were used by members in the trucks, because they confessed to it.

I'll wait here.

Sooooooo, still running from the question.

The reason is obvious.

You know damn well that in that situation, any group of blacks that would gather around the truck to verbally harass the white guys, would use racial and ethnic slurs.

But you are to dishonest to admit it.
It's a "he said, she said" situation.

The only thing we know for sure is that a convoy of Confederate flag-bearing pickup trucks and their passengers somehow ended up at a black child’s birthday party, who then yelled racial slurs.

From the link in the OP

Bush said, admitting that a specific racial slur was likely used by members of his group.

Yes, it is a "he said, she said" situation.

So in such a case one must compare both stories and judge likely hood.

Would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?

The answer is obviously yes. THat is why you will not give it.

Thus, the white guys story becomes the more credible.

And once you realize that the blacks threw rocks,caused the accident, then went over to harass and threaten the lone truck's occupant(s) and then the other trucks came back to protect them,

then the question is, how does harsh language compare to that, as to whom the bad guy is here?

Oh, and btw, what kind of language do you think the outraged blacks were using?

Has anyone asked the lady from the party about that?

I doubt it.

It is ok for blacks to use racial slurs against whites.

What racial slurs were used by the black people at the party? I listened to the video, and I didn't hear any.

From my post, that you just hit the reply button to.

Oh, and btw, what kind of language do you think the outraged blacks were using?

Has anyone asked the lady from the party about that?

I doubt it.

It is ok for blacks to use racial slurs against whites.

It is obvious from this that I do not know what kind of slurs were used. THat is strongly implied when you ask a question.

So, care to answer the question(s)?

Do you have any proof that racial slurs were used by the black people at the party? If so, I'd like to see it.

We do have proof that racial slurs were used by members in the trucks, because they confessed to it.

I'll wait here.

Dude. I have clearly stated that I have asked the question because I do not know what kind of slurs were used.

I am asking your personal opinion on what you think the blacks said.

Was harsh language used?

We do know that the flag waivers were yelling racial slurs....they admitted it in the OP. I have no idea what the black people said other than what we have on video, and there were no racial slurs used.

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