Confederate Flag nutbags crash black kid's party, yell "******" at them

There's no proof of any rocks being thrown. They didn't capture it on video, so it never happened.

Ummn, that is crazy talk.

Video is not the only standard of proof anywhere for anything, except in your head, right now, to give yourself an excuse to dismiss the more credible scenario.

In your opinion, would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?

It's a "he said, she said" situation.

The only thing we know for sure is that a convoy of Confederate flag-bearing pickup trucks and their passengers somehow ended up at a black child’s birthday party, who then yelled racial slurs.

From the link in the OP

Bush said, admitting that a specific racial slur was likely used by members of his group.

Yes, it is a "he said, she said" situation.

So in such a case one must compare both stories and judge likely hood.

Would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?

The answer is obviously yes. THat is why you will not give it.

Thus, the white guys story becomes the more credible.

And once you realize that the blacks threw rocks,caused the accident, then went over to harass and threaten the lone truck's occupant(s) and then the other trucks came back to protect them,

then the question is, how does harsh language compare to that, as to whom the bad guy is here?

Oh, and btw, what kind of language do you think the outraged blacks were using?

Has anyone asked the lady from the party about that?

I doubt it.

It is ok for blacks to use racial slurs against whites.

What racial slurs were used by the black people at the party? I listened to the video, and I didn't hear any.

His entire act is to take what the white people who don't live there say as fact while ignoring the entire video.

Again, if he had to defend only the video he couldnt, but add in a tale of blacks made me do it and everything is justified.

Take out the 3 or 4 different stories the white boys told and what do you have? Whites dudes on tape using racial slurs at a child's birthday party. Then those same guys threatening to shoot people in front of the police. That's infefensible...unless Correll can make up some BS for why thats ok

it is a "he said, she said" situation.

So in such a case one must compare both stories and judge likely hood.

Would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks? In your opinion?

The answer is obviously yes. THat is why you will not give it.

Thus, the white guys story becomes the more credible.

And once you realize that the blacks threw rocks,caused the accident, then went over to harass and threaten the lone truck's occupant(s) and then the other trucks came back to protect them,

then the question is, how does harsh language compare to that, as to whom the bad guy is here?
"The reason is obvious.

You know damn well that in that situation, any group of blacks that would gather around the truck to verbally harass the white guys, would use racial and ethnic slurs."

There you have it. Correl's blatant Racism. All blacks would use racial and ethnic slurs. Just cause you and your fellow racist inbreds do do, does not mean others, particularly your betters, would stoop to your level.

ANd there you have it. Paddy's lack of reading comprehension demonstrated for all to see.

From right above.

"any group of blacks that would gather around the truck to verbally harass the white guys, would use racial and ethnic slurs."

So, either you have the reading comprehension of a monkey, and not one of the smarter monkeys,

Or you are a liar.

So which is it? DUmb monkey or liar?

"Just driving by minding their own business when some crazy blacks started throwing rocks for no reason."

LOL! What an idiot.

NOpe. You lefties have divided US into the traditional view of the Confederate Flag, as a harmless symbol of regional pride,

and another nation where the Flag is a symbol of terrible EVULNESS.

Thus from the perspective of the white truck drivers that attack would have come from out of the blue for no reason.

I do note that you ignored my overall point to go for a moronic gotcha.

IN your opinion, would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?
To the racists in the trucks, the flag clearly is associated with their racism.

That is just your assumption.

If the blacks in question admitted to throwing the rocks, would you support them anyways?
As assumption based on their use of racial slurs. Not much of a reach. Non-racists don't fling racial slurs at others. Since the black did not admit to throwing rocks and their is no evidence of it, your question is moronic.


You would assume that they were racist by the simple fact of being white males in conflict with blacks.

NOn-racist might very well fling racial slurs at others, if those others have pissed them off badly enough, like by throwing rocks at them, surrounding them, harassing them, threatening them, and likely using racial slurs of their own.

Or are you unaware of the fact that angry people sometimes say things they don't really mean?

Rhetorical question.

Of course you know that, you are just being a dishonest asshole.
DIdn't read the linked article.

And unwilling to answer the question honestly.

There's no proof of any rocks being thrown. They didn't capture it on video, so it never happened.

Ummn, that is crazy talk.

Video is not the only standard of proof anywhere for anything, except in your head, right now, to give yourself an excuse to dismiss the more credible scenario.

In your opinion, would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?
No. To you, the only standard of proof is what the white folks say. Bunch of racist assholes drive around, advertising their racism and yelling racist slurs and you claim they did nothing wrong. Which truck were you in?

It is very unlikely in 2015 that a group of white guys just randomly chose a party of blacks to drive up to and attempt to intimidate.

It is much more likely, after the massive demagoguery of the last few months, that a group of blacks would consider a line of trucks with Confederate Flags on them to be a provocation and to react badly.

This is my position.

Do you care to actually address it, seriously, instead of just being an asshole?

Your opinion based on you being a stupid fucking racist. Not based on any facts. Racists taunting blacks with their white sheets and klan flags is all too common. Only difference now is the vast majority of Americans recognize them for what they are; Un-American. Oh, and they usually get their asses best and run off with their tails between their legs. Like the pricks did. .

"All to common"?


The Klan is down to 5 to 8 thousand members is a nation of over three hundred million.

YOu are a delusional asshole.

How long do you think it took for the cops to show up to get the blacks away from the white guys so they could leave?

Plenty of time for these blacks to "run off" these whites, if that was what they wanted to do.

(to be clear, I think it is to their credit that these blacks were NOT that violent and did not escalate to physical violence despite their edge in numbers. They are still assholes, but not violent thugs)
"Just driving by minding their own business when some crazy blacks started throwing rocks for no reason."

LOL! What an idiot.

NOpe. You lefties have divided US into the traditional view of the Confederate Flag, as a harmless symbol of regional pride,

and another nation where the Flag is a symbol of terrible EVULNESS.

Thus from the perspective of the white truck drivers that attack would have come from out of the blue for no reason.

I do note that you ignored my overall point to go for a moronic gotcha.

IN your opinion, would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?

Again, I wasn't there. I don't know what I would have done in that situation. I suppose if someone were to waive a gun at me, I'd want it to be a big rock with good aim.

I actually don't have any problem with the Confederate flag. It's the idiots who are waiving them around, yelling racial slurs, that I have a problem with.

According to the more credible story, the rocks came first.

It is one thing to disbelieve the more credible story. It is another to pretend to be unaware of it.

SO, you have a problem with the "idiots" who wave them around.

IN your opinion, would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at those idiots?
"More credible" I.e "what the white folks said"

As I have repeatedly said, and you have been unable to honestly address,

IN today's America it is far more credible that a group of blacks would be horribly offended by the sight of a line of trucks flying the confederate flag and react badly than a group of white guys randomly targeted a black kid's birthday party.

That is why it is more credible.

Can you honestly address that now?

Rhetorical question, I know the answer is no.

THe same way you have been dodging all my other questions.

IN today's America it is far more credible that a group of blacks would be horribly offended by the sight of a line of trucks flying the confederate flag and react badly than a group of white guys randomly targeted a black kid's birthday party.

So then the flagtards WERE instigating?
I mean if your belief is indeed the case , then it stands to reason that the flagtards knew full well what response would be provoked by parading their sad flagtard convoy around black folks. Right? So then it must have been deliberate and therefore their own doing.
Thanks for proving my point.
"Just driving by minding their own business when some crazy blacks started throwing rocks for no reason."

LOL! What an idiot.

NOpe. You lefties have divided US into the traditional view of the Confederate Flag, as a harmless symbol of regional pride,

and another nation where the Flag is a symbol of terrible EVULNESS.

Thus from the perspective of the white truck drivers that attack would have come from out of the blue for no reason.

I do note that you ignored my overall point to go for a moronic gotcha.

IN your opinion, would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?
To the racists in the trucks, the flag clearly is associated with their racism.

That is just your assumption.

If the blacks in question admitted to throwing the rocks, would you support them anyways?
As assumption based on their use of racial slurs. Not much of a reach. Non-racists don't fling racial slurs at others. Since the black did not admit to throwing rocks and their is no evidence of it, your question is moronic.


You would assume that they were racist by the simple fact of being white males in conflict with blacks.

NOn-racist might very well fling racial slurs at others, if those others have pissed them off badly enough, like by throwing rocks at them, surrounding them, harassing them, threatening them, and likely using racial slurs of their own.

Or are you unaware of the fact that angry people sometimes say things they don't really mean?

Rhetorical question.

Of course you know that, you are just being a dishonest asshole.
You would assume that they were racist by the simple fact of being white males in conflict with blacks

With seven trucks bedazzled with flagtard bling and using racial slurs on video?
What racial slurs were used by the black people at the party? I listened to the video, and I didn't hear any.

From my post, that you just hit the reply button to.

Oh, and btw, what kind of language do you think the outraged blacks were using?

Has anyone asked the lady from the party about that?

I doubt it.

It is ok for blacks to use racial slurs against whites.

It is obvious from this that I do not know what kind of slurs were used. THat is strongly implied when you ask a question.

So, care to answer the question(s)?

Do you have any proof that racial slurs were used by the black people at the party? If so, I'd like to see it.

We do have proof that racial slurs were used by members in the trucks, because they confessed to it.

I'll wait here.

Dude. I have clearly stated that I have asked the question because I do not know what kind of slurs were used.

I am asking your personal opinion on what you think the blacks said.

Was harsh language used?

We do know that the flag waivers were yelling racial slurs....they admitted it in the OP. I have no idea what the black people said other than what we have on video, and there were no racial slurs used.


You know damn well that a group of outraged blacks would have used harsh and insensitive language.

Yet, you refuse to admit it, because it does not serve your agenda of blaming the white guys.

If you can't prove it, stfu.
What racial slurs were used by the black people at the party? I listened to the video, and I didn't hear any.

From my post, that you just hit the reply button to.

Oh, and btw, what kind of language do you think the outraged blacks were using?

Has anyone asked the lady from the party about that?

I doubt it.

It is ok for blacks to use racial slurs against whites.

It is obvious from this that I do not know what kind of slurs were used. THat is strongly implied when you ask a question.

So, care to answer the question(s)?

Do you have any proof that racial slurs were used by the black people at the party? If so, I'd like to see it.

We do have proof that racial slurs were used by members in the trucks, because they confessed to it.

I'll wait here.

Dude. I have clearly stated that I have asked the question because I do not know what kind of slurs were used.

I am asking your personal opinion on what you think the blacks said.

Was harsh language used?

We do know that the flag waivers were yelling racial slurs....they admitted it in the OP. I have no idea what the black people said other than what we have on video, and there were no racial slurs used.

It is interesting that you believe them when they say that some of them used racial slurs, but you choose to not believe them when they say that they did that well after the rocks were thrown and they were harassed and threatened by the blacks.

It is almost as though you choose what to believe based on how well it serves your agenda....

Idiot, the leader of the caravan of trucks admitted they were throwing out racial slurs. How many times do I need to repeat myself? If you can't grasp the story, move on.
"Just driving by minding their own business when some crazy blacks started throwing rocks for no reason."

LOL! What an idiot.

NOpe. You lefties have divided US into the traditional view of the Confederate Flag, as a harmless symbol of regional pride,

and another nation where the Flag is a symbol of terrible EVULNESS.

Thus from the perspective of the white truck drivers that attack would have come from out of the blue for no reason.

I do note that you ignored my overall point to go for a moronic gotcha.

IN your opinion, would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?

Again, I wasn't there. I don't know what I would have done in that situation. I suppose if someone were to waive a gun at me, I'd want it to be a big rock with good aim.

I actually don't have any problem with the Confederate flag. It's the idiots who are waiving them around, yelling racial slurs, that I have a problem with.

According to the more credible story, the rocks came first.

It is one thing to disbelieve the more credible story. It is another to pretend to be unaware of it.

SO, you have a problem with the "idiots" who wave them around.

IN your opinion, would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at those idiots?
"More credible" I.e "what the white folks said"

As I have repeatedly said, and you have been unable to honestly address,

IN today's America it is far more credible that a group of blacks would be horribly offended by the sight of a line of trucks flying the confederate flag and react badly than a group of white guys randomly targeted a black kid's birthday party.

That is why it is more credible.

Can you honestly address that now?

Rhetorical question, I know the answer is no.

THe same way you have been dodging all my other questions.

And that's based on you being a racist, not fact.
Notice that Correll never ever asked the question: could a caravan of white boys with confederate flags and guns have provoked the situation? Even when they are on tape doing so, they didn't do it before?

They have no evidence of rock throwing but there is evidence of them provoking with racist slurs. But they wouldn't never ever ever use racial slurs BEFORE the camera came on. NOoooo /sarcasm
"Just driving by minding their own business when some crazy blacks started throwing rocks for no reason."

LOL! What an idiot.

NOpe. You lefties have divided US into the traditional view of the Confederate Flag, as a harmless symbol of regional pride,

and another nation where the Flag is a symbol of terrible EVULNESS.

Thus from the perspective of the white truck drivers that attack would have come from out of the blue for no reason.

I do note that you ignored my overall point to go for a moronic gotcha.

IN your opinion, would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?

Again, I wasn't there. I don't know what I would have done in that situation. I suppose if someone were to waive a gun at me, I'd want it to be a big rock with good aim.

I actually don't have any problem with the Confederate flag. It's the idiots who are waiving them around, yelling racial slurs, that I have a problem with.

According to the more credible story, the rocks came first.

It is one thing to disbelieve the more credible story. It is another to pretend to be unaware of it.

SO, you have a problem with the "idiots" who wave them around.

IN your opinion, would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at those idiots?

Yes, I have a problem with people waiving the Confederate flag while yelling racial slurs. You don't?

There were no rocks thrown.


YOu won't admit that you think that having Confederate flags on a truck justifies throwing rocks.

Because doing so would be admitting, that the scenario the truck drivers tell is credible.
How the fuck would someone halfway across the country admitting that make either of the Grand Wizard's stories believable?
What racial slurs were used by the black people at the party? I listened to the video, and I didn't hear any.

From my post, that you just hit the reply button to.

Oh, and btw, what kind of language do you think the outraged blacks were using?

Has anyone asked the lady from the party about that?

I doubt it.

It is ok for blacks to use racial slurs against whites.

It is obvious from this that I do not know what kind of slurs were used. THat is strongly implied when you ask a question.

So, care to answer the question(s)?

Do you have any proof that racial slurs were used by the black people at the party? If so, I'd like to see it.

We do have proof that racial slurs were used by members in the trucks, because they confessed to it.

I'll wait here.

Dude. I have clearly stated that I have asked the question because I do not know what kind of slurs were used.

I am asking your personal opinion on what you think the blacks said.

Was harsh language used?

We do know that the flag waivers were yelling racial slurs....they admitted it in the OP. I have no idea what the black people said other than what we have on video, and there were no racial slurs used.


You know damn well that a group of outraged blacks would have used harsh and insensitive language.

Yet, you refuse to admit it, because it does not serve your agenda of blaming the white guys.
I know damn well that you are the only one whose views of this are based solely on the race of those involved.

The next time a useful idiot tells you that the "Confederate" flag (usually meaning the Virginian Battle Flag) is only about "states raaaaaaaahts" and not about racism, remember this story.

Disturbing, very disturbing.

The Atlanta Journal says there are two sides to this story. Uhuh....

Stories differ in Douglas County Confederate flag flap

(video at the link)

Melissa Alford says videos show the aftermath of an ugly incident — a convoy of Confederate flag-bearing pickup trucks and their passengers interrupting a black child’s birthday party with threats and racial epithets.

Levi Bush, who was driving one of the trucks, says the videos show the unfortunate ending of an unintentional encounter — one triggered, in fact, by the people at that birthday party...

...“Officers on scene were given conflicting statements as to what led up to the confrontation,” the Douglasville Police Department said in an emailed statement.

In one of the videos, Douglasville officers can be seen holding back a group of black men and women as at least seven pickup trucks drive off. The trucks’ white passengers wave as the Confederate, American and military flags mounted on the vehicles flap in the air.

“This is a child’s birthday party,” one woman in the crowd can be heard saying.

A second video shows the trucks gathered on a grassy area, and at least one racial slur can be heard. Alford, the woman hosting a family member’s birthday party, said the trucks drove by several times before parking in the field next to her house.

“One had a gun, saying he was gonna kill the [racial slur],” Alford told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “Then one of them said gimme the gun, I’ll shoot them [racial slur].

Nope. Nothing to see here. Just "states' raaaaaaaaaahts" on display.

Why would white people driving around with a bunch of Confederate flags want to deliberately park as close as they could to a black kid's birthday party? Why, if they dislike black people so much, would they want to be around black people? Why would they go out of their way to stay there as long as they could, until the police arrived and told them to skeedaddle?

Yepp, welcome to 1950.

Now, cue RWNJ support of white racists in Georgia yelling ****** at a bunch of black people holding a birthday party for a kid in 5.... 4.... 3..... 2.... 1......

Although I support the right of any person to fly any flag they want on private property (go for it), there is no doubt that this flag is now a symbol of racism for white supremacist losers all over the country.

And yes, I also saw two US Flags among many, many, many confederate flags. Don't even try to go there about this actually being the US Flag.

Enjoy the parade of stupidity and hatred among racists, in this case, white racists.

One more thing: this thread is not about me, it was just reported here by me. Let's see who is smart enough to figure that one out....

Discuss: was this cool, or not? Is this the right thing to do at a black kid's birthday party, or not.


PS. Dear mods, this event just happened, which is why it's in the current events forum. If you want to move it to the race relations forum later, I don't care. Thanks, Stat

Well thank goodness racism no longer exists or who knows what might've happened to those unfortunate people whose child's birthday party was crashed by hateful morons.
From my post, that you just hit the reply button to.

Oh, and btw, what kind of language do you think the outraged blacks were using?

Has anyone asked the lady from the party about that?

I doubt it.

It is ok for blacks to use racial slurs against whites.

It is obvious from this that I do not know what kind of slurs were used. THat is strongly implied when you ask a question.

So, care to answer the question(s)?

Do you have any proof that racial slurs were used by the black people at the party? If so, I'd like to see it.

We do have proof that racial slurs were used by members in the trucks, because they confessed to it.

I'll wait here.

Dude. I have clearly stated that I have asked the question because I do not know what kind of slurs were used.

I am asking your personal opinion on what you think the blacks said.

Was harsh language used?

We do know that the flag waivers were yelling racial slurs....they admitted it in the OP. I have no idea what the black people said other than what we have on video, and there were no racial slurs used.


You know damn well that a group of outraged blacks would have used harsh and insensitive language.

Yet, you refuse to admit it, because it does not serve your agenda of blaming the white guys.

If you can't prove it, stfu.

We've agreed that this is a "he said, she said" situation.

With little or no evidence of what went on the only thing to do is to judge the two stories by likelyhood and credibility.

Indeed, considering that the blacks were reacting to the sight of the trucks just driving by, they were likely using racial slurs before the whites were paying them any attention.

Or do you imagine they were screaming "Those symbols of past racial injustice are offensive to us, my good man!!!!"?

From my post, that you just hit the reply button to.

Oh, and btw, what kind of language do you think the outraged blacks were using?

Has anyone asked the lady from the party about that?

I doubt it.

It is ok for blacks to use racial slurs against whites.

It is obvious from this that I do not know what kind of slurs were used. THat is strongly implied when you ask a question.

So, care to answer the question(s)?

Do you have any proof that racial slurs were used by the black people at the party? If so, I'd like to see it.

We do have proof that racial slurs were used by members in the trucks, because they confessed to it.

I'll wait here.

Dude. I have clearly stated that I have asked the question because I do not know what kind of slurs were used.

I am asking your personal opinion on what you think the blacks said.

Was harsh language used?

We do know that the flag waivers were yelling racial slurs....they admitted it in the OP. I have no idea what the black people said other than what we have on video, and there were no racial slurs used.

It is interesting that you believe them when they say that some of them used racial slurs, but you choose to not believe them when they say that they did that well after the rocks were thrown and they were harassed and threatened by the blacks.

It is almost as though you choose what to believe based on how well it serves your agenda....

Idiot, the leader of the caravan of trucks admitted they were throwing out racial slurs. How many times do I need to repeat myself? If you can't grasp the story, move on.

You throw rocks at a group of trucks, causing an accident, then harass and threaten the much smaller group, for who knows how long, and certainly using racial slurs yourself while doing it,

if the worst you get, is some racial slurs BACK, then you are damn lucky.

THe blacks were the assholes here.
NOpe. You lefties have divided US into the traditional view of the Confederate Flag, as a harmless symbol of regional pride,

and another nation where the Flag is a symbol of terrible EVULNESS.

Thus from the perspective of the white truck drivers that attack would have come from out of the blue for no reason.

I do note that you ignored my overall point to go for a moronic gotcha.

IN your opinion, would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at the trucks?

Again, I wasn't there. I don't know what I would have done in that situation. I suppose if someone were to waive a gun at me, I'd want it to be a big rock with good aim.

I actually don't have any problem with the Confederate flag. It's the idiots who are waiving them around, yelling racial slurs, that I have a problem with.

According to the more credible story, the rocks came first.

It is one thing to disbelieve the more credible story. It is another to pretend to be unaware of it.

SO, you have a problem with the "idiots" who wave them around.

IN your opinion, would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at those idiots?
"More credible" I.e "what the white folks said"

As I have repeatedly said, and you have been unable to honestly address,

IN today's America it is far more credible that a group of blacks would be horribly offended by the sight of a line of trucks flying the confederate flag and react badly than a group of white guys randomly targeted a black kid's birthday party.

That is why it is more credible.

Can you honestly address that now?

Rhetorical question, I know the answer is no.

THe same way you have been dodging all my other questions.

And that's based on you being a racist, not fact.

THat is based on the reality that America of 2015 is not a friendly place to the type of white racist you are describing, and they tend to keep a low profile.

ON the other hand America of 2015 is very much a place where blacks are targeted by massive demagoguery to be angry at little things like some guys with Confederate Flags on their trucks.

That is not racist to say. That you call it racist is just another example of leftist demagoguery.

You asshole.

That is my point with this question.

IN your opinion, would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at those idiots?

None of you libs have answered that question.

Because if you did, you would demonstrate that the white drivers story is more credible than the black party goers story.

This is the truth you are trying to hide with your evasions, and your personal attacks.
Notice that Correll never ever asked the question: could a caravan of white boys with confederate flags and guns have provoked the situation? Even when they are on tape doing so, they didn't do it before?

They have no evidence of rock throwing but there is evidence of them provoking with racist slurs. But they wouldn't never ever ever use racial slurs BEFORE the camera came on. NOoooo /sarcasm

The idea of a line of white guys in trucks driving around hooting and hollering racial slurs at blacks is just as unlikely in today's America as they just randomly targeting a black kid's birthday party.

American today, is not a place where anti-black racists rule the day.

America today is a place of a witch hunt mentality against the Bogeyman of White Racism.

People lives are ruined, careers destroyed for from the weakest of accusations.
From my post, that you just hit the reply button to.

Oh, and btw, what kind of language do you think the outraged blacks were using?

Has anyone asked the lady from the party about that?

I doubt it.

It is ok for blacks to use racial slurs against whites.

It is obvious from this that I do not know what kind of slurs were used. THat is strongly implied when you ask a question.

So, care to answer the question(s)?

Do you have any proof that racial slurs were used by the black people at the party? If so, I'd like to see it.

We do have proof that racial slurs were used by members in the trucks, because they confessed to it.

I'll wait here.

Dude. I have clearly stated that I have asked the question because I do not know what kind of slurs were used.

I am asking your personal opinion on what you think the blacks said.

Was harsh language used?

We do know that the flag waivers were yelling racial slurs....they admitted it in the OP. I have no idea what the black people said other than what we have on video, and there were no racial slurs used.


You know damn well that a group of outraged blacks would have used harsh and insensitive language.

Yet, you refuse to admit it, because it does not serve your agenda of blaming the white guys.
I know damn well that you are the only one whose views of this are based solely on the race of those involved.

Being sure, and being right are two very different things.

This is the core of my point, below, the question which none of you libs have answered.

"IN your opinion, would the blacks, hypothetically, been justified in throwing rocks at those idiots?

None of you libs have answered that question.

Because if you did, you would demonstrate that the white drivers story is more credible than the black party goers story.

This is the truth you are trying to hide with your evasions, and your personal attacks."

This point is not based on Race, but on the current America culture. We, America, white and black are at this place right now.

This is not a belief on my based on race, but on viewing the current culture of Political Correctness.

That is not me be racist, but me being anti-liberal.

The next time a useful idiot tells you that the "Confederate" flag (usually meaning the Virginian Battle Flag) is only about "states raaaaaaaahts" and not about racism, remember this story.

Disturbing, very disturbing.

The Atlanta Journal says there are two sides to this story. Uhuh....

Stories differ in Douglas County Confederate flag flap

(video at the link)

Melissa Alford says videos show the aftermath of an ugly incident — a convoy of Confederate flag-bearing pickup trucks and their passengers interrupting a black child’s birthday party with threats and racial epithets.

Levi Bush, who was driving one of the trucks, says the videos show the unfortunate ending of an unintentional encounter — one triggered, in fact, by the people at that birthday party...

...“Officers on scene were given conflicting statements as to what led up to the confrontation,” the Douglasville Police Department said in an emailed statement.

In one of the videos, Douglasville officers can be seen holding back a group of black men and women as at least seven pickup trucks drive off. The trucks’ white passengers wave as the Confederate, American and military flags mounted on the vehicles flap in the air.

“This is a child’s birthday party,” one woman in the crowd can be heard saying.

A second video shows the trucks gathered on a grassy area, and at least one racial slur can be heard. Alford, the woman hosting a family member’s birthday party, said the trucks drove by several times before parking in the field next to her house.

“One had a gun, saying he was gonna kill the [racial slur],” Alford told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “Then one of them said gimme the gun, I’ll shoot them [racial slur].

Nope. Nothing to see here. Just "states' raaaaaaaaaahts" on display.

Why would white people driving around with a bunch of Confederate flags want to deliberately park as close as they could to a black kid's birthday party? Why, if they dislike black people so much, would they want to be around black people? Why would they go out of their way to stay there as long as they could, until the police arrived and told them to skeedaddle?

Yepp, welcome to 1950.

Now, cue RWNJ support of white racists in Georgia yelling ****** at a bunch of black people holding a birthday party for a kid in 5.... 4.... 3..... 2.... 1......

Although I support the right of any person to fly any flag they want on private property (go for it), there is no doubt that this flag is now a symbol of racism for white supremacist losers all over the country.

And yes, I also saw two US Flags among many, many, many confederate flags. Don't even try to go there about this actually being the US Flag.

Enjoy the parade of stupidity and hatred among racists, in this case, white racists.

One more thing: this thread is not about me, it was just reported here by me. Let's see who is smart enough to figure that one out....

Discuss: was this cool, or not? Is this the right thing to do at a black kid's birthday party, or not.


PS. Dear mods, this event just happened, which is why it's in the current events forum. If you want to move it to the race relations forum later, I don't care. Thanks, Stat

Well thank goodness racism no longer exists or who knows what might've happened to those unfortunate people whose child's birthday party was crashed by hateful morons.

Mmm, which seems more believable in 2015...

A group of white racists target a black birthday party, or a crowd of blacks flip out at the sight of a truck with some confederate (and American and military) flags on it?
Wow! Never realized this site was full of very mean awful people. And after watching the video of Israelis being racist to the Africans just blew my mind. And we consider them our closet ally. It reminded me of the United States in the fifties and sixties. I thought the Jewish people were more humble then what I saw. I wouldn't be mad if Iran obtain a nuke.

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