Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition

1. The outlaws were the confederates.
2. The Constitution did not authorize voluntary from the Union indivisible.
It doesn't bar it either moron. Since the issue is not defined, the party that didn't draw up the contract gets to interpret it in its favor.

Lincoln is the one who broke the law, dumbass. There simply is no doubt about that.
What has happened. Rather than learn accurate history, they want us all to believe, yes 100 percent of us to believe what the dying Atwater told some left winger.

Ed Rollins or Mary Matalin are leftwingers?

somebody please help. Robert W., is exhibiting serious cognitive issues.

"Ed Rollins, however, stated in the 2008 documentary Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story, that "[Atwater] was telling this story about how a Living Bible was what was giving him faith and I said to Mary (Matalin)...)
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1. The outlaws were the confederates.
2. The Constitution did not authorize voluntary from the Union indivisible.
I guess then your case has to be the native tribes are every damned one outlaws since they do not owe loyalty to the USA because they are native tribe governments.
You inbred heathens were stupid. You marched off to a war thinking that it would be a holiday and to maintain a lifestyle off the backs of others.

A couple of years later you stupid fucks were defeated, humiliated and lost the basis of all your undeserved wealth, combine that with your treason to the country and yeah I'd be trying to change history too.
The Yankee carpet bagger thugs who thought the war was going to be a holiday. The fact that you crushed your victim only proves that you had more resources at your disposal. It says nothing about the worthiness of your criminal endeavor.

No one was ever charged with treason, you dumb asshole.
Stupid democrat Taliban. Just can't handle American history.

Next they'll be erecting statues to perverts and deviants.

American history.
140,000 US military personnel died at the hands of the Confederates.

Do they have a Nazi statue? How about a Japanese statue? Or a Vietnamese statue? No. Why not? Why not put up statues of THE ENEMY?

Ed Rollins or Mary Matalin are leftwingers?

somebody please help. Robert W., is exhibiting serious cognitive issues.
Atwater died not long after due to his serious illness. Why take the word of one person when you have thousands of us telling you the honest unscripted truth?

Dante, stick with me and you will stop hating Republicans, trying to keep as victims blacks around our wonderful country and will not repeat democrats lies ever again.
They in fact, did, when they attacked a US military installation. For nearly 250 years, that means your ass.
It was the territory of South Carolina. You can't start a war by attacking your own territory.

Yankee assholes have been repeating that lie for 180 years.
By law, everybody involved in the Civil War was pardoned by a president.

So who should be attacked as you attack them. Democrats should be attacked. Why?
Democrats owned slaves. Democrats took their sweet ass time but they did also invade PA just as Abe had invaded VA. Abe spent virtually the entire war waging war on Democrats. Do you also hate Abe? Don't you support Democrats?
Monuments to treasonous war criminals who sought to preserve slavery and destroy America were created by racist conservatives not to ‘honor’ those who fought in treasonous, lawless rebellion and insurrection against the United States, but to ensure black Americans remain subjugated second-class citizens; indeed, this and other monuments were created during the height of lynchings in the South.
The Yankee carpet bagger thugs who thought the war was going to be a holiday. The fact that you crushed your victim only proves that you had more resources at your disposal. It says nothing about the worthiness of your criminal endeavor.

No one was ever charged with treason, you dumb asshole.
It must suck to be old, living in some shithole, dreaming of Jim Crow.
Atwater died not long after due to his serious illness. Why take the word of one person when you have thousands of us telling you the honest unscripted truth?

Dante, stick with me and you will stop hating Republicans, trying to keep as victims blacks around our wonderful country and will not repeat democrats lies ever again.
"Ed Rollins, however, stated in the 2008 documentary Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story, that "[Atwater] was telling this story about how a Living Bible was what was giving him faith and I said to Mary (Matalin)...)

'I really, sincerely hope that he found peace.' She said, 'Ed, when we were cleaning up his things afterwards, the Bible was still wrapped in the cellophane and had never been taken out of the package,' which just told you everything there was. He was spinning right to the end."

Where is your mysterious leftwinger in this?
American history.
140,000 US military personnel died at the hands of the Confederates.

Do they have a Nazi statue? How about a Japanese statue? Or a Vietnamese statue? No. Why not? Why not put up statues of THE ENEMY?
The Yankees were the enemy. They were the ones invading the homes of Southern Americans. They were the ones raping, burning and murdering their way through the South.

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